Newspaper Page Text
LINCOLN LOCALS. Deputy Sheriff Oswald was over last week with a prisoner from Carrisio.u. J, II. Woiteli of Roswell was Sunday looking after Some milling interests in this county. J. W. KitfKle of Chicago, III., an uncle of l'roiiatc Clerk Ki(,rle of this town, arrived here Satur day on an visit. Grover Cleveland Johnston who has been working for Dr. Laws for some time was married last Sunday to Miss Laura Salazar, Kov. J. H. Girma officiating After the ceremony a supper was served at the home of the bride. J. II. Pendleton, Geo. IJarbcr and J, M. Pen field drove up into theCapitan mountains last week to examine some mining claims. Mr. Pendleton left this week for his home in Los Angeles. PHOI-'ESSIONaL cards. II. C. DKYDKN PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Olllco llonrMI tn II it. in. Hinl i In I p.tii, ()iluilii(llrl lllilri. Carrizozo : : New Mexico, J7UANK J. SAOISR PIH12 IN5UUANCU Notary Public. Olllro In Kxrlniinr ILitik Cnrrltoto, JJ 15 WITT & IIIJDSIM5TII Attokn it ys-at- Law White Oaks : New Mexico ABSTRACT OF COUNTY RECORDS. Furnlalml liy Amntlrnn Titlo ,1 Tnit Co. liliiKnlii. .N. M. Qt W. HALL A ITOHNUY-AT-LAW Corpomtlnn mul Mlninii Ijiw ii Hporlnlly. Notary In Olllro. Dank Building, Carrizozo. QI50K(I5 SPI5NCI5 Attohnky-at- Law (llllmlii IIhiiIi lliillillnu Carrizozo New Mexico S , l?. A. (SIKKKB AITORNIiY AT LAW Carrizozo New Mexico. l S, UANDL15S DENTIST Office in Dank Dtiilding Carrizozo, - - New Mexico County Surveyor The onlr ImiiiiIkiI Hnrroriir in Lincoln County ( minm Hut jmi. Iiomi. itiinriinrn New McxiVo, UltlttlS. Win Kahler and wife to J. W. Poelps and J. A. Walton, lots 1, 2 and 3 block 2 MeD addition to Carrizozo; consideration $1. Charles Snence and wife to J. Mocho and J. II. Mocho, sw4 sec. 27, n2 nc4, sc4 nc4, nc4 se4 sec. 28, twp 7, s r 15 c, and water rights; consideration S5UU0. OlIIT CLAIM DUItDS. Spencer Hopkins to Forest II. ?RANIv 15. TII15UKI5R buittli and uenrge u. Hopkins, mining claim II & S No. 3, in Nogal district; cotisidcratiotiSlO. Forest H. Smith to Geo. C. Hopkins II it S No. 1, 2 and 3, .Carrizozo tinning claims in iNogal district; consideration $5000. George C. Hopkins to Commer cial Metals Co., mining claims II & S, 1, 2 and .'I ; consideration SlU. I'OKI'MTUKUS. Henry Pfaff to co-owners of Clipper mining claim in White Oaks district. Jas. 15. Hurt to co-owners of llirmiugham Placer claim in the Capitan district. Application for permit to ap propriate water. J. II. Potter fori Carrizozo, 10 acre feet out of Lion i to Uatioti, I in sec. 18, twp. 1. srl3e, fori n L. RANSOM g J. WOODLAND CONTRACTOR & MJILUUR Kul limit KiirnMiol. Carrizozo, New Mexico. JEID & LITTLE CONTRACTORS & BUILDIiRS Plain mul KMlmutoa on nil olnaacn of lliilhllnit (arnlli(vl on iliort nottri. New Mexico. domestic use and stock. Notice of Lis Pendens. -Henry Lutz et. al. vs. C. W. Winglield PLASTERER AND CONTRACTOR Eillmattt Furnished rn all klndt ol plait. et. al., that county seat eoutrov- ;orlna and C8menl work nrju It fi a ttitnti i t mnn I fid ti Pitrri . torial supreme court, and that Cwrrii6Z0 " ' ' New Mexico, bonds will be repudiated should , plaintiff prevail. ! Protest of R. A. Duran, county , Do ot be deceived by tiuscru coininissioner, against issue of ' pulous imitators who would have bond issue for building of court ;yim beliuve tllal thc j,itati(m tousc and jail at Larrlao.o, for iUs ft8 , DoW,u,H K,(,. the roason that it has cost the' . , ,, ..... ... county more tlintt $30,000. 