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II 1 9! In the Limelight STILL LOOKING FOR LIGHT. PRESIDENT OF DARTMOUTH Prof. ICrnest Kox Nichols, I). Sc., former hend of the (Icimrtinont of physics nt Dartmouth col lego nnd now profrcssor of oxpcrlmontnl physics nt Columbia university, wns recently unanimously elected president of Dartmouth, to succeed Dr. William Tucker, who resigned May 12, 1007, on account of 111 hcnlth, nt n mooting of tho trustoes. I'rof. Nichols, although not n grndunto of Dartmouth, Is nn honorary nlumnuB. Ho was given tliu degrco of doctor of sclcnco In 1003, nnd from 1808 to 100:i was nt tho hend of tho physics do partment of tho college. Ills work ns n inombor of tho fnculty brought International distinction to tho college nnd himself. Dr. Nichols wns born In 1809 nt I.cnvonworth, Knn., nnd wnB grnduntcd nt tho ngo of 19 from the Knnsns Agricultural college Tho noxt yenr wns spent In teaching, nnd tho following yonrs ns n grndunto student In mntho mntlcs and physlcH tit Cornell university, where ho hold tho KrnstiiB Brooks fellowship. Ho received from Cornell tho degreo of mnstcr of science In, 1893 nnd of doctor of pcIpiipo In 1807. In 1892 ho was nppolnlcd to, tho chnlr of physics nnd astronomy In Col gnlo university. Dr. Nichols was nt Colgato for six years, but two nnd n half years of tho tlmo wns spent on lenvo of nbsenco, studying undor Professors l'lnnck nnd Rubens of tho University of Ilorlln. Whllo n student In tho Uorlln Inborntory ho mndo soveral discoveries, which woro rccolvcd nnd published by tho Iloynl Prussian Academy of SclcnccB, HAS KILLED 130 TIGERS Snlnthlll Knrdluy-vllmot, who arrived In Kng hind n few days ngo on n visit homo nfter 35 yearn' service In India, probably holds tho world's record ns n hunter of tigers. Ho ndmlts that ho hutt n bag of 130 to his credit, but throughout India he Is known nnd reverenced by tho natives ns tho grcntcst killer of tigers In tho world, nnd their estimates of tho score that should bo cred ited to his gun varies from hundreds to thousands. Knrdloy-Wllmot hns been In tho servlco of tho Indian forest department for 3fi years, nnd for tho last six yenrs ho hns been Inspector-gonornl of forests to tho Indlnn government. Ho knows nl most ovory mllo of tho forests of India, nnd hns met with many adventures, but ho Is far too mod est to talk about them, Enrdlcy-Wllmot Is n quiet looking mnn of nilddlo height. Ills hair and close-cropped mustachn nro turning gray, and ho hns tho llrm Jnw nnd resolute eyo of the born administrator. Knrdloy-Wlluiost cannot bo Induced to describe his experiences. A friend snld that tho natives of Indln bcllevo ho cannot bo killed. Ho belongs to n family which has given runny nlllclent servants to tho stntn. An Hnrdloy Wlltnot Is nn admiral: another Is n high dlgnltnry of tho Church of Englnnd; u third Is n piofcssor In nno of the gront universities ; n fourth Is n soldier who hns earned distinction In more than one of England's "little wnrs." HOW HE DODGES DEBTS Strangely Knough.Kngllsh Firm Failed to Understand Letter from Its Japanese Agent. An English firm, wIioro shipment of goods was dclnycd In reaching Ja pan, received tho following communi cation from their nowly-nppolntcd Jnpnneso ngent: "With regard to tho mnttcr of escnplng tho ponnlty for non delivery of this there Is only one wny to creep round snme by dlplo mat. Wo must tunko n stir or strlko occurring In our factory. Of