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THE CARRIZOZO NEWS t'ulillnlieit etoi Kriilaj al Cakhizozo Nitw Mitxicu. Ittitnrpil nuMvitnil cln innljpr .limn 12, tlm lawliillim lit Cflrrl.oiii, Nitvr Moxlcii, under tlm Ar( tit MnrrliH, I "71'. ouiiatimirrju.NiATKH! One Yimr. JU MntitliH, 11.00 I NO, ,. IIAI.KV, llilltiir. The Peary-Cook controversy, like tlie little brook, seems des tined to go on forever. As a matter of fact, the pole is more magnetic than ever, for it is at tracting the attention of the civ ilized world. If, however, the discovery had only been made during the Koosevclt administra tion, and presented to Theodore, what a beautiful "big stick" it would have made. that would both attract and en tertain. Lincoln county has been content to live in her shell too long. She look u stride for ad vancement this year; let's add to it another next year. Considerable activity is notice able in this town since it was de clared the county scat of Lincoln county. New people arc drop ping in all the lime, looking for locations, others for residence houses into which they can move their families when they arrive, while others with a view to gett ing in on the ground arc looking around for business opportuni ties. Residence houses arc in de maud at a premium, and the de mand is bound to increase with the population. To find a suit able building to hold court in and one to con line prisoners in during the coming term of court are easy problems compared to providing houses for seven ty-livc or one hundred families which arc ex pected to move here before spring. One man whom we know, and who is preparing to move his family here, spent several days this week looking for a house and as far as we know without suc cess. A dozen or two four-room houses could at present be leased or rented at the owner's price. The enterprising citizens of Tucumcari have decided to hold a Juay county fair this fall. The The national forest reserve has turned over about S2d,00U to the territory of New Mexico, to be bislributed to the school and road funds. This amount comes from the forest reserve collections, 'a per cent of which is returned to the counties wherein forest re serves are located, to go to the funds named above. Lincoln county's portion will be over 0,000, half and half to toe school and road funds. This will giyej every child of school age in this j county more than $1, and will aid1 quite materially in lengthening1 the school terms in the various districts, It will also replenish the road fund and give the board of commissioners sufficient means wherewith they may complete some good roads. ABSTRACT OF COUNTY RECORDS. Kuriilnliul lijr Amerlotn Title A Trunt Cu. Uiiuuln. N. M. PATH NTS. U. S. to Polo uu II. de Padilla, v2 sw4, s2 nw4 sec 2 it) r 13. U. S. to Kobcrt A. Orr, n2 sc4 sw4 nc4, se4 uw4 sec 13 tp 7 r 14. j .Miru.Ni, ijiuwj.s. D. J. M. A. Jewell to New Mex. Iron Mining Co., Johnson, Tho mas and Calcium Oxide Placer Mining claims, ICI Capital! (list.; consideration, 51. Parker Karle to same, 1-8 int. to saute; SI. S. T. Gray and wife to same, 1 4th int. to same group; $1. Marshal K. Holt, widow, to same, 1-8 int. to srme; St. M. S. Keiscr to same, 1-8 int. to same; SI. M. M. Holt to same, 1-8 int. in same; SI. Frank II, Spillmau, 1-8 int. in same; SI. .1. IS. Kooticc to Jas. G. ISscuc, OR IHf ML St A Our New Stock of High Grade Merchandise for PALL and WINTER will be on Display at an early date We solicit your patronage on the broad platform of Better (iooJs for ttie Same Money. Hotter noods cost more. but they are cheaper in the lontf run. Cheapness is not always measured by the purchase price. Values have something to do in ascertaining if you are getting the most for your money. Com pare the values we are offering. They will stand the stand the test of close comparison. ( ARR 707O I RAMnQ (0. The Store where Quality and Price Meet." 1 I" Stove Stoves and Kauues. liuildcrs' Hardware N. B. TAYLOE & SONS Blacksmithing and Hardware A. 1,11.. 11 A. ..'.. It . .i.t !,.. l f fV, --!,.,,., JVW.llv, ... ......... .., ...... w.uvj, jv,,,. w.w.w.uaw o. ........ K ' NoiT'll diStS Si together and make arrangements b' for holding a Lincoln county fair , wakkantv uiiuds. in the fall of P10. This is a; S. T. Gray and wife to Welch suggestion to the Chutubor of & Tilsworth, lots 10, 17, 18, PJ, Commerce, and we hope it will 20, 21, 22, blk 71 Capitan; $300. give the matter an impetus and! CarrizozoTownsitu Co. to Har- pltah it along. No great things, Mclvers, lot 30 blk 13 Carri- of count, will be expected, but ozo; S175. U iitxt season is a favorable one, ' Carrizozo Townsitc Co., to Al- ve can show the world some of vinu Aionzo, lot PJ blk 38 Carri- ttie Hunt fruit that grows, and Izozo; S'JO. fnrui product, irrigatod and uou-J Felipe Sanchez and wife to irrigated, equal to those grown ! Hunry Lutz, c2 sw4 of sec 17 and tttKtlUBOi mid cUowhorc. Our'o2 uw4 sec 20, tp 0, r 15; $800. CAUUI07.0 A Wlliril OAK. Tinware, Paints, Glass, Oils of all kinds. Harness, Ammunition, Ktc. Mv ttoek exhibit could bo made Oliu of tlio host, am! wc could pro (Hits u Milium 1 display that would ottmto niul stimulate the- mining Industry of the outiro county. A Hit of sports could be added Kight of way, 11. Doyle Murray to Colo Tul Co, all lauds in sec tion 12, tp 11, r 17; $1. MAX HIAC!IS. lrknost I. liurroll, 22, and lOthel M. Craig, both of Capital!. i CAPITAN MERCANTILE COMPANY. U P. (1. IM2TI2KS, Proprietor. h i H Wc carry a select line of H i we ..y staple and fancy Groceries we sen p. H for nt K '1 CflSl, Hardware, Tinware 'smunPromj; !L Rancnmtn's Supplies, Etc. ' k H I I i CAPITAN, N. H.