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i-"v 7 MHSMBIBR, *lil mill IIII in I flkif i., rraat tumah BEMIDJI DAILY PIONEER PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE {BEMIDJI PIONEER PUBLISHING COMPANY iii i Qi-.m. CARSON, Press EH. DEM7, Secy-Mgr. *& J- WINTER, New. EdKoV ?^^||||TELEPllONE:9t.92i Entered at the Poatbfflce at BamMJi,. JOnnsssta. as 4'8a*o4-alaa Matter, under. Act of. Contra* af If March I. 1178 NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION T.r- __- No. attention paid .to anonymous oontrlbnUoas.^ Jmtert name must the. editor, but not a*cec?sarily for publication.' Communications for tb.* Wi Pioneer must reach this, office not .later than )r of each week to Insure oublloauon tu*v Issue. eu: On* rear II.M tot Month*.. t.00 Three Months.*..... 1.60 Oft* Month........*. JS One Week .11 On* Tear....... ff.M Six Months.....^.... M Three Moatla....... r&B WEEKLY PIONKBRTvelTO paces, pabllahod vary Thursday and sent posts** paid to any address for. In advao |2.a 1. I T^' MMiedtt is tlTsn this paper, only, tit* Ontted la^totftted to the use for ze-publloattan of Mm' dispatches credited to It. or oUwrwla* and also -the local news published hereto. OJPJFJOfAXi QOVTsTTT AIB OT9X, ^tavCOW-^'SOME FRIEND?' would happen to Wisconsin, if all jwtf should Tie taken out of the state *dak aight?^ The deductions are ihz^ as outlined by K. L. Hatch of ytlege of Agriculture. -fallowing' editorial appeared in the i^pn^in State Journal and which bring: out tfermers and business men to realize ni|t^nditionsi might be developed to, in i&i|lfe most adapted and natural dairy |ng section ih the United States. kt^One dollarone hundred cents of good ^American moneythe best in the frorlck! "fhe next time someone hands you a dol fair don't put it away without a pause. Just ^member for every dollar tftiat changes hands in Wisconsin, thirty cents comes from the old dair/jepw.r Take the dairy feow out of Wisconsin *and we would have i^enty cent dollars. Of course thi rayeans 3 0 per cent of all the incoms of all tile people this state is derived from the dajry business. 4^Sairyjng is by far the biggest bus iness in,Wiaconsin. If by sohie unknown ^gic tiie"' dairy cows of the state should suddenly disappear there-is not a banker, nor"ja Ima^ufactdrer, nor a business man bt,anyip9lrtfrom the humblest cobbler,to the ^rdK^ potentate, who would nattiin ^jftdiateiy^call for "help." $*''iftine county is the largest dairy county ^he world. She has more dairy cattle and ^iijj^xlaijigpr' dairy output than any other q&aA in the United States. Every time Oihurehbells ring in a new Sabbath $150,- 5#iof new wealth has been produced by Sfe#ian county dairy cows. No other *te&e county factory turn*oiitone.hundred ISBifty thousand dollars of new wealth ^eiry week in, the year!. *f"There are but four sources1 ealtte the mines, the iEoreate, the isher- iP and the farm. Dane county has neither ai'nor oil neither silver, ger resS have -long since dlisappejared. Her ii^gie source of new wealth is h? product ive fa^rms. Once mined, iron and coal are gone forever, but the wealth of the soil is perpetually self-renewing. The dairy cow S^ith remarkable economy, takes the crud er products of "the.feoil and converts them Irfto milk"the one..protective food in the diet." *tf: ff "t^tihout changing her land area or in creasing her number i farms, or cif farm fs or of dairy cattle, Dane county can f^isily add another $50,000 a weekand and a half miMicwm year to her wealth. Ifcw? By bette? br eding and better care $ her dairy cattle. This is no mere theory, wild guess,, no idle boast it can be done ecaus^ it has been done. State department hi agricultural statistics show that the an nual-average production of Dane county ^^as[less by over 1,000 pounds than '|Kos&o$ the best producing county in the state Thfe^vcrage value of her cows is $17 p^r ftea'dtfess than the cows of. this.s^ine ictety. Why should this be true*? Because j&ipffc county has paid less latten^on^. ^ile^breeding and iniprovemeht of her dairy ^attjle to the farms as has Wisconsin's mojit fa||iaV{)iona, yet every! adjoining bounty 3^3rom one to sii. She has, untlfi the la% fye^v had no organizations for the promo tion of dairy breds, and as a result baseless l^ialiiOne-fourthas many purebred -dairy fcattle to the fars as has- Wisconsin'fll m0a| Siighly developed county. .Av^l^t her bring breeding up,, to .thiM ^standard and it will add Nearly $$0]to the Value of each-of her 75 0f0 cow~a initfi^n ^and-ahalf in all! And by the same toke it will add another million dollars to lite .annual return from the same number of ^ows^two and a half million dollars in all! It is all a matter of organization and intel ligent effort well expended. Here's to Dane County's first ten million dollar in- ,-t & ISn^el^^rlP^^ -supporters1 of ne# 5 W A FORERUNNER !