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WILL HONOR HAMLIN Native State to Celebrate Cen tenary of His Birth. Known as "The Great Commoner" and Won Hearts of People by Flnht Against 8lavery Vice President Under Lincoln. Pnrla Hill, Mo. In Paris Hill, a spot bo picturesque! thnt It lifts boon called thu "Switzerland or Muliio," lliu centenary of tlio birth of Hnnnlbnl llnmlln, vice-president of tlio United Stntus during Lincoln's first turui, will bo celebrated on AiRUst 27. Tho oxcrclrtoa will bo hold In connection with tho first old-homo waok In '.Main'), aud will bring to tho birth Lincoln's second tortn and the re ford did not beenmo n president of the United States Is almost as strange a political accident as tho ono that put IlooBovolt In tho presidential chair at tho denth of President McKlnloy. Hnmlln was a member of tho house of roproBontntlvos at 32, and at 33 ho lost election to tho United Statos son nto becnuso of his nttltudo on tho slnvo question. His dofont only roused him to grcntor activity against tho growth of slnvory. Ho wdb eloctod to tho United Statos Rcnato In 1848 nnd re-elected In 18C0. In 1866 ho wnB elected governor Of Mnlno. Ho was hailed as ono of tho fnthors of tho Republican pnrty In 18C0 nnd ho could not decline tho nomination for tho vlco-prcsldoncy. Although holding olTlco as vlco-prcs-Idcnt ho enlisted nt tho outbreak of tho war ns n prlvnto himself. Ho re fused a commission, but trained with tho soldiers nnd Inspired them by his acts. Ho went with them to tho front nnd whllo ho engnged In no battles ho travelod with tho army as porsonnl roprcBcntntlvo of Lincoln. Ho roportod to Lincoln as to tho condition of tho nrmy and nlwnys was Lincoln's frtond and counsellor. SPAIN'S KING A YACHT RACER. Hannibal Hamlin. plnco of tho moat bolovcd son of tho Pino Tree state not only distinguished statesmen of tho day, but nlso sol diers who fought In tho civil wur and men who wore conspicuous In tho af fairs of the stnto of that period. This gathering perhaps will bo ono of tho hist of men who gained fnmo In tho fight for tho freedom of tho negro. Tho Loyal Legion of Mnlno will erect n bronzu tablet to Hnmlln, and tho oxorelsos promise to ho unl'iiio and to emphasize tho services of such n man to his country. No more plcturcsquo spot could bo found in tho country than tho Paris Hill. Tho view from tho old homo In which Hnmlln was born takes In tho Androscoggin vnlloy, which, broken by forosts and villages, stretches to the rnurfea of hills nnd mountains thnt nlmoHt encompass Paris Hill. Tho foothills of tho Wlilto mountains are discernible to tho west, nnd on a clenr summer day tho Wlilto mountains themselves can bo Been In tho dis tance. Hannibal Hnmlln, historians say, Is Maine's grentest man of tho nine teenth century. The Pine Tree stnto linn had her fnvnrlto sons .Tames (J. lllnlno wur ono; Thomas II. llnud wns another, but none of them ever caught tit tho tendrils of the Imnrts of the moil or .Maine as did lllmllti. "Th Orenl Commoner." he was called, and Iteod, who Tor years fought him bit terly In polities, but who after a oliiineo moating with him Itevamu his niiluttt admirer, mhI of hliu. Ho itftvw Isnrnetl to tvll a lie or to bo (ItsUotiMt. He simply eoiildii'l lie" Hnmlln won the hearts of tho pen pie by his hitter fight against slavery and lit prorMl bis rourig by leaving tho Democratic pnrty whun It tell Into the control of the supimrters of slave IraAn. He could have been candidate for the