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SA.VBD BY A BURUO. Sol C. Wiener, foreman of tlic grand jury, is tnaintainitiy h is rep illation as an entertainer of the fair sex, even though the cares of state hang heavily on his should ers. An automobile went from Carrizozo to Lincoln Monday, the passengers intending to return that evening; but the foreman heard the honk, honk of the in coming car, adjourned the session of the grand jury, drafted the chaufTcur and his car and com manded the former occupants to await his return, they protesting mildly. My the time the auto had re ceived its burden of fair freight, by the way, the only kind the foreman really likes to please, the evening sun was sinking; but nothing daunted, the intrepid foreman ordered the driver to turn the machine down the river, Notwithstanding the severe strain on the the machine, going from Carrizozo to Lincoln, it obeyed the hand of its operator and struck a gait that made the fore man smile and the ladies gasp lor ureatli. i iie ucauiuui intz ration was reached in safety, and the fore man got busy showing his fair friends the fields of waving grain and alfalfa, the fat, sleek stock, dispensing with lavish tongue ins knowledge of rural life. These sights, in the growing darkness, however, began to pall; and tne loremau, ever ready to please, snouted "All aboard lor Lincoln!" The nose of the ma cuine was turned up tne river there dates the beginning of the foreman's troubles. The chauffer coached the machine with crank and lever; he also used gentle language to persuade it to move; but to no avail: its overworked mechanism would not respond to tne toucn ol the driver, anil things began to take on a sky imic coior. i ue crowd was up v against it; it was dark; it was raining, and Lincoln, their des tination, was somewhere in the distance. They were confronted with a condition and not a the ory. What was to be done? The fertile brain of the fore man was working over-time, an lie ut last announced a solution They would go to the Fritz home, seek shelter lor the night and in tne morning secure some means of reaching Lincoln. In response to tncir request lor slicltcr, Mr ana turs. iwui ritz, wlio are among Lincoln county's best pco pic, replied, that, out of considera tiou for ladies and their plight tuey would House mem lor lit night, notwithstanding the doubtful standing of their es cort; but that under no condition would the foreman be accommo dated in their home. The ladies accepted the offer and the fore man, crostfallen, turned away, thinking a reclining position in the auto would be his for the re mainder of the night. The dul oot tonus of a Kooky Mountain canary colloquially a burro perforated the mist-laden atmos j 111 ore and afforded an inspira tion. Cutting a club, for both a guide and pcrnuadcr, the music limiting animal was easily caught, mounted and the start made for Lincoln. He readied Lincoln, safe, if not sound, before the sun showed his head, and anneard tuong his compeers smiling, as though the events of 'the night lad been only a passing dream: yet acknowledged to a few inti mate friends that that portion of his anatomy which came in con tact with sections of the songs ter's vertebra was devoid of small portions of the epidermis. ICmil . ritz hitched a pair of big bays to the machine and towed it into vincoln, bearing only its fair cargo of the night before: the batteries were recharged and the machine ready for business; but not for the foreman he had donned his official robes and en tered the portals of the grand jury room. The treasury statement July st shows a deficit of $00,000,00(1. t is too much, perhaps, to hold the republican party responsible for a long eleven years' rule; yet wc remember some kind of state incut having been made at the beginning of that rule to the cl feet that deficits and panics were connected with democratic ad ministrations only. Who said Carrizozo was dull? Geo. Roslinglon