Newspaper Page Text
DELINQUENT TAX LIST LINCOLN COUNTY, N. M. fjp for waul of time in which to pre- i .1 f I ! l.l! l;trc ute same lor earner ihidii- Amounting (o Not Leu Than $25.00. Anil notice of application to the District Court for judgment and sale for taxes for the year 1U08 delinquent on June 1, l'JO'J, with penalties and costs. Thkkitoky oi' Nitw Mkxico I County oi' Lincoln. ' ' In accordance with chapter 22, of the laws of the Territory of New Mexico 33d Legislative As semhly thereof, I, the undersign ed Treasurer and Kx-Oflicio Col lector of Lincoln county, in the Territory of New Mexico, do hereby make, certify and publish the following notice and list of delinquent taxes amounting to not less than $25.00, with penal ties and costs thereon, which became delinquent on the 1st day of June, A. D. l'JU'J, the same be ing hereinafter set forth and con taining the names of all the own ers of all the property on which taxes arc delinquent, the descrip tion of the property on which same arc due, the amount of tax es, penalties and costs due there on, and the amount of taxes due on personal property. And notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned Treasurer and Kx-Oflicio Collector of said county of Lincoln, will apply to the District Court, held in and for said county, upon the next return day, to-wit:8th day of November, A. D. l'JU'J, the same occurring not less than 30 days after the last publication hereof, for judg ment against the lauds, real es tate and personal property scribed in the following list amount of taxes due thereon, gether with the penalties cation. Dk. T. W. Watson, de for to- aud costs, and for an order to sell the same to satisfy such judgment. And further notice is hereby given that within 30 days after; the rendition of such judgment , against such property, and after! giving notice by a hand bill post-1 ed at the front door of the build-1 iug iu which the district court of j the said county of Lincoln is' held, to'wil! the Court House of I the said county of Lincoln, at j loasl tun days prior to sa'd sale, , 1, the undersigned Treasurer ami IBs-Ofltelo Collector of the said i county of Lincoln, will offer fori titlo at public auction, iu front of , mild building, the real and perso-j Utl property described in said I iioUca, agninst liiay bo rendered for the amount Of taxes, penal ties and costs due llioroon, continuing said sale from ilu v to day, as provided by law, until thi! same shall be sold. This list has not been published Within J0 drtys after June 2, l'JOU, Treasurer and IC.vOllieio Col lector, Lincoln County, N. M. Dated, Lincoln, X. M,, September 4, V)(V). 1'lfHCINCT No. 1. Illiincliiirtl HriM prrHntinl irni-rty In 3171 Kimlly I XI ci.t2d 18 27 (liilli'Kiw THiiIiImI iriHiniil iriirty tnx !l IM tmtmlty 2 1.1 roti.20 M 78 llnlatmitl llnrry I' Hirrniinl propnrty tnx :t7 m inlty i Pkkcinct No. 2. Annlln I'nnlny lidilro. DiilrcuNnmlirctiln Aniilln nilinliiMnitrlx pornoim! irit rrty lii)t"Hli 20 SUM Annlln lnn liclnt. Ymilinl Atmllii licit ft ft I Henl ctnto, n In recorded In hunk Z mu" ins record of Lincoln ciiunly tnx till ill Kri Hll2noii2.1 1:17 It Annlln Tlmnteo tot nl nee 10 t II r I7t hurt tic I wl kcc 1(1 1 II r 11 (xirt nwl n-I, net mvI eo 7 1 10 r II t 't Int not nnil lulu !l. I mo III 1 10 r I", nnl tin) co II t II r III romtnnnclnit nt I ho cor tit 12. 