Newspaper Page Text
COIUBD John Btlth*of Gatesfcnrg, N. D waf httsineafe visitor in Bemiji Fri day On* doflp photographs make 12 Xmjj pMtients. telephone 239, The Hafckerup Studio aM miit appoint ment. 11 1G tf We. and Mrs. A. Roland of Du lut|i -were week end viBiotrs in Be midji* A. Bernaue/ of Cass Lake visited and transacted business in Bemidji Saturday. Shop early and make it a Radio XiSifr aak Andy Lee, phone 128. It 12 18 wytertha Mrs. Joe Steidl of Northern was the, guest of friends whil eshopping in Bemidji Saturday. m$ Junior Moose Dance Monday S^nt, Percy Igiggs-' 5 piece or- rflpStra. Tickets *100. Present invf&tions at the Door. Dancing at 9:6tf' 2t 12 18 ill's. If. E. Craver of Turtle River wae-a' between train Christmas shop per tit Bemidji Saturday. Russell ami tsahelle Russe of BJIckdilck were between train visiters ih Bemidji Saturday. Axlarge shipment of Colonial punifie have just arrived at the Be midji Shoe Store- It 18 IH^SS Margaret Geriki of Hot Sprfngs( S. D. Was a between train visitor ij) Bemidji Friday of last weefe, m. fMWd MM of WMk arrived in Bemidji Friday and tran sact$d business here for a short timeyr it- S&fitt' of help this yearCome ia *SyThe Hakkerup Studio. I 16 tf W.Zi Robinson returned on the'ance afterSnfcoji train yesterday from Du shojJpjfcji u"^' I \i will b gladly received by 'Bagley was a bus 3emidji Saturday. #ae Phibbs of Rock wdfld. m& b* week end in Bemidji wit fjnoto. I Dry teas%rBi*eh W0#d $3.00 per coiffat cars^abBpm^n's, phone 927, TO 2dl 8 Peorfce F, Co%jr of Minneapolis transacted buajnesl.^n Bemidji over the week end florae made *r**t tha*|Wng for the yul yofljty at once- Mrs. are just Order k, phone 12 18 n" 33& Jd rvift Hinshaw of Wiltor business in Bemidji trains Saturday. tmns- $ween &jfnes Wright- of Lake Pantaganet attended to business matters in Be midji Saturday. I mknm, Classes for instruction in the Dtek niaon Handicraft work will be he** olo afternoon, as well as WedneBV ^ister. Miss SWianson, of Duluth, who day and Friday evenings at the Be**ad been visiting here over the week midji Book and Stationery Co. We ^d accompanied her home. extend a cordial invitation to all. 12 12 tf to ""%JKU instruction in the Den itiSjbcraft work will be held \_ loort, as well as Wednes J5|rSiay evenings at the Be and Stationery Co. Wfe ^rdial invitation to all. Ci" i? 1 2 1 2 .Patterson of the Child- i, State Board of Con- 1, is transacting business today. Anderson, 1217 La^B has s her: guest, mate appointment for sitting atfv evening. Hakkertip Studig. ll 4fiU A^. P. J- Russell, left thisjmorn ing fb* Fergus Fa,Is where he willx atend the adjburned session of court which convenes there today. Miss Alice Dean, who ha% been at tending college at Mt- Carroll, III-, the past term returned to Bemidgi Sunday Morning and will spend her holiday vacation with her parents, Mr^and Mrs. W. E. Dean, Lake Boulevard. uASM^w MM. HM 11* Rea^era owe It to tbelr |Hti aad to that itenift of local iaUrest are reported, be given proper consideration wbe. the IMM H. B. Stiftweu, clerk district' No. v3&, G*ant VaUey, transacted busi ness Bemidji Saturday. 1 Mrs. Jessie Graves of Cass Lake was in Bemidji Saturday shopping and calling on friend*, Little Joe Iffkrtness who has been very ill for several days, tfas report ed to be improved this morning. Mr. Baer a member of the school board of Hubbard County called on friends and attended to business mat ters here Saturday. Mrs. Hide Johnson, teacher of District No. 49 visited friends and attended to Christmas shopping in Bemidji Saturday. Mrs- Fred Abea of Bra'nerd vis ited relatives in Bemidji over the week end, en route to Turtle River to visit friends for a short "time. Rev. Blaine Lambprt will arrive on the afte^ooiHrain from southern Minnesota ^and" will vis$ his family here until ^mcrr9% wjien he will leave to Mite w.