|^he attempt to impeach Attorney Gen 'eraVDougherty is a forerunner of the radi-^ caL demonstrations that wilLi rirubahly i next congress.A a frtend the pr^sideBt, he w^n tbj& eamity of ce^ NO mssammm played in-winning .the nomination for Mr. Harding at Chicago. His use of the injunction against violence in th railroad strike gained him more op ponents from th'e rahlcs of those who are always seeking to capitalize the real or fancied distress of the working classes. His refusal to make the Department of Justice subject to the orders of others, and to insti tute certain prosecutions that militant re formers insisted should be. pressed, has added fohis foes. Mr. Paugherty is ener- getScaMy fighting back at, his* attackers, ahd ^ep'lots against him have ?fS^^POE^:aOVl^ME^ ^v.Tbe. aftermath of the war is'stiiH respon sible for unforeseen expenditures during' the fiscal year. It is impossible to anticipate a year in advance the items for which the Treasury is obliged ^rom time to time to submit supplementary estimates. But that condition is rapidly disappear ing, and succeeding years will see the an nual budget more and more closely pre dicting the actual receipts and expendi tures. It is unfortunate 1 hat the- fjrst years of our budget law should be through such a trying period, but it has vindicated^tself and will become more, indispensable as time goes on. ^r A .1. fi CIPTING CORNERS Men, women and" children these days are cutting corners as though it wss cust omary and the proper thing to do. In fact it has become so common place that it seems quite QUtrof the way to' follow the wa{k. ^i-: -ir The Piones* ft^s been asked t0 make a ple]a fprtumih^^^iare,corners. Pleas are of little consequence, unless a willingness is shown on the pjart of our citizens. All we have to say about it is that the man, woman or child, who cuts across lawns or boulevards, ought to be ashamed of himself. 3' MC ADOO GETTING SET Indications are that the 'Democrats will center their effort on William G. McAdoo for the presidency in 1924. That he is get ting an early start and that in all probabi lity Woodrow Wilson, his father-in-law will throw supportn with the McAdoo iWmore tha likely Just how the Cox and Al. Smith follow ers will line up on this proposition is not known and then there is William Jennings Bryan, who may always be relied upon to declare himself. i g- WtfAT AMERICA NEEDS "iWe have h^d some mighty fine letters from subscribers on the subject,. "Wliiat Does. America Need?''. Have you written one? Perhaps you know. -If you do and don't tell what's the use of knowiingit? .Let us have a word or two from you, it ^might do somebody sdme good sometime and it will harm nobody on time. KCKLUX *,~T^ if 5. ACTION Members of the Governor's," conference decided that no action ott the \Ku Klux Klan nor prohibition would be taken by state'- ejjeciifiiyes at:r'.!'''. thei^r.^'* annual IJi^t^a'th^mAtter, the matter? ^0~*:'-':':' ''~fi':*'-- ,'fwhat's '"t''',/-^jfiieeting, uThis is your last week in which to do jr^r ^fari^tmas shopping.' Let's go! Let's d'o it early in the day if we can, so that those whoha\j only' evening may have clear sailing. I We notice that every now and then the Republican press is taking a little gentle "poke" at btir esteemed.governor. Per haps some itftellectual editor wiill tell us why.,., .u"JV.. I i v.'' ^This is the week to buy it in Bemidji, hot because it's too late to send away for it^btut because you qan get what you want for less. Shop early in the day. '.,.,,,.,,,.,:r -would A good Christmas gift be a $1000 Pioneer Travel Accident Insurance Policy, if the wife didn't know it only cost 75 cents. WHAT DOES AMERICA NEED? Editor Pioneer:/. /I.^Politicitfiis' segregated and localized:. "coiinihunity all by themselvesthis regardJess of ^a^^br^dp. '.,':^f-^16:^bolttjon %Xx f-jr in :,,'ivpolitics.froi:,' eiiinjnatioiii of all discus-_V,' oiia of veconontlc questions. ,^v3-~-!rhe..subttutiQn. of economic groups for pd* nitfcdfl groups in all delegated legislative bodies, |h9reby grantih|r direct representation to" 'Capiti^-'."".