13. 7 .V H 1 1 1 . r 17 .V IH cur mi It thenro Tnr 1:1 : I0'enl 31 rim tn ror no!, n lltntntonn txllxl Inch ct In tlm umuml nml marked nn llm norlli litrU:rl i limner vnr 12 n. rim tn the middle of Itin lliitiilo ill link ninth n( which Iimllincntiinn IRxIflxfl Inch, iniirkpil mi llm n. uliln w niUI2l thrtirr nlotiff thnmlilitlntif thn Itin llnmln ton tolnton th" ritn linn iM'twrcn rnncin 17 ,V 18 rnt M llnk Kfintli (if which In n llinmtimn intlOxlillnch. miukml w o iUKI on niitthnlilritliriicn friim inlilillnnf llln Hondo 20 : 11' i'. miiilh II rha tn ror mi I. plncntif Imulnnlnir. cimUlnltw lilt iicrrn. mora or n, Iiehw nil Hint lmrtlnn of lot I neo 7 1 7 r 13. IVltinliiK nt Kiimrninftit ror In ninth line of nvo Itl thrnre w nlonir thn ninth line of mid rv 12, ill III. to lllitniotolin txlHxID lurli. miirkcil T on tlm north niihi not II In. In tint itromiilt thenco north I2iJI rim to thu couth Imnk ton Milnt iliin north of nlil h ror In thn ninth llni'of tra 12) thenro ninth .VII elm to I'lnca of Im. (tlnnlnit, rontnlnlitK 17 ncrtw. iiwInwIwoliltllrU. Cor no 1 which in In thn mlililla of lllo 1IiiiiiIi:H) ltiikn which vnr II ' iU ' runt :I0 elm n.ii llmtwtnne Klillih Inch. lonK chli-elii! wot A I: tinmen to ror nn'J. n llmnntiimt 8x8x11 Inch, limit rhlM'hit T A 2t theiicn vnr HI :;)' rant II W elm w. ror no J n linictlouu I2xl'.'xll Inch, lonit chhul'il :Ita, wIiimico tilt) U ror tiiK-oo 10, II t II r I7n. '.into k.h: ' M cliH illo. In nt I llicncii ror noil hr II s uo ' n, . tu ror no 4 In middle nl mill nonitiin nt 0."ilrhiti.ut Monti Hxltxl:! In. louii rhlorli'il w c It thi'iicn from cor mi I nint to or no I iiliim of ImulnnlnK, roulnliiliiK IU 7nnnrr, Iwlntr u imit of nwl ! ma II t II r 17 n. TnxHiOtiH-tt I mirontt. tfA bum llnhlm A Co. nn4 l. nwl H'i, i'i rl n'o ttl 1 10 r Is. 11' t ttcrt'H tnx l poo I TO fltn.t mim lorMiiwl iroi lux llfit'MN-iitial o M 1:111 Mutimj I'ttiuk ixirnoitHl iroKrly tnx CI txin 0 HO immU XU l:li M Dkhcinct No. 3. (loilnlr A (Intrell lot net) II 1 8 r IU, til l mo 111 1 1) r IU Ui lllK.n ItKototnW II ill lritml tnx can M in'ii II fU n 20 87H M I'lilllliKi J I' n'rnMml iriivrty tin iH8Smi!I II rot ta Kl'i WtOth J I' in'mnml iiminTty tnx II It twti 1 W rtt tit M M I'KHCINCT NO. 4. i'tiH'i Win l) tt iicl. nwl nnlpt'ii II I II r l tnx ill Unpen I IB mil &0 itliW Cnnti) Iflh'ii It Kit nI Hit K t II r IS, nwl hwI kiioII t II r 18, nnl iiuIhi'o IT t II tlx tnx II II wn:icol IS 47 11 which judgment hmwhu w iimwi iimiwiy V1X lU IV Mtll II Ot tMMlK iU l.ll l I.lmlltiy J M Hwli.ot II r 111, nwl nsli litil nwl vo'-M.' t II r IU, fine w2 oo 40. tUt II rill lii.x in It mi I 27 CO.I8 75 27 la Whlto IIIbi irK(innl irorty tnx WW Hi iiiu 80 Kl CMintM 20 Bl 18 Pmhcinct No. 5, Otorn Jho Atitimlu (KtMiiuil inoiwrt' SI J fun t Tl eute SO 87 21 1'HKCINCT No. (. Ilriir.mui (' II rnoiinl ifii"rty tnx ill 1 'ii I 7.1 cimtK 20 'M ! Dim Irftml A I'uttli'Cil ixTMMinl irnnily tin IUI .VI -ii .11 Tl eimt 20 m 12 I Mtitln mini 1'' I'., nwl M-n 27 ti7 r II. n2 net nl ni'l kit 2 li 7 r 1. nnl frl 'I Ui7rl.Mn.x24W, i-u 1 10, nxnlll iKIIiH I'KHCINCT NO. 7. Ancho I'lncrr Co imtmiimI prolfrty tnx 1(17.1 li I HO rili. 211 (Mill Klrhfl A Wrlchnl iHtwuml prtii -Tty tnx 1 17 ill - n7 it7rol-tl IMUI llnrtltmii .1 J tH'ruonnl tiroiwrty tnx iKnoifii 1 1'4 root 3) SI 74 I'KHCINCT No. 8. KojInMW lotitil. 