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Against Removal of the County Scat. The Carrizozo Chamber of Commerce is now pleading with the taxpayers to make for them a town like Albuquerque, a town like Koswell, a town like Alamo gordo, etc.. They invite corre spondence) and state that they will do all in their power to lur nish accurate information. Hut let us see how these representa tives of Carrizozo work to the best interest of the taxpayers. At the instigation of the boosters of Carrizozo, Councilman Hewitt made or sanctioned the passage of Council Itil! No. ll'J. Sections 1 and 2 of this hill as given on page 320 and J127 of the Sessions Acts of l'JOH saddles upon the taxpayers of Lincoln county Si 1,000 in bonds bearing interest lor 30 years, and transfers from the northwestern portion of the county a line tract of grazing laud consisting of 270 square miles in which there are several large sheep and stockmen who pay considerable taxes, to Socorro county for 18 square miles of lava bed of the mal pais country west of the town of Oscuro, Now, why did they make this wonder ful trade exchanging 270 square miles of line grazing country for 18 square miles of lava bed of the mal pais and pay $11,000 besides? Did Socorro oounty take over any of our bonded indebtedness? No. Why? Uecause the boosters of Carrizozo were so anxious to add on more territory to their south and west, so as to make the town appear more centrally located; that saddling on the taxpayers a bonded indebtedness or $11,001) bearing 5 per cent interest for 30 years was of little or no conse quence at all in their minds, lint could we not as taxpayers have kept our territory and spent the $11,01)0 on good roads for the en tire county to much better ad vantage? Carrizozo will toll you that by this trade we get the taxes from about live or six miles of railroad. The fact is that the railroad ran in and out of old boundary line of Lincoln county, and such a wonderful trade as this only settles the dispute be tween Lincoln and Socorro cuun tidS as to who ehnll collect the tMct. lu the mean Una' tax payers dance to the tune of $11, 000 bearing par coll t for 30 years. At the instigation of the booster of Cerrisoso there was further legislatbiu. Council bill Ne tte, introduced by Councilman Knrarro of the district containing Scoorro county, and tnuctiouod by Councilman Hewitt, was iu ircihieed for the express purpose of tfieeial legislation applicable to Lincoln county, nml with the purpose in view of making it pos sible to hold an election and the transference of the county seat at the expense of the taxpayers without the town of Carrizozo having to put up 525,000 or S30,- GOO for new buildings. Under the provision of this bill, Com missioners Taylor and Wiuglield, wing the financial condition of the county, and regardless of the fct that they knew and had presented to them, that the peti tion had been fraudulently and illegally signed, and further that notwithstanding the fact that it was presented to them Council bill HO was illegal, that in the course of its passage it had not signed by either the speaker of the house or the president of the council, nor had been signed by the governor; notwithstanding all this Commissioners Winglield and Taylor shoulder all the re sponsibility and order an election at an expense to taxpayers. Is it any wonder that Lincoln county is in an impoverished condition? We are glad to know that we have a governor who will not sign every bill, no matter how it ia engrossed, unless it is a bill that is properly authenticated, and we believe that the governor knew that this bill was a scheme of real estate owners of Carrizozo and was not to the best interests of Lincoln county where he once lived. As to Commissioner Tay lor he was legally disqualified as a public o flicer from taking any step in ordering an election, for the reason that ic is well known that Mr. Taylor has business in terests in Carrizozo that will be enhanced in value by his voting and working for the town of Car rizozo. One would hardly be lieve that this same commission- er, Mr. Taylor, reused to put screens over six windows of the county jail to prevent files, saws, etc., from being handed to pris oners from the outside, and that Mr. Taylor when urged by Mr. Wiuglield as to the necessity of such screens gave as uu excuse, "1 know that they are needed but tlio county has not the mono)." Still, notwithstanding thin iui povurished condition of the conn ty, Mr Taylor does not delay the expense of an election by wailing to 11 nil out from the judge his opinion of the legality of he very law under which he and Mr. Wiuglield ordered thw oloctiou. 