prwiltlcuey In lfl hut rurusnd It. Ill) accepted the nomination for Woe-tirofllrtwiit In 1M0 on the ticket with Lincoln aud brraiiir Lincoln's tfwtud oouunollni- and ndvlgor In the fBlir rent of the Mr-i-Rclo between tho 1101111 nitd the south. To him Lincoln iluwal !! "KmiiuclpH'lon Pruulnnm titUi" tfur ieaulnii It nnd received tttm Win ugwtlotu in tfiw wording QT It Wllleh he aocentotl. Thnt ho wns I BSt liomtiinUu fur vlee-preulduut for1 Alfonso Has Engaged Capt Stephen Barbrook, a British Seaman, as Sailing Master. London. Tollcsbury, n llttlo seaside town in tho county of Esbox, Englnnd, Is bursting with prido over n signal honor which lins bcon bestowed on ono of Its sons Stephen Ilnrbrook. Ho tins bcon appointed cnptaln of tho king of Spain's now racing yacht, Hlspanln, nnd has Just dopartcd from his nntlvo town to wrcstlo with tho Spanish lan guage and a partly Spanish crow nt San Sebnstlan. When his mastery of tho language Is comploto, ho will bo nblo to mix strnngo Spanish oaths In his talk qulta after tho tnnnnor of tho old Elizabethan sen captains. Ills chief task at present Is licking the "Hlspnnla" and nor craw Into shnpo for tho Cowob regatta, at which hor royaj owner hns ontorcd hor for sovornl races, and ho will bo nsslstod In his task by sovcral Tollcsbury nion, who have gouo with htm ns part of tho crow. Tho courso Is woll known to Cnpt. Stephen Barbrook. him. for as recently ns Inst year ho steeit'd Hlr Juntos Pender's Urynhlld to victory there, and besides ho has won some four hundred prizes In tho last four years In yucht rnclng. So, If the lllsptinla behaves herself, nnd "tho little clieitib (hat sits up aloft" does likewise, bin Spanish majesty stands a good chanco to carry off somo prizes during tho coining yachting sonson, TolleBhiiry Is n homo of sen dogs ('apt. Hurhrook's rather Is ono of the oldest or them, and now surely tho ptoudOHt. Ills sou lutH laved tho sea 8 lime ills boyhood; took to It like the emnlleat duoklliig to the neighboring uaud. GOT HIM! - , Gertrude Tho man I marry must bo n gonitis, Ucrtlo Thank henvon wo hnvo motl IN AGONY WITH CZEMA. Whole Body a Mass of Raw, Bleeding, Torturing Humor Hoped Death Would End Fearful Suffering. In Despair: Cured by Cutlcura. "Words cannot dcscrlbo tho terrible eczoma I suffered with. It broko out on my head and kopt spreading until It covered my wholo body. I was almost a solid mnss of sores from head to foot. I looked mora llko a plcco of raw bcof than a human be ing. Tho pain nnd ngony endured Doomed moro than I could bear. Dlood and pus oozed from tho great soro on my scalp, from undor my flngor nails, and nenrly nil over my body. My oars wcro so crusted and swollen I was nrrnld thoy would break off. Evory hair In my head foil out. I could not sit down, for my clothes would stick to tho raw nnd blooding flosh, making mo cry out from tho pain. My family doctor did all he could, but I got worso and worse. My condition wns awful. I did not think I could llvo, and wanted death to como and end my frightful Bufferings. "In this condition my mothor-ln-law begged mo to try tho Cutlcura Rem edies. I said I would, but had no hope of recovery. Out oh, what blessed ro ller I experienced nftor applying Cutl cura Ointment. It cooled tho blooding and Itching flosh and brought mo tho first real sloop I had had In wcoks. It was as grateful as Ico to a burning tonguo. I would batho with warm wator nnd Cutlcura Soap, then apply tho Ointment freely. I also took Cutl cura Resolvent