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Canrizozo News UAIUtlKOKO, NHW MUX ICO. Some of tlio great Atlantla liners imploy ICQ llrcmon. Japan is stondlly Increasing bor ex portationB or Jlnrlklshos. 9 ROUND THE CAPITAL laformattoa nnd Gossip Picked Up Hera and There la Washington. Everybody will rojolco to hear that !ho bona aro laying only "trlctly fresh i tggs this year. Dulls created n scaro lately In a street In Mexico. Thoy do that regu larly In n street In Now York. Whon a man says that ho nover ob lects to fair criticism ho moans usual ly that he docgn't protest acalnst compllmonts. Wo aro glad to anuounco that In iplto of tho recent stringency the reg ular spring doinand for fishhooks Is as brisk as over. Tho famous automobile racers around tho world soom to do pretty well whon thoy aro loaded into a rail road car or n steamship. German londs tho world In the pro duction of beet sugar, Ilrltlsh India in cano sugar and tho Unltod States in mllllonalro sugar reflnors. Judging by tho thickness of tho dust on tho farmhouses so early in tho season thcro nppoars to bo no diminu tion this year In tho popularity of tho automobile. At MayBvlllo, Ky., high sohool studonts nro striking becauso thoy do not llko tho now tonchor. That unfortu nate Instructor should bowaro of Juvontlo night riders. A largo and very lino wildcat has been captured allvo In oastorn On tario. This seems to put tho qulotus on tho theory that all thoso animals arc located around Cobalt. Why not put tho anarchists in a ntco largo Hold and glvo thorn plonty of bombs to play with? Tho field would bo well plowed whon thoy woro through, not to montlon such a tiling as fertilized. Attorney General Is a Stay-at-Home Mrs. Honnparto has been a sufforer from a peculiar dlgestlvo trouble for many years, and sho frequently has been ordered to tho Herman spas for treatment. Mr. llonaparto has urged hor to go, but has rofiiHcd to bo por Bunded Into accompanying hor. As hIio Is a dovotcd wifo of tho old-fash loncd typo who would not appreciate n sojourn In tiiirnpo without hor hus band, Mrs. Honnparto has been com pelled to got what aid sho could at American springs, All tho world knows how keenly disappointed tho indomltablo Eliza both Patterson was whon her only son decided to marry nn American, Miss Williams of Haltlmoro, whon she had chosen his princely cousin Charlotte Honnparto for his consort Humor has It that MIbs Williams, afterward moth er of tho present attornoy-genorat of tho United Stntes, had reason to know of hor august mothcr-ln-law's senti ments regarding hor. Charles Dona parto emphasizes tho fact that be at least of tho American branch of tho great Corslcan's family Is proud of bolng tho only American, and he Is so deop-dyed In his lovo of his aatlvo country that ho will not teavo hsr soil oven for a brief visit. WASHINGTON. Attornoy-Qennral Charles J. Honnparto Is an Amort can who nover has passod out of the dominion of Undo Sam nnd who has registered a vow never to do so. Whon Mr. Donnpnrto accepted n po sition in President Roosevelt's cabi net ho mndo known this limitation on his usefulness nnd took tho placo only on condition that his official duties should nover obllgo htm to Icavo tho United States. Just why tho attorney gonornl has determined nover to visit an allon land no onn can Bay positive ly, though it Is easily surmised that ho makes this protest against tho way In which his mntemal grnndmothor was treated by tho great Corslcnn. During tho llfotlmo of tho older brother, Col. Joromo Honnparto, Charles Honnparto frequently was Invited to Paris by tho head of tho family, then In his prlmo, Napoleon III., but ho always disdained to notlco tho Invitation to Join a family clrclo which frownod on Ameri can affiliations. Senator's Neck Broken 35 Years Ago How is this for a verbatim copy of a personal in tho Boston Transcript: "Italian duko, agrccablo mannors, do sires continuous wlroloss correspond once with American lady of moans. Object Mnccnronl." Announcement is mado that tho drought has so affected tho Cuban bu- J gar crop that tho yiold will show n markod falling off. As a rosult Amen lean refiners will be compelled to Ira- port largo quantities of supplies from Europe, whoro tho boot sugar Industry flourishes. Is this not a hint to Amer icans 7 asks tho Troy (N. Y.) Tlmoa. If tho old world makes a conspicuous success of boot sugar production, why cannot our peoplo do tho tmmo thing! Plans aro maturing for tho oroction of a statue of Alcxandor Hamilton In Washington. It Is rather curious that tho lutollectual prodigy whom Mr, Oryco characterizes ns "tho greatest constructive statesman of tho na tion" should bo roprosoutod at tho capital by no monument, whou sa many lesser men nppoar In marble or enduring lironzo. Porhaps, howovor, it will he hard to mako n monumont which would overtop his own groat work, tho "Federalist." SENATOR, MONEY of Mississippi has Itvod 35 yenrs with a broken nock nnd did not know it until tho other Cay, Not until ho wont to a physician for trcntment for neuralgia, from which ho suffered for years, did ho learn of his real condition. At tho first battlo of Franklin, In April, 1803, Mr. Monoy was n cavalry man In tho coufedornto sorvlco. Whllo riding through tho stroots ho was struck by a bullet that circled around his ribs, doing no other In Jury. Tho shock was such that Mr. Monoy was thrown from his horso and struck on his hand. Doing help less he was captured and taken with in tho fodoral lines. Ho did not ask for hospital treatment, was exchanged later, rejoined his troop and fought until tho war closed. Years passed and Mr. Money en tered tho senate. Nouralgla had takon a firm hold of him and Ills eyesight had grown so bad ns to approximate blindness. Ho was advised to try osteopathy. Ho went to Now York, nccompanlcd by his son. Almost the doctor's first remark wns: "Why, senntor, you havo had your nock broken. I would say you wars thrown from n horao and sustained the broken neck." "That Is Just exactly what did hap pen," replied Senntor Money, recall ing tho Injury nt Franklin. "I enn euro your nock," said the physician: "It will require but a mo ment's tlmo." Tho osteopath laid the sonator on n tablo, took hold of tho misplacod vertebra with both hands and put It into proper position. Tho physician told rator Money that ho must taka precautions until tho wenkeued muscles regained their normal strength Ho was cnutloned not to turn his head in looking at nnythlng, but to movo his entire body, Thr-so Instructions wero obsorved and the neck apparently bocame as strong as It wns 36 years before the operation. The General Demand ef the Well-Informed of tho World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxatlvo remedy of known valuo; a laxative which physicians oould tanctlon for family uie because IU com ponent parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial In effect, acceptable to tho system and gentle, yet prompt, In action. In supplying that demand with iU ax ecllcnt combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, tho California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies on tho merits of tho laxative for Its remark able success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna Is given the preference by tho Well-informed. To get Its beneficial effect always buy the genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sals by all leading druggist. Trice fifty cent per bettlc. SICK HEADACHE CARTERS Positively cured by these Little Pllla. Thejr kite rtlltra XM trf from Uiprli lo dlgrMlon and Too Heart j Eating. A parftot rera edy for Dliilneaa, Nau-M-a, Drowalneaa, Bad Taate In lha Moulh, Coat ed Tongue, Fain In th Hide, TOliriD LIVKB. Tbtjr regulate. I lie Bowale. rural? Vegetable, SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. CARTERS I PIUS. Genulno Must Bear Fac-Slmile Signature REFUSE SUISTITUTES, TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keep the breath, teeth, moulh and body antiitptloally clean and tree from un healthy erm-life and dliaf rceeblo ndort, whloh water, aoap and tooth preparations alone oannot do, A. Sermloldal. dleln feotinf and deodor ising lolls! requisite of exceptional ex eellanoe and econ omy. Invaluable for Inflamed eyes, throat and natal and t uteris oalarrb. At drug1 and toilet (tore. 50 cent, or 1 by Mall postpaid. i Urge Trkl Simple KITH "HIUTM ftO IIAUTV" SOOK t NT PHIS , THE PAXTOH TOILET CO., BojIor, Mm, BBBBBBSaaaM.Br i LaFollette's Wife a Real Help, to Him Aro elovonllnosH nnd gonoral lack of noatneaa in ono's dross nnd porson signs of Irrationality and Incompe tence? It so, It bohooves all testators to bswaro of tholr raiment and of their personal clcanllnoss. Futuro contest ants of tholr Inst wills nnd testnmonts may bo watching thorn nnd taking Botes of tholr appearance and man ner of comporting tbomsolvos. Be sides, personal neatness In man or reman is nn attraction, and It eosta tWwc but a llttlo care. IT Is qulto the ordinary thing to sny that tho wifo of a politician is his advisor. The polltlolnn likes to have It said, for thero is n sort of sentiment which nttaohes to It which appeals to tho people. Tho statement Is not al ways true, but In tho case of Sonator and Mrs. LaFollette of Wisconsin It Is, for Mrs. LaFollette Is a keen Judge of conditions. The wife the senior senator from the Badger state met the man who bo came her husband at the University of Wisconsin. Bho was Miss Oolle Cass, and hor Intellectual attainments first attracted Mr. LaFollotte. A story told of their student days Is as follows: "Mr. LaFollette's great gift was that of oratory. Ho tried for all the prlzos In olRht, nnd had tho air of a man who thought ho could wis. Miss Cano had somo oratorical talents of her own, nnd begnn to cultivate them early and late. Sho won in the end, for tho spoolal prize for oratory at graduation camo to hor nnd not to tho man who Inter became liar husband." It was not long, however, before the would-bo winner of tho prise won the winner, and they wero married short ly after their graduation from the uni versity in 1870. Mrs. LaFollette is very domestic, nnd the social life at "Washington baa little or ne attraeUon few ka, LIVESTOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN O.REAT VARIETY FORj 8ALK tAT THK LOWEST PRICES BY A.N.HELtOOONEWSI'APEHCO. 71 W. Adama St., Chlcage READERS il'tlngto'burMr thing adrartlied la lit columni ihould Intltt upon harms; wnai luir aiK tor, ramting au iubmi tutu or imltitlo:u. htm km, Patau! Attn