1 1,03 l "ladder Pills. There MARRiAUK UCUN8H8. j i'ut anything just as good as Pas Rniitiren. 45. and Loatidra : these wonderful pills for the re- UiUBlne, SB, ot wiittc uiiks. lief of backache, weak o.u-lr. in. Vigil, IS, Pica- llainmation of the bladder, urin- Francisco F. Vigil, IS, Pica cuo, and Isolia Gouinlus, 15, Sail Patricio. Q. C. Johnston. 21, and Laura Satoior, of Lincoln. ary disorders and all k duey com plaints. Any one can take De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed in perfect confidence JOHrtJO Huca, 35, mid Jtinuitu of good results. Soltl at Padon's MtauifH Wt of Lincoln. drug store and Holland Urus. i Mcdonald addition Lots 25 and 50 x 130 Feet. When you buy a lot here it is 130 feet long, facing on a struul 80 feel wide, whether for a home or for a busiuuss location. Investigate before you buy. A Square Dcnl (lunrnntuuil. W. C. MCDONALD. Office in "Oriental" Hldg. Women Suffer Agonies from Diseased Kidneys And Most Women Do This Not Knowing tlio Real Cause of their Condition Theso poor, suffering women Imva been led to bollovo that their misery ot tnlnd ami body Ih entire ly duo to "Ilia of thulr sex." Usually tho kidneys and bladder aro ro epniisllilo or largely bo. And In such cases, tho kldnoys and blail dor aro tho organs, that need and must havo attention. Thoso torturing, enervating nick headaches, dragging pains In back, Kroln and llinhs, bloating nml hwoII Jhk of tho oxtromltics, oxtromo ncrvousncBH or hysteria, liatless ii ess and constant tired, worn-out fooling aro almost certain symp toms of disordered and diseased kidneys, bladdur and liver. DoWitt'8 Kldnoy and Dladdor rills have, In thousands ot cases, boon demonstrated as romarkably beneficial In nil such conditions of femalo orrcnnlsm nffordlnK tho most prompt relief and permanent benefit. As an Illustration of what theso rills will do, Mrs. P. M. llrny nt Columbus, On., writes thnt sho was very ill with kidney troutilo, and that sho Is now well nml that theso Pills nro what cured her. They aro very pleasant to tako, nnd can In no case, prodnco any dolctorlous cffcctH upon tho systoin as syrupy, alcoholic, liquid prop- orations aro apt to do. 13. O. DoWltt & Co., Chicago, 111.; want ovary man nnd womnn who havo tho least suspicion that thoy nro nnilctcd with kldnuy and blad der diseases to nt onco wrlta thorn, nnd a trial box of theso Pills will bo sont frco by return mall post paid. Do it to day. For Sale at Dr. PnJrn's Drug Store nnd Rollnnd Urns, Mining Application No. 020698. Ulillctl Htittr Utml Olllro, IUmmoII, Now Mcxlru, Niinmilinrll, W.. Niitli'M In horclir Klvrn thnt CIiIchuh itmt Hnntn l'i HincHIni! und MIiiIiik ('ininti'. liy Jnhu V llnwltt, lU llttciNii'Hn-fliet, wIiiim, Hitnllpn I WlillnOiikH. Iilmiolii rinintr. Now .Muxlni, lum till. (Uy filol it tiiilrntlnii (nr n uttint for dm llml.t')i (lriiiu( mining oln'm, miimlKtlnit of tlm lliiwki'in I.ihIk for WHMW, nml tho Id-il lt(ii.o hmln fur 1211,15 fin; I of .Hid vutnv, litxirlnir linlil. Iii;tl'r with urfe Kriiuuil tin itlii.xrii nit tlm (lint cm tlln In tliUcitllco.Hlttmtml iuJIuiirlllit Sllnltiu Hltrlt, IiIiii'iiIii ivmntv, Niiw Mutleu, nml ilMcrlUxl l)j- llio Held mitiM on III" In Mil. oltloi iiaHnrfpy Nu, IIIVi, In miiirvi')nil tuwn lili N. JK, mii 12 Ii. Now MhxIpo l'rlnclnd Mt-rlillun H.1I1I Kiiivi'i Nu. .m Ih-Iiiii ili. ncrllxilu. follow h. Iii.mII: IIAWKKYK Ullll'. It-liinltiif ill fxirtu.r No. I, wlwnro tlinnlnml mil i.iilor umilliiii niriier m th mititli kIiIo (if himjIIihi :il,tiinlili!t H, riiiiun M Hut Nhw Mux- Ico I'rttifl wtt Mirwlliin, lntrii mmtli 27 Kl' vrmt MTiUtt fint. Thciicn tmrlli 111 SI' wiwt WV.1 fpet In cur. tier Nn. Tnriirn iintlli W in' rmt, viir. PIS IU' Mint, 417 M fiH't to rnrntr S'n. 3. Tlii'iicii Mintli 34 :U pkm. rnr. Il rittt, '2M f.x-t to corner Nn. I. TlirliMKontliM: 111' wft IIIH.W) fort to corner No. I, tlm iilace of iMittlmilnir. Ari.n of this tlii llnwki'jn boilo clultn. 15 UW nrri-H. IIHD IIOBU l,0)li. Iloulniilnu at cormir No. I, wlicuco tlm iimrtor M'Ctton ruriuT on ton Hniitli ulilii of rootlon ill, townlili5 8, ran k 12 K. New Muxlmui I'rliidl j.kI MuiuiIIiui liuura wiulh U M Hint UTU'l.ll I lett. Tlicnra N, 111 s M' Ii, mm (mi In curnur Nn. 2. Tlii'iicii H. IV. C 31' i: IVitM fort In rnrimr No. :i. riimiroS. IUS WW., vnr. 1(0 Ii, asUM frnt to corner Nu, I. riiencii N. m: 'Jl' V lai.ift frt li Kirnur No. I, tlm ilnra of Im-uIiuiIiiu. Htrltitf nnil oxroiitltiit from IIiIh cImIiii nil thnt IMirtlon llicroof III conllli't with tlm lluwkoyit lxlii of IliU niirvoy. Nrtiiroi oMIiL tlm 11,-tl lloxo I.ihIk tMUucrc. Total iirua of thin uroiii, il.NKiiirr.H. llirli of nlil niliilnu clulnm In of record ill tlin olllco of tlm ltocorilur of nnlil hlucoln county. Now Mexico. Tlm iuIJiiIiiIiih rlHlniH, hi fur n known, nrn on tlieonnt, MhkiIow Ijiirk l.oili. Zluu I.ikI.-, nnil litilillo InniU. on tlm noilli. Iliirit liiirk IahIu null imlilto lanilni on tliv wnat, Hollo nt Now .Moxlro 1xlc Until I. in k lioilii nml iiulillo Innilai on tlm routli. Hollo of Now Mnilrti l.mln, lloiily ('null mul luitillo liniiu. Any nml nil twonit cIhIiiiIhu nilrornoly t bo nilnlnu Krotinil, vmini. IoiIoh. irt'iiilri or Hiiy tiortlon tlioroof o ilocrllHil. furv,rl, iilnttoil mul iiiiolliil for. Hnilmrcliy notlfloil thnt inilomt tliolr inlvorM! cliilinn urn duly llleil iici-orilltiir to Inw nml tlm rciiiiliuloiin tliuroittnlor, with tlin llouUtvr of tin. Unltoil Hlnto. I.nml (llllco nt Itinwoll. Now Moxlro, ilurlnu' llin lxt)-iln) iiorloil nf tlio tiulilli'ntlon linroof. tlmy will Ixi Inn rod liy ri'iimii of tho tii'iilon. T. ('. Tit.i.iirHiiN, lk'nl.tor. t'lnt imli. Nor. IU HI Take cure of vour stomach. Let Kntlol digest all tlio food vou cat. for t li it t is wliut Kotlol docs. 15vcry tnljlespcoiiful of Kotlol dl yests 2xa pounds of food. Try it today. II is jjurraiiteed to relieve you or your money back. Sold at l'adcii'udriin store and Kolluud Llros.