MOH0AY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1922 MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL hs~r bu* i*a1 VV0O5E" VUOKJB E\f5MOD OP VJVXU VWS VAOM4S LAftf MXGHT. .1IV PO S=EU-fc. ttM A, KJAMlFOU MVSHK^W 6 DftVA9V V\e X4v. BAC* IM' fer pots, or other heavy arti |ould ,not be placed on nar Idow ledges, as they may .be ia^ly knocked off and so en- i Ithe lives of the people ibelow According to the National Safety I Council serious injuries have resulted from this cause. LOST or FOUND LOSTTTT-A bob-tailed shepherd uog witljswhite face and neck, answers to t|\e name of Billie. Finder please notify H. A. Pierson R-4 and re ceive reward. 3t 12 20 LOST^-Silver mesh bag on Third street between Mrs. MePherson's ancPFair Store. Bag is valued as a keepsake. Reward offered for bag and contents or for bag only, to Given's Hdw. store 3 20 UooieHaU MooseHall MooseHall Moose Larson& Larson SPECIALISTS EXAMINING EYES FITTING GLASSES Office, First Floor 213 Third St, Office Phon* 131 Rea.310 1 LOSTherringbon.e tweed belreturnedWANTEDStenographer with r-*warr if to Jtjdge Gibbon's office. 2t 18 ""7 r~ i FOUNDLarge black fur collar left in the Eresbyterian church after the Christmas Sale. Please call at Rev. Warford's home for same. I ,-ir 12 '20 1 MooseHall XooaeHaU ntooss uced Rental W economical hall for your meetingsexceptionally X, lighted and ventilated iiMui'.i dancing floorcon sent kitchencentral loca- H! fi! _^.sk for reduced rates and open dates of the Moose Club steward, John Matland, Moose r"iub Phone 62 pillillllllllllHIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllillM 11H1111111II1111I1I1I1II1I1I1IIM I Would You Pay 75 Cents 1 for $1000 Insurance? MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY WANT ADS Cost a word for first insertion %c a word for subsequent con secutive insertions. No Ad Taken for Less Than 25c WANTED WANTEDMan to cut weod, phone 16-F-2, Geo, J, Becker, 4t 19 WANTEDWood sawing, phone 253-J, Thomas Coultas. 4t 12 21 for after noons, address c|o Pioneer 2 18. WANTED-Washings at 501 Park avenue. 25c per dozen- Mrs. Green 4t 12 20 WANTEDPractical nursing,, ad dress Josephine Fossum, Nymore, Minn. 4t 12 21 (WANTEDTo rent two or three furnished room for light house keeping by two ladies. Inquire at Pioneer. tf WANTEDThT~Fulle7~Brush Co. wants a sal^hnan for Bemidji and vicinity. See W. C. Hicks, Brink man Hotel evenings. 3t 19 WANTEDBeltrami County Infir mary will received bids up to Jan. 1 on 30 cords, 3 foot dry sound Tamarack, delivered at the farm or on board at Bemidji- J. J. McCurdy. Gtdl2-21 and 2tw 12-21112-28 WANTED Chicago Box & Crating Co., Bemidji and Cass Lake fac tories, are in the market at all times for logs and boxwood bolts. Write, giving quantity, description, location and price. Address main office, Bemidji. 9-7tf WOOD FOR SALE call 927. Troppman's, 1 10-7tf FOR SALEOne Chesapeake Bay male pup, eight weeks old, ad dress, Harris La Bille, Cass1 Minn- Lake, 8t 2 2 0 'FOR SALEFurniture and house hold goods at a sacrifice. Leav ing the city. Phone 329-R. 1011 America avenue. 12-15tf FOR SALEFish house, electric washer,. heaters, wash bench and wringer, folding ironing board1, coasters, beds, grind stone, carp enter tools, heavy and lightweight overcoats. 806 America ave. It 12 18 To the Bemidji Pioneer, Bemidji, Minn. Gentlemen Hereby enter my subscription to The Bemidji Pipneer (Daily or Weekly) for one year, with the understanding that I am to receive a $1,000 Travel Accident Insurance policy in the North American Accident Company and that I am to pay no more than the regular price for The Pioneer, plus 75c for the Policy. I understand that should I discontinue my subscription or fail to keep it paid up to date, my policy will lapse. Signed .1. Age... Address or R. F. D. City State. OCCUPATION Are you at present a subscriber? Enclose 75c for policy and $ to apply on my subscription. tiy Outlet Sughro* Wooffl Nonpjxr Unfa* SMCB 4oWW*, VJHEU U6 fcPBWUGt AM OV r*rWO we*...fcvcrtw \U A ^M&OMkn. \N6NftU' v\St fc\*Xr\0*N FOR SALEOval shaped heater wood or coal, nickel trimmed worth $35 will sell for $19 cash call 141-W 3t 19 -Buick Six in A-l con dition, good tire^s etc. Will sell cheap, inquire at 1218 Bemidji avenue, phone 864-W. 3t 19 FOR SALE52 point karet lady's 'diamond ring, blue white stone, solid platinum mounting, will sell at a sacrifice- Address "Y" clo Bemidji Pioneer. 2t 19 FOR SALELegal blanks of ah hand. Mail orders promptly tilled kinds. Complete stock always at For quick service, Bend your or den to the Bemidji Book Sta tionery Co., Bemidji $-?4tf SNAP FOR QUICK SALEAbout $700 equity and Improvements on a large 6 room house all modern except heat, will sell at $20000 Completely furnished at $300- Phone 929 or 322. 