OCR Interpretation

Carrizozo news. (Carrizozo, N.M.) 1908-192?, June 12, 1908, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063539/1908-06-12/ed-1/seq-6/

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. Wwnwmi!ijHTjprWr " ' i !!) jimMiari,Miinm,n,. in w mi w '';, ' m
ftmk&ttm of tile Hfiift, flhjnfll
f ftntnej- CcrmiNiattcm nf Lim
coin Ootmty, tfew Meaieo, hM
iltmt 1, 1 90S, at Board of
trr u the ftnranih of $SS, Mint to
Mttinvd by tht Bmftt.
Til Mio ins mntitf of Qlfetr
Pekr, rated by the TScwrd 15
Bead of cattle.
In the ins matter nf Jones Tnl
While the Other Fellow is Kickir
About Hard Times
Hon. R. H. Taylor, chsrimn if s iaferro, raised by assessor 3,000 '
P. L. Knw, member; 'head of sheep, mnti' in reduced
K. A. Dttraa, member by the Board, j
W. 15. Kiinbrell, clerk. Board adjourned till Wed mm-1
Tlie mimites of Inst meeting dity, .htne 3rd, PJUS, nl8 it. in. I
Wru reml nnrt approved, i Board mot pnrtiunttt to adjourn j
lit lilt UK mn tier of Kstnnia- mem: nil present as before. i
Inuo Cardon. mine mud. br the All agricultural In nil in Lincoln
nnsessor of $132 flu, hi-reby bus- county, in cultivation under the
tni bed by the Hoard, so-called Campbell, or dry farm-
Iu the tnx mailer of T. W. ing, system to be nssenaed nt $-1
wnlaou, raised by the Hoard on per acre.
SO acres of Innd 7c nor acre.
ISntil IWia assessed on improve
ment itm.
(Hl.lliul llll 'Mm t ..
un.u n.iuiii iivii tin i nniivyi
Jmt 3nd. A. U. I'JitK. nts n.m.
Bonnl met purattanl to adjourn
mailt; nil present an before.
In the tax matter of Ant iron
In the tnx matter of ld C.
Pflngsleii, rnisod bv lite Board
on jfraxiuglnnd $101. AU
In tlie tnx mutter of John II.
Phillip, mined by Ilia Hoard on
grafting- land SOB. 10, nltd on dry
forming $3.50.
In tlio tax matter of A, II.
Bros,, raised bv Hoard 140U head Pttngnlou, raise made by assessor
of aheep and $75 on improved i amounting to $. on land, re
gonts, and rained on saloon tixt- duced to 422ft by the Hoard.
and to tell tit
been imnrovinir
Hut there is ii reason for this: We
WE are going righl ahead ;
truth, nttr business him
riifhl along.
do not nit around and worry. We believe in Print
its ink. I.vt the good koii- know
here with the heat slock ot Men's
that we a Ti
mid LnditV
KeitdjMo-Wi'ar tlondu in tin- City. We do not ex
pect to make a big nrolii on any one garnium. but
we do propose to do the volniue of business. We are
just now giving some exceptionally good valnis
before moving into our new store, and it will pny
you to call n ud see our goods before purchasing else
where, ns we positively can, and will, save vou
money on your purchases.
1 uutsiae ueaiers
urea $100. j In the matter of the naaeaameut
In the tnx matter of the CarriOf the land of James li. Cree, the
soao Towneitc Co., an to riac of Hoard being fully advised in the
$4,5011 made br the assessor, j premises, ttnds that 5.UUU acres
comes on for hearing before the 'of grafting land tit uuder fence
Board, and the Towuaiie coin- i within and sttrrouuded by the
ptuy being repreaeuted by coun-' Lincoln Korewt Keaerve, and that
etl: and the Board hnviwg lieard tho owuor of this lniul can only
unit considered the protest made nse tho priviloge of grnxing on
by an hi Townsite company, the govorument laud by paying the
Hoard iloea hereby sttatnln said toreat reserve jmturage chnrge
