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SOME GOOD DISHES METHODS OF COOKINQ AND 8ERV INQ MEATS. Colorado Roait Venlton Something New to the Average Housewife Veal Birds an Appetizing Addition to Menu. FOUND THE CAUSE. Lamb Scallops, Ono cup col 6 lamb, nno cup stowed tomatoes, ono cup brond crumbB. Arrango In layars in a buttorcd dish, having crumbs on top with bits ot butter; put salt, pop por, nnd bits of butter between tho layers: bako. Ilcof L.onf. Chop or Rrlnd togoth or two pounds of tho round of bcof and ono-hnlf pound bacon, crumb ono-bnlf loaf of bread, nnd bent two curb. Mix the meat, bread nnd orbs together and soason with ono teaspoon salt, ono half teaspoon pepper, teaspoon poultry drosslng. Pack (Irmly In n baking dish nnd bnko 1M hours, Colorndo Honst Vonlson. Cover tho venison roast on all sides with white papor; securo firmly with cord. Then tnnko n thick battor of flour and wntor; spreading snmo all ovor tho paper; drcdRo with Hour; bako 25 minutes to a pound; takofrom tho oven nnd crack off tho battor, which has formed a crust. Ilomovo tho cord and pnper, salt nnd popper to tnsto, lay strips of fat pork cut thin on top, and drcdRo meat with Hour. Ploco In oven until well browned; innko brown gravy and servo with cur rant Jolly. Many who tllsllko Rnma enjoy It It prepared thus, tho cooklnR of tho Rama In this way extracting tho strong tnsto somotlmcs objcctlonnbla. Veal IllrdB. Uso slices of veal from tho loin cut thin. Ilomovo tho bono, skin nnd fnt and pound till one quarter of nn Inch thick. Trim with pieces Zi by four Inches, Chop tho trimming fine, with ono squaro Inch of fat salt pork for each bird. Add half as much lino cracker crumbs as you havo meat. Season highly with salt, popper, lomon, cay enne, nnd onion. Moisten with one egg nnd a llttlo hot wntor as for vcnl loaf. Spread tho mixture on each sllco nearly to tho ciIrc. roll up tightly, and tlo or faston with skowers. Drodgo with salt, poppor nnd flour. Fry them slowly In hot butter till a Roldon brown, but not dark or burned. Thon half covor with cream and sim mer IB or 20 minutes, Ilomovo tho strings and servo on toast. Pour tho cream over thorn. Garnish with points of toast and lomon, Florentine Loaf, Tho Ilousokcopor considers n Flor entine lonf n doBscrt worth trying, Tnko ono pint of ornngo Julco, tho Jutco of ono lomon nnd add to this ono pint of sugar; stir until tho sugnr dis solves, thon boll for ton minutes nnd turn Into n quart brick mold and cool. Soason ono pint doublo cronm with ono tcaspnonful of grnted ornngo nnd lemon pool mixed, ndd halt a cuprul of pulverized sugnr. Whip until thick nnd thon pour Into tho brick mold; covor with buttered paper, buttor side up, nnd largo enough to come ovor tho odge when tho covor Is plnced on. Tlo down soouroly nnd bury In criiHhcd loo and unit for (Iiito hours; when ready to cut Into slices, wlpo off tho MioU, romovo paper, run n worm cloth ovor tho sldos and bottom, Invort the mold onto tho dish. Deef Mlrouton, Olio can of tnmntnnii, pleco of but tor lh8 sUo or nu egg In slow pan, one sliced onion, about six cloven, nnd the Hiunn amount of whole poppors, thron liiurol lonvos, n little thymo. poppor ntul Bait to siili : boll slowly from tluee lo four hours. Take u ploco of cold bcof, slloiKl In thin aliens, ndd (hum to tho tnniiitouH. Hum hum some browned fAotir, unit lot nil niiiitnur for about 20 niltiulos. Servo In hot dlHb Willi chopp oil pnrsloy on (top. After Six Years of Misery and Wrong Treatment. John A. Endors, of Robertson Ave nue, Pon Argyl, Pa., suffered for six years with stinging pain In tho back, vio lent hendachos and dizzy spoils, and was assured by n special ist that his kldnoys wore all right, though tho secretions showed