$trwoTk again. A lafee si of Colonial 'pumps havejust^rrivJBd at the Be^t midji Shoe Store. It 1$ Mrs. Selma Grice, principal of the consolidated school at Northern spent the week end in Bemidji attending to Chrismtas shopping and transit ing business- Miss Islay Johnson, teacher in Lincoln school, ieft ecrly this morn ing for her home at Duluth, called there by the serious illness of her E. Mclntyre, the well-known Harry &7dgi.'on arrived in Bemidji on the mprVing train yesterday from the twin cities, he being a Hamline university student, home to spend holidays withVis parents* Mr Mrs. A. E. Hotgdon PiaAtt tuner wil be here this week Josephine Parker, Dorothy Marchant If you want to*uy your Turkeys and Geese of us fdVyour Xmas din ner, take your pickl&rly, as we are going to/ship out_ttte surplus, Wed, nesday or Thursday^ B- A- Miss Irene Lapen Saturday morning fro to recuperate from a nl down. DO YOU WANT MONEY? Walk up a fli ov^er Gill Bros, and u* raBUC Kolbe Thone 207- 3d20. rived St where she is to trainiig for home Paul a break SAVE of stairs ive your lew suit ia, tailor. 12 4tf SSTaTSSVAi* Bend W. B, A. OF MACCABEE1S( HOLD MEETING TONIGHT The Woman's Benefit A at Maccabees wish a i&tg of the members at th luth. ^fer' he attended to business 8 o'clock to the K. C. half, as there matt. *r**w- sociation attends, regular meeting to be held this evening at *PorWife business to ^ifosact. undersigned to be openedJ^t a reg7 Mlfc'Wm. Jiehler W^^CHrilon BIDS FOR WOOD and $M&i auioed to Bemidji Sat- Sealed bids will be received by the UT&m'Mb friends^ wha caIle ular meeting of the City Cojurtcil to brheld on Monday evening, pec. 25, 1022j at 8 o'clock M., foritwenty flve ords of four-foot dpr hard wood to be delivered at the Deten tion Hospital. The City Council reserves the right to reject airy and all bia Belle Dehley, City Clerk. Bemidji, Min., Dec. 18, 1922. 2tdl2-19 BIDS FOR FIRE TRUCK AND HOSE Sealed bids wil! be received Toy the undersigned to be opened at &t reg ular meeting of the City Council to fce held Monday,-Jan. 8, 4.92* Itt'8 o'cloek.P. M.for the following,- Certifie check in sum ten per cent of the amount of bid should accompany .the same. Plans and specifications are on file at office of City Clerk. The Citjf Council reserves the rteht to reject any or all bids Belle Deniey,'1 City Clerk. Bemidj Ohe Triple Gombinatiojiuffre tmdcjlaaftk amafcised at her iome, 613 ^ih^^^li^^Yt^m^eJfcmf^m^^et, la*tMonday^ening fire hose- a. miscellaneous shower by a Quotetfph mhem, Ot B. V^m% Iwm^r' or her friends anal neigh- Payment to b* made in cityfwarrant., 1,01^. Thekguests began arrives ajf Minn, Dec. 2, 192JJ Monday's 'Jr~ Mondaysl-1 A MO r$$?& -4*-. '"W^.f" 0$Qci(ty BWTHDAY PARTY In honor of his 11th birth anni versary, Walter Harvey entertained a few boy friends from 3 until 5:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. MISS JOHNSON ENTERTAINS Miss May Johnson entertained a number of young ladies at the Mark ham hotel at dinner Sunday eve ning. The guests included Misses brtlyA Those wishing their pianos Van Swanson, Haael Stomner, Louise METHODIST BROTHERHOOD t*ned,\phone Anders Hotel, No. 128 McCready, arid Hazel Laqua It 18 BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Alio Whaley celebrated his third birth anniversary Friday after noon by inviting a few of his little friends to Jus home, 1022 Park ave and nue, where they Tiad a happy time from 4:3 o'clock playing games. A birthday lunch was served by Mrs. Wha}ey at 5:30. Arip received many useful and prefty gifts. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR INITIATES CLASS TUESDAY There will be initiation of candi dates at regular meet/lig of Order of Eastern Stair Tuesday evening at .8 o'clock at the Masonic hall md it iequircments the smart tiancingfi^)ckWJjis season areW raf?t, bouffant skirt, cap or no sleev^^t^a Wide 6ertha| \y the choice ot material makes one dulteient iM} ^Jvet is the roost popular fabric. Next co^e brocaded dresse*. ncl gonnsol taifeta U-immed .rithfeoWlac^. reg- is especially urlfed that all members laced the windows made it istered nurse at St Ltke's hospital' be present- Following the business very attractive. Candy cines tied and will remain here forQ short time' meeting a social hour will be held1 and refreshments served- This is to be past matrons and past patrons night, they having charge of the de gree work. Any visiting Stars in the city are invited to attend. VERY ENJOYABLE PARTY FOR MISS HALL SATURDAY A very enjoyable party was staged tion rqoms Saturday evening for Miss Ethelyn Hall, who is to assume her 'duties as county superintendent of schools soon. In addition to the high school teachers, who formerly taught in the grades under her supervision the present grade teachers were present. Dancing was enjoyed and refresh ments served. A feature of the eve ning was a Christmas tree, with pres ents for each teacher in attendance. ENJOY DANCING PARTY A party consisting mostly of peo ple from the Fifth Ward gathered at the Nymore Hall Saturday even ing a week ago, where a very enjoy able time was had in dancing. At a late hour everyone went to the home of Mrs- John Westerlund, where a delicious lunch was served. Among those in^the party were Messrs and i'Mesdames, John Berglund, Ed. Enckson, Henry Johnson, Don Mas terson, Andy Masterson, Stonick,' 'Ramsey, Eric Peterson, Pete Edd, 'John Westerlund, Helmer Kittleson, Walter Kittleson,, MTss Mary Leander Mrst Margaret Kittleson.' MRS. PICKLES SURPRISED at the Civic and Commerce associa- members of the faculty., and attend- Mrs.-lohTi'PicMes was very pleas- nine o'cloc and the evening, wa eri- joyably^'|pent with conversation and a daftrfy lunch was served by the sett-invited guests. Mrs. Pickles was the recipient of many pretty gifts from her friends. Those present were Mesdames E*dward Revoir, Archie Whaley, Tatro, Arthur Mathe son, Ed Lialos, Bill Hubert, Tim Mc Manus, -Toe Pickles, George Horner, John Pickles and Misg Dorothy Bag ley* T^-'- "rfVft" 1V Jf THE BEM10J1 0ASi.1T rtONBtft Th Dress That Goes to Dances A. O., U. W. I0|J REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY NJGHT "All members of the A. O. U. W. are requested to attend the regular business meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'ilock at the K. C. hall. DEGREE OF HONOR TO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT The regular meeting of the Degree of Honor to be held Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock in the K. C. Hall will be followed by a dancing party for the members and friends for which a small fee will be charged.. M17TUrtniQ nonxHroHnnn MEETS TUESDAY NIGHT The Brotherhood of the Methodist church wil hold its regular monthly meeting Huesday evening in the church basement, beginning with a 6 30 o'clock super, a'n^ followed by the business meeting and social. All men members and friends of the church are invited to attend. COLLEGE HAS ENJOYABLE SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PARTY The gymnasium of the Teachers College was prettily decorated Sat urday for the annual All-school Christmas party given Saturday eve ning. Artificial snow, a large decora ted Christmas tree, and Christmas with red ribbons formed the table decorations. After the asembbng of the guests, a short program was g-iv en, consisting of Christmas recita tions, a scarf d&nceunder the ejec tion of Miss Mary Deputy, a vocal solo by Mrs. A. J. McMillan, cosing with the singing of Chrsitmas carols by all- The arrival of Santa Claus followed the program, he bringing message greetings to the different ed to the I stributmg *2 gifts. CANDY SALE BRINGS NEAT SUM FOR COLLEGE WORK The candy sale hold by the Parent Teacher, association of the *$tate Tfeactters tfoilej-e EatuHay was, a great success,' the prpjeeds being nearly fifty dollars, and the associa tion wishes to voice its' appreciation to those who purchased so generous ly. ri The money raised in this manner will be used to provide milk for the children's classes at the school The sale was held at the Geo. Baker store through the generosity of the proprieipr, who granted the use of ample space for the display andv the Wdy. HARNNG MAY PROPOSE TWO NEW AGREEMENTS 'findfekM- 18-^e^t TA lard ing* will soon propose two iftterha tioitol agreements -vWUch will 'jftplftce Uiiljr- Sketch iWtedirt*day. -One of the agreemfcnt.wflt/be for air the aBiea.' Th^th3t will jn^ude form er enmie|^ tfdlk the Sketch de- clareA "^A Enkv Root, the paper said, is. at present, working* out a reparations atfreement. Tfie Washingjton corrs s^ondeht of the Sketch, updo trhose dispatch the statements were based, said he had interviewed presidents of e^ary, principal, American .hanking hottse as well 'as others *itt high places,' with precise and authoritative knowledge" and learned there is to be a dasticJscaliag~down, ot separa tions, with the United States taking over Germanys exlorts and imports and internal taxes under a first mortgage* *t- lit' offered in exchange have all the de- the rate, osemi-annually.r pounded Th cer tificates are exempt from all state and local taxes (except estate and inheritance tax), arid from' normal Federal Income Tax.r KERB BUYS INTEREST IN CLIFFORD ft CO. BUSINESS AMERICAN GOBS RESCUE HOSPITAL SHIP VICTIMS (Continued from page 1) persons jumped from the Vinhlong to the deck of the Bainbndge.- One was killed and several were injured in this manner. American gobs performed many acts of heroism, two diving into the water to save five persons Hanging to a hawser. One of the latter proved to be the wife of the French 'Admiral commanding the feayrodth ssuadron. i SK WAR STAMPS ACCEPTED AT PQT 0FT1CE NOW 4. "Most people after buying War! Savings Stamps of the 1918 issue during 191ft reach ^Mja* Uiufr their maturity vValue cf *5.00 each deWy1 Januaxi 1st, 1928. They wl^, how ever, bVilfecepted now at '^e Post OflJce for either cash redemption as ot Jariuary 1st or eX^Wnge for hew United States Treasur!$aying Cer^' tiftca'tik, -"We expect most of our patro will wisli to continue their invest mature in ffre years for $25, flOO "e.s COMFORT SUPPERS Of wool felt in the greatest variety of color combinations and sizes we have ever shown. 95c to $1.90 Early selection is to your advantage. MENS EASY SUM BS Vor the man about the house there is nothing he will get more reai comfort from than a pair of those fdot eaa ers for a Christmas present. $1.50 to $4.00 307 BELT. AVE. 0n and $1000 respectively. This ft at ^J^ySi. 2^Se ptaS^f ta A busin/ss deal was consummated recently ^hereby Harold M. Kerr, takes a partnership in*the firrA!. of Clifford & Company, which m^ makes three members Of that flrin who have financial interests, the other members being G. W Clifford and James Collins. Mr. Kerr has been with Clifford & Company for many years as account ant and salesman and has a wide circle of friends both here and in the surrounding territory, where he has traveled, who will be pleased to learn of his intimate connection with this firm- j,MIMIIMMMMMMMMMMlMMMHMMMMM O INTEREST TO put them away for safe keeping and women magistrates. the day of the -ceremony.