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IN THE PRESERVING SEASON Little Hlnti That If Observed Will Re. ult In Satisfaction to the Houiewlfe. Pears must bo cooked until tender before mifrnr Is ndded, nnd ono or two plcccn of Ringer root rIvoh n very plcnsnnt flavor. Always rook fruit rnpldly nnd In tmnll quantities If wanted cspr-clnlly fine, cither for entitling or Immcdlnto use. Qlnss Jnrn with tops should be well sterilized beforo using by putting Into cold wntcr and bringing to n boll. Hot tor to linvo now rubbers every sonson. Apple snuco In much moro savory If apples arc swootcnod beforo'beglnnlng to cook. They should olways bo thoroughly rooked. Tomatoes ennned In glass sometimes become Insipid, but If salted nnd pep pered beforo cnnnlng and nro woll wrapped In pnpor to oxcludo tho light they will keep fresh nnd sweet. If tin cniis nro used for tomatoes salt nnd pepper should never bo put In bofaro canning, becnuso of tho ac tion of tho salt upon tho tin, nnd grcnt caro should bu observed In hnvliiR the cans bright nnd now ami perfectly freo from rust. Peaches should always bo carefully washed beforo eating, as tho fuzz on tho skin Is said to causo soro throat and they nro much moro easily nnd comfortably handled If washed before peeling for canning or preserving. FORCE! OF HABIT. r W Creole Court Doulllon. Select nbout five or six pounds ot fresh red llsh, tnka ono tnblespoonful of buttor, ono of Hour, three chopped onions, fresh tomatoes, cqunl to nbout n can, three or four whole cloves and allspice, red nnd green peppors und salt. Kry tho onions In tho butter or ollvo oil, then add tho tomatoes and cloves. Lot them stew togothcr for 30 minutes. Then add tho flour; then ndd n pint claret. Let this boll, stir ring constantly about II vo minutes un til flour Is thoroughly cooked; thon strnln tho sauco nnd return to tho lire In n saucepan. Lny tho fish cut In steaks and let It simmer gently until cooked, which will require from ton to fifteen minutes. A nice wny to servo Is to havo ready In n deep dish slices of dry toast enough to cover tho bot tom of the dish. When done lny tho slices of fish on tho toast, pour tho sauco over tho llsh nnd servo. A piece of sweet pepper chopped may bo add ed to tho above sauco If preferred, also moro spices. Hodge Hofty lmd n strenuous tlmo on his vacation. When ha stnrtcd ho tipped tho scnlcn nt 200 pounds nnd when ha returned ho only weighed 149. Dodge That was n drop. I supposo his best girl gavo him up on the spot. Hodge Not nt nil. 8ho nceepted him right off. Dodge That's epiccr. Hodge No: you sen she Is a great bargain hunter ami couldn't pnss any thing thnt was reduced. CURED ITCHING HUMOR. Big, Painful Swellings Droko and Did Not Heal Suffered 3 Year. liven tho old mntd h;.s something to he Ihnnkful for. Shu doesn't hnvo to worry nbout '.vhern her husband Is nt night. Mm. Wltmlotr'n Hontlilnrr Hymn. For ctitldtf n tffthlni, saltftin tlio mm, tsOtirc. In namniatlua, allays paln.cttreawinileollu. Mcalxittla. When duty cuHu on n mnn ho Is npt to bo out. The Modern Razor NO STROPPING NO HONINC KNOWN THE WORLD OVfCR W. N. U.. DENVER. NO, 44-1909. Tortures Yield to Cutleura. "Llttlo black swellings worn scat tcred over my fnco and neck and they would lcavo llttlo black scars that would Itch so I couldn't keep from scratching them. Larger swellings would appear nnd my clothca would stick to tho pores. I went ton doctor, but tho troublo only got worso. Dy this tlmo It wns all over my nrms nnd tho uppor pnrt of my body In swellings as largo as a dollar. It was so pain ful that I could not bear to llo on my back. Tho second doctor stopped tho swellings, but when tboy broko tho places would not heal, I bought a set ot tho Cutleura Remedies and In loss Ihnn n wcok somo of tho places wero nearly well. I continued until I had used thrco sots, and now I nm sound nnd woll. Tho dlscnsa lasted thrco i years. O. L. wIIboii, Puryenr, Tonn., Fob. 8, 1908." t'otter Urvs X Ctiem. Corp., Sola 1'ropL, lortoa. Tho bravery of somo men Is Ilka thnt of bulldogs; they haven't sense onough to be afraid of anything. Rabbit and Batter Puddlnn. Prepnro a batter In this way an hour or two beforo you want to uso It. 81ft a ipinrter-pound of Hour Into n basin with half n tensponnful of snlt Drenk nn egg Into the center, nnd pour In aunrtor cupful of milk. Heat till perfectly smooth with a wooden spoon, then gradually add