4,.V(lmniKt W. O. lulu ., i, 10, Pimm t " w2 hit it hlk in, w2 lot I hlk tr.l tnU I, , 1,1k :I7. lulu 2, it, hlk m, lot I hlk II, It t 7 hlk 22. r2 lot ShlkiRI tut II Ml ion '21111 riM.U I 1.12:1 Toprktt Mlnltm An-oclutlon-litit I ho I ti0 r 10, Itril Jen ii lode. Ilclnwnrn Imln. Union Jnek.Cupprr Mnlt, tow wr dinner, I'rlvntrt.'r.Trniit, Unnltu, Cliiiinmiin llcnr, Wliltr Oitk mlnlint illrt, tnx i:mstciillKI,ri. I til 11.122 Well Iliilln. owl nwl nee 8 lp7rU. nwl wliraHtp7 r 1:1. (i Int i.2nnli"ti2l Ipllrll. 't Int i2 iipI itc rt tptlrll, w4 lot I hkill While OnVn. t,l fl hk ill. Lot it lik id, Ut 1. 2. :l.o lik h. Lot 7 hk 7. Wi loin nt Ni'tfnl. tnx 78 91 prn iltH rontn IX it2 l:l lit Wll HrimtiK, nml Int t2pel oco .1. Ip7 r lil, wS xwt en 7 ti 7 r lit, ft nnl fee 8 Ip 7 r lil. w2 nwl ra n tp 8 r lit, tnx tHMl(n:i.rottlo mw I'KHCINCT No. MiimtellJ A rut of. nnl frl ro ill IpUrlll, iC'kcI twl el n!7 tpUrll. KrUwl nv", lpr Hi iiImi 21n In tra a tpIO r I'l, tnx ill M. urn I 77, 7.1 iW Wt I'KHCINCT No. 10. llrrrrrn Knrnnnilo, nnl nnl uno 2W tp II r II. M'ltiwl f2'el nnr20 tp II rll, tnx ill I'l mn I "I. uiKtii II 37 10 Huuchnt r"rll)H, PptnK M1W. pen illtl, rontitai WM I'KHCINCT No. tl. Amlnrnon Mm M II, UU I. .1.8, lit hk itl l.l 1, 2. it. A, 7, !, 10, II hk 42, tili 2, :l hk 27 NiK.ll, tnx 2d ai, h.i I id), rti.t.127 ltK Amerlrnndolil Mlnlintt'ii-Amerlcnn mlnn Notfitl mltiliiit ill-t, tnx .'111, nn 17 2, 21 Dniiuhtirty W A, Whltn lion. Alnx. Tmnn. Imwk nilnlnu tilnlmii, tnx tiw, pun I il8. rtMlii II -' lil Hide Win, pp 'nx 11 31, Kit 2 17, nmU 20 II til I'KHCINCT No. 12. lltmlliiTowntltn ('' Hlorku I In 81 Unnltu Town. He. m loin, tnx W V, H-nll IU cwl r,7 ivi mini Hnule Mlnlint nml lniiton't Oi-llopffnl mlnn nml mill cite, liiillillnuo nml linptoit'tnrntK. Imlldlim', mill, hutnl hillillim nnil InuirtirrniiMitit, Hint HIUcrt'lllT KIiik mlnn. Thrlfly mill nltn nl'il Iniiifiiteineiilii. tux 7AI 8.H, mn il7 7l, root I 10 7t'IH2 Hiwt nT V, pptiixni', pHn:i2l.rotai l2tl 1'lttMnirit Orn Itislucllnn t'u rxliiln, linulnnlint nt tne nn rotnnr u tp HliiirKc IN nml rimiilmr went NlyiU, thrum nith l: ent to lllo lUililtit cteek. llmiice fiilhiwiliu mi'mnlerof Hihlrrrrk on north ilr. thenrn tun nlntito wnt llnntif nrl wl ofnlimf Hvllim, tlinnrnfnllowltiumrniiiler of lllo llimlto 1K1)i!, limner ninth tn Immuliiry of nliWrctlnn, them'ttivit In net cor ofmt 7, north Mmllntii ptnen of Ik'hIiiiiIiik. tnx PS 28, pnn I HI rod I "I !' tMiirk Mrit H V, net n4 m-o 3 tp 10 r 13. rt nwiftwlrttiufcicitpio ria, lutci. a did I tpll Mil. tnx SUM. l-n I ll, nmU 71 W l Httiwnrt.V Htiphntmm, pptnt lit lit, pen 1 Ml, rit Hi ! 