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CARRIZOZO NEWS GAnmzozo new Mexico FIGHTING FOREST FIRES. Somotlmes thuy do llilngn very well In Mlchlgnn. As ovoryono Is nwnro, Michigan, llko New Hampshire, la very solicitous fur lier forests. Agnln, llko Now Hnmpshlro, Mlchlgnn Is dis turbed from tltno to tlmu by forest llres, nnd every loynl Mlchlgnndor Is expected to prove IiIh wllllngnoHS, whonovcr occnslon nmy demand, to join IiIh neighbors In fighting tlioso llres, snys tlio Mnnchcstor Union. In fnct, n Mlchlgnn stntuto specifically provides punlHlitnunt for refusal to as sist In suppressing n forest tiro. Novcr, however, until recently, has It boon found necessnry to Invoke this statute, nnd then n mnn wns sentenced to 00 ilnys In the Detroit houso or correc tion. It Is, of course, conceivable Hint n rigid enforcement of such n law nu Hint might work severe hardship In Homo Indlvldunl enses, For example, It would be obviously unjust nnd In humnn to Impress Into fire-llghting scrvlco oiio whoso physical condition plnlnly Incapacitates him from that service, or ono who Is occupied with the enra of tlio sick. On the other hand, It Is alwnys to ho expected that careful judgment will bo exercised In tlio enforcement of this law, ns of any other. Thnt "unlucky in" superstition Is getting no end of sideswipes ns a re sult of the Increasing Intelligence of tlio age. A married couplo In Tren ton, N. J., have Just become tlio proud pnrents of their thirteenth bnby, nnd Instond of being considered n caso of bad luck, the coming of tlio youngster seeniH to ho regarded ns uncommonly fortunnte, snys tlio Troy Times. At nil ovouts not only nro tlio father nnd mother delighted beyond measure but they linvo received offers from nil over the country to tnko nnd adopt the child, those offers evidently be ing Inspired by the belief that tlio In fant will bring good luck. Ono ardent bidder tenders the pnrents $10,000 for tlio little ones. As all offers hnvo been declined tlio parents of tlio thirteenth evidently Intend to keep the luck In tbo family. Another step has been tnkon In tho direction of Improving waterways. Tho socrotary of wnr has approved tho plans submitted by n bonrd of en gineers for tho construction of n son level ship cannl across Capo Cod be tween Massachusetts bay and Hur. r.ard's bny. This woik Is to bo done by a company formed for tho purpose though the canal eventually no doubt will form a link In the luturuoastnl system which Is now under considera tion. The Cupu Cod cuiinl will shorten by many miles the distance by water from Uostou to New York, besides en abling roRsols to avoid the greater marine dangers or tho outside route at certain (wnsons LATEST TEA TABLE FITTINGS. Almost Endleit Variety Is at the Com mand of the Housewife This Beaton, New things for tho ten tnblo art seemingly endless In their variety. Tho "Brown Hetty "the teapot In n recent offering Is or n peculiarly lus trous chlnn. ns often blue or moon as brown, nnd overlnld with bright silver Of course, ihe creamer and sugar bowl match. Tcncups arc nt generous size, low and broad, nnd or fragile porco lain One never see nowadays tho :.ilhei thick usual shaded cups that uld about a thimbleful. The spoons, to rncllltnto conversa tion, perhaps, have inncy bowls nnd handles representing everything nl most In fnct or fiction Other silver nceesiorlcs are Jam holders, fot in the Kngllsh fashion Jam or mnrmnlnde Is quite necessary nt the modem tea. Then there Is the wnfor Jar, ami the ten cuddy, usually In old Dutch silver An attractive shnpe Is octagnnm with a round hinged cover. New ten balls and strainers arc se lected for their oddity or originality. One Is a Chinaman's hend. and there nro spoons united like tho Slamcso twins, only more so, ns they fit closely face to face, although they open llko pincers to scoop up a fresh portion of ten, nnd when they are put, closed. Into hot water, their contents diffuses us from the regular tea bnll. Some of the new sugnr tongs are provided with n point designed to harpoon a refrac tory bit or lemon which so many pre fer to cream In their ten. And to fur ther burden tho tnblo thero aro recep tacles for the sliced lemon In cut or silver-mounted glass, pierced In many intricate designs, or showing n colored crystal lining. After scraping fish, rub the steel kniro over an old lemon peel, and It will destroy nil fish odor. Tho white of one egg "cut" with white vinegar makes nu excellent leather furniture polish. Do not give tho bird any fruit that Is likely to attract bees to tho cngo or you may laso a valuable pet. Bnutucho braid makes good lncrs for tho baby's bootees and It Is nlso useful for lacing corsets nnd tho cho iuIbc. Tho curved butter knives for cutting little round pnts or butter are morn satisfactory If tho kulfo Is dipped Into cold water or buttermilk botoro cut ting tho butter. Kitchen rnucetH nro nulekly cleaned with nuy aeld, such ns lemon, salts of tartar, etc. Ammonia and washing powder nre oxoollunt olenuurs. Dish mops can bo kept odorless only by putting thorn In n solution of sodn wntor. Do not attempt to use sour or moldy Hour, Diy it out in the oven und save It for starch. A Realist. "I nm n grcnt believer In realism," remarked tho poet. "Ycs7" wo queried