naaeaenr in said raise made by nfter obtaining n poriuit: nud the
him of $4,5 X): to which action of Hoard holds that this 3.UUU acres
the Hoard said Tow-unite Company of land does not come within the
hereto excepts, and hereby gives cla vuhud at 3Uc. per acre, and
notice of appeal to the Territo- atiaUiua the asaeawor in his action
rial Hoard ol Kn.unliiatinu. in raising the said Cree.
Ill the las matter of Chas. S. In the tax matter ot Pop &
lleiiiug, as to the raise of $llu Vnlden, raie inndt: by stsaehsor
made by the assessor, comes on Himtained by Hoard,
fur hearing before the Hoard, and In the tux mnller of Chnrleb
the said Chas. S. lleuiui; beiuir llfeld, assessed -',00() head of;
represented by ouiiisuf and the sheap, aiuouuting to AJ.oUO, same
Hoard having heard nud cousid- being the sheep thai Taliaferro
urod the protest made by the said litis on shares.
Chas. S. llcning. the Hoard docs 1 In the tax matter of Knollin
lierehy siiBlalu said assessor in Hritick, raised by assessor 7,000
bnid raise made by him of of $11(1: bond ol sheep, same is hereby tui
to which action of the Board the tuined by the Board,
wild Clins. 8. Ileninif hereto ex ! In the tax matter of Welch A
cwpUs and heeeby gives notice of , Tltsworth, raised oil -1M0 acres ol
Hiinenl to the Territorial Board Und 70c. per acre. .
Who nr' Intrri'surd in
WholesHle Prices on
Schlitz Beer
. lnuire at
The Carrizozo Bar.
Lots 25 antl 50 x 130 Puet.
When you buy a lot here it in UD fuel long, facing on a s treat
8(1 fuct wide, whether for a home or lor a buaiuest, location.
lnvostif.ite before you buy.
' A itpinrc Don! (lunraniui'il.
W. C. McDONALD. oic m unu nuiidin.
of ttnnnlUalinn.
In lite tax matter of 8. U. Kam
hrough, the raise made by the
nsaenaor as reduced.
In the tax matter of Ansel mo
Pacheco, assessed bv the
on saloon natures $15o.
In the ia. matter of H. 8.
Campbell, raised by assessor ou
lots in Carrisoxo $200, and sua
tamed by the Board.
In the tax matter of the Carri
Hoard xoo Pradiug Co., rained by the
1 assessor $400, sustained br the
The exchange Bank, Carrizoio, New Mexico.
Transacts a General Hanking Husiness
Issues Urnfts on all Principal Cities of
the World. Accords to Horrowt-rs
every accommodation consistent with
safely. Accounts solicit! d.
of CftptUn. Kw Mexico, and res
pectfully suffeats that he be
lieves the Hoard of County Com-
In the tax matter of the New Board.
Mexico Fuel Co., raided bv asses- f In the tax matter of the Card
nor to the amount of 61.500, same " to Publishing Co., raised by
is hereby reduced by this Board, assessor $l,ft00 austr'ned by the , mieaiouers should order nu enu
In the tax matter of Brown & ! Board. meralioii of the inhabitants ol
Manaan ares, rained by the assert-J 'oard adjotirued as a Board of , precinct No. ). Lincoln county,
sor to the amount i $20, same ia Ktiualiiation, and met as a Hoard ) Kew ilaxico. fur the purpose of
sustained by the board. ' of County Commissioners. 1 arriving nt the nilionut of Liquor
tn the tat matter of Hobtort E. Now comes II. H. McWilltama, Uceuts to be paid in that pre
clnct, and thnt said &lc William
is to pay all expenses of said etttjX.
And this Board hereby appsitruV
Jno. A. Haley to take attjtt
amunerution. There being no furlher btttW
tiesa beforo the Uonrd, same it(U
journed slue die.

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