for tho blood. In a short tlmo tho sores stopped running, tho flesh began to heal, aud I know I was to got woll again. Then tho hair on my head began to grow, and In a ohort tlmo 1 was completely cured. I wish 1 could toll ovorybody who has eczoma to uso Cutlcura. Mra. Win. Hunt, 135 Thomns St., Newark, N. J., Sept. 28, 1008." rotter Drug & Ctaera Corp., Hule t'mpt., notion. H'h as dinieult Tor uomo pooplo to lot go as It Is for others to catch on. DISCOURAGED WOMEN. A Word of Hope for Despairing Ones. Kidney troublo makes weak, weary, worn women. Hnckache, hip pains, dizziness, headaches, nervousness, lan guor, urinary troublos make women suffer untold misery. Ailing kidneys nro tho causo. Cure them. Mrs. S. D. El lison, N. Drondwny, La mar, Mo says: "Kid ney troublo woro mo down till I had to take to bed. I had terrible pnlns In my body nnd limbs nnd tho urlno was annoying and full of sed iment. I got worso and doctors failed to help. I was discour aged. Doan's Kidney Pills brought quick roller and a final euro and now I am In tho best of health." Remember tho nntno Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fos-tcr-Mtlburn Co., Duffalo, N. Y. Resiliency of Lcnguage. "I say, wo nro down on our luck!" "Yes, wo nro certainly up ngnlnst HI" J SICK HEADACHE CARTER'S iTTLE Fiver 1 Pl- They regulate lbs Do Positively cured by those Little Pills. They alio rrllere DIs treeefrom Drupe pla,In. dlgeallonnndToolIearljr KM Inn. A perfect rem edy fur DlnlticH, Null tea, Droweliiean, llnd Tail In the. Mouth, Cool ed TotJRiie, 1'alu 111 tlis Bid, TOItPID I.IVEH. wale. Puraljr Vegetable, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Slmlle Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. CARTERS l i tab I ct lynernrin IUILCI AklllOErilU NOTHING LIKE IT FOR THF TFPTU P,ll'ne WmL) any dentifrice nt I Ct I H in cleaning, whitening and remoring UiUj Irora the teeth, beu'dei dettroyisg til nermi of decay and dUeats which ordinary tooth preparation, cannot do. TUP II fl I ITU Paitina ued ai a mouth I rlC rnUU I rl waih diitnfectithe mouth and throat, puriAei the breath, and kill, the germi which collect in tha mouth, earning tors throat, bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much tlckneu. Tilt? FYFQ hca afl,mcd bft ,cho ; nt Ei I E0 md bum, may bo intUntly ' lelieved and aucnuthened Lv Paxltna. I PATAIIllU faitina will datlroy the germ , U I ftiinn tkt cauio catanh, heal the hv I llammation and stop tha diKharga. It b a turs lemedy lor uterine catarrh. , Putins I, a harmleu yet powerful trrmicido.diiinteetant and deodorizer. Jted In bathing it dcitroyi odor, and leavet the body antiieptically clean. , Fort SALE AT DnUQ BTOntB.BOo. on POSTPAID BY MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE I THE PAXTON TOILET 00.. DOSTON. MASS. rainmFi HAIR BALSAM OImsm, and. teaotirui the hale, ITomoui a groinn. Merer Valla to llettora Oray It air to it. Youthful Color" a icaip nurawi if nair iiiiua 3Dc, and lliu at llnatliu Ciuci Shave Yourself NO STROPPING NO HONING Ji DK1X DlXm-jKUWJ KNOWN THE WORLD OVER FRFF 5AMPI otanmmplonWaihlnKTnblot. rntL OArnrLLO AaiilimltutiidirtliuwiiiihlKMrd. Mitkoa I mnlnir .-nar. AIIKN'IX nnntiKl. Wrlli. UUAMrlUN IKU, CO. OAKLAND, UAL. DAISY FLY KILLER ium-'i.'nVC'il. 1111 II Ti Vftf, klssssKlrTVilassssslBUVHVVklsssl HulTutllBCffruisllllllllllllllllllllH elrAti.uriiamciiul, fuiivenlrntjiliPAii, nut pill or tip orer. will noUofl oiiojurfmnjthlnn. (limrmnUfil tfTeo lira. f).alliUr. Mt. llirlRur.