courso big untrue. I plnco my presonco on Inclosed form of letter nnd bollove this will avoid tho trouble of ponnlty nf snmo. As Mr. Is most re ligious nnd competent man, also heavy upright nnd godly, It fours mo that useless to apply for hln lg nature Please therefore attach snme nt Yokohnmn office, making forge. Hut no cause for fear of prison hap penings, ns thin often luippans by mcrchnntn of high Integrity. Hut If thin Involves thnt your honor look menn nnd oxccsslvo awkward for business purpose, I think more bet tcr n llttlo scrpcntlllto wisdom of po llto manhood nnd thus found good business edlllce." Tho llrm knows nn much now about tho delny us It did before. Prince Miguel do Hrngtiuzn Is tho original "Ou-AgnlU'Off-Agnlu Klnnegan" of Huropenn near royalty. Ho Is tho hero of more striking mntrl monlal alliances In tho newspapers than Lillian ItiiHsoll. Ho has just done It again. This tlmo It "Miss M Vnndetblll." For n day or so tho report received much attention. America wns In terested, wondering just which Vunderbllt heiress had bought another title A largo liovy of tho prlnco'fl creditors were Interested, for they snw n possibility of getting mime of their money bnck Now the ontlto Vnndorbllt fnmlly nrlsos to deny any engagement with tho prluco whntover. The prince In ciown-prlnce-prctonilor to the thioiie of Portugal. Ills grandfather was really king of thnt country for nn hour or so, by virtue of his nerve nnd n shady claim on a dead king riion ho wiin driven out of the country, and the parliament passed n lnw unaylng uny roynl rlghtH whntover to him or nny of his descondnnts. The present selfnoinlnnted tlnnco to n Vnndorbllt Is n gny nnd quite Irre sponsible follow, who Is n real relntlvo of tho Imperlnl Iioiiho of Austrln, anil wns recognized there until his enpors led to his being Imnded his hat and nn Invitation to lenvo. Ho still elnlms tho Portuguese throno, hut In n whlspor nnd from n snfo dlslunce. Ho Iiuh borrowed much inouny of tho roynl pawn brokers of Kurope, nnd nt short Intervals, when they become Insistent, hn nnuouiuios his approaching ninrrlngo to some rich woman. Onco It wns tho very wealthy Mrs. Bnniuol Slouue Chnuucc-y of HI. Louis. Hut sho promptly Bttippotl thu ganie with a denial as prompt ns ompbntlc. Then It wart Mis Mnry l'ullmnh of Chicago. Miss Mnry also snw tho pilncellng llrst, nnd side-atepidi TUMOR OF FOUR YEARS OROWTB Removed by Lydla E. Pink-bam'sVegetableCompound Llndloy, Ind. " Lydla E. Pink barn's Vegetable Compound removed a cyst uimor 01 four years' growth, which threo of tho best physician!) de clared I had. They said that only an operation could liolpmo. I am very glatltliatlfollowcd a friend's ndvico nnd took Lydla E. l'lnkham'B Vego tnblo Compound, for it has mndo mo n strontr and well woman, and I shall recommend it as long ns I live." Mjuj. May IfiiY, Linuioy, mu. Ono of tho crcntest triumphs of Lydln E. l'li.klmin'a VegoUiblo Com- trtitttr1 la Mm finiiMimrttttf nf tvnmnn'a ilrcad cnomy tumor. If you have mysterious iminB,lnllammatlon,ukera. Hon or displacement, don't wait for tlmo to confirm your fears and go through tho horroruof n hospital opcta tion, but try Lydia E. rinkham'aVcge-table- Compound at onco. Tor thirty ycorB Lydla E.Plnkham'a Vcgotablo Compouiul.mado from root nndhorbs.haHbeonthoBtnndard remedy for fomnlo ills, and such unqucstlon nbla testimony ns tho nbovo proves tho vnluo of thlB famous remedy, and should frtvo conQdcnco and hopo to every sick woman. If you would llkospcclal ndvico about your cnsoivrlto a confiden tial lottcr to Mrs. LMnlclinm, nt Lynn, JMuhh. Her ndvico is free, uud ahvnyH helpful. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by thcia Little l'llla. They i1m relievo Dl trrHHfniiu I))-iiirilit,In. illKi-HilnimiitlTiMi Hearty Kntluir- A perfect rem edy fur DliilnrxK, Knu urn, l)rowiiliicH, II it tl Timta III tlioXiiiilli, Cunt rl Tointtie, Pnln In tlx Hide. TOIIPID I.lVl'.IL lfn easier for Homo lioim o to e ",r "- i-..rcir true... for on iicciuulntanco that It Is for , SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. them to Htand up for a friend , " uonumo must ucar Fac-Slmllo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Bad BLOOD "Ilcfore I began using Cascarcts I bad a bad complexion, pimples on my face, nnd my food was not digested as It should nave been, now I am entirely wen, unu the pimples have all disappeared from my face. I can truthfully say that Cascarets nre just as advertised; I have taken only two boxes of them." Clarence IU Griffin, Skeridau, Ind. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Tnsto Hood. I)o Hood. Nevor Hlckcn, Weaken or Utlue. 10c, 25c, 50c. Never old In bulk. Tho irenu In tablet stamped C V C. Guaranteed I to euro or your mono back. 827 Seek Prevention of Consumption. Tho municipal authorities of llcrllu have decided to Introduce anothoi fenturo In their administration of tu bcrculosls. Heretofore, municipal ef fort has been confined to the mnlnteu nncu of ono or two homes for curable consumptives, but It !h recognized thnt,, useful nn this Is, It nluno ran not cope with thin disease. They have resolved, therefore, to devote more at tentlun to preventive measures, Ask Your Druggltt tor Allen's Foot.Eaie, "1 tried AM.KN'S FOOT-HAMS r-iiiU Iv. and hnva Juai liotm it another HUtipiy 11 hint cured my turn, mid tho hut, liiirn Inir ml iti-hliiKNi-naiitlon In my feet which wdm n I mim I iinliciiriililf. nnd I would not x without It now. Mrs. w. J. winner, C'umden, N. J." Hold by ull DruuulalM, Just as Well She Didn't Know. Palmist (to mnn nnd hln wife pass Ing) Ilnvo your future told, sir. Tho Mnn (Whispering) I'll hi around Inter. 1 don't want my wlfi to know It. I.lfo. Little children nre Miffcrinu every day in the yenr with spniiuo. liniiwi'. cut liiimiiH nnd burn). IIiiiiiIIih Wizard Oi l linnlalilni! tlictc nclica nnd pnina every day in the year, the world over. The nveragu tniin will stand up for i himself, no matter how nmny penlo i he Iiuh to sit on In order to do It. l'KHUY UAVIH- fAI.Mtll.l.r.ll Sumuii-r complaint, Imwil thiuul-.tahiliiihiiTnno . Irrrurt I n t li Iumi Mholi1 1 tn-ri-1 til k ili-jH'iiiliibli- lui-U-iclmiltkrilon liiiiul. KV-.IBeunil W- Uolili. Mnn led life iIooh not amount to much until It reaches pa. CARTER'S VPlTTLE 0BVER mm ni i i s iam mm I I El CARTERS ITTtE VER PILLS. Mm. VVIiulow'a KiiotlilnK Hj-rnii. for children Irottilnn, otlrnl tho iiur n, ifJurc. In flamiualloo, alia) pala, curea wlail colln. use liotUe. Don't offer odds to the eluvnlor boy or lio'll take you up, iLn 'in ' . II 'UNI ,V . BBajjuiiWisw m mm 5W PflTPHTS 1 oithi paper tie. Readers tued In ill columru iliould Ineift upon liaving wlnt they sik lot, rc(u:ing all lubttilktet or imita'aoni. Wnunn l!,tMteninn,Wah. Iiutnn. Df, Hixikxlrce, IIIhIi. ot reteteuuM. Htm ruiuiu. DENVtR, NOi 27-1909. U(0Hltiiiu!i,tuiiiuvgntJiwumaii.,yiiUiiiillCuC