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Image provided by: University of New Mexico
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A Big Fiih Story. The biggest fish story of the Bcasnn comes Irom that famous trout stream, the south fork of the Klo Bonito, hut whether it is a fish story or n gold story the render will hnvc to draw his own conclusion. While on his way to Socorro last Saturday, W. K. White stayed over long enough to call at this office and say "How-do," incidentally relating a little experience he had lately while on a fishing trip. White (his friends call him "Sally" for short), Will Ferguson, L. K. L,a may and another, making four in all, lately went on a fishing trip to the south fork of the Bonito, a favorite camping place for fishing and outing parties. They had good luck with the speckled fel lows until they ran out of bait, and everyone who ever fished on that stream knows that the next best bait to a grasshopper is n grub called a hclgamitc, which is found under the rocks in the stream: so they proceeded to look for hclgamitcs. Now, the moun tains on each side of the stream have long been known to contain gold, and a stream running be tween mountains is a natural place to look for placer gold. Well, the boys waded in, turning over rocks in search of the grub, until they came to a place where some of last years campers had thrown a lotof empty delicatessen cans in the creek. Turning them over they found some hclgamitcs adhered to the cans, but noticed also that the cans, which must have been a bright color when thrown in the creek, were of a deep yellow. On closer examin ation they discovered that what caused the transformation in the color of the cans was innumer able particles of gold sticking to them. The cans were carefully removed from tin; creek and scraped and the scrapings put in a plate and washed in the creek. In less than a day they had clean ed up about ouc-fcurth of cup of the yellow stuff. Needless to say irll fishing was called off. The following day they staked eight placer claims, and put them on record. Next year they expect to make a clean-up that will dis count the wildest dream of a Klondiker. They will pay one dollar a hundred for all the tin cans furnished, which they in tend dumping in the creek this year and panning them next year. They also intend to make applica tion for n patent for the process, which will be known as the "Tin Can Gold Saving Device," and after cleaning up all the creeks worth cleaning, form a company for the manufacture and sale of the process. The only explana tion the boys give as to how tin cans catch gold is that u combin ation of mercury and cyanide of potassium is used in plating the cutis, both of which chemicals have an affinity for irold. If the device accomplishes what is claim ed for it, it will put the sluicing and dredging processes out of business. What Sally wonders at most is why that inventive genius, Thomas A. Kdison, did not devote more study to tin cans and less to electricity. CHURCH NOTICE. The services next Sunday will have special reference to the wel fare of the community and inter est of the church. We want every body to come, especially those interested in the good of our town. Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. J. A. Tkicky, Pastor. "Nifty" that's the expression the youngmau uses when he in spects our line of fall suits and overcoats. Zieglcr Bros. NEW MEXICO M. L CONFERENCE. The annual conference of the M. 13. Church, South, of New Mexico adjourned its sessions in El Paso last Monday. Rev. J. A. Trickcy was reappointed to the Carrizozo pastorate. Kcv. J. A. Kay, formerly pastor of the Car rizozo church, was reappointed to the Artesia pastorate. The Exchange Bunk, Carrizozo, New Mexico. I Transacts a General Banking Business Issues Drafts on all Principal Cities of the World. Accords to Borrowers every accommodation consistent with safety. Accounts solicitid. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. The Best Brands of BOTTLE AND BARREL WHISKIES. THE STAG SALOON jtSEIPP'S BEER. BILLIARDS AND POOL. Choice Cigars. GRAY BROS. Props. HUNTINQ AND FISMINU FOGS Under an act passed by the last legislature, and in effect March 18, l'JO'J, you arc required to pro cure a license in order to hunt or fish. The fees arc as follws: Ilia name, meaulna deer nud turkey, reel. lent tt.m I lllnl llcenie, rnldcut l.U)' (leuf tl licence, covnrluK blu Kiiine lilrtU, resident IJU Ilia nng hccniw , mm rcaldent tVOU lllril llcenae, mm reeldent 5.U) ' Ills wime. llcenie, resident, nllcn 3.(1) ' lllnl llcriiMi renlilenti alien S.(u lllrcl liceims, mm rfldetit,nllen 10. (H) TnmiorUtlon iiermlt, lire tmnto ., l.U) 1'crinlt tu trnniport out of tM Territory, I encli doer l.U) lVrmlt to etilp out ot tliu Territory uach lotof tun l.U) Duplicate llcimwi, rrrtlflcnle or iwrmlt... l.U) All non resident orrr tlm iie ot Iwi'lrn jrer will lo roiuireil to imy n UHiiiuir licence of uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimmi Special Facilities For Banquet and Dinner Parties. 1 Carrizozo Eating House I F. W. QURNEY, Manager. Tabic Supplied with the Best the market affords. liiniiniiniiniiniiiiiiniiniinw The Carrizozo Bar. U All Bonded Whiskey . . . Port Wine Blackberry Brandy .... Old Kingdom Blended Whiskey SI. 75 per Quart. .SI) nor flimrl. I ' l ;;- .50 per Quart. $4.00 per Gallon. Notice (or Publication. Depnrtmrml of tliu Interior, II 8. Lund OllU'tt Ht It. -well, N. M. , AiiBiim H, HWl. I Not loo l hereby iweii Hint (looms U DllUrd, i of NoRitl, N..M i who, on Ortober 1, WJ3. mmls I HoiiiMtPiul Knlry No. Join, Hnrlnl Nn UM17. for , NWH NWirVo. IU. Hi HWU nmlNEUHWU ! Hoc. IH,TowiuhliV outli. lUnito 111 mot, N.M.I' , mprrilltu, lini tlluil notice, ot Intention to itmke tiiml flvn nt proof to rUlILIi clnlin to tliiii Inud nlKire dnerlbed. before A. It. ilnrrey, U. H. Comraliwloner. nt liUottiee In (tturltoio, I n. .!' on me uin cm) oi uctoner, ivw, I'litlmnnliiKiilrani) wltneiwe t Kd. t'. rfliiitPiltti, of Nngitl, N. M t Hobert llournr. of Nniml, N. M.t li. It. Hunt, of NoruI. N.M.i Wm. H Hmmie, of Oiiiltau, N. M. T. l Tll.UrHO!, llettliter. Notice for Publication. Deportment of Ihn tn tor lor, V. H. Unit Olll.-wnt IIimwoII, N.M., Aimu.t no, mm. Not lea In hereby if Wen Hint K. Marlon Hohlui.of Ciililtmi, N. M wlio. on Auuunt 15. IWM, lumlft llomentetul Kutry No. 4I7U, Bit. No. 0MW. for NWM Hoc iJ, towiiMilti 8 H. rnnue II 15, N. M, V Morlillnu, Iim filed notice of mteullon to mslco IiihI llte-itir proof to tmtfttiliidi clnlm to tho Und roots dtwcrilmd before ('lenient lllirhtower, I). H, Commlloner, nt hl otllcn In G'Hiiltnn, N. M., on tlie vr.'nd lUy ot October, iWK Claimant tmineu m wllnoMoHi WIUu II. lllKhtimrr.J. II. Kinney, JnldroMc Klnley, lluntr Unlit, all of ('nnltiiii. N. M. IMlMJt T. 0. Ttl.uTNOt, AviiUter. Wholesale Prices on Seipp's Beer to Outside Dealers. JOHN H. SKINNER Wliotrwlr nml Hf Will Denier In Flour, Hay & Grain. "Queen of. Kansas," the finest grade of Hour manufactured. Preston (Ml delivered on short notice. Phone 52 Main street, Carrizozo. WHITE OAKS COAL. Leave your orders at Holland Bros, drug store, and Pll deliver it. Prices on application. 'J-3tf S. C. WlKNKK. J?RANK E. TH13UR15R County Surveyor 'Din only bonded Harreyor In Lincoln Comity Clnlmn Hurrond. Iioitne lnmrnnce Cturizozo New Mexiuot m 4lyw-' '