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mm Welch S: Titsworth w o Y. W fa o o K CA3 w o- 33 in in H O O P i I C3 f- W o w 13 New School Books As per List adopted by the Territorial Hoard of Education, Barbed Wire. Sash Doors, Glass, Paints and Oils. SCREEN DOORS. McCALL'S PATTERNS. We Buy Mohair. -9 o o I a o o o o o n w w H O WELCH & TITSWORTH. CAPITA N. I W. C. McDonald returned the first of the week from u ten days' eastern trip. Ira O. Wcttnorc left Saturday for Denver and Kansas City, for a ten days' trip. Attorney A. II. Hudspeth of White Oaks was here on legal business the first of the week. J. 13. Koouce of Nogal is assist ing iu stock-taking this week at the Trading Company's store. Mrs. James Heed was over from Parsons Saturday, and was ac companied on her return by Miss Helen Canning. 15. T. Collier, an old friend from White Oaks, came in Mon day and remained several days in town before returning. A wash-out on the line near Threi! Kivers, Tuesday night, put traffic on the road at a stand still for several hours. Albert Plingstcn, one of the Nogal Mesa farmers, is ill from tin attack ol typhotd. His con dition, at last account, was little improved. Mr. Smith of the territorial ir rigation survey was taken sick at Lincoln last Sunday, and Was uumpcllcd to suspend work fur a few days. Five cases of scarlet fever still axist at Lincoln, hut all are held ' iiflllar strict quarantine, and it is Mltgved the disease will spread 00 further. J J McCourt, traveling for AfHiOtlr 1'aakingCo., was Ifi Car- rizozo this week, and visited his mother, Mrs. W. C. McDonald, while here. Sergeant W. A. Dudley of the Territorial Mounted Police, ap peared in town Monday, and dis appeared ns suddenly business, you know. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gumin and little son, Dean, returned Satur day from Lincoln, where Mrs. Guium had been attending the county normal, Kav Hall took a position with the Carrizozo Trading Co. Mon day morning, after a two days strenuous campaign of baseball over the big hill. Dob Hansom this week finished the plastering on a four-room resilience for Conductor Dell. It will be ready for occupancy iu a week or two. Howard Hall went to Corona Wednesday to look over a reser voir site and to make a survey for a dam. The proposition is to impound ilood waters. Mr. and Mrs. Hagec of Angus spent several days iu town this week. Willie Here tlicy made ar rangements to make liual proof on their homestead. Mrs. Mclitou Otero and children who have been visiting the family of Manuel Aragon at Lincoln the past mouth, left on Monday's train for Albuquerque. O. P. Humphrey, who owns a farm and ranch on Little Creek, has just completed a dwelling house on a live-acre tract In the McDonald addition, and will soon occupy the same. J. L. Van Zant and Postmaster Drown of Fort Stanton, returned Sunday evening from a week's visit iu 131 Paso, and left the next morning for the Fort. Jesse D. Perry, of Glcncoc, spent a few days iu town this week, arranging to make liual proof on his homestead, and trans acting other business. Mrs. N. A. IJrown, a sister of Mrs. J. V. Stephenson of Alto, arrived from Hamlin, Texas, last Monday, and will spend ti month visiting her sister at Alto. L. It. Lamay and W. M. Fcr gusou, two prosperous farmers of the Nogal Mesa, were in Carri w.o this week on a mission nf mercy helping the editor of this paper move, O. K. Chittenden and wife came in Monday from San Juan county, wucre tlicy nave lived the past three years. They left yesterday for Lincoln to visit their daugh ter, Mrs. Peter Burleson. W. M. Kelly is having his late ly purchased residence plastered and renovated generally. He will let the contract to build au addi tional three rooms to the place as soon ns he arrives here. A prospector from Oro Grande, who has some iron claims close to Corona, was iu town Sunday. He has given a sixty-day bond and lease on the property to the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, whose agent seemed favorably impressed with the indications. If the company take up the option it will mean considerable business for this end of the county. Miss Nancy Abarr and daugh ter Miss Mary, of Long Ueach, Mississippi, respectively aunt and cousin of Mrs. George Spcucc, left yesterday for their home. The) have been visiting the S pence family for three weeks past. A large number of the members of the local democratic club met at the old store building on Ala-, mogordo avenue last Siludny night, spent a pleasant hour and decided to meet again tomorrow night at the same place. All members please take notice. Martin May of Nogal, an old time patron of this paper, while iu town this week renewed his subscription. He says the pros pects are good for "large crops, although more rain has fallen in his section lately than is good for growing stuff. The labors of Prof. 13. L. Knlnu of Silver City Normal, in conduct ing the county teachers' institute at Lincoln, have been eminently successful. He has been alone in the work, but all agree that he has kept the teachers the busiest and accomplished better results than any institute for several years. Less than half enough teachers were In attendance to supply the schools of the county, but It was stated that several arc attending summer schools In other places.