has just platted .. ....... .1 .1 : i ! . . tt; ... . a new uuuiiiuii me nigiiiaiKi Park and placed the lots on sale. Carrizozo Townsite Co. Business aud Residence Lots (or Sale. Any Location Desired. Homesteaders Located. Ika O. Wktmokh, Prest. A. II. IIakvhv, Mgr. Southwestern Hotel and Wine Company. (Urauch at Capitan) Liquors, Brandies and Wines For Family and Medical Use. Sole Agents for Cedar Kun Whiskey, bottled at the Distillery injr A itlirMtunr.l tnurli fKl. r.mnu'l rolnlirn (nil ltmUunlm-r Hoor. Nothing but the Best. Home Maite Bread JOHN R. PATTON lias opened a 13akcry at the Hotel Temple, and is now prepared to supply the public with first class bread of full weight. A trial will convince. for salh at Zeijler Bros. & Bakery. OP NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT AOrilNISTRATOR. IN Till! MATTHH'IKTUI! KBTATIJOH i.ydia (i. Ki.t.iH. dkckahhd. In tlio Proljiito mrt, wltliln mill for Lincoln county. Territory 01 .viw .Monro. TO AMi I'KHBONH WHOM IT MAY CONCHItN Notice lulirrnlijr ttlvrn Unit I, ilm unilnrrluiiix Martin 11. w. uoouin, wa, in mo remilur Alny, A 1). MM. terin of tlin I'rnlmtn Court, within iiml fur l.tiwoln County, New Mexico, iiiolntii liy.nlii I'rolmto Cottrt Ailiiilultrittnr of tliu II. Inliuif IjViIIii (I. Kill, iloci'iuvil. mill (lint 1 luuu IUmI wy ihiiiii nun iUihiiiii nrroruiniMo Law Therefore, nil ihmhoii. nro lierdiy Klyeii uotlcr nil rmiiim u .irlill wltli me rroimin i mirr 01 Lincoln rouuty, In 111., niivnttil nlnl lite lmlflof l.yilln ll hIiiih uiiicli limy inny mvn Kill.. iIitciikmI, t, tt...t... ...i.i.i.. .1... .1..... i .... .i" IM'W plH.iit'i wiwimi in.' mint irtinri'll oy lllu ruii'iuo. or inn mono win iw inirreii. Dntoili Lincoln, N. SI... Juno". HUM. ii r. fi, .a..n ... ... i.infir.ji. of lliu Kutnlu in iiiiiitti liiiin. DrconHil E. S. LONG Galvanized Tanks & Gutterings and all kinds of Tin Work. Iron Hoofing; and Repairing. Shop on West Street. H HAD PARK ADM 0 CARRIZOZO. It M. Before locating, or if you want to chang your location, see this new addition. It has the following advantages: Large Lots 70 x 140 feet with 80 foot streets. SHEUIPP'S SALU. BY Vltlnnof nnnllnn Kxnrtillnu United out of the Dl.lrlcl "Court of Ilia Hlxth Jiullclnt DU- trlrt of Ilm Territory of Now Mexico, In nml for iinrom cnnniy. omen inn zaiii tiny in ninr, IW il 1771, wlieieln llUonrir Oro WIhkIiw, 11 ro ri'ii in fiivii in 11 mill therein neiiillnu.nuinlH-roi W. It. White it iilnlntltt nml tlin I'ltulmrtrOro ni'lciiiinm.. in winrn jtiiiKiiiein wn ri'ii. ilnrnl mi tlir.'ml tiny 01 l iiliruniy, 1WW, In fimir of I Ihi iiUlntill iiml nunlunt the ilcfHiilHiitu, I Imvn li.Tlpil iiimiii nml taLtui lulu uir iiORR..lfm Ilm folloulnu iriMtiln nml rhnttcl. n tlin irnwrty of the tli'fi'iiiliinl., lo.wit: O110 fiilillnir IkhI. Mi'uil. t'llf iniittri'M, two rocklnu clinlm, linn driwMT. onn Iron liililnil, onttliiiri iiii. impi'imi- iiiinin. onn ikiwi 111111 imoiirr, onu illiilnu riHim mm kllrlii'li rnlilnct, onn conk nlovr, jiIjmi nmi cookinu utnntlU, iniiin, ill.lii', kulrm, fiiikmiuil IIIIOllllllll 1 lmvinl.oliivlHiiiion tliofiillmvlnmli'i-crlliru! rml iwlnln iji Ititt iroiH-rty Of I'll I ol.uru Dm Itn. tiiiciiiiii 1 iiiiiiuiny. iii.wi H llllilml nil lllu Ilunlln In l.lnroln rinitily, Torrltnry of Now Mexico, nml IhiihiiIikI nHfollowm Ommt'iiclim nt tlm N. 15, rorncr of H. 1J. '4 of Section 7 In Tnwnlili 10 H., It. lilliiiHt, New Mpxleo Mer,, (luncn rmiuliiK wit tl ynnlii llioiicp nofitli UP I, to Ilm crct'kt irienco flillowliiu tint iiaxuiilem of tliu creek on tliu uurtli ilcie till High Land Comprises the highest land in town. Free from Dust Good water tit a depth of 35 ft. Close in Joins the Highland Additioti on t cast, and is only five minutes wr from Kound House and K R. Shoi Terms: $5 down and $5 a montf No Interest. Special Inducements to Httiltl. For Further Particulars see GEORGE ROSLINGTON, Owner. Residence Office witl Ilighlaud Addition. Uarbur & Gie i I