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REPORT OP TUB FINANCIAL CONDITION OP LINCOLN COUNTY, N. M., For the Year ending Dec. 31, ipo8. General County Fund 1905 Balance II387.IH NeeetpU daring- jrmr JM.84 WarranU cancelled WH.M TobataaeeDee. 31,1908 129.47 General County Fund, 1906 Deo. II, 1987 JUUaee IWI.V. ReeelpU darlnc year 1W.H) Trnf erred from other fond 800.00 Hy warranU cancelled 977.58 To balance Dm. II, 168 IIM.M Decern be," 31, 1W7 Balance IMT3.M HecelpU darlnff year 8W1.M Trasi. from other fund 1ST 01 Warrant eaneelloJ 5985.93 To balance Deo. 31, 1908 ft80.3A General County Fund, 1908. Deo. 31, 1908, To balance 18812.81 teeiiM General School Fund. Deo. It, 1907 Batanoo $1837,79 Kecelpti during year 0231.00 WarranU cancelled 770.00 Apportioned to (ehool diet. 4130.12 Treat to Normal fund 510.2 To balance Deo. tt, 1938 $ai.69 Court House and Jail Fund. Deo. II, 1907 DaUBCe $881.11 IteeelpU during year Warrant! cancelled I72I.M Krror In warrant .24 Traa. to (ten, county f and 730 To balance Deo 31,1908 $IIJ.84 Gen. Road & Bridge Fund. Deo. 31, 1997 Balance) 11197.10 Meeelpta during year 2482.71 WarranU cancelled WM Tram, to other fundi 110437 To balance Deo. 11, lltt) 11970.04 Court Fuud. Dee. 31, 1907 Balance 3601,113 Reeolpta during year 8B97.84 WarranU cancelled 4110 60 To balance Dec, 31, WW $1183.57 Dond Interest Fund, Dee. II, 1907 Dalaaee $14M.10 IteeelpU daring rear 27W.53 WarranU cancelled 2068JO To balance Deo. 31, 1903 2IM.1I Wild Animal Fuud. Deo, II, 1997 Halanco 11048.38 Receipt! daring year Metffl WarranU cancelled MOJO To balance Deo. II, 1904 " $M0.36 Special Levy R. & B. Fund. , Balance Dee. 31, tm IMI.& Sinking- Fund, Deo. 31, 1907 Balance $I4.M HeeelpU during year 1399.34, 1984 IM07.T9 "--t. Assessor s runu. Dee. 91,1907 Halanee leM.67 KeeelpU during year 1M7.9I WarranU cancelled 1317.61 To balance Deo. It, 1968 $919.04 Precinct Fine Fund. To balance Dee. 31,1908 f 13.00 Estray Fund,. TobalaHee Dee, 31. 19W $.ai Estate Unknown Party. To balaaee Dec. Dec. II, tm 113.90 Bond Forfeiture. To balance Deo. 31, 1908 f ,,., Road Fund District No. 1, To Balance Dee. 31, tm $ 234,5a Road Fund District No. 2. To BlHe Deo. i, 1908 $ 039.59 Road Fund District No 3. To ttatuee Deo, 91, 1908 flj,Jtf School District No. 1. 1u d taan an. A n . IManeefhl M&.T.I 'h M. flu ii luua i.., 044.80 209 fll .bHbbbbWIbbbbI VaaaaaaVaaaaaB BBBMlBlRfflQKBBRf Vslncerlty- Clothes Copyright School District No. 2. Dee. 31, 1(07 Ualance $ ltl.M A ppt. and Pull Tax 77. To Ualance Deo. 11, Mot) Slt.10 School District No. 3. Dec. 11.1907 uaianoe 41,:il Itecelfit by Apimrtlonraant M.78 Warrant! mmpalttal n ill To llanco Deo. 31, 1908 To Ualance Deo. 31, IKUd tjpcclal levy School District No. 4. t M08 19 1W Dee. 31, 19 iMianoe f 148.48 IteeelpU Appt. and Poll Tax iVUXI WarntnU Cancelled 376.10 Tollaiance Dec. 1)1, 19urt To Ualance Dec. 11, 1908 ipeclat levy School District No. 5. IIM.W 449.39 Deo, .11, 1907 ualance 117 08 40. U1.UU HeeelpU by apimrtlnnment WarranU t'anrelled To Ualanoe Deo. 31, 1908 School District No. 6. a mm m tU by appt. and toll tax 7L93 iw i'pu ait ii"vo iee