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Welch Sc Titsworth Colorado Potatoes, per cwt. $1.50 Cane Granulated Sugar 41 6.I5 Pride of Denver Flour 44 33 Imboden's Best Flour 44 335 Pratt's Best Flour 44 3.3O Club House Flour 44 3.20 These prices subject to change without notice. Stetson Nats Boots and Shoes Dry Goods Etc., Etc. Farming Implements Farm Wagons Iron Roofing Chicken Netting WELCH & TITSWORTH. CAP1TAN. James W. Robinson and Koss An old time patient of the Kort been one of the lending players county, Mrs. T. J. Moore and lloutlcy were over Saturday from Stanton sanatorium, named in tin fort's baseball aggrcga- Mrs. O. C. Du vis, besides another Houito. Strauclin, passed through Cirri- tion, which has been so success- daughter who was at the bedside Wm. D. Martin and daughter, '-'' yesterday en route to Los ful the past four or live seasons, when the summons came. Miss Alma, were in Carrizozo Angeles. The cold weather has retarded Justice court has been grinding Monday from Oscuro. Mrs. Paris, the cashier nt the the plastering on Dr. Padcn's steadily the past week. Some Mrs. Hattie Pons' cottage is. rnilroal liotut, is in Cnpitnn this hospital and drug store building, family feuds, altercations be- Hearing completion, and will be week attending on her husband, Most of the inside work, however, tween sparring champions and occupied by J. S. Lassitcr and w,l had 11 h-'g broken last week is almost completed, and the a few plain drunks furnished the family. a runaway. building will soon be ready for grain for the mill. Our readers, Will J. Doering, the hustling S. W. Hale, of Capitan, who is occupancy. however, should not gather Troll' light man, returned Sunday from the oss snipe on the Capital! W. T. Crabtree, a promiuont this that sl,c things are the rlilc n tun days' trip to Las Cruces and branch, ha a thirty day leave of citizen and stockman of Corona, here they are simply epidemical, the Mesilla valley. absence, and with his family, is was down yesterday. Mr. Crab- II. K. Wiseman audA. Davis, Dr. J. W. Laws of the Lin- '"f? friends at Aluda, Texas, tree says range conditions in his who have spent the past week colu saiiatorium, passed through The family of W. S. Kirby left section are first class, the only here and in the Oscuros, left yes- luirc Monday on a visit to El Paso this week Tor Douglas, Arizona, draw-back being the scarcity of terday for their home in Chicago, and returned yesterday. lNlr Kirby, ill his capacity as water in some localities. They are interested in the New r r MM,.!, u ,....', Lin watchman for the railroad com- Lee Singleton left Wednesday Mexico Reduction Co., which has Geo. L. Ulritk is up in the liillR, ..,,.... ,,..,...,,.... r.. ,..,...,. ,f, ., i,r r i,....u 1,, n. n..r iuii , 11 11. 1 iiuuii muiaiuiuu vu iiiiiL uir vqiini:, i umim, wiiure lie win ".. w. ... ..... point. remain until after the holidays, mountains. The development of W. F.Mclntyre was down this He is still unable to ubc his leg, the claims has disclosed a sub woek from Ft. Sumner. He which was broken two mouths stantial lead, of galena and copper makes this point regularly, as ho ago. and is taking advantage of ore, from which some handsome has interests here, but makes his his enforced l v-oiT to visit his specimens have been taken, home at the historic old fort.noar ol home Capl. Paris, who was driving whore llillie the Kid met his Grandma Parker died at Nogal from here to Capitau Saturday, doom. Wednesday night, and was bur- received a broken leg by being John M. Hell came ovur from ied yesterday afternoon in the thrown from the vehicle in which PI. Stanton Monday, and left Nogal cemetery. Mr. John II. he was riding. The team be that evonlug for Chicago. Mr. Skinner, of this place, an old came frightened and unmanagc Doll has beau at Ft. Stanton for friend of the family conducted blu. with the result as stated. ' i"'"" "'' - '"7'; it SStZ department, and has boon trans- ceased was duitc aged and had rmiqi,i.,rp,i. i,p k ilnimr vorv wp7i. " - - , , - . , - - - , l rnnWIy assuiuiuL' ptoportions. ferred to Marine hospital at Chi- been in feeble health a number of Mrs. Paris left for Capital! upon Tt. tool Ib on and the brink front cago. Ho is quite well known years. She leaves several child- receipt of intelligence of the ac ts ftUIUl flu lulled, throughout this county, having roil, two of whom live in this cidout. looking after the interests of some mining property which is owned by eastern capital. Dr. L. I). Pricks, of WlStnu tou, returned yosterday from an oxtuncluil visit in Philadelphia unit. other onstoru points. Attorney Hudspeth, of White Onks, roturnod from Snutn l?c thU morning, where hi wont tho fltet of the wtk on log-iil busi ttees TUe Uirto-room adobe build tag, toeing eroctad by the Town- ttte tittpnny noar the postotlico