3t 19 FOR SALEStrictly fresh eggs 25 -per cent below cost of production a limited supply will be delivereu Wednesdays and Saturdays, 2 for six and one-fourth cents a piece, Phone 7-F-13. 3td12 20 FOR SALE^-Peerless Universal coal stove, base burner, 18 inch fire pot, in excellent condition, as good as new. Very desirable for resi dence or small store building. A snap. Phone 663 12 11 tf FOR SALERubber stamps of all kinds made to order. Stamp pads, air sizes and colors. Corporation and notarial seals, daters, rubber printing outfits. Mail order promptly filled. Bemidji Book & Stationery Co.. Bemidji. 6-24tf FOR "SALEHolstein cow^ fresh about Christmas. 4 years old1, in- spected, eligible for registry. A good one and a snap for cash or will trade for team and harness- 'J. D- Rhodes, 1 mile south of Rosby, Minn, at G. N. R- R. cross ing. 5t 21 FOR SALEA bargain if taken at once. I have for sale a high grade Brunswick phonograph and 103 assorted Brunswick, Victor, Edison and Columbia records. All in first elass condition. Will sell to right par ty with a small payment idown and easy terms. Call or phone Anders Hotel, phone 128. 3t 19 SB' SKMIDJI DAILY PIONEER WANT AD PAGE get results, state clearly what you want to sell or buy.^ Give correct addressphone number, if anyso that interested parties may com- municate with you without a lot of trouble. Bring it to our "Want Ad'* desk. FOR SALE)Cheap, for quick sale Household goods. Beds, complete sanitary couches, library, dining kitchen and odd small tables, rock ers, chairs, stools, writing desk, I gramophone, baby buggy anld sulky, lots of miscellaneous ar ticles. Call 322. 3t 12 19 FOR RENTNice modern furnish ed rooms. 515 Bemidji ave. Phor.e 310. tf, FOR RENTTwo room apartment with bath and several single rooms New Kaplan building. 12 5 tf FOR RENTWarm modern room close in. 983-J. 4t 12 18 FOR RENTModern furnished front room- Inquire 621 Bemidji ave nue. 4t 12 18 FOR RENTThree rooms for light house keeping. Inquire at 811 Mississippi avenue- 4t 20 FOR RENTNew modern dwelling 1005 Bemidji avenue, fifty dollars per month. Inquire.*t First Natl. Bank. 6t 12 15 CREDIT SNEEZE TO SCULPTOR Promotheua Said to Have Introduced the Action to the World of Mortals. The Greeks, who refined upon all ancient and Inherited customs, and after them the Romans, had an elab orate code by which they distinguished whether a sneeze was to be regarded as a blessing or a malign portent, the distinction being made according to the time, place and circumstances. Thus, If one sneezed between mid day and midnight, the augury was hap py, unless the moon chanced at the time to be in the sign of the Virgin, the Balance, the Crnb or the Scor pion, when it became ah evil omen. Both Greeks and Romans regarded "sneezing to the right," that is, turn ing to the right side as the sneeze oc curred, as a most happy omen. Father Famlen Strada, who has made the most erudite researches into the history and literature of the sneeze, says that Prometheus intro duced it to mortals. He had made a statue which he wished to endow with life, and for this purpose he stole a beam of sunlight. Wishing to conceal the theft from Apollo, he hid the beam In his snuff box. Shortly afterward, being desirious of taking a pinch of maccaboy, he absentmlndedly put the beam up his nosecausing himself to sneeze violently. OUTLAWS DROPPED TO DEATH Mexican Authorities Alleged to Have Devised Unique Punishment for Murderers and Robbera, Thrilling stories of his experience! with Mexican bandits are told by B. W. Hammond, who has charge of land matters in Mexico for the Humble Oil and Refining company. He hai been traveling through the wllda of that country for many year* and has come into clc4ie conj*ct__wlth. many M,YSMkft W*AR MS. FOUB* ?RU\US MOOW4S "iVO UOSS OP WBR TFf LP.? OAJMG VV0* MfcVSUBOWS \6 HAOE* ^MA C^ w*nr*eo, i& "BarMs -oT"brigana. rjsrseverHT TfifcV stone he was captured by outlaws and his life threatened but he always managed to come through unscathed. One of his Interesting statements a few days ago was that the govern ment authorities of the Tamplco dis trict have adopted a new method of putting bandits and revolutionists to death. Instead of standing the con demned men in front of a flrinf squad, as has Been the usual prac tice, the prisoner is tied to an air plane and taken to an altitude of 4,000 or 5.000 feet and there the rope Is cut and the man fails to his death. It Is asserted that this unusual form of meting out the death penalty has thrown terror Into