Deo. 31, VU8 riioclal levy IIIS.W School Dlntrlct Nn. 1. iec. 31, 1W) Ma .tiu $mtu H-eelptf, appt. nndpoll tat Warranta Canoetled ZMM.07 To Ualance Deo. 31, 1VU8, apocial lury School Dintrir.t Nn. H 777.81 Deo. 31, 1907 llalanrn H.Vft Hwelpla appt, and toll tax WI.7U .WarranU Oaurellexl UMM la Ixtlnncn Dec. 31, ll08 To balance Deo. 31, aclal lery School Dlntrltt Nn. O. f 40.11 1117 wee. ui, im im anca lcy $M.79 eelpta appt and poll tax VI. 18 Heoelpta appt and po 110.23 Tn'.an llu . , , Mid 131.71 7J.07 1o balance Dec. 01, IV08, apeolal lory School Dlstrlrt Nn. in Dec, II, 1907 iwianoe t ,2 IteeelpU nppt. and oll lax 121 48 WarranU cancelled 7H.00 To lialHnoe Dec 31, 1908 To balance Dee. 31, ltJ8, apeolal levy School niHtrlcl Nn. 11 f 84,72 Deo. 31, 1907 lieianco f 11,74 IteeelpU appt. and poll Ux 394,43 Warrauta cnncolwl 143.38 To balance. Deo. 11, 1908 To balance Dec. II. 1VU8, (pedal jery School Dlslrli't Nn. 15 $ 85.82 ai.MV Deo. 31, 1907 iiaiiinco a 42.R8 HecelpU api.t. and 110II tax 108.81 WarranU Cancelled 174.W Krror 1.1,00 To balance Deo. II, 1908, ipocUl lery $22.71 Dec, ai, 1W7, t At the House of Good Taste New Spring Styles Await You NOW is the logical time for clothes selections end this is the logical place to make that Detection, This h golnf lo he a big clothing season. Men have been denying thetmelves a great many things for a year past. Now we feel the reliction, and have prepared for it, and await your inspection, ami wo. are positive of your approval. A word about new Colors and Styles at the store that has risen to leadership by strict adherancc of quality and low prices: COLOR EFFECTS The Brown and Mode shades prevail. Green and Stone arc more daring colors morttly iu stripes, but also solid colors. A New and Nobby line of Gent's Hats in the latest LShatles and Shapes. An up-to-date line of Gent's Furnishing Goods Oxfords -which we are showing in gun-metjf! patent leather, tan and oxblood, WE LEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW. Already showing over one l hundred new pieces of Ginghams and Suitings for Spring 1909 We particularly invite the ladies to visit our store and inspect our splendid stock. At tiie House of Good Taste ZIEGLER BROTHERS School District No. 13. Deo. 31, 1907 Ualance I 410.00 HecelpU appt, nml poll tax 5W X) Warranta canocllril 7S4.75 TnbolaneaDen.31, 1908 . f SII.9R To balance Dec, 31, UW. apeclal lory WC.07 School District No. 14. Dec. 31, 1907 Wane. I 308.47 IteeelpU appt. and poll tax 110.09 WarranU eiiucelled 1M00 To balance Deo. II. linft f 182.18 To balance Deo. 31, 1908, apocial lory 7.90 School District No. 15. Deo. 31, 1907 llnlance t HM'J llecelpta appt and poll tax ti.M Wnrranta cmnci'lled 1.10 Tolmlanco Dec. ill. 1WH .. $ S8.75 To balance Do, 31, Itut, clal levy Itl.VH School District No. 16. Deo. II, 1907 jlalnoe .. $M.S1 Iteeelpta appt. and 111 lax !1'7 49 WarranU ruueelled 111.15 To balance Dt-c. II, 1904 , 21(l.f0 To bulauco Dec. 31, IKU8, peclnl levy 11.78 School District No. 17. Deo. 31, 19U7 llnlance . t 1(55. U lloce Ipta appt. nnd poll tax IU5 13 WurranU rnncellwt I'M 00 To balance Deo. II, 1HH f 1H0.M