OCR Interpretation

The Elk Mountain pilot. [volume] (Irwin, (Ruby Camp), Gunnison County, Colo.) 1880-19??, October 02, 1919, Image 2

Image and text provided by History Colorado

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063397/1919-10-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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Miller Huggins, pilot of the New York Yankees, says that It Is his
belief that the White Sox will win the world series from the Cincinnati
Iteds for two reasons.
First, because the White Sox have been encountering and beating
“more better” teams than the Reds have been asked to meet In the
National league; and. secondly, because the Chicago Hose have more
long-distance hitters than the Reds.
“I have little sympathy with those who claim that the rational
league is n minor by comparison with the American league standard of
play,” declared the snappy, peppery Iluggins.
“There is little difference between the two leagues. And that Is the
way It ought to be and the way the fans want It. What credit would
it be for n team in either league to win the world’s championship if the
opposing club was of minor league ability?
“But I can truthfully say that there are more strong teams fighting
for the flag In the American league than is the case in the National
league or than has been the case in the National league for many years.’*
Cactus Crnvath, manager and hard-hitting outfielder of the Phillies, picks
Pat Moran’s team to clean up the Chicago White Sox in the world’s series.
“To my way of thinking the Reds are playing better ball than the White
Sot, and will prove steadier in the big aeries. Also,.the club has been getting
the breaks all season and will go Into the series with the same luck.”
ms slk MOtnrTAnr pilot.
Really Deviates Little From the
Present Style.
Designers Have Net Intended That the
M Chapeau** Is to Be Worn Further
Back on the Head—Brims
Roll Backward.
If you have read or heard about the
new ofT-the-face style of hats that have
been launched in Paris you may be un
der the impression that as a result of
this vogue we are going to wear our
hats farther back on our heads. Some
how, the hat that Is tilted backward
still looks a little outlandish, and it
may seem to you as if it would be very
bard to give up the style of wearing
your hats well over your forehead.
However, these new hats are not ac
tually worn back off the forehead. The
idea Is that the brims roll backward
so that there is less shading of the
face, but the band of the hat takes the
same position now that it has for many
seasons, only that the hat Is placed per
fectly straight in order to give the right
effect to the falling back of the brim.
There is no longer any Inclination of
fashion to tilt the hat on one side.
The new hats simply were not made
for that sort of thing.
When all Is said and done. It Is
really the hat that determines the
way we do our hair, and as long as our
hats rest on our ears the same as
usual most of us will go on wearing
our hair much the same as usual. A
pompadour effect In front would be
quite out of the question so long as
the brims of hats rest across our fore
heads. It Is only when bats merely
rest on our heads in front that we can
attempt a much puffed or elaborate
front arrangement.
Time may come, and that not far
off, when this tendency to pull our
hats down on our foreheads gives way
to something else. It may be that the
poke hat that had only a small vogue
last season will return In a true poke
form —that is, with a front brim that
really flares and a very short back
that actually shows the hair In back —
a hat that really Is more of a bonnet
than a hat.
But if this type of hat is coming
eventually, then the present off-the
face shapes are merely a digression
because they are placed well on the
head. The only thing is that the brim
rolls back. And this roll-back brim
is something that will sell many yards
of veiling, for this type of hat is just
the sort of thing that you need as
basis for tho* neat arrangement of a
veil. American women have the rep
utation of arranging their veils better
than any other women In the world,
but the American woman will not at
tempt to arrange a veil unless she has
something to arrange it on.
Ths New Paris Ntckwsar.
Cape effects in broad multi-tier col
lars, with high dlrectolre stocks, are a
dominant note of the present neckwear
fashion In Paris. Short-sleeved
gulmpes are also extensively worn and
this fashion promises to be carried
over for general use in the coming sea
Both white and colored neckwear is
favored, white organdie and heavy
white linen, with delicate rose pink
crepe being extensively employed.
Fichu effects are also good and
berthas are coming steadily to the
Taffsta Millinery.
Large hats of taffeta, with round,
floppy brims, are an early autumn mil
linery feature of Interest. These hats
are trimmed with flat embroideries
done In wool.
"Poison Green" a Favorite.
"Poison green** is a favorite color for
fall frocks.
Boudoir Cap Is Easily Made
Lover of Pretty, Dainty Things Can
Fashion Thie for Heroelf at
Comparatively Bmall Cost.