the hearts of the criminal element and that there has been a very noticeable decrease of murders and robberies since the aerla! route of dealing out death was adopted. GREEN MANURING AIDS SOIL Organic Matter Is Added, at Is Nitro- genOn Poor Land Turn Under an Entire Crop. Green manuring means turning under suitable crops' to enrich the soil. Such crops may be turned under green or when ripe. Green manuring adds organic matter and, directly or Indirectly, nitrogen to the soil. Leguminous crops are most desira ble for green manuring, Since they add to the soil nitrogen gathered from the air in addition to the organic matter which they carry. Besides the nitrogen In the legumes turned under, an additional supply of nitrogen is fixed in the soil by the acticm of bacteria, using the carbon In the organic matter as a source of en ergy. Turning under an entire crop is ad vised only when the soil is poor and. for fie purpose of starting a rotation. Turning under catch crops or winter growing green crops Ss an economical and successful method of supplying nitrogen. There are nw flies on the aweet girt graduates. A wise man changes his mind, fool never. All's lost that's poured Into a cracked dish. The road to nealth has a strict ipeed limit. 'insurance that INSURES Protection that PROTECTS The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S. C. S. OARKER.District Mgr.Pboni 148-J THOS. J. STOREY Expert Taxidermist DULUTH, MINN. Prices and Catalogue on request 611, 6th Ave. E. We have a full line of hard coal, nut and stove large and small brick etts, soft coal splint and range. Coke and smith ing coal. LET US SUPPLY YOU LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, LIME, CEMENT PLASTER BEMIDJI LUMBER & FUEL CO. B. W. LAKIN, Pwsidenk E. IV EVANS, Manager C. L. ISTtlX Secjsatas^TMiasmwr Village Gossip E?O**&D HAA EX *rVwoo*ia* Few. wpef. All Want Ads Must Cash Because of the detail of collecting we can not undertake to open accounts for small amounts, therefore caah must ac company adexcept for those who have open accounts with us. GILBERT BROS. Auto Painting Co, Let paint or refiniah your car. We do first claas auto mobile painting, perfect atrip* ing- and monogram work. We guarantee all first class work. We make old cars new. Give us a trial and be convinced 507 Third St. J. B. Gilbert-A. L. Gilbert Proprietors CITY DRAY LINE R. J. TESCH ELMER MARIN PHONES Office 600 Residence 973 Day Or Night Service We crate and store furniture Try our Service LOTS-LOTS-LOTS Still have some of those mice residence lots left in Elwell's ad dition, near new high school. Lots are 37 1-2 feet wide, 140 ft. long facing e**t others facing south, greded streets and new walks. $270 will buy them now $290 for corner lots on Minnesota avenue, or 18th street* You can buy them on as small payment as $10 down and then monthly ear yearly payments. No interest un til April 1st., if you buy sow. A. T. CARLSON, Owner Phone 61-J DRY CLEANED. REPAIREOI Make that overcoat last you another seas onour Service does it. HOEANSPN Bn i 30a 3D%T PHONtJlT. XMAS PHOTOS AT RICH STUDIO isiiiiiirilihi"!" Prices and work that more than please Phone 570|.W for appointment 2910th St. SOTCXIBE F#B THE PIONEEB PAGE SEVEN BUSINESS ri AND PROFESSIONAL iL DOCTORS ?m* B. J. Martin, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Northern National Bank Bldg. Office Phone 85 Residence 80S DR3. Johnson & Borresosvi Phyaiciana and Surf BEMIDJI, MINN Dr. E. A. Shannon Physician and Surgeon OFFICE 1B Larson Block r-HONE 396 BBS. 3fT Dr. E. H. Smith Physician and Surf eoa OFFICE. Security Bank Block DRS. Gilmorc & McCann Phyaiciana and Surgeom OFFICE. Miles Bio** Dr. E. H. Marcum Physician and Surgeon BARKER BUILDING Hearst 11-12 a. 3-6 p. as. PeonesOffice 802, Res., Ill sBmjsasjnBnBasBSsnusBns DRS. Garlock & Garlock EyeEarNoseThroat GLASSES FITTED 217Vi Third Si. Barker BIk. Dr. Earl R. Two CHIROPRACTOR Phone 316 Troppman Bldg. DRS. Northrop & Berston Osteopathic Physician* Battles Bld. Bemidji, Mit PHONE 183-W Dr. A. Dannenberg Bemldji's Pioneer Chiropractor Palmer Graduate FIRST NAT'L BANK BLDG. Phone 401-W Bemidji DENTISTS -V. Dr. G. M. Palmer Dentist end Orthadentigi BARKER BUILDING I BawldjL Mfc. Dr. A. J. Melby DENTIST Over BonvdaBaA's Drag Store 4*kone406 -J- BeaaldB Mee Furniture and Undertaking Company H. N. McKEE and Funeral Director PHONE 222-W RESIDENCE PHONE 212-R 120 THIRD STREET PLUMBING AND HEATING 313 Fourth Street Phones 620-W620-R Robert J. Russell, Bemidji Floral Company CHOICE CUT FLOWERS & PLANTS ARTISTIC DESIGNS PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS 512 Beltrami Ave. Phone 411-W ii Mian.