To balance Doo, 31, IW, apxclal lew S.4U School District No. 18. Doe, 31, 1907 llalaiire . .. t 151.13 llerolpta nppt. ni'd iill tax MM Wurntutaraiiei'lled 1:U.1S To Uilance Dec. 81, ItUi f 100 63 School District No. 19. llecelpta durlUK lite year, nppt. and ixdl tax . f 131.31 Warmnta oMicelled 90.00 To Imlatire Deo. II, 1108 . f 4IX To iinlance, Dec. II, 1908, (pedal levy lll.a School District No. 20. Deo. 31, 1907 itecelpt appt. and poll tax 348.18 narrnntaomoelled tou.UU TolH.lanotDee.31,1908 1JM71 To balance Deo. 31, IVOri, apodal levy VMZt School District No. 25. Doo. 31, Ilt7 llalanca I 6.28 HecolpU appt. , , 3I.HO Warranta cuucelled 0.28 TotmlnniD Deo. 31, 1908 . . t Bl.fiO To balauco Dec. 31, 1 90S, apeclal levy 8.18 School District No. 28, Deo. 31, 19U7 Ualance I 283.12 Kecelp a appt. and poll tax 4iW.;B WarranU cancelled 12&.V1 To balance Deo. 01, 1908 , . SKi.Ol To balance Deo. 11. 190, apeclnl levy 4i:J School District No. 32. Dec. .11, 1907 Italanci , , $235,73 llecelpta appt and ti til tax 11.18 WarranU cuncelled 181.25 To balanoe Da, II, 1(08 I mi.flA To balaucc, Deo, 11, IM, apeclal levy 179.8:1 Lr?:ar:'r;' School DUtrict No. 33. Deo. 31. 1907 llnlance t 178.75 Itrcelptppit. nnd U Ux Ti-i W Wnrrant. 111,14 To bnlnnm Deo. 31, tm $ h7 To balance I io. 31, 19t, arclal levy .7 Schriol DiuUict No. 35, ' Dee. .11. Uf7 llnlance I 00.01 Kcelrfalippt. 49it5 Warranta rnnoelleil WOO To balance IVc. 3, XH f To balance Deo. ill, I'iH.aprtlal Icojr School Diittrict No. 42. Deo. 31, 1903 llalanre Hrctlptaappt M 49 WarraoU canoelled lrJTO To balnn )e Deo. II, 1908 $ School District No. 43. Dec. II.1P07 llnlnnje 10190 lUcelptaappt.nndtxtll tax 17197 WarriuUcaucellaii 30i7S Tn bnliince Deo iU, ll t To balMice Deo. 31, IWIS, 24 Deo. 31, 1907, current einon.n Louile IMU 7.U0J00 Deo 31, 1907, funding Imuda 11,07500 Deo, 3l,IIV7Keneralrerand Innlxinda t 25,00001 Tola', Ixiudcd lni!ebtpilni-M t 41,01 Ualance dne on teomted account 3, 2. Territory of New Jlmlco, I roantyor i.intoin ) . Wi.ll. II Taylor. chairman of Hie boari tkinnty ('ominlwiiuierM and J, (I. UiKe, r. of the llonnl of ouul I of I ounlr (V)oimlMonera County nl Mticoln, Territory hertir rertlfv that thn alui (V)oimlMonera w ana f arxnl.l or J Meilro, do ive lorer.oiiiK i( n iuii, iriie nnn correin of lr llnanclal rimill tlon of wild alionn by the lecoriln In Hie nlllrn of (Intern ( oiinij li n lir the ibforilii In tin, olUen nt audi r of the wifil Hoard (if liunUr (J.immjkwIoiiHr' In WltiiM v hnref. We luiva Imrcuntu our baniU nnd annU nt the (lunrt llnuc at coin, Mncoln (Joiinty, Now Mexico, tliU l.'itli of fehruury inoiith, 19o9. eiuM ItOirr. II. TAYMHI, tjvirmnii of tbe Hoard of County CommUnlt LhxalJ J. (I. Illllill.K1 Clerk of the Hoard of County CorainUalr Hon. John Y. Hewitt does I approve of the fee system county offlcey, and has introduc a bill in the council providi for salaries to treasurers, coll' ors, assessors and county clci The hill provides foi divi'dit the counties into classes, T salary for each of these offic shall he $3,601?, $3,01)0, $2,5 $1,800 and S1.400 according the clasj lu which they may placed.