* f| fst? Fanner an^ yfs|ieWorker y\ f~ tff all sumptuary Jov^i^.iinii ^^S ^^^'Anting of home rule and-proportional "^*ftht^rity representetion to all constructive voca -tkns-am industriesi .v iftr 6.The estM|shnient of a Bak of the United States centralized at the seat of our national gov ernment and having sub-divisions at all important industrial points prepared to stepUn and finance essential loans on substantial security where the emergency arises. 7.The estaMishment of a *aiional highway bureau to have direct control and power to build and improve,the* highways and eJl important public Utility roads.v y. V-O 8^The a^oHli^ of all so^alled 'fprdtective" tarrif laws on manufa.ctare'd products that compete with trustified manufacturers We^ r Wnat else? Muc4 moefi^iu what' the* use?. ^a#N l^:-::. ioiiRis^KAPLAN:c .r V4- &"!& :^^k^^^ipi^,Mi^iUie. S^w4SD*leS& i^PEMIDJJ DAUJT PJQIHEEJE EVERETT TRUE Cone Hone =5S= "Bujr youj^^wife a]good, cow for Christmas" i^the advice of the Be-1. midjl ^:ne|^ Yes, Jiand ask her to W' do tfte^m&kjp: if you want her to get one,fbf|^se Pionee* Pm^ Now that the Sultan/is looking for work,' tie might start.' a newspaper column on how to kejep in harmony with the householdJLittle Rock Democrat. "Diva Reduced to/Tears."Head- line. This beats Mary Garden, who reduced to 119 pounjdsLittle Rock Ark., Gazette. Whai Might Happefound The MP^r i $! i ftR S. Tieus %& MVC ?^:\)f \AJ IT. t4 4NP O N Yov/fA CO^-r UiHN ^RPIW FROM OTHER PAPERS Anoka is too small'to make Minn eapolis sit up and take notice as St Paul does every nov^ and again. St. Paul issues a dam defy to Minneap olis and the merry battle goes on. In this fight, both cititesv Bainerd Dispatch. are wet That Illinois .physician: who has makjng calls on?his patients The children like skates but they by- .areoplane ijiow looks .'more like a are hard-on the seats of their pante. stork to some of them -f-Des Moines .Register. .7? i. The funny thing \about the busi ness/revival is those who have faith are -not the ones (at the mourners bench.Rochester Times Union/": I^t^th^i jfiger eat-his.onion" soup for breakfast he kisses'people only on. the cheek.^Norfolk ^Ledger T)\s- paich..,-.,-,-../' :^i .-,:_ A- B. See apparently, believes that the -education of the women .should not go beyond the three letters so delightfully reproduced in his name. Yet an elevator man ought to stand for: elevationNew: York World. "A WISE OLD OWL" Our wortihy friend Ole P. B.f com-' inssioner of warehouses and railroads has. enunciated a slogan which will! hot defeat him for re-election..". says: "Let the states in which the ships are owned .vote the subsidy.1 Commissioner Jacobson, you really make us proud of you.Fergus Falls Hare? among today's want-ads.-. (CopYrifht^l92^ AMbciatedldJt- ^^^f4f^y-y^^ -JI TH^Si-rp^ricts r,. Some people in Little Falls want a gas plan$ .ifor the: town, according to the Transcript. Too bad, but we can't flove lie capitol up there while the l|gislatyrevris in-sessionPio- neer^ress^.,/^'^ -.%-y TOM SIMS SAYS If you-don't like some# neighbor give his little boy a, drum. What's, jifl a name? J. C- Penny has insured hi* life for $3,000,000. Kid McCoy, who has married eight times, is bankrupt. Two may live as cheaply as one but nine can't. Candlesticks make good Christmas gifts. TWe big heavy kind are better for chasing.burglars. Harding's motto seems to be 'Don't give up the ship-subsidy." Women's fur coats have jumped crying spells higher than they were last Christmas. Jthre huA*y-up' divore'es. Debate was held by radio in Bos ton which wotil/i be a fine way to argue with'somebody you can't lick. '^?-7i,. ?*$W$&Mi$' t^'-n-v'^' -:.'r"'!*""',"??'": 'V. .'^r''*^3 Philippines, women are not allowed issued to hoiJ" boxing matches. We swear off, on tfew/Year and 'after that we swear off and on. In giving a watph you can write "It is your time now" or "Hope you have a good time." Skeleton of a Baluchisterium has been found in Mongolia. Remember the name in case you meet ojifci! ':^(\:"^i ^-Vr What.will you give father?1 "Get him asbestos gldves to be worn whjle opening Christmas bills. '.Mistaking shaving cream for tooth paste Is not as-bad as mistaldng washing .powder, for talcum.. Gone are .tiie'days when mince pie had a kick. First paper money in America was i "-i% m-^M Your Child Needs Man has, a new s*stitute for (ea and coifee but restauAnts have been using one for years an$ years. With only a few 1922 to play, the score dealers have won. {SUBSCRIBE FOft THE PI 'U least a quart of Koors Pasteurized Milk every da in the week. ,& Ask your doctor ^h^it the economy and valu^of plenty of good millf for growing children. BROTHERS GO. Phone 175 r. C. HARDING, PHONE 389 $'^JM*&<\X '.^i? "IP mm m: