Newspaper Page Text
' I f1 p THE CARRIZOZO NEWS "nullahed ovary Krlilay at Cakkizozo - Nhw Muxico. Kiitored nanecoiiil ctnna mnttor Jntm I!, llin ixxt'illlrn ni. CnrrUoxo, Now Mullen, under thu Act of Unroll a, Mill. Kill (nr. NO. A. iiAi.nv. HUimciiiiTioNu.vnai Ont Yeal, ilx Months. II.MJ Por President of the United States. WlI.MAM J. I3KYAN. Por V.-Pres. at the United States. John W. Khun. Por Delegate to Congress, O. A. Lahkazoi.o. Announcements. FOIt COUNTY HUllVHYOK. TlinNKWN In mil liitrluil to nnmiunea Hint V. It. Ilenty lancnndldnto for ro-electton to tho otllro or Count)- Hurrnyor, aubject to tbo action of me democratic tnriy. KOlt Blll'.IUl'r'. I hereby announce myanlf nan cnndlitnto for nimilnntlim for Hhcrlfl of Lincoln Comity, ul. Ject In tlm iictlnii of tlio Domocrutio (;. I !inirlilltltill. JOHN COLK Svcry man who clings to the xoosevclt ideas can certainly any ittlc ucainst uryan. The "in terests" denounce both Kooscvclt ami Uryan, and yet Tnft says he will carry out Koosevelt's poli cies, in view 01 the tact tnat the combinations of wealth that denounce Kooscvclt and Uryan and arc Taft's heartiest support' crs indicates that the ex-sccrc- tary is just talking when he pro- minis his intention of cnrryiuir out Roosevelt's policies. These "interests" and all men know where Uryan stands, and that is the reason corporations will try to defeat him. Their support of Tnft must convince anyone open to conviction that Tnft is not a sincere advocate of Koosc vclt's policies. This seems the only logical conclusion. The republican territorial con vention will be held at Santa Fc on the 18th of August. .unty FOIt BIIHlllrT. 1 lirrohy nnnnniieo niyaelf n n cnmllilnto fur liuminnilon mr mierui or Lincoln lounty, ami. Im.f 111 ,1m nntlim CotlTl'lltiotl. of the Democratic County V. W. UltOCKWAY. TMU NOMINEUS AND PLATFORM. The demoi'-ttic national con vention tinished its labors at Denver last Friday and adjourned. ait 1 . 4 a w, J. uryan, oi iNcurasica, as was nunouueed in our last issue, was named for the presidency on the first ballot, receiving a')2Yj votes to Johnson's 46 and Gray's 5"JS. Joiin w. Kern, ol ludi ana, wns nominated for vice prcs ident by acclamation. A strong plattorm was adopted; yet its strength lies in its clear cut phrases with an absence of nidi cnlism: and withal a nlnin. sub stantial declaration of principles, without dodging or equivocation and barren of meuuingless ex prcssiotis. Wc may have occa sion, from time to time, to quote irom the Ucnvcr platform and compare the extracts with the expressions of Ihut of the repub licaiis adopted at Chicago; but shall not attempt to reproduce it in its entirety, us spucc will not permit. The platform and candidates have been enthusiastically re ccived by all sections of the country, with the exception o the extreme east, and even there the action of the convention has been rateiicd; yet the leaders arc making few promises in that ace tion. Labor leaders and laboring men are very much pleased with the declarations of the platform . t . i ill i a . ami uic candidates nave been as sured that labor will cast it fortunes with democracy. Cap - NOTICU OP SALB OP MORTGAGED PROPERTY. NOTICU 1H lli'ltl'HY (HVtiX. mirauitnt to tint tlivrM of forecloatire nuil aalu miuln it lit I en. tcroil ujr tlio Ulamci i.oiiri oi Lincoln, new Mmlni. nl Ilin Sixth Jtnllclnl Dlatrlut of tlm Territory of Now Jiexico fur the futility of I.ln- coiii,;un menu nay oi juiy, iwr, iiinucrinin rniiMi pcndlnir In nlil roor., wherein w. V, (iatewood mill U H. Ilntenmn worn tilalntlfla, nml Tlmuten Annlln et Hi.. woro dotcniftinta, tlmt I. John W. Owen, tlio apodal mnalrr named in mill decree, will, on tlio lHtli day of Auiruat. lUKt, mil nt pulillc miction to tlia lilRheat milder or imiilcre ni tlia ironiuoor oi ina couriuniiao in Lincoln, Lincoln ruiintjr, Now Muxico, nt ten 'clock a.m. nt eiiid day, tlio property deacrlliod n Mini Decree nnn tlierrin ill dcacrllied nn follow: EXTRA SPECIAL U I Wc Offer for this Week 25 White and Colored DUCK SKIRTS Regular $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 values At $1.00 each To Close Out, ZEIGLER BROS. (11) l!immciiclliir nt Ilia corner to cclloim 12. 11 7....IIU II ...Mill MHU. IT nml III caul N. il. !' it- rorimr No. I. Idnnro mr. lililc- urroii ami id iiilmtu nut. m cimiii to rorimr No. 2m a I inculotin 13Utl.HH lnelira ml III I he xroiitul nml ninrkiil on tlio mirth niilo tlidicn vitr. IX ik'Mri'ca 'J-1 inlnuti' K, north 2 V rlutliiB to nililitlii of Itlo Ilntnlii. 31 liuka kimtli of which Inn llmeMiinn IHxIOHI fnrlien liinrki'ii on the north lil Vi . c, Sn Sl thuticn nluiiu llio mlilillu of thu Itlo llomlii nortlim-nlerlr to n iHilut on the riinun lino Ixlwpmi ruiiiiiK 17 nml IN nt, M I Ink miutli of which In u lliiiiwtonii II xlUitl Inc it nuirkiMl w. t . Iji.'I on tnn unit n Hliliit lliniiru from Ihn llllilillo of thu Kill Ilntnlii. var, I'iili'K. ai il 21 mliiulraH. II clmlim to corni r No. I, phicuof h'Ulnnlnif, coninlnlnu HUncri more or lei n, nml Iwlne all Hint ixirllon of lot no. i,k.tiioii 7, tiiwniiii it noiiin.mnmi nwi, N. M. P. M., wi.lrli Ilea koiiiIi of tho Illn lloiiilu. Ill Ainu nil Hint iHirtlon or l ie aoutli liall or tlm Miulluut nutirtor of iictluti l'i. tuwinihlii II outh of rniiKO 17 eait, which la Miutli of thu Itlo 1IOIH1II. Alxincerlnlu trnct orimrcrl onaml. llieaninc iieinir n ixirtion or mo antitn nan oi inn toiiia wit quiirter of nvctlon Vi, In lownhli II, oulh of rnniie 17 emit, nml inoro imrtlciilnrly ihc ncrlhtul na hnuliiulnir nt tho toTnrnmimt otinrttir cornir In Ihe miutli linn of mini wi-llon lt llmnin tnloiiirthnKoitli lino or miiu Htion u. -1 cluillia In tho llnnntonc 4 IMI ID Inch inarki'ii T on the north ihln nml net It Inchia in thu iiroumli tlionrn north 1S.SI clnilim to tint norlli hank of tho Itlo llomloi ihenro iluwn tho Illu llonilo nlouit Mild aotilli Itnuk to n ilnt iluo nor III of mihi nunrler corner In tlio oulli lino of Mctlon l! theiicn miutli 11.11 chnlna to tho placn ot iK-iriiimnir, rontnininit H ami lo-itu aorea itioroor Ictw, (c) Ainu the norlliwent quarter of tho north oimt iiunrter of nvtlon 111, lownnhlp II, ki nit Ii of riinun 17eat, N M. 1', M., loiitiitulim IU nprcn. (ill Aim iH-ttliinlnit nt n cedar Hmt letlutlin urouml, theiirn In tlm corner of Hcellou II, 12, 13 nml II, town.hln II noiith, rnuue 17it, N. Jl. I', M vnr. lOdeuree nml 41 iniiiiileaS.airhnlnii. Thence Tar. II) ileureea ifi nilmiti' eiwt ll.lil chitlim lo corner No. i. u tone tnnrkeil nml chin aleil'iT.A. l'.A.iin the wiwtthlni thruco mr. I'J ilrurirn K. N. 31 chattm to rorner No, ;l, n llmiKloim Iil0ill) iiichr ent In Ihe K rou ml chli. ell II T. A. 1'. A. on the weil fnin", theiirn rnr Vi (lmrie K. . 1 1 70 ehnlim lo iimrtur rorner tectum II nml It, tnwnMi II 111111111, rnnve 17 erniti thence rar ii denreea nml (Jnilniilincimt, ajrlialna to corner Mi. I, (iliico ot Heglmiltiir, eoiitalnitiR 21' 11 ncrea, except lotU (three) ill hiik-k I tone) ami luu I nnn t (oue and two) In block i (two) of Ihu AuallnTownilte, Lincoln count), N. M., IhiIiiu In erlliui II, towiiahlti 11 Mouth, rnuire 17 ent. N.M.r.91, AImi the miiiIIi tlirnalimiirteror ni-ctloi mnun II eimt, N.M.I'.M American Restaurant MEALS 35 CENTS IIXTI'.S V WRUK OK MONTH IIOOMS IN CONNIXTIOS tifttl ot Alamo. Ave, Alain Street Carrizo.o New Mexico n m m n m m i f n n m m m n ft romlnp to the wint linn of llui N.l-'ioflho M. I'. Ut thenro followlnir tlm ineniiilcra of tlm crinkliiniKiInt ISIinriU enat ot renter of anlil H. II. H Hectlon 7 theiicn Miiitherlir NMarila to aiirucn iiiic treat tlieuco In nmailirrcllon with tlia meumlrra of tho ennoii known na llnrily Cunoii to tbo aoutli iMiumlnry Una ofruild eectlon Ii thoncn cutt to the 8. 15. corner of Hcctlnn 7t Ihnncn north onolmlf 111II0 to iilacu of l;iilnnlnif, ronUilnluit HI ncrea. mora or lr. nml helnv n imrtof tho John II Hktuner hoiniii'iul, loimther with thu Hiiurtumince nml thu Iioukh mid mill tliercon. .Now, nntlco la hereby Kiren that I will, on the L'.'ithdny of July, ltJ!. nt the hour ot ten o'clock In Ihn forenoon of mid ilitjr lit the mill of tlio I'ltuluiru tlrn Itnhli'tloii (Jomiauir on Ihe limn. iaiaalHiiriiilMprllieil oiler nt niihlle nurllnii nml aell to tho hluhot iijdilor for cnh theuoiala, rlinttela nml rem inlnto an inTirai liin, or an much thereof na limy Imi uoeowirjr lo rnllafy wiid i.Hf.iitlon 11ml (Hikla nml iialwliara of ante. Than, will lui line mi anlil elMlltlnn oil thft ilny of ml" the aum or touotlier Willi roaia anil ui'noa 01 aiuo. JOHN W OWKN, Hherllfof Lincoln Count), N, Jl. o-'JCJt 11 Nkwt Kkmi, Deimly. mitt iiunrter of Ihu aoutlirnat imnrtor of ei-rtlnn 10, lowua iln II aoilth. nillue 17 enat. N.M.l'.M . (.'oiitnliiinit ID acre. Alao the nurtlieaat iiiarter llill. U'llill' (li'illt Willi tit slrniirr I of Ihn uortheHat uiinrtur of acctlon II. toumhlii t Vi a m i iuu Ubaaai IVUI U Utll the dcclaratiotiH in the demo craticplatform, if honestly ac qnirctl'lind lcyitimately directed; bunTnlawftil comhinationa ami taints are denounced, and this class will bitterly oppose the uluation.of the democratic nomi nee: for they realize that they tniist go out of business if the thriioarats succeed. They do not four Taftj and herein lies the dif ference between the two men. I ..ntii .'H"i .nil. (H'liii.iiiiiiK IU nereai thn north Imlf of tlm northimat ounriur. ai-et lull IK. townaliln II aoulli of rniiun 17 enat. N.M.l'.M , roiitnllilnit H) lie r eat tlm liorthwial limner or inn noriiieitaf iiiiirinr or aertlon IU, ....... ...1. 1.. ti .,..,tl. ..r ......... 11 ...... v 11 lit. mii'iiii ri.i,,., i miij(ii iti, ...i.,.,- , eontalnliiir l ueriMt tlm amithent qiiiirler of the f oilthwoat unnrtor nml the Miutli hnlf nt Dm llorllliulat iltlltrtlirof kel'tloilil. lllWUallilllMllltll of ruiiKii l eint, N. M, 1. Jl., euiitiiltilnu I21) licrea. ill 11, n r.... V . V .'.."... iiiviiih.i ll'lllP., lamia nml other reulealate, lietmialtimlial In anlil Lincoln roiiiitv. New Mexico. Hnld iroKirty will lie aoid na ilireetuil hy anhl iiecirw ior eiiau wiiiiiiin imieminiiiii or nxlen Mioii, nml Die Tlul ninaler will riinku, nxeciila nnn Denver 10 the tmrrlutaur ot anlil iruirly n iIcihI toamnii. ' DntlHl nt l.lliroln, N.M., July (i, HMN, Notice fur I'tiMlcntloii. DennrlinellL of (lie Interior. V.H. Unit Olllrnnt HiMwell, N.M., June II. nan. Notice la lierehr ulrini that Jennla IJ. Ilenrd widow of JiiiiiimW. lhurd, ilecenaeil, of Dexter, N. M. uhn.iiii Nnveiiiher II. Hall, niiiilu llomo- alend entry No. tl!M, for liorthenat iju-.rter, kc- tioiizi. lownniiu t aoiiin. iinnirit n enat. rtnw Mexico meriillnii. linn tlleil notlrnnr Intention to liliikn II nil I fire-) oar liiuof, lo eatitlillah chum to ttio miiu lion e iiearriniNi 1. in'ioii. ,iiu i.c . si., on thu lieulatertir Till liny ot J7KANK J. SAOI2R PIKU INSUKANCB Notary Public. Ollicn In Mxchnniro llnuk Cnrrltoxo. g J. WOODLAND CONTRACTOR & UUILUnR Ilatlmnlea 1'urnlilio.l. Cnrrinono, New Mexico. JTIOID & LITTLE CONTRACTORS & UUILDURS I'lam and IMImnlra on nit olaaaea of Ilullilluiia fiiriilalied on ahort liotico, Carrizo?o, New Mexico. J3AR1313R & GIEKK13 ATT0RNIIYS & C0UNSULL0RS AT LAW l'racllco In tlio Dlatrlrt nml Hiipruino ('ourta of tho Territori, 7.17JI JOIIN W. (IWJ5N, BjK.cliil Miuter, livelter nt lloawell. Jiny, urns. .... (llnlmiint liniuea na wltncaaea: Alfrixl Jleeka, of Jleeka. N. M.i Jorenh PemlerL'rnaa. of Jletika. N. M.i llohert III itlehl, ot l)exter. N. M.i iioneri 1 Kuril 1 or iiexior, n. 31 . O-llMJt llowAlili Lki.ami, lleulater. Notice lor Publlcntloii. Di'tnirtment of Ihe Interior. U. H. Lmid Ollicn nt IIuhwcII. N.M., June II. Main. Notli'ola lieniliy kIviiii Hint Jiuinlln Monloyn, of nnlln. N M , who, on April', lUKt. imiihi Itiinieateiid entry No. ilti.H for Hi NKUi I'.H NWU. acctlon Ii, townaliip II auiilh, riinun 17 enat. Now Menlemi luerlilliiil, Ilia tlleil nntlco of Intention lotunku limit flye.)ear tiroof, to eatnli llali claim tn tlm lunil nlhwu deaerihcil, licforn V. I Klmhrell, iiriiliiilti clerk, lit Lincoln. N.M., on Ihn '.Tlh diiy of July, 1W. Cliilumnt niinica na wllneaea 1 Alcju (Ion. znlea. of Lincoln, N. M.i Nahor Clmtit, of Auiilln, N. M.i Cniiilerllo Torrea, of Aimllii, N.M.t frnuciaco Atiiillu.of Aiinllii, N, M. 0.1'J tit ItowAlili, Itciilatur. Carri'.ox.o New Mexico. JALL & SP1CNCE ATT0RNI3YSATLAW l'orMirnllon mid Mltilnit mw 11 Hpcclnlty, Notary in Olllcu. Hank Iluildiug, Carrizozo. POSI OFFICE BARBER $k Klrat-clnaa Work. HOT ANO COLD BATHS. llouito Wnlcr, 0IIAS. ADAMS, Mana;cr , 1