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IN THII FAR-DISTANT OH IE NT. The above photograph taken In the Interior of China shows a nallvo giv ing her pet bird a bath In the river. The bottom of the cage Is removed while the cage Itself Is In the water; thus, whllo the bird Is still held captive, It Is en abled to bathe to Its heart's content and to Its great enjoyment. RAREST COIN FOUND Two Gold Pieces, Only Ones Ever Struck Off Discovered. Issue Was Planned at Request of Call fornlans But Never Was Au thorized by Congress Sell for Record Price, Now York. Coin collectors nro talk ing of nothing but tlio two unlquo United States cold coIiib of B0 de nomination, which woro purchased by William II. Woodln of this city at the highest premium aver paid for n rare coin. Those D0 gold pieces nro regarded by collectors as the rarest coins In the world, and woro much nought after. Woodln only securing them aftor spirited bidding, which ran nbovo tlio provloiiB record for high premiums, mado when a llrashoar gold dtibloon was sold for $0,200 nt a l'hlladolphln nolo somo time ago. Mr. Woodln bought tlio coIub from Stophnn H. Kngy und John W. lintel tine, Philadelphia collector, who had hold them for ninny yonrs. They nro 'the only coins of $B0 denomination over Htruuk off by tlio United States. they woro puttorus of tlio "half union" design, mado at tho order of Secretary of tho Treasury Outhrle, una itQvar went hoyoiul tho uxpart menial Htngo, although said to bo tlio must striking over doslgnsd by the KOvormnout. These two gold pieces have not buuti Mien sliieo tho ynr uf tlwlr ijflhtngo, JS77. and woro supposed by ull collectors to hnro been molted up. Each ot Uio coins Is of a distinctive design, although differing only In minor dotnlls. They aro oxactly two Inches In diameter and ono-clghth of nn Inch In thickness. Thoso wero tho only $50 gold pieces over Issued at the United Stntes mint nud nro not to bo confounded with tlio $50 pieces minted In Cnllfomln, dated 1851, 1SD2 and 1855. Ileforo the establishment of the United Stntes Jirauch mint nt Bnn Francisco in 1854 tho California plo ncerB had to rely upon gold dust and tho gold coins mnilo by private per sons for their clroulntlng medium. Tho gold dust llucttiated greatly In valuo and purchasing power, whllo tho pri vate coins nuurly all woro of u depre ciated ilmriietsi. rniiglng In valuo from eight lo twottty por rant, ills count. To relieve tlio Ineonvonleiieo and loss caused by this circulating inodlum of Indollnlto valuo tho govern wont In iSfto provided for tho estab lishment or an assay ollluo In Snn I'runclsco. Upon tho nppMirnuco of I ho Untied Htntos mumy olllco IngotH all tlio pri vate old coins wore gradually driven out of circulation, many of them being deposited at tho assay olllco and rets sued In the slutpo of the octagonal In KUlB. Uollof. to a certain extent was fur nished, in 1SB4. when more United States gold pIcuch came Into circula tion and the San Kmuclnco branch mint began opomtlous. Soon tho oe tngonnl pieces mot tho fate of tlis smaller C'nllfoinlit coin, being oxport ed or Bent to tho local mint and re molted, nml It vnn not long boforo tho hustnesH men of California folt the nuod of a gold plucu of largo donuml-tiatluu, As a result xnn business men ot San Francisco early In 1854 sent a pe tition to tho