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ADDITIONAL LOCAL. C. K. Hooker, postmaster and justice of tli c peace at llotiito, spent several days this week. Ready for You! Home special bargains during June in ladies' and gentlemen's Oxfords, men's straw and crash liuls, child roll's suits, and ladies' parasols. Carriscozo Trading Co. II. II. Kris, representing tlic Jil Paso Herald, was in this city yesterday in the interest of that publication. Mr, Fris says the Herald has the cleanest subscrip tion list of any paper they carry no dead-heads. We have recently received sev cral cars of line first-cutting al falfn which wc are offering cheap by the ton or single bale. The Carrizoso Trading Co. A bolt of lightning struck the O. L. Henry residence Sunday nflcrnoon. ripping off n portion of the kitchen and shuttering the glass in the windows. Fortun ately the tfiegler family, who were occupying the building were temporarily sbscnt; otherwise it is difficult to say what the result would have been. Fall Styles are in ! The Spcncc Furniture Co. is closing out its stock of furniture at cost. The sale will last until September 1st. Try Winfield grocery order. for your next We have two Henderson wng ons, size 3tf in. which we will close out at a bargain. Also otic Winona wagon, size 2. going cheap. Carrizozo Trading Co. Furniture at cost until Septem ber Jst at Spcncc Furniture Co. mi ill See them in the Store. Special Styles for Young Men styles Worthy of the name and the label of " Sincerity Clothes." You can't be far wrong1 in buying from us. We'll make It right too, by exchange, .correction, or return your money. We try to follow the "Golden Rule" business. Scores of Cloth Patterns In a'l the latest effects $15 to $27.50 4 1 If f ' " B1NCISIUTY cr.OTlIRS Also a new ami up-iouaie 1111c cu copjrtiBbt Hats, Fancy Vests and Neckwear. ZIEGLER THE HOUSE OF GOOD TASTE. BROS. S 8 Don't forget that the rainy season is nearly here, and our stock of all kinds of field seeds is now complete. Better get what you expect to plant before it is nil gone. Carrixozo Trading Co. Are you going? I am, and go. ing to lake on a fuw of the great bargains at Ziuglur Uros, store. The host grade of whiskov for medicinal purposes only, nt I'a (iQii's Drug Store. Mtf NOTICE. Tht Holder or holders of Hond ?0 1 iMttod in 1SJ4 for One Thou- SOd Dolktti is or are hereby noti fi Utai the same will be paid ttrata lliiiler to the County TTOMiUfrr of Lincoln Countv Xdmt and that intores't on Hip stuiio mil stop on and ftHir Augttgt 1, IjQOO K0M U, Tayujk, Uhulniiau. Hit1 June Bride and '3 The Sweet Cirl Graduate can both be suitably remembered at the Pioneer Jewelry Store J. R. Humphrey (all and look over our stock. ..GROCERIES.. W. L WINFIELD . Fresh (?0,M,H11 D"ICr ' Vegetables promptly . . , ssrr Staple and fancy ' Groceries A Share ol Your Patronage Solicited Fok SaluSoiuc good cord wood. Sue It. S. CA.Mi'itUi.i,. 3-12. PHONE 56 Alamogordo Ave., near Fourth 8 s s 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 as 1 ..-'.; r