Isn’t this the cutest Idea for a
boudoir cap you ever saw? And the
easiest thing to make, too. Just a
length of lace flouncing, something
Plus a Ribbon Chlnstrap and Filet
dainty. You can get-some of the pret
tiest imitation flouncings for a very
small sura that will answer very
nicely. A yard ought to make the
cap. Seam the two raw edges to
gether neatly, and then run a gathering
string around the scalloped edge, an
Thie charming afternoon gown le
of black chantllly lace with a throe
tier ekirt of black georgette crepe. A
new ellhouette ie offered in the long
llnee, and low waistline.
New Garments Really Are to Have
Only a Little of the "Barrel"
Effect Promised.
Designers flirt with the public fancy
season after season by Introducing
styles that are out of the ordinary;
that differ radically from the ones in
use, and that have received general ap
proval. The first offerings for the sea
son Immediately to come have not es
caped. Practically every designer has
brought out his or her own Interpreta
tion of the barrel overskirt, but many
of them admit already that it is merely
one of the novelties of the season and
that It Is not “taking** to any great
The straight-line frock, according to
the Kansas City Star, refuses to be
ousted. The two styles that seem des
tined to hold sway for fall and winter
are the simple stralght-llne dress and
the more fitted redlngote. Tunics,
overskirts and pleated effects; especial
ly when accordion pleating Is used, are
seen everywhere, hut almost Invariably
a straight silhouette Is adhered to.
Wool Jersey cloth again will be a
reigning favorite next season for utility
frocks. Beige and gray are said to bo
leading colors.
Favored Fabrics for Hats.
Hatter’s plush, duvetyn and velvet
continue to be the fabrics most In de
mand for fall hats, and the variety in
effect In these models Is made infinite
by the many different styles of trim
Feathers of all kinds seem to be the
type of trimming best adapted to duve
tyn hats, the soft, suedelike fabric and
the drooping ostrich, blondlne or
even coque, making a very smart com
inch id front and slanting to two inch
es toward the back.
Pall this gathering thread to head
else, about twenty-five inches, and
cover the gatherings with a band of
pretty tinted ribbon, to whibh you may
add a garland of tiny silk flowers to
be bought by the yard. Now’ you
gather the straight edge of the lace
Into a saucy little pompom on the top,
and surround the gatherings with more
of the silk flowers. A chlnstrap of
the ribbon, which snaps lnto*a grace
ful little bow to the left, is the finish
ing touch.
New Shoes.
The colonial pump la the smart
shoe of the season. To be sure ox
fords are also worn for day dress.
They are rather high and are laced not
with ribbons, as they were last year,
but with tubular silk lacings. They
are made in kid, suede and black satin.
And the lacing holes are bound with
metal. But the colonial pumps are
newer. They, like the oxfords, have
French heels of medium height, almost
invariably with a little metal layer
that Is now used to help keep the heels
They are made in black and brown
kid and in patent leather. Sometimes
a buckle of jet or steel is fastened at
the bottom of the flaring tongue. One
striking and attractive type of colo
nial pump has the sides of the tongue
fastened to the shoe. This holds the
shoe on, at the same time giving the
attractive silhouette of the regulation
colonial pump.
Lift off Corns!
Doesn’t hurt a bit end Preesona
costs only a few cents.
With jour fingers! Ton can lift oft
any hard corn* soft corn, or corn be
tween the toes, and the hard skin cal
luses from bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of *FTeesone** costs
little at any drug store; apply a few
drops upon the corn or callus. In
stantly It stops hurting, then shortly
you lift that bothersome corn or callus
right off, root and all, without one bit
of pain or soreness. Truly! No hum
bug !—Adv.
The Coming Crisis.
A congressman was talking about
government extravagance and the fear
ful taxes that are Its consequence.
“The government,” lie ended, ‘‘seems
to think that it only ueeds to say to
the American people, ‘Cough up!
Cough up !* But how will we cough
up when our coffers are empty?”
$100 Reward, $100
Catarrh la a local disease greatly influ
enced by constitutional conditlona It
therefore requires constitutional treat
Is taken internally and acts through the
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
destroys the foundation of the disease,
gives the patient strength by improving
the general health and assists nature in
doing Its work. $100.00 for any case of
Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE fails to cure.
Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Chaney A Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Great Convenience.
“I wish I knew what to do with nil
this broken crockery,” said Mrs. Flat
dweller. “There Isn’t any place to
throw It away, and—”
“1 have it,” cried Mr. Flafdweller,
bis eyes aglow with the fires of gen
ius. "Put ’em in the parcels post
and null! ’em to some fictitiuos address
in the first zone.”
Check ugly dandruff!. Stop hair
coming out and double
Its beauty
A little "Danderine" cools, cleanses
and makes the feverish. Itchy scalp
soft und pliuble; then this stimulating
tonic penetrates to the famished hair
roots, revitalizing and invigorating
every hair in the head, thus stopping
the hair falling out, or getting thin,
dry or fading.