1 he paoplc will pit; for the ex pense of this oloctiou, but wlion the legality of this council bill is carried to the suprume court an it will be, the election will be all for naught, no mntter whether CnrriJiono wins the election or not. Carrizozo bus also the nerve to try to bully the taxpayers into I the belief that unless they sue jcuutl in carrying the election that at next meeting of the legisla ture that thev will cut the county into two parts. Do not be wor ried by any such bluff. Let us consider how easy such a propo sition will he. Look up the Santa Fe papers of the last legislature and the one preceding it and you will find: An attempt was made to divide Orant county and create Pyramid county. Money was spent freely but it was a failure. An attempt was made to divide Iiddy county and make, as good a town as Artesia, the county seat, but the p.muII was a failure. An attempt was made to make Clovis a county seat by taking a portion of Roosevelt, Guadalupe and Juny counties. Kesult fail ure. Then, again, Carrizozo in her attempt, in which she is spending, and has been spending money freely, has failure staring her in the face. Pile Chamber of Commerce of Carrizozo lias uotcallc'd our 6150 offer for the investigation of the county records. Mr. Ila'ey of the Carrizozo News has backed down and acknowledged his mis take as brought out in the article by Dr. Laws in the last issue of the News and Outlook. Mr. Haley has other mistakes to cor rect and so we leave the blaO offer open for further investiga- examinc the records, and-on itu-' count of time and space we make them this offer, that Peter A. Schmidt will meet Mr. Haley or the Chamber of Commerce of Car rizozo in joint debate before the tax-payers and we have this to say that Mr, Schmidt, who knows the records, will show to you tax payers, that either Mr. Haley and the Chamber of Commerce do not know the county's affairs or are telling you deliberate lies. So ns to save lime we will men tion Capitan and Corona as meet ing places. The county's affairs arc in a deplorable condition and the Carrizozo News which is own ed by Mr. McDonald, and the edi tor of which is but the mouth piece of the Carrizozo boosters, has been very loth to publish any facts of the county that may he unfavorable to the removal of the county seat to Carrizozo. Hut whatever the Carrizozo News may publish in favor of removal of the county seat and whatever figures the Chamber ot Commerce of Carrizozo may twist to meet their needs, we, as tax-payers know that our taxes are at pres ent as high uv they should be; we know also that new buildings can not be erected without extra expense and extra taxation; we know also that the county's debts lion of the records. The editor should not be prorated back four of the Carrizozo News had lits attention called to his misrepre sentation of facts in his series of articles and he had a chance to correct them In two issues of his paper before the appearance of the article by Dr. Laws but he did not do so until he saw that he was going to be exposed through the columns of the Out look. Nor will he correct other mistakes until he sees that his political future is endangered. The fact is that the Carrizozo Chamber of Commerce does not want the lax-payers to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Their reprchenativus have offered Deputy Clerk of the coun ty, Peter A. Schmidt, who jta a rosult ol his work for the county knows the records throughly, hush money to keep bis mouth shut, and the amount proposed was a good round sum. Now docs this look like the Chamber of Comuiercu wants the. tax-pay ers to know tue real tacts as shown by the records of the coun ty? Now, if Cnrrizoio denies this statement wo arc ready and prepared to publish some letters to bear out our statements, and when you, the tax-payers see the .names signed to the letters you will sae a light. I will state fur ther that Mr. Schmidt is not the only one Carrizozo has ligurcd to ; buy up. Now that Carrizozo ' will not taku the $150.00 olTer to or live years before payment is made; we know also that the roads of the county should be put in better condition and that the commissioners should not juggle with our road ami bridge funds. We know also that there is no getting away from the fact that the county now owes $1W,(IOO.OO with money for the redemption of only one $1,000 00 bond and that will leave $38,000. and that with the 11,01)0 bonds that we so accommodatingly took over from Socorro county that will make our indebtedness $40,000. With $30,000 more bonds for now buildings means $70,000 indebted ness and this mean , regardless or whal Mr. Haley may say re lative to rent and interest, that the tax-payers will pay out of their funds over $100,000 before she can pay out of debt and pay for new buildings. Now, fullow citizens we ask your consideration of these facts and ask you to work and vote with us. for the best interest of Lincoln county. Signed, Committee of Taxpay ers of Lincoln county. J. J. Akaqon, Chairman. .1. W. Laws, Treasurer. DoWilt's Little ISarly Kisors are the famous little pillti, easy to take, sale, sure and gentle. Oet 13arly Kisers. They are the bust pills made. We sail tiiein. Sold by Ptulun's drug store.