with n rising In flection, thereby giving him the desired opening. "I sometimes carry my ideas of realism to n ridiculous extreme." con tinued tho poet "Indeed I" wo exclaimed Innnely, somowhnt Impntlcnt to reach tho point of his witticism. "Yes," continued tho poet, "the other day I wrote a sonnet to tho gas com pany and purposely made the meter 'lercctlvo." At this point we fainted. Tho (lemmas liavu ehoson three sotidor bonus toroprosuiit them In the rnolng off Murbleheud. They have been MiccMHful thus fur In tho bun illtHg of this typo or rneor, which do uuiuli rur hur speed on tho provnloneo tit oomlltloiiB for which she was elm llrlioted. Bnmll yachts nro mure UlOflOly subject to wonthor conditions than nro their big Hlstors. Tho loo urunm ptomaine does not gfjom la linvo buun particularly lively Litis soRgan. PtrlMpH tho heroism of the ptibllo In braving Its terrors bus lilscoUruged tho ptotualno. Southern Spice Pie. Two cupfuls or sweet milk, three eggs (yolks), one cupful or sugar, four heaping tnbtoepoouruls or flour, ono largo lump of butter, one ten spoonful of cloves, one teuspounful of allspice, one tenspoourul of cinnamon, ono tenspoourul or nutmeg, nnd one tonspoonrul or lemon extract. Mix and cook until thick. While this cools bake plo shells; then add tho lllllng, using the whites or the eggs tor frosting. Hrown nnd serve cold. Turkish Scrambled Egos, Dent hair a dozen eggs up with pop per, salt nnd chopped parsley, stir In n tnhlospoonrul or melted butter In n Btuwpnn, and when lightly cooked nr range ns a border around a hot dish ful of chicken ltvors sliced nnd fried, Pour over nil u piping hot tomato eauco flavored with onion. Look at the Names. In I A. I). Fcurnldhuch-Klonfnshtnn wns an Irish king, a "most Just nnd good prince," who was slain by hit successor, Flnchadh-Flon, who wns trented to n similar fnto by Flnehndh Flonohudh, "tho prince with tho white cows," who died nt tho hands of "tho Irish plebeians of Connauglit." Koch-nlrh-.Moldmcodhnln wns ono or tho half dozen who died of natural onuses, nnd Flnlthhcnrtngli wns ono or tho two to resign tho monarch's scepter ror tho monk's cowl. Now York Press. And Ma Fainted. "Why did sho reruso you?" sho asked her son, with lino scorn. "Well," tho boy replied between his sobs, "she objects to our rnmlly. Hhe snys pa's n lonfer, that you're too fnt and that everybody laughs at Dayso Maymo because sbo's a fool nnd tnlks about nothing but tho grentness of her rnmlly." (Chnuncey throw wntor In his mother's face, but nt threo o'clock this afternoon sho wns still In n swoon, with four doctors working on her.) Atchison (Knn.) Globe, Prepared for the Worst. "How long had your wife's first hus band been dend when you married her?" "About eight months," "Only eight months? Don't you think sho wns In a good deal of n hurry?" "Oh, I don't know. Wo had been engaged for nearly two yearn." A Green One. "Do you look for news or Howard's huutlnr, trip In the sporting column?" "No, In the obituaries." Llfo. Aid Fight Against Tuberculosis. At tho recent meeting of tho Na tional Association of Hill Posters, held In Attnntn, (In., It was derided to do unto to tho campaign ngniust tubercu losis $1,200,000 worth of publicity. Tho bill postern in nil pnrts or the United States nnd Canada will fill tho vacant spaces on their H,f00 hill boards with largo posters Illustrating tho ways to prevent nnd euro con sumption. Tho Poster Printers' nsso elation hns nlso grnntcd $200,000 worth of printing nnd paper ror this work. This entire cnmpnlgu or bill bonrd publicity will bo conducted un der tho direction or tho Nnttonnl As sociation for tho Study and Preven tion or Tuberculosis In co-operation with tho N'ntlonnl Hill Posters' association. They Were Good Mothers. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Is quoted ns saying thnt n woman's first duty Is to develop all her powers and possibili ties, thnt sho may bettor guide and sorvo tho next generation. Mrs. Stan ton raised sovon uncommonly healthy and handsome chitdrou, says nn ad mlrcr or hers, nnd the children or Mrs. Jul In Ward Howe testify to the vir tues or tho noted woman ns n moth er. The cnglo may bo ns good n mother ns tho hen or tho goose. Could She? "When women get to voting," said tho man, "thoy will linvo n grcnt many moro calls than thoy now have to put their hands In their pockets nnd gtva monoy to further Importnnt causes," Tho womnn looked thoughtful. "I'm nlwnys willing, of courso," sho snld, "to glvo money for n good cnuso, but ob for putting my hnnd In my pocket " Her Intentions. "Do you think your slstor will map ry mo?" "If you keep comln'." "Hnvo you heard her say nnythlng about It?" "I heard her toll ma that If you didn't stop comln' hero so often she'd mnkc things unpleasant for you." 8eekt the Man. Tommy Pop, what Is tho ofTIco thnt seeks tho man? Tommy's Pop Tho tux olllce, my son, Philadelphia Ilecord, Ready Cooked. The crisp, brown flakes of Post Toasties Come to the breakfast table right, nnd exactly right from the package no bother; no delay. They have body tooj these Post Toasties arc firm enough to give you a delicious substantial mouthful before they melt away. "The Taste Lingers." Sold toy Grocers. Made by POSTUM CEREAL CO., LIMITED; BATTLE CREEK, fUCHIQAN.