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Quaker Oats is the world's food Eaten in every country; eaten by infants, athletes, young and old. Recognized as the great strength builder. B2 Delicious and economical. CALLOUS TO CRITICISM. TIME TABLE FOR THE COOK Tho Husband As far an I am con. corned, you may scold ns much ns you like. I am by naturo thick-skinned. SCRATCHED SO SHE COULD NOT SLEEP "I write to toll you how thankful I nm for the wonderful Cuttcura Rom edles. My llttlo nlcco had cczoma for llvo years and when her mother died I took enro of tho child. It wnB nil over her fnco nnd body, also on her head. Sho scrntched so that sho could not sleep nights. I used Cuttcura Soap to wash her with nnd then arc piled Cutlcurn Ointment. I did not mo iiulto half tho Cutlcurn Soap nnd Ointment, tagothor with Cutlcurn. Re solvent, when you could sco n chnngo nnd they cured her nicely. Now sho Is cloven years old and hnsnovorliocn bothered with eczema since. My friends think It Is Just great tho way Iho baby was cured by Cutlcurn. I send you n picture- taken when oho was about 18 months old. "Sho was taken with tho eczema when two years old. Sho was covered with blK sores nnd her mother had nil tho best doctors and tried nil kinds of salves nnd medicines without effect until wo used Cutlcurn Remedies. Mrs. II. Klcrnnn, 003 Quincy St., Urooklyu, N. V., Sept. 27, lOOD." All In the Name. 1'hylllH tup from tho country) Hut, Dluk this Ih just like tho Inst ploco you brought mo to hco here. Ulck My dear Phyllis, don't ho ab surd. This Is "Tho Naughty Olrl of Nice," and tho other was "Tho (IrnsNa Widow." Surely you know that Nlco and Ornsso nro two entirely different places. Punch. How's Tills? We offer One Himilreil !olbn ltfwiril tor hit Mr nt (lartti that rannot bo cured or Hall's Caurru Cure. v.i riii:i:Y.vco., We. the tinderalirneil. Iiare .iuran !'. J. rhoy tor Iho lait II intra, anil twllet lilm Kfllly Iran, orabln In nil liiulflrM iranurllnna and nnanrlallf able to ctrrjr vol any olillmlM.u mailt by lilt drra. WAUiifn. Hisns .v mm iv. Wlmlnule lrittfvl.ii. TnlMn. O. IJiU'aOtUrrh nire fc UVm imrrnally. artbif UtrcUV !' Um hkHxt mhI miiem "urfaeea ol tha lilrpi. 'nIlMMiliila anil frw l'dce 71 cent rr ttMk ftl by till Talc iTalil lwr Fsta (or teiuUpstlon, Wo would all wiIId our naines on III" scroll t fame but for tho liiuum omblB trtbo of elbow Joggers. flY u!Tor with oyc trouble, quick re- Utrtlig PlflTl'l'S KYR 8AL-YB. 23c. UiKfliorllo-nrdllro.,RutIrilo.N.Y. A frtoml Is merely a person wo can tall our troubles to. Mr, AMiialiiw'n SiipttitHK Syrup, gjat I Willi li tMtilUjit, Mftena too mini, reduce! In namulltlBBt atti a pain, cure, wind collu, r.c a IxjtUe, 'Ililli ennnot remove kiudly sets frew n grflUftil honrt. noytton. Precise Length of Time That 8hould Be Accorded to Cooking of Meat and Fish. MEATS. Baking Deef. sirloin, rare eight to ten minutes, well done, 12 to 15 minutes to a pound. Reef, rolled rib or rump, 12 to 1C minutes to n pound; beer, long or short fillet, 20 to 30 minutes to n pound. Chickens weighing thrco to four pounds, one to ltt hours; duck, 40 to CO minutes; Inmb, woll dono, ir minutes to a pound; merit, braised, thrco to four hours; mutton, rare, ten minutes per pound, mutton, woll dono, 15 minutes por pound; pork, woll dono, 30 min utes por pound; turkey, ton pounds, thrco hours; vonl, well dono, 20 min utes por pound. Rolling Reef n la modo, thrco to four hours; chickens, 45 to CO min utes; corned hoof, four to flvo hours; fowls, two to threo hours; ham, flvo hours; lamb, ono hour; smoked tonguo, threo to four hours; turkey, two to threo hours; vonl, two to throo hours. Rrolllng Chickens, 2(1 minutes; chops, eight minutes; steak, one-Inch thick, four to six minutes, stenk li Inches thick, six to olght minutes. Frying Rncon, thrco to flvo mln utcs; brended chops, four to six min utes. FISH. Raking Fish, six to olght pounds, ono hour. Rolling Rasa, ten minutes to a pound; bluoflsh, ten minutes por pound; cod, six minutes to n pound; haddock, six minutes to a pound; hnll uui, iu minutes per pound; oys tors, thrco minutes; salmon, per pound, 15 minutes. Rrolllng Fish, very thin, flvo to olght minutes; fish, thick, 12 to 15 minutes. Frying Slices of llsh, four to six minutes; small llsh, ono to thrco rain utos; smells, ono mlnuto. InMaM FOR THE IDEAL DOUGHNUT Ingredients Mutt be Mixed In Proper Proportions and Care Taken In Cooking. One egg, half n pound of flour, one tablcspoonful of sugnr, quarter tea spoonful of butter, ono yeast enko, two tnblogpoonfuls of milk, half n tnnnnnnn. ful of Jam for each doughnut, a little I graiou icmon rinu nnd soino fat for' irying. Rub tho butter Into tho flour, ndd lomon rind, salt nnd sugnr. Warm tho milk nnd pour over tho yeast, adding ono tenspoonful rnch of sugar and flour, rover nnd sot In n warm plnce for ten minutes. Rent up tho egg and ir.x It with tho yenst and milk, pour this Into tho flour nnd knead like bread, until It leaves tho hand quite clean. Set In wnrm placo to rlso for one hour; then roll out one-eighth of nn Inch thick, rut In rounds about two and a hair Inches In dlnmotor, lay hall a tcnspnonrul