- After- many are now searching safe deposit There are now in France 1,800,000 wards the husband puts it away, an$ boxes, desk drawers and various hid- more women than men. I it is* not worn again until Ms death, ing places for their stamps" said Toronto boasts of a young woman A scholarship in memory of Belva Postmaster A. P. Ritchie today. wh6 earns a livelihood as a brick- A. Lockwood, first woman admitted "These stamps which etot fcfctf#.l2. layer. $ft\ to practice before the 'Supreme} to $4.28 ft*60 about 4 pe cent com- S^f^I^^S! VtZJZJZ dmaxy citizens, away next annual convention. The conven tionwHl be held the week of April 9. that the State of Missouri-wa^de- signed by a woman sculptor Coonsman Hahn, who resides in St. Louis- Girls under sixteen will be refused admittance to dances in one dis trict of northern France unless ac companied by their father, mother, or some duly appointed chaperon. Among the strange customs at Swedish weddings is .that of giving the bridegroom a shirt. The gift is Rhone 841 Gift Suggestions- FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY 'B &U Shoes, Slippers and Hosiery Smart New Styles For Dress or Evening Wear. Nothing will please her more than /fas/ere/ Exclusive here in silk and silk and wool. A variety of silk hose at from HiiMMiWtiiBOMimi*iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiinnuiiiiHiiiii England has nearly nine hundred made by toe 4ride, and is worn on SH*' ment with the tiovernmettt and cfcfc bS|e to ^JshingtOR^who p^fform charga, it is stated, a housekeeper sequently will tike advantage of the the^same opbratidns as men are' to and janitor service being furnished3 exchange plan- receive the same pay. by the company. "The Treasury Savings Certificates quarter jSt anm which the Illinois FLOUR $1.00 to $3.50 Silk and wool hose for $1.50, $1.75 In pretty holiday boxes, if you wish. Specializing in fitting Correctly BEMIDJI tffmfat* appointed Court of the United States and the 'f Gloucester county, only woman ever nominated for^thei tp.occupr that #e*idttiey hag been established at one of the law schools in Washing-1 ton, D.C. f*ff %ontville, of eenjpsanteda pat- Crystal' Springs, Miss., corpora f^t rest to be tiorf which employs many girls in its parlors factory is building a series of model ^r, women em- pottages for their occupancy. The jft^ern%ien Ptmtmg cottages will be offered free of and a million dollars Queen Mary is an excellent codk, Women'se sirable features of War Savings Athletic Clu plans to spend in th er, as who serve the roya Stamps with added attractions. They building and equipment of its new household are well aware. Sh is an are issued to three denominations clubhouse in Chicago expert of quality, and keeps a costing $20JQ, $82 and *820 atid a shrewthose bargainer, and a keen Whe be *2?*NiSJnal Wue of Ma^estie BFRGSTROM FLOUR PtLLSBUR^'S BEST Unlimited &uarmnto 49-pounds $2.05 98-pounds $4.00 PILLSBURY'S MAGNET 49:pound8$l.$5 iff "m 5 1 I PAGE THREE fro,mthe'Qtfeew*,onereth ous ritual of Cour life The first State moument ejected hoiwifery to the, full. to American war dead in France abou i ^__ ORDE MOE MEETS TUESDAdYS NIGH.H,^ The last regular business meeting of\ the Loyal Order of Moose for tnis year will be held Tuesday even ing in the Moose hall and every member is urged to be present to take his part. At the close of the business meeting another of the air^ 1OB of hearty lunches will be servthL1 These lunches have proved very po'jju ular of late- FEED COMPANY Minn. Ave. i#lli:i!!!ll[tt[ll!imiilHMIII Store &* ii CVarfr at Unttt Ohrletman PARTY SLIPPERS Jusfr loada of beautiful' slippers that she will appreciate. Satins in black and brown suede in black and browp,^ and patent leather with Colonial ^styles pre dominating. $5.00 to $9.00 Tfftil MEN'S SH0ES"~': Dress up for the holiday festivities.. Smart new styles that command the attention of good dressers. $5.00 to $10.00 lue ior VI' .1 afcai Pf&NE 45-W 4 buy-l Sandnngham, wheree the ajudge watchful eyeeon daily market prices- liv lis it*