secretary of tho treasury requesting htm to nuthorlio the strik ing nt tho San Francisco mint of a $50 ploco ot tho snmo shape and fineness as tho regular United States double cnglo. Ilndly needed as wero tho gold coin provided by tho bill, tho bill never bo camo n Inw. On May 20, 1854, Senator C-wIn again brought tho matter of the Isbiio of tlio flvo and ten eaglo plocos to tho attontlon of the senate, but dis cussion wns postponed. On Juno 10 tho bill passed tho sonnto by n largo majority, nlthough It failed to meet the approval of tho houso. It Is not known why tho work of executing tho dies of tho United States $50 pieces wns dolnyed until 1877 whon tho rensan for their creation oc curred In 1854. Whllo only theso two pieces wore struck In gold, still a num ber of specimens were mado ot coppor from each ot tho two sots of dlos, Even tho copper pieces nro of groat rarity and highly valued. Tho coins wero designed by William Ilnrbcr, formerly chief engraver of tho mint and fnthor of tho present chief engraver, Charles K. Harbor. Mr. Har bor's Initial, "IS," nppenrs on tho coins under tho bust of Liberty. Tlio rovcrso design of both coins Is oxactly tho same. Thoro nro marked differences on tho obverse. Tho head of Llborty on one Is larger than tho othor, tho diadem bearing tho word "Llborty" be ing plain, whllo tho second variety shows a smaller head, nml tho diadem bonrn flvo starllko ornaments. Tho dnto of both coins Is tlio same, "1877." No Resemblance. Jack Bachelor That Is a remarka bly handsomo and Intelligent looking baby, Mrs. Nowlywed Ah! somo Bayo ho looks llko me, and somo say ho looks llko Fred. .lack llncholor Nonsense; he don't look a bit llko olthor ot you. Judgp. When beauty doctors remove frock lt'H they demand spot cash. DENVER DIRECTORY COUPLE OLD BUT IMPETUOUS. Seventy-Two and Sixty Meet and Wed Within Twenty-Four Hours Bride from Indiana. Wntsonvlllo. Cnl. I.ovo nt first sight Is not confined to youth, judg ing by the swift course of n romance that culmlnnted tho other, day with tho marriage of ICtnnin lllgbee, 60 years old. and David J. Kemp, aged 72, the couple having accomplished their whole courtship, from Introduc tion to housekeeping, In less than twenty-four hours. The brldo, who Is a resident ot Terro Haute, lnd., arrived In Watson vlllo to pay a visit to friends living hero. Ono of tho first persons Intro diirnil tn her wns tho brldenroam. who Is n wealthy fruit planter In this ! section. Kemp was greatly Impressed with tho charms ot tho visitor. With nn Impetuosity unusual In n mnn ot Bovonly-odd years, at least In affairs of tho heart, ho began his wooing without delay, nud such wns his ardor and eloquence that before tho ovoultig ended Miss Illgbeo had agreed to be come his wlfo. Tho next day tho prospective brldo groom was out bright and enrly, and ono of tho llrst mnttors attended to by the county clerk wns the tssuanco of tho mnrringo license. Tho mnrrlngo was solemnized a fow hours lator, nud that night Mr. and Mrs. Kemp settled In their homo, where they hnvo been showered with congratulations by their frlonds. nnu I I nnv Ili-r In all lilnda or MKK- OUn li LUUr ClUNIIlHi:. Mammoth cam ! mailed frta, Cor Itlh anil Iliakt, Denver. BROWN PALACE, HOTEL VtiSi& Kuroprati Dan. Sl.00 anil I'Dirartl. THE AMERICAN HOUSE 7" 'ffift ,rmu AiiifHihii I'litn and