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CARRIZOZO NEWS carmzozo NEW MEXICO ALL PARTNERS IN BUSINESS Boiton Store Hat Come to the Ex treme In Development of Profit Sharing Scheme. .Voflt sharing, which In America Is frtunlly an experiment, has been In practical application for n quarter of n century In England. Tho number of labor co-partcrnlshlp societies thoro roio from 15 In 1883 to 112 lnnt year, with an IncrcaBo In btifllnoBB from 1800,000 to about 120,000,000. Tho South Metropolitan Company last year divided 1180,000 among Its employes, tho equivalent of n Hovcn and one-half per cent, dividend on their wages, and In 18 years It has distributed 12,100,000 to workmen as their sharo of tho profits. Six Eng lish gas companlos adopted tho prollt sharing plan during tho year. According to Moody's Magazine, Mr. Carncglo saya that n Hoston storo has gono furthest of all In "tho direc tion of making Its employes share holders." This establishment, he says, employes 700 to 000 men, tho capital stock Is hold only by em ployes and Is returned to tho corpor ation at its vnluo should tho cmployo Icavo tho service. Every sharo of stock belongs to somo ono working In tho store. Cycle Ride of 60 Miles for a Wife. A wedding was solemnized recently at tho Wosloynn church at Colchester, England, under unusual circum stances. Tho necessary ccrtlflcato from tho registrar not having arrived on Satur day night, tho nnxloiiB bridegroom, F. E. Mooro, accompanlod by tho brother of tho brldo. T. E. Wright, started off at 3:30 n. m. on Sunday to cyclo to Clacton, whoro thoy awnltod tho sort ing of tho morning mall. Tho expect ed lottor was not, howovcr, In the ,mall, and tho pair then cycled to Dovcrcourt, tho resldenco of tho regis trar. Ho kindly went to tho registra tion oOlco at Harwich with them and handod thorn tho all essential docu ment. Tho cyclists then rodo back to Col chostor, having covered in all sixty miles. Tho woddlng had been fixed for 8 a. in., but It was duly solemnized at 2:30 p. in. The Power of the Ad. John Harnltt Lowndes, tho noted psychologist of Illchmond, wns prnls ing tho power of adverting. A lady disputed tho compelling pow er that Mr. Lowndoa imputed to the ndvortlsomont, nud on a wager tho psychologist lnsorted In a Illchmond dally tho following: "I promise- nothing. 1 contract to to porform nothing. Hut "Bond mu GO centB In stamps. Per haps there Is a surprlHu In storo for you. Who knows?" J. 11. 1... P. O. Hox 217." And Mr. Lowndes won his wager. His curious advertisement brought him In enough stnmpB to mnko a sub stantial contribution to lllchmond'B charities, It also cnused for tho story spread n boom In advertising among lllchmund's men of business. Hawk That Wouldn't Be Trapped. An lntorcBtlng hawk story comes from Concord township. Recently N. V. Kearns, n former, sot a steel trap In IiIb chicken lot to cnlch Homo sly miliiml that had been robbing him of chlckeiiB. Tho day after it waB sot an Invest!' gatlon showed that tho trnp had boon currlod away. Nearly a week passed boforo he hoard a groat commotion among his chtckcnB, and going out ho saw a hawk soaring upward with n nhlnlfPIl In Ilia tmnlr nn.l n.nHinM I.. . ... " UMUIHU1 111 one of Ills claws, and from tho othor claw wus dangling tho steol trap that had been carried away a fow days bo fore. Ashboro Courier. m iHllllllH BH)ai m-m im azxillso tyrtyriormrj Thu exproBBlon "Pnnunin hut," nB In dlcntlvo or tho origin of this celo bratcd article of headgear, Is an evi dent mlsuuiiier, Inasmuch as theso hats aie mudo In tho greatest perfec tion In Ecundor, Porn and Colombia. Formerly tho en 1 1 re output of this product destined for tho foreign trudo, was shipped via tho principal port of the IsthmiiB -jf I'annmn, which became tho great mart and Intermediate de pository of this Importnnt nrtlclo of South American commerce, nud In tho courso of tlmo theso famous and much-sought-for hats wcro Inappropriately designated, In tho markets of tho world, "i'annmn lints." For many yonrs Pannmn enjoyed tho onvlnblo distinction of bolng tho chief mar kot for tho snlo and distribution of theso lints, but Guayaquil, Ecuador, long ago wrested that honor from tho Isthmian city, and remnlns to-day tho great emporium and distributing con tor of tho i'annmn hut Industry of tho world. In Latin America theso hats nro not now, nor havo thoy ovor boon, known as "Panama" hats, but afo uni versally called "Jlpljapu," In honor of tho town In Ecuador where It Is said they wcro first manufactured. in Huropo, and especially In France, it Is generally supposed that tho ntraw out of which Panama hatH aro manu factured Is so expensive In tho coun tries producing tho raw material that hats mado of It nro articles of luxury boyond tho menus of all except , tho well to do or rich. This Is n popular rror, slnco Panama hats art) In com mon uso by rich nud poor alike In tho South American countries which on gago to any considerable extent In their manufacture. Tho lilgh prlco of Panama hatH In foreign countries Is largely duo to the Import duties placed upon them nud to tho fact that thoy pass through thu hands of a consider nblo number of commission morchnnta boforo reaching tho ultlmato pur chaser. Tho pr'co of tho hats In tho places where they aro manufactured varies greatly, according to tho qual ity of tho material used and tho skill of tho workmen employed, A duo quality of jlpljapn or Panama hat, inndo In tho province of Mnnabl, Ecua dor, out of a particularly strong, soft, and silky straw, is seldom soon In tho United States, because tho plantora along the Ecuadorian const aro will ing to pay 89 to $100 for n hat so pllaut and flexible that it can be fold- A DEALER DARTERW EOR A7iS od up nud carried In tho pocket with out tho slightest Injury. Ono of the (Incut Panama hats ever mado was scut lo tho prluco of Wntos nomo years ago, and It was so delicate and exquisitely woven that It could bo folded Into n package no larger than his watch. Tho raw material, or toqullla straw, out of which Panama hats aro mado, and to which Is duo their compact ness, llghtncsa of weight, durability, elasticity, Impcrvlousnesa to water, and case with which thoy can bo cleaned when soiled, comes chiefly from Ecuador. Tho shrub, Carludo vlca palmata, from which toqullln straw Is obtained, Is from six to ten feet high, and grows wild In thu hot and humid regions of tho Pacific coast of Ecuadoi and Columbia, and In tho forests of tho Upper Amazon In Peru. Thorn aro ilvo or six spo clcs of the plnnt, soiuu of which havo been more or less successfully culti vated, but thu main supply of the liber or straw comes from tho plant In Its natural state. Tho prlco of tho straw varies according to tho place of production, color, length, thickness, and number of threads to tho strand or skein. Tlin plant resembles the saw palmetto, and Is fun-shaped. Just boforo ripening, when tho shrub nttnlns n height of about ilvo foot, it Is cut, boiled In hot wuter, and after being thoroughly dried nud assorted Is ready for luut. In thu enso of tho highly prized shrubs that grow In tho damp nud gloomy depths of tho tropical forests, n slightly dif ferent procoss of gathering and cur ing tho flbor Is observed. Inasmuch as the fan-shaped loaves am cut from tho trunk of tho shrub Just as thoy are In thu net of opening, are stripped of their outer filaments, Immorsed for n fow seconds In n vat of boiling wa ter, then wlthdrnwu for n moment and again submerged for an Instant, laltcn out. vigorously shaken and curefutly suspended on n string to dry In tho shade, and n day later bleached In tho Intense rays of the troplenl sun. Creator whiteness of straw may bo secured by originally boiling tho liber In wuter containing n certain proportion of lemon Juice. A central school of hat making has boon established at Pannmn, pro vided for by government funds, FourUii scholarships have boon es tablished, two from each of tho soven provinces of tho republic. Pupils must not bo loss than 1G years or age, of good conduct and honlth, willing and desirous of learning hut weaving, hnvn good eyesight, nud cuutrnct an obligation to tench tho same Industry wherovor designated by tho govern ment. Thu school was oponed Juno 1G, 100G, nud general Interest Is taken la tho result of this new entorprluo. On tho Pad lie slope of Ecuador, Panama huts nro mudu In tho prov inces of Muuubl and Uunyas, thu for mer producing tho celebrated Jlpl Japas or Montccrlsto nnd Santa Ann, and tho Inttcr thoso of fJnnta Elena and Mnngtnralto. In tho Intor-Andlno region of tho republic, tho manufac ture Is ron fl nnd to tho provinces of Azuny, Ciiunr. Plchlnchn nnd Loja. In tho Urst-nanied provlnco ovor 3,000 persoim nro engaged In tho lint indus try. Thu eelcbrarted Slgslg brand of Pannmn lints urn mado In this prov lnco out or n fiber bo durable that hats mado of It aro said to stand with out Injury tho most violent crushlngs. In the Amnion region of Ecuador, Panama hatH aro manufactured at Santa Itosn out or straw brought from Napo. Tho provlnco of Qtnnnbl, how ever, Is tho great toqullln Btraw-pro-ducliig region or tho republic, most of tho lints manufactured In Ecuador bo lng made out of this straw, and Urge quantities or It aro oxportod to Plura, Peru, notwithstanding tho heavy ex port tax to which It Is subjoct, to bo used In malting tho celebrated Peru vian cntucuos hats. Antloquln Is tho principal Pannmn hat manufacturing center of Colombia, Tho United States in tho largest purchaser of Pannmn lints, having Im ported from Ecuador In 1008 Jlpl Japan to tho vnluo of $600,001. Ger many. Great Ilrltnln nnd France, In tho onlor named, nro noxt in Impor tance in this trnlllc. 1'no straw exported from Ecuador to Peru Is shipped In bales wolghlng nbout 8G pounds each, n pound of tho straw bringing from 70 to 80 cents, ac cording to grndo. Germany also takes n biiiuII quantity of strnw. Tho manu facture of n Panama hat often re quires tho Inbor of n skilled wcavor, working Ilvo or six months In the Into twilight or early dawn, tho only tlrao available for making tho finer grades of hats. Dlieaie of Wireless Operators. A French naval Burgeon has ob served facta which ho thinks warrant him In attributing corlnln morbid conditions to overexposure to tho electrical waves employed in wireless telegraphy. For tho most part they havo affected tho oyo, gonornUy In conjunctivitis, though In una Instnnco there wus keratitis. Eczema, too, has been observed, and tho author thinks that many cases of neurasthenia uro attributed to tho cur rent. Ho remarks thnt Induced cur rents nro n common product of thu no tion of tho apparatus, and Intlmntos thnt those may cause troublo among othor persons than thoso immediately concerned In thu telegraphic opera tions. Ho recommends thnt operators bo provided with blue or yellow spectacles. Avoid Avlatorlal Hysterics. Tho biggest thing about an airship Is tho quantity of superheated air that Inllates It, and much of tho talk of tho day about aldshlpB Is of thu sumo stuff. Thu mighty dlrlglblo, In vulnerable, lightning-proof nnd wind delimit, loaded with Its mortars and paraphernalia fur mining down death dealing bombs, 1b still a rainbow which nil tho world can sou, but may uevor reach. Perhaps It will somo day become- n practical means of transpor tation; without doubt It may bo usod us u spy, a lookout to give notice of tho approach of an onemy; doubtloss, as well, It may bu used as n messen ger to carry a fow men from camp to camp or from ship to shore. Hut It Is not going to accomplish all tho hor rors now being clnlmud for It. To Count a Billion. To count 1,000,000,000 would require n person to count 200 a mluuto for a period of 0.G12 ycnrB, 342 dnys, five hours nnd 20 minutes, providing ho should count continuously. Hut sup pose wo allow tho counter 13 hours dally fur rest, eating nud sleeping, ' then ho would need 10,025 years, 310 days, ton hours mfd 40 minutes la which to comploto tho task. The Way of a Woman. Oh, woman, In your hours of case, You lieep us wobbly at the knet-s. You lull us thliiKH. then show your Ball, lly Bwourlnu '(wasn't meant at all. Lot Angeles Kxprets,