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A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Lincoln County. V ' VOLUME 10 CARRIZOZO. LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, DECEMBER 10, 1909. NUMBER 44 Striking Paragraph fo Menage. The following paragraphs arc taken from the president's mes sage to congress. Perhaps the most important question presented to this admin istration is that of economy in expenditure and sufficiency of revenue." The president says the cost of ! living has increased, but does net blame the tariff for it. HOND ISSUK HKCOMMKNDHD. "The report of the secretary shows that the ordinary expendi tures for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 1910, will exceed the receipts by $34,075,620. If" to this deficit is added the sum to be disbursed for the Panama ca nal, amounting to $38,000,000, and $1,000,000 to be paid on the public debt, the deficit of ordi nary receipts and expenditures will be increased to a total deficit of $73,075,620. This deficit the secretary proposes to meet by the proceeds of bonds issued to pay th.i cost of constructing the Pan ama canal. I approve this prq posal." The president says the cost of engineering and constructing the canal, which will be completed January 1, 1915, will be $297,766, 000, as originally estimated. Other expenses increase the cost by $75,435,000 to a total of $375, 201, 000. UKOHS I'OSTAU SAVINGS HANKS. "They will furnish a satisfac tory substitute for the system of a government guaranty of depos its which, with deference to those who advocate it, seems to me to have in it the seeds of demorali zation to conservative banking and certain financial disaster." The president earnestly rccom mended the passage of a ship subsidy bill. CaBpalfa Expesie FsMkity. "I urgently recommend to con gress that a law be passed re quiring that candidates for mem bers of the house of representa tives and committees in charge of ' their candidacy and campaign, file in a proper office of the U. S. government, a statement of the contribution received and of the expenditures incurred in the campaign for such elections and that similar legislation be enact ed in regard to all other elections which arc constitutionally within lie, control of congress. Tke Statehood Paragraph. In his annual message to con gress, President Ta't makes the following recommendation with reference to statehood: "Tim successful party in the last election in its national plat form declared in favor of the ad mission as separate states of New Mexico and Arizona and I recom mend that legislation appropriate to this end be adopted. I urge, however, that care be exercised in the preparation of the legisla tion affecting each territory to secure deliberation in the selec tion of persons as members of the convention to draft a consti tution for the incoming states, and I earnestly advise that such constitution after adoption by the convention shall be submitted to the people of the territories for their approval at an election in which the sole issue shall be the merits of the proposed con stitution and if the constitution is defeated by popular vote, means shall be provided in the enabling act for a new convention and the drafting of a new constitution. I think it vital that the issue as to the merits of the constitution should not be mixed up with the selection of state officers and that no election of state officers should be had until after the constitu tion has been fully approved and finally settled upon." Teachers' Examination. The regular mid-winter exam inatinn of teachers will be held in the public school building at Carrizozo, N. M., on Friday and Saturday, January 14th and 15th, 1910. All permits expire on the date of this examination, and all teachers holding permits and de siring to continue teaching are required to secure a certificate at this examination. The issuance of two permits in succession is forbidden; hence the necessity for holders of permits to secure u ccr tificate in order to draw salary from the public school fund. The Territorial Board expects to fur nish questions for first, second and third grade certificates. The examination will begin at eight o'clock, Friday morning, and a specifically allotted time will be given to each subject until the examination is completed. JNO. A IlAMtY, Supt. of Schools, 12-10-6 Lincoln Co,, N. M. HOLIDAY dlfTS! VOU WILL KIND ALL KINDS FOR 1 Young and Old on display at our Store. You are Invited T O DROP IN AND SEE OUR DIS PLAY. We will be more than pleased to see you. Don't forget T HE BIG DOLL WILL BE GIVEN away December 24th, and every cash purchase of One Dollar in the Dry Goods section entitles you to a ticket. Your Christmas Turkey D kON'T FORGET TO ORDER YOUR Christmas Turkey now. (AKMOIO TRADING (0. "Me Store wtiere Qiulity and Price Meet." Call up Phone 56 W F WINFIFII) -,v iii bi ii mi .!' near -uu Staple and Fancy Groceries E. S. LONG Manufacturer of Galvanized Tanks, Guttering, STOVE PIPE, ROOFING, &c. Repairing of all kinds, Special Facilities for Roofing and Guttering. I K