ono cupful of milk, beating nil tho time. Set this bnttcr nsldo far one hour. Melt n heaping tnhlnspnanfnl of drip 'ping In n deep tin or pudding dish, when hot lay In one i-annml rnbblt. Season with a Utile snlt nnd itepper, nnd pour tho batter over Hake In a hut oven for half an hour It will puff uji lenuiiiu.iy nun w nirei, nmwnmi . ltmuk aim U tho ut en la hot enough. Jk-rvo at ttJSrW.J A nmn Isn't necessarily hot-hwided becuuif he wenrs a stovo-plpo hat. Thr H matt Catarrh In thli arftton ol lh tmintry Ihnn all oiIht illwn mil lurctlH-r. anil until llir bit Irw )rr vim tupiMwil ta Iw inruralik. ttr a grrat ninny ycara (liwlnri lirmioilliwl It a Inrtil iIIm-uo ami iirrwrliH'tl local rrnmlli-. mhI liy ntfMlanllr filllni in run wltli Iri-atniHil. riHiuunrrl It liirurnlilr. rVfefir hu iitovcn Catarrh tu Iw n euitltiitluiial ill im. ami tlx rrfurr rr.inrr4 r.mtltuUimal trratmrnt. Ultra catarrh i nr. . iiuiiulariurl by 1' J. Clinify A tli . ImImIo. Ohn. H lh only ( .iiwllttttkinal mtc tut llin BMrliit. It la taken Inl.rtiatly si iIiim-s front 10 ilmi'1 to a trttrkvmfnl It ! illriwllr iii tho hkmd ami mumua allium "I the tyati-m. llwy oRrr buftdml UnUara tar an, eM It (alia tu rurr Html lar rtrrtUtra and (MtlmiMttaK A.WttM: V. J. CI 1 1 UN KY A , Toledo. Ohio. Mia w UnmHU. fy TaTo lUII'a Tamlly 1'IMa lor ootutipallou. Only a (ltnlniereHteil third party ts ttlile to ratllso that thorn are two aides to a quostlou. i.ttsi no si.mii Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It tho best of nil medicines for tlio cure ol diseases, dltorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It It the only preparation or Its kind devised by n regularly Srttdu nted physician an experienced and skilled specialist In tho dlsccscs of women. It 2 a tufo mcdlcino In any condition of the system. Tint (INK KEMKPY which contain no alcohol eoil no Injuriout liablt-forminjj drutfi and nhlch creates no crarlnfj Tor such atimulanti. TUB ONE KKMKDY to 4ood that it makers are not nfrnld (o print It every Ingredient on each outildo bottlo-wrapper and attcit to the truthfulness of tho same under oath. It Ii sold by mcdlcino dealers everywhere, and any dealer who hasn't It can tfet It. Don't tako a substitute ol unknown composition for this medicine op known composition. No counterfeit Is as good as tho genuine and the druggist who snys something else Is "Jmt as good as Dr. Pierce's" Is either mistaken or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man Is not to be trusted, Ho Is trifling with your most priceless possession your health may be your life Itself. See thai you ttt what you atk for. SmokeleSvS Oil Heater The automatically-locking Smokeless Device is an ex clusive feature of the Perfection Oil Heater. This Automatic Smokeless Device doesn't allow the wick to rise to a point where It CAN smoke, yet permits a strong flame that sheds a steady, glowing heat without a whiff of smoke. No other heater in the world compares with the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with SmokoloBB Dovloo) Turn the wick high or low no smoke, no smell. Burns for 0 hours with one filling. Tho locking device on tho inside of tlio draught tuba holds tha wiclc balow tho onioku zono--always rosponds, and nutonmticnlly, insuring perfect combus tion tin (I utmost boat without tlio slight est trnco of smolco. Oil Indicator. Damper top, Cool handle. Finished in Nickel or Jnpan in a variety of styles. Kftr D' a' ' I hsr. if N'.it Youiv Write fir Iitifilpllra Circular I h Ni 4 i t Air n r ut site CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY I luciifiiiirnli'il) Qaaserole of nice and Meat. Wrtgh and boll In the uiunl wny one Cilliflll at tire, anil drain In t tin colan dor. Ulto tlio bottom nnd ililp of the miBtttrole witn twintitrUn of tho rleo Tuko sue pint of any cold meat and run It Dm chopper. Mix with tt two well beaten brr. two tnblu SHilllkl f bread rrumlw. olio Uiblo apHtttUl of it rated onion, two utble IWflltrulc of melttHl buttr ami ewoet liofbe, Mil nnd pepper to male. .Mix tllorattgllU' Mid add aufflolniit grtivy or ttoik to inAke tjultf iiioim and pnek In UiB cuiUer of the ususeeiiilu. Hprutiil UlO top with the third or rleo loft, tDi'or Bloiolj and bake In a modonilo OVttn nbout one hour. Sorve wllh to. tfllttO BflUOO. I.73SSBH Lindquist's Crackers MADE IN DENVER NONE BETTER IN AMERICA ASIC FOR THEM TAKE NO OTHER All Best Grocers Sell Them