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Image provided by: University of New Mexico
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A Uia CAMI MUBTINQ. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Heed and G. K. Hyde, wlio reside some miles from Capilan, stayed over in Car rizozo Monday. Tht-y were on their way to San Marcinl, where they expect to participate in a biir caini) mcctinir advertised to take place there from the 25th to September 4th. A larirc gather ing of the faithful from all points in the southwest is expected to take part in the revival. Kev. F. M. Dye, well known in this part of the territory, will have charge of the meeting. He will be assisted by Dr. Yookum of the Holiness church, Los Angeles, and others. George Hyde is a youug man has been deaf and dumb from infancy, and goes to the camp meeting Tilled with the hope that Dr. Yookum can trive him the power to hear and speak, having liccti informed that the reverend doctor is endowed with the power to cure the aflllictcd. A1IN1NQ APPLICATION, No. 084. United States Land Office, Roswell. New Mexico, August I, l'J08. Notice is hereby given that Adolph J. Lahann, by Charles Spcncc, his Attorney in l' act, whose postofficc address is Wlilte Oaks, Lincoln County, New Mcx- ipo, has this day died his ap plication for a patent for the Smuggler lode mining claim in White Oaks Wining District, Lincoln County, New Mexico, which is described by the field notes and plat on file in this office as Survey No. 1352 being described as follows to wit: Beirinninir at corner No. 1, whence the corner between sec tions 25 and 20 in Township 6S., Range 11 E., bears N. 52 06 15., 510.85 feet distant. Thence S.41 01 'K -Var. 13 30 1 K.-127'J.8f) feet to corner No 2. MM, S. JHO SO . W .Vnr. 13 0 30 1 13.-600 feet to comer No.3. Thence N. 41 01 W.-Var. 13 30 13.-127y.8fi feet to corner No. 4. Thence N. 48 59' K.-Var. 13 30' E.-600 feet to comer No. 1, place of beginning. Suvinir and excepting from li!u unnllriitlitn nil tli:it nnrtlnil joint, and was very difficult .to of 3a(j Smuggler claim in con- adjust and keep in place, ura. nict w:ti, t,ilte nc i0de, Sur- Cuwartand Lawsset the member vey n0. 158, itc same being 1.40'J as soon as possible, and hope to acJcsjalso ull that portion in cou- ue auie 10 uveriuuy serious to' Hict with Iloiuestakc lode, Sur- Hunucnccs. 1 lie svmnatuv unn m r.ti h. o... t,:.,n r,n 1 -I I - J I l'V HUl ".1 lllli flUlllk UtlllK V.tF.l assistance of that community were LCrC9. a80 all that portion Tu con- lenucreu inc laimiy. n ct with scranton lode, Survey No. 739. the same being 1.M7 American Restaurant w Ml Ml Ml IV Ml k Ml Ml Ml Ml Mi m MEALS 35 CENTS urns iir vr.r.K ok .month ItOOMS IN CONNECTION find of Alamo. Ave., Alain Street Carrizozo New Mexico 2 Mks. John II. Skinnhk and Dauohtkk, Props. Outside Dealers Who arc Interested in Wholesale Prices on LITTLP UOY MAS LUU ORUKUN. Last Monday morning, at Cap i tun, Ralph Peters, the live-year old sou of Mrs. hinma Peters, was thrown from a sled, and sus taincd a broken leg. The leg was broken just below the hip Schlitz Beer Enquire at The Carrizozo Bar. i Methodist Church. I nrrp. uiic 01 tue visiting ministers n,. area rlnlmoil lltldnt this of the Baptist Church will occupy application 13.946 acres, the pulpit Sunday morning and The location of this clai evening. PROGRAM. Voluntary. Hymn. Apostles Creed (recited by all). Prayer. Anthem. Lesson from Old Testament. The Gloria Patri, Lesson from New Testament. Notices. Hymn, The Sermon. Hymn. Hcncdiction. The same order of service morn ing and evening. TO TUB PUULIC. From and after this date, all Hour, grain and feed stuff will be strictly cash. I am compelled to adopt this method, because all irralu is so high and the margin on its sales so small that it is practically out of the question to sell on any other basis. Please take notice unci be governed ao cordinirlv. Aug. f, 1908, John II. Skinnhk. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Geo. W. Hall and Geo. Spcncc of the firm of IlaU and Soeiicc, attorucys-at-law, was on the 20th day of July, 1908, dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. Hall continuiuir iu the law busi ncsa at the old stand in Carrizozo, New Mexico, Gho. W. Hai.i GltO. Sl'HNCIt. m is recorded in the office of the recorder of said Lincoln County, at Lincoln. New Mexico. This claim is bounded on the North East by Little Nell, Survey No. 158; East by llomestakc lone, Survey No. 621 5 West by Scranton ode. Survey No. 7H'J. Any and all persona claiming adversely the minltig ground vc us. lodes, and premises, or anv nart tncreoi, so ocscnocci surveyed, malted, claimed aim annlicd for arc hereby notified . at that unless tueir adverse claims arc duly filed according to law with the Kciristcr ot tuc united States Land Office at Roswell, N. M., during the period of publication hereof they will be barred. HOWAKD Lltl.ANl), 8-7-10 Register. HARNESS & SADDLES. General Repairing. SOU! LUATIIUR. Hliop nt l!iiurni,' Mvory llnrn. PETER N. SKOW, Prop. "fOXWORTII-OAlBRAITII COMPANY DoMor In Lumber Building Material, Etc. JOHN H. SKINNER Wliolronte noil Itctall Doalor In Flour, Hay & Grain. "Queen of Kansas," the finest grade of Hour manufactured. White (kks (wl delivered wi slwt notice. Phone 52 Main street, Carrizozo. Uuildcrs' Hard war Stoves and Ranges. N. B. TAYLOR & SONS Blncksmithing and Hardware atc!1 CARRIZOZO A WIIITU OAK5 Tinware, Paints, Glass, Oils of all kinds, Harness, Ammunition, Etc. For a good horse feed go C. C. Uourne's Feed Stable. to IF your shoes need rcpairinir, 1 take them to Estcs' Repair Shop. Mcdonald addition Lots 25 and 50 x 130 Feet. When you buy a lot here it is 130 feet long, facing on a street 80 feet wide, whether for u home or for a business location. Investigate before you buy. A Square Deal Guaranteed, W. C. MCDONALD. OHIcc In Bank Building. m n m m n m m m m 1 .1