a reddish, brlck-duit lodlmont. Not satisfied, Mr. Endors started using Donn's Kldnoy Pills. "The kldnoys began to act moro regu larly," ho says, "and In n short tlmo I passed a fow grnvol stones, I felt bottor right away and slnco thon havo had no kldnoy trouble." Sold by nil dealors. CO cents a box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y. WENT HIM MANY BETTER. Mr. Newrlch's Visiting Card Ltft Friend In the Shade, Mr. Nowrlch, tho dust contractor, having mndo n fortune part of which ho had Invested In houso property In tho oast of London, wished to rlso, llko a Phoonlx, from his nshes Into somo sort of socloty. Ills golden koy, applied to tho coffers of an impocunl oub arlstorcrat, oponcd tho way. Ills now frlond, among other things, advised him that visiting cards woro a necessity, and, as n guide to drawing ono up ready for tho printer, hnndod him ono of his own, which read, "Har old Do Vcro, lonn House, Portsmouth Bquare, W." Two days later, as Do Vcro was sit ting in his dressing room at breakfast, a servant brought In on a salvor n vis iting enrd bcnrlng tho following: "Rphratm Nowrlch, I Own 23 Houses, London, R." SEVERE HEMORRHOIDS Sores, and Itching Eczema Doctor Thought an Operation Necessary Cutleura's Efficacy Proven, "I am now 80 years old, and threo years ngo I was taken with nn at tack of piles (hemorrhoids), blooding nnd protruding. Tho doctor said tho only holp for mo was to go to a hospital and bo operated on. I trlod sovoral remedies for months but did not got much help. During this tlmo soros appeared which changed to a torrlblo itching eczema. Then I began to uso Cutlcurn Soap, Ointment, nnd Pills, injecting a quantity of Cutlcurn Olnttnont with n Cutlcura Suppository Syringe. It took a month of this treatment to get mo in n falfly healthy stato and then 1 trentcd myself onco n dry for threo months and, after that, onco or twleo a week. Tho treatments I tried took a lot of money, and It Is fortunate that I used Cutlcura. J. H. Hondcrson. Hopklnton, N. Y., Apr. 20, MOT." The Way It's Said. "TIu'ho arc the bridal rooms," an nounced tho bellboy to tho blushing young cnuplo "O. what a sweet suite!" oxclalmod thn brldo. "1 don't know Anything about that," said tho bellboy, "but tho head clerk says he hones tho suit suits." With n smooth iron and Defiance Btnrch, you can launder your shirt- ! waist Just as well nt homo as the 1 Btonm laundry enn; it will havo tho proper stiffness nnd finish, thoro will lie less wear and lenr of tho goods, and it will bo n poBltivo pleasuro to uso a Starch that docs not stick to tho iron. Think nil you apeak, but speak not all you think Thoughts tiro your own; your words aro so no mure - Delnny. If an Advertisement Convinces You, Stay Convinced Whon you read In this newspaper tho advortlsomont of a manufacturer who has paid for the spaco usod to convlnco you that it Is to your Interest to buy his goods, nnd you go to a dcnlcr whore such articles are usually handled for snlo, do not lot the dcnlor or nny ono of his clorks soil you some thing nlso which ho claims Is "Just as good." If an ndvortlsomont convinced you, It was becnuso of tho olemont of truth which It contnlnod. INSIST ON QKTTINO WHAT YOU ASK FOR. His Elusive Memory, Kmployor Wllllnm, did that man who called to see me while I was out lenvo his nnme? Rhnggy-Halred Oftlco RoyYes, sir, his nnme Is Is woll, tho last part of It is "shaw." Kmployor What's tho first part of It? OfTIco Roy (making n strenuous ef fort to Mcnll It) Well, sir, It's either Qrlni, or Hawk, or Hon, or Rrad, or Fan, or Kcr, or Rick, but to snvo my blootiiln' life. Mr. Townsend, I can't remember which. important to Mothers.. Examlno carotully ovory bottlo of CASTORIA a snfo and sure romcdy for Infants and children, and boo that It Slgnat'uro1' of CfMJ In Uso For Ovor .'JO Years. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought Suggestlvs. Townc Thoro was a spolllng-bee down nt our church tho other night. Tho pastor gave out tho words. Did you hear nbnut It? Rrownc No; wns It Interesting? Towno Rnlher. Tho first throe words ho gave out wore "increase," "pastor," "salary." Stray Stories. It Cures While You Walk. Allen's Foot-Raw U n certain cure for hot, nwrnting, calloup, and awollrn, itching feet. Bold by all nruggista. Price 25c. Don't . ir.l.l ...L..... LMI1M.' CCCIll ally UIMHlllIlt-. I I ml imtiwr i.wn. Addrcts Allen H. OlmMed, La Roy, N. Y. If, In replying to n toast at tho po litical banquet, you lout your hoad, don't be unhappy, for, If you only stay late enough, you'll bo auro to got it back again all right In tho morning. (larfii-ld Ten Is of particular benefit to (hone Mibjcct to rhcumutlim and gout! It purillcs the blood, uleantcn tbu tyntem nnd eradicate diocanc. Drink before retiring. Tho theatrical manager has a poor show If it Isn't a good eac, HUUat WORK I 1 Thousands of Amorlcan women in ottr homes aro dnlly BftorlfUlng their lives lo dtity. In ordor to kcop tho home neat and pretty, tho children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A femalo weakness or displacement 1b often brought on and thoy sufJfor In site" drifting alonir from bad to wt knowinp well that thoy oughl havo holp to overcomo tho pains aches which dnlly mako lifoabun It is to theso faithful women t LYDIA E.PINKHAM VEGETABLE C0HP0UI comes ns a boon and a bless! aH lb did to Mrs. V. Ellsworth. Mayvlllo, N. Y., and lo Mrs. W 13oyd,of Beaver Falls, Pa., who a "I was not nblo to do my ownvf owing to the female trouble fromw! I suffered, Lydla E. Plnkham'a V tabloCoinpound helped me wonderf I ami I am so well that I can do as t day's worU a I over did. I wish e stale woman vouid try It. FACTS FOR SICK WOMI For thirty veers Lydla E. P ham's Vegetable Compound, n from roots and horbs, has been standnrd remedy for female and 1ms positively cured thousand women who have been troubled diHpluecirtontfl.lnfkmmation.ulct Hon, fibroid tumors, Irregularifc iieriodlo pains, backache, that bo Ing-down feollng, flatulency, India Uon.dirjiiness.ornorvousprosbratl Why don't you try It? Mrs. Plnkham Invites all si women tu writo hor for ndvl Hlio lias euldcd thousands health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Mr. Wtntlow'i Soothing Hrnit. For children lthln, toflrru lb itirai, r4uci la iMDiuttloa, kUtyt ptin.can, wind ccllu, 36a tolUt, Do your duty and lot the other f el-I low do the explaining. j WIDOWS'"- w itw o.ui PENSIONS brwJSBaUi.W W. N. U., DENVER, NO. 21, 1BM fijfbli) SHOES AT ALL al mkmmm'rPncta, ron cvtnv Jai C SHOES AT ALL PRICES, foil EVEftV MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MI8SES AND CHILDREN. era "Eoii ieem ATW man's MXMO. SX.fM mud MM. Ml mh, man nny. other manuraeturur Mine world, Ssmus they hold frf"tS6 ahupn. tit bmttmr, wear longer, and ra of greater value than mny other mrrc, aKa (Ami fn tha world to.dmi. WW W. L DeuslM $4 and SG Gilt Edtra Sheas Cinnol Be Eaualled At Am Piles iri'AHTIflX, W. I Donslan nmo nd Ptlcw l M.imra cn ixinom. -j n nm aniiian m. mmtw ' ' glim SttUitttlv Bot'l 1 Hi la Iiim driWt fttirwUeit. Stiaci milffil frma furtrrr In nr pr l.l worl4, fll UHfl L'tUlog IrMtaao; tiUtvu. ' W. r.. Ituuuwn, nm, Maw. aV. "aV WEAR SHIELD BRAND SHOES Rtean School Shoe for Imjvs nnd girls. Dressy, comfortable uncqunllcd for real hard wear. Price, 91.75 to fz.50. 11 not nl dealers ask us. ELLET-KENDALL. SHOE CO. MFCS. Kansas City, Mo. nt. PUTNAM FADELESS DYEJ .. . . ., .L..J-. n in L I... .11 Ht.... Tk. A.. I. .M hJI.. Ik ....Ik.. Ju V.- ,