18 l'HUCINCT No. 13. Alu)t.liuMil. pplnx 200811. pen Mill, riitn20 "110 llrnwn A M. i nwl hoc IS Ip I r II nml nrl MM)l2tpl rll, tnx MM, mnl87, IMlKtHM !l0' llilllntji (1 V, PP tnx IW M, pen 77, rl 20 KM 40 llrnwn II W, pp tnx 8721, ll I !W, rln '.tl HI 77 (Mniiuutln J H. I'l' " l""'. I"'" ' nln20 IWlH I'nrmworth A tllt, PP tnx 721 M. pen ihl 21 I rout 20 'Ml" I (Inlilenhiiru I'' li, pptnx 732 W. pen iVlCI ' oiulntil 81 I KnollfiiitllrlnW. ppUx I.MI W, (fti 7772 i'imU20 l Nlxllt H It, pptnx 01 Ul, poll it . conln J f.S W OrtUNnbtir, IaiI il nint I hktlL'orunn, Ib.x .1UM,l'ti I l,r(.iniM ill II pplnx .17 II. H'ii'.il i'l in Hlnek lime, pptnx 21 M, pen I it8, rol 20 Shirk A I'erry. kiiw mill nml oiilltl, tnx tux I'h 71, i-ii I ni, iiit?i itti ki I'KHCINCT No. 14. Iloornt' A HnhettH, pp t -x ill II'. ien 1 71 rout 2i) llnlilHr Jim. ImtNai. 21 hk 2:1, lot8hk ID Mill) mid, tin iUl W, pnn I ct, nl 2.1 Klnullnn., I.i.Ik l.2l,kil, oU2, t lik 1.1 Ciifrlrnr.d lux iW m, prn I n. ro-li. i Iaiu, Mm A H. loU HI, 17, l IU, 2D. 21 lik 2, I'lirritozn, lux 88.11, kii 112, ro-ln.VI Itimllncton llrnrur pp tnx Irtlil. tmiSM mot 20 WnlLer W II, UO .1 hk MrOmhl, tnx mittl I x-Il I 07, rmtM II M III 3tl ai 70 l.l 17 18 IH INS Amounting to Less than $25. Anil notice of sale for taxes, penalties and costs for 1908. Territory of New Mcxicw, ) County of Lincoln. f Iu pursuance of the laws of thu Territory of New Mexico, I, ihe undersigned Treasurer anil Kx Oflicio Collector of said Lincoln county, N. M , do hereby make, certify and publish the following list of delinquent taxes amount ing to less than $25.00 with pen alties and costs thereon, which became delinquent on the 1st day or June, A.D., l'JO'J, the same being hereinafter set forth ami containing the names of all the owners of properly on which taxes are tlelitujtieitt, a descrip tion of the properly on which the said taxes are due, the amount of taxes, penalties and costs due thereon and the amount of taxes due on personal property. And notice is hereby given thai I, the undersigned Treasurer ami lix-Oflicio Collector of said Liu coin county, will offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bid der for cush, the several pieces of property hereinafter described, both real and personal, for taxes, penalties anil cobts, due and de linquent, beginning on the 15th day ol November, IW), at the front of the courthouse itl the town of Lincoln, in said Lincoln county, that I will continue said sale Iroin day to day if necessary until all the property described iu the following list is sold, or until the respective amounts due shall be paid; that the raid sule will be held between the hours of leu o'clock iu the forenoon and four o'clock iu the afternoon of each day of such sale; and thai if u purchaser fails to pay the amount of his bid before ten o'clock of the day succeeding the sale of the property to him, the property bid for by him will be re-offered for sale, he not being allowed to make further bid or bids on such property; and thai I will issue and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers oi pro perly at said sule u certificate of purchase us provided by law. This list has not been publish ed within 'JO days after June 2, 1000, fur want of lime iu which