After a few applications of “Dander
ine” you seldom find a fallen hair or a
particle of dandruff, besides every hair
shows new life, vigor, brightness, more
color and thickness.
A few cents buys a bottle of de
lightful "Danderine” at any drug or
toilet counter.—Adv.
Wsalsyan College the Oldest.
Wesleynn college at Macon, Gn„ was
founded in 1836. nnd Is therefore older
than Elmyra college, chartered in 1852.
It Is the oldest woman’s college in the
United States.
Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothes
for baby, if yon use Red Cross Bag
Blue. Never streaks or injures them.
All good grocers sell it, 5c a package.
His Way.
Miss Stake—Is your husband com
ing to the church sociable?
Mrs. Snippy—He isn’t sociable any
In all case*
Distemper, Pinkeye, Influ
enza, Colds, etc.
of all horses, brood mares, colts,
stallions. Is to 9
On their tongue or In tho feed put
Bpohn's Liquid Compound. Give the
remedy to them. It acts on the
blood and glands. It routs the mUr i
by expelling the disease germs. It Hr *
off the trouble no matter how they ar eya! Its
“exposed." Absolutely free from an Mm
thing injurious. A child can safely takeMk 4 s
It. Sold by druggists, harness dealers, JT 3
or sent express paid by the manu-BBE. ffi
fact urer a. Special A seats Wasted. BEjW-W MBF
Name "Bayer 1 * is on Genulna
Aspirin—say Bayer
Insist on “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin”
in a “Bayer package," containing prop
er directions for Colds, Pain, - Head
ache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheu
matism. Name “Bayer” means genuine
'Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade
mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono
aceticacide8ter of Salicyllcacld.—Adv.
Great English Painter.
The habits, mannerisms and meth
ods of the great are always interest
ing. Sir Joshua Reynolds used a
spade-shaped palette, with a handle
and without a hole; His brushes had
handles 19 inches long and he always
stood whjle painting. His studio Was
an octagonal room 20 by 10 feet, il
luminated by a single square window
of modern size, the sill about 9% feet
from the floor. He was a steady and
consistent worker and frequently
complained of Idle visitors who did
not seem to realize the value of Ids
time. He ranks as the greatest Eng
lish painter of that time. He died in
February of 1792 of an affection of
the liver nnd was buried in St. Puul’s
Love all: trust hut a few.
ODtFilfM Appllad for
Texas Oil Refinery
60,000 8htm already sold at par. OK-IN
have acquired the beet Bite In the city of
Fort Worth. Texas, at the Junction of two
railroads, and nine pipe llnee. 8bares In
this refinery are now eelllns for 91.10 per
It has been the history of the Oil Industry
that those who have Invested In the reftnlnr
of oil have realised largely on their Inveet
With the Reflnln* Business, the stock
holder can so dally. If he eo desires, to the
site, and see the foundations, brick work,
stone work, atllls. and other valuable ma
chinery placed upon and erectad on the site,
and he can so away feellns that his money
is beins spent In somethin* tanslble. and
not put Into a dry hole where he cannot
even see that his money has ever served
any useful purpose. We believe that this
statement as to the desirability of reflnlns
stock over oil stock will appear losical and
satlsfylns to the minds of every Inveetor.
PWIenls. Aiw Pedtive «s$ A— md S
Freaa Riftsln ef Ofl 4
will operate 14 houre a day, S hours to ih«
shift, SCI days In the year—S years' time
In one.
Write for our four-pas* folder, slvlns full
AeMMrintf CedWtl JMJIMt—<AarM$1.MNr VaLe
SOS Mow. Bid*. Fort Worth. Tnu
Do Not Let Thii Dreadful Disease
Undermine Your Very Life
If yonr teeth are loose, gums red and
Irritated or bleed when cleaned, you
had better act quickly. Do not wait
a minute. Send at once for the great
Cleans nnd polishes the teeth while
destroying and eradicating the death
dealing Pyorrhea Germs. This RE
plexion, the Stomach, the Teeth, the
Gums and promotes general HEALTH.
Sent prepaid for $1.00 and the name
of your Druggist.
IXt lM Chris BMf. SEHYEK. C9L9.
sootle —anythin*, anywhere. What have yon
to sell or exchange? Whet do you want ta
buy? Write us. National Sales and Ex
-chanire A***ncv, Box 293. Durham. N. C.
W. N. U., DENVER, NO. 40-1919.

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