iiimard, SEPARATORS;!?! a-lH-iiimt In prli-p. Writ" (or Our Cataliv, 1IIK I,. A. W ATKINS MKHCIIANII1HK CO., 15.5 In lb.1l Wnien Hirrrl, U-iurr, Colo. Tfl lUWrPTfinP a imie numpj inteatui m TO lNVESTORS--STir,r'rrrtyI;;"; and rartnln pniflt. A linmetr Inittiatrr. hut a aunt nnv, nml mlKlitjr prnfltahlp. Ifeniand (or iinxlnrl wala-rnniUuppli. WrlloforniirilpwrlptlTeliooklM. Tpian.llemimU Union Co., IX Claiton lllork, IMinrpr AOOAVQ RELIABLE : PROMPT MllIlM I II lolil, 1pj (InM and . Mil " awwa saw vr. Il.ooi (low. hiiv IVI-I llln ISJt Court Place, len- llnl.l Hllvpr and I'opjM-r. tl.So. Oold.nnd Hover refined anil LoukIiI, write rnr rree inaiiins eai-Ke. UIIIIRN AHHAV iu, vrr Colo. SPORTING GOODS When y o ti pump I ij Denver, rail nn lia. Tha rheaneat place In huy Hip het (lii n. tnunltlnn. Klthlnr Tnrklc. llunllnK Clothlnc lap I In 1 1 ami Alliletli' IIihhK aiall nrilpia eiillrlled. Tht O. CI. I'k-krll Hpnrtfnir iIiiikU Co.. nppoidte I'nttofflce. U17 Arapahoe HI. AWNINGS, TENTS Till!. COMIHAIIO TK.VT .UVNINd CO. The larxeel Duck I'm,I Iiiium In llit- Weal. 1(12 l.nnrent-p XI Drntrr. Colo, Itolit. H. Ilutttmll, I'ih. E. E. BURLINGAME & CO.. ASSAYOFFIOE.HoeSonv Eatnblllirllu Colorado, ISM. 8amppbr rualtor pitirrxawtllrecelfaprnmiitriDUcarefulJittcDtlnri Gold &SllrwBBlll9 'J&ir14 CONCENTRATION, AMALGAMMIoN AND rviNinP TPRTfi 100 to carload lot. CYANIDE TESTS Wrl8 fof termli 1730-1738 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo, OR, W,K. CAMERON'S Will lilpnw- rtm. InrMtleala. A nuod I nf (Mill nil r M. liptlnr lei MJIO. Iiral tic. 'JJ.k. uold rmwna and lirltUa work niiljr t tlnld and platlnn Slllnv II up Dental Par lor, AraliiHi Hlrwl, 0p. PilolBrp, I) ntpr Strange Coincidence at Havana. Washington. A strnngo coincidence In tho tirrlvnlH of tlio battleship Maine, the successor of tho vessel destroyed In tho harbor of Ilavaun just bjforo tho Bpuiilsh-Aiuertcnn wnr, nud the Mississippi, tn bring homo Oov Ma goon and other ofllclals when tho ro-t-cnt American Intervention ceased. Is noted In the mutual report of MnJ, Oeu. Harry, who commnuded tho Cuban army of pacification, Just mado public. Ho snya tho two vessels arrived In Hnvuiia harbor at 11 a, in. January 25, 11 years to tho minute nfter the ar rival ot tho Ill-fated former battleship Maine. LET US SAVE YOU MONEY OS LUMBER, SASH, DOORS & MILL-WORK Duy Direct from tht Manufacturer Come and Figure with the INDEPENDENT LUMBER & MERC, CO, We Sell Direct to th Coniumcr In Any Quantity and We l'ay the Frelfht First & Latimer Sir., Denver, Colo. Where It Gets Busy, "Idlo Krunch Money to Como to Amorlna." Idlo Amerlcnn money often goen to Franco. Now York Evening. i'USL PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS (let (iiiotatimiH from tlio KNIGHT-CAMPBELL Alunlt- t' ('iilurnilii',, litrcpat unit IpiiiIIiiic rillialp liuiaap aliu-r 1NT-I. Visit our oxlcnslvo wiiroiooms t.r llll out nml soml this coupon to K Hi G H T -C APBE LL MUSlcTco' llirj-ni Ciillfiirnln HI.. Ilpnvpr, I'loaae inn II mo your now I'luno (atiiliiKiii-i; uIhii luirKiilu list rf iimpiI l'liinoM iiihI full inrormiitlon rpKurdlng your nn- I'nr l'lun. N'anie Adilrri"" COUNTRY PUBLISHERS av,:ln;,f.roT,V.pll plntp feature", .cartoom. aerial alorl'. pic. a I m h f a anin'tlilnK t" lntprpl you. V'tpni Npum.itipr Union, llpnrpr. Colo. (I.lintToa eompnltlnn (or tn trade. )