of jam on half of the rounds, wet tho edges slightly, cover with tho remaining half of tho round nnd senl tho edges thoroughly. Drop these, a few at a time. Into smoking hot fnt, fry two minutes or until risen about one nnd a hnlf Inchoa thick and brown, drain on white paper nnd sprlnklo with sugar. There Is no conversation so agree ablo as that of a man of Integrity, who hears without any Intention to be tray, nnd speaks without any Intention to deceive Plato. PII.KH OCRED IN 6 TO 14 HATS. P17.0 UINTM!tNTIearanterd to enre. nr eaa pf llrhlnai. Hllml. Meedlnc nr J'rotrudins I'll. In Wo. Wo aro novcr too old to acqulro tho latest wrlnklo. A Lifetime ol Good Service NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN THt WORLO OVtft BITEUT YOtlltlDKAH. Tbrrtnarhrlncrnit rAICni wraith. r4 f Ilonk Vrco, Hit. fo. fUnerald Uo.. l'at.Allr-,llol K WaihlnUiti,i.U 44 Blood is The Life Science has never gone beyond the above simple statement of scripture. Hut it has illuminated that statement and Riven it n meaning ever broadening with the increasing breadth of knowledge. When the blood is " bad " or impure it is not alone the body which suffers through disease. The brain is also clouded, the mind and judgement arc effected, and many an evil deed or impure thought may be : directly traced to the impurity of the blood. Foul, Impure blood can be made pure by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It enriches and purities the blood thereby curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and other cutaneous affec tions, as ecxema, tetter, or salt-rlicum, hires and other manlfes tatlons of Impure blood. In the cure of scrofulous swellings, enlarged glands, open eating ulcers, or old sores, the " Golden Medical Discovery " has per formed the most marvelous cures. In cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers, it is well to apply to the open sores Dr. Tierce's All Healing Salve, which possesses wonderful healing potency when used as an application to the sores in conjunction with the use of "Golden Medical Discovery" ns a blood cleansing constitutional treatment. If your druggist don't happen to have the "All-Healing Salve" in stock, you can easily procure it by inclosing fifty cents in postage stamps to Dr. R.V. Pierce, GG3 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y., and it will come to you by return post. Most druggists kt- It as well as the " Golden Medical Discovery." You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknnvn ttmfitslthn ai a tub tltute for "Golden Medical Discovery," which It a medicine nr known com roirrioN, having a complete list of Ingredient In plain Ungllih on ltt bottle wrapper, the ame being atteited ai correct under oath. Dr. l'ierce'i Fleaitnt Pellets regulate and invigorate itomsch, liver and boweli. ri mi lammm nan ar aeeeei SCHOOL -SHOES THEY WEAR LIKE IRON "WEAR LIKE IRON" They wear best where the wear is hardest. Made of selected leather specially tanned to resist exactly the kind of wear a healthy boy or girl will give them. Two layers of leather are sewed In at tho tip Instead 01 one, to prevent uie toes kicking out. The soles are of extreme toughness. Mayer Special Merit School Shoes are made to fit a child's foot In a comfortable, natural way that will prevent toot trouble In Inter years, yet they nro stylish and good looking. Only the genuine have tha Mayer Trade Mark stamped on the sole. FRRK-lf you will aend ua the nam of a dtattr who dota not nanait optciai Merit Bcriooinriota, we win atnu you, ir.t.po.i- pid(a iianu.ome picture, alio ijzg,o! utorstwaaninitton. We also make tlonotbllt Shoes for men, Leading Lady Shoes, Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, Yerma cusnion suoes ana Work Shoes. F. Mayer boot & shoe Co. MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN Lyonnslie Potatoes. Tnko ono pint of cold potatoes; one I tnblospnimful of butter; ono tnblo-1 ............. 1 ... ...1. ...... 1 t . 1 niwuiiiiii 111 niiiiwvii iiiiiiiu; uno laulu spoonful of chopped parsley; salt and popper to taste. Tho potatoes should bo rather undotto to proditeu tho IobI results. Cut them Into dlco, and sen son with salt and popper. Fry tho onion In tho butter until yellow, add tho potato, nnd stir with n fork until both sides nro of a nice brown, bcltm careful not to brenk tho potatoes. A llttlo mora butter tuny bu required, as no vcKctnblus nbHorh so much but ter as potatoes. When done, turn the potutoeu out upon n hot dish, sprinkle tho parsley over the top, nnd serve hot. STEADY "a VnilTEaSM alCllllSaHainillaKala The RAYO LAMP ti a high.srade limp, told at a low price. There are larnm that coat more, but there It no better lamp at any price. The Burner, the Wick, tho Qiimney.Holder all are vital things In a limp; then putt of the RAYO LA Ml re perfectly conttructed and there it nothing known in tho ait oi lamp-making that could add trilhe value ol tho RAYO as light-diving device. Suitable fur any loom In any lioute, K.nrr dealer eterrwlierev If tint nt tounvw rlta tor dMcrlpUro clrrular Ut tho ururutl Agency nt tbo CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY. UneorpprattO)