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LINCOLN LOCALS. . tl l lt W..I . T... Ti iji. i. . ii maun nuu n iiii i' A. Gierke left last Saturday for Garrizozo to attend the regular communication of the Masonic lodgaat that place. The Doctor took his second degree that night and is still alive. Both returned Sunday afternoon. A cold wave struck Lincoln about tin middle of the preced ing week, lasting several days. Mr. W. IJ. Porter, a patient of the Laws sanatorium, has secured a position with the U. S. Marine hospital service at Ft. Stanton, and will assume liio duties in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Akcs of Roswcll, have been in Lincoln for a few days during the past week. The Homeleei Home. The "young man of today" so often viewed with alarm and regarded with solicitude that moral homilies about him have lost their force. Somebody is al ways saving him until he grows rather tired of being saved. Here, however, is a bit of true gospel that will appeal to him and it may likewise appeal to his parents. "The homeless home," uays a Cleveland minister, "is the greatest danger of the young man of today. An unsympathetic home has more peril in it than the saloon, the gambling den, or the street. The home should be u home iu the truest sense of the word, and not a mere place to cat and sleep." The danger is negative, of course, but It drives the young man to positive evils. He wants comfort and sympathy, and if he doescn't get them where he lives, he will go elsewhere. It is easy nowadays to find comfort and diversion. There are the theaters, the hotels and cafes, the clubs, the saloons and bowling alleys, and other places less worthy of mention, but no less frequented, where there is brightness and companionship. And to some of these places the young man is sure tp gravitate if Ins home is gloomy or uiisympa thclic. It is because of the lea seuiug attractiveness of homes that such places flourish. Clcvc laud Plain Dealer. Application! for Grazing Permit!. Notice is hereby iriven that all applications for permits to graze cattle, horses, sheep and goats within the Lincoln National Kor est during the season of l'HO, must be tiled in my ullicc at Cap ital!, New Mexico, on or bclorc March 15, 1910. Pull informa tion iu regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used iu tanking applications will be furnished upon request. J. II. Kinnkv, Supervisor. 2-18-4 1. Gallon seed meal and nakc, at tiner's feed store. 2-25-tf SSjiiQii Sola, yellow bottom; at SRffiWs feud Store. 2-25 tf ABSTRACT OF COUNTY RECORDS. l'urnUliocI by Tltln ATrn.t Co. Mnonln. N. M. DitKDH John F. Gumm, single, to El Paso & Rock Island Railway Co., part of SE4 NW4 sec. 1, and part of E2 NW4 and W2 NE4 sec. 1, all in twp. 8, S. rgc. 10 E., for right of way and casement for pipe line, consideration $1.00 and release of bond for title. Pedro Trujillo and wife to As cension Miranda, part of NE4 NE4 sec. 13, twp. 0, S. rgc. 13, consideration $100.00. Ernest D. Fred to Tappic Kooncc, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk. 2'J, East Lawn addition to Carrizozo, consideration $1.00, John C. West, single, to Henry Lutz, lot and water right in town of Lincoln, adjoining Henry Lutz Ac Co. store buildings, con sideration $500.00. John C. West, special guardian of Estclla and Dcliina West, same as above to Henry Lutz, consid oration $187.50. CONTKACT J. J. Ayrcs and E. McKinncy, expense contract for nuning pro specting tour, consideration $100. LOCATION NOTICK Anton J3orovansky, the Boro- vansky mining claim, Godfrey Mining district. Bond and oath of John C. West renewal of N. P. commission. For Sale. The Furniture of an eight room house. Sale begins Tucs day, March 1. For particulars see D. W. Glenn at residence. Chaves county has sold her oh: court house for $5,000.00, which will be torn down to make room for a $125,000.00 building. Th contractor bought the old build ing and will use a part of the ma terial iu the construction of the new. Lincoln couuty has an old court house to sell, but unfortan ately it will not bear tearing down and permit of its material being used in a new building. The brick with which it was con structcd were not burned prop erly and they have an inclination to return to their elemental con ditiondirt. The Washington's birthday dance at Real's hall Tuesday night, gireu uudcr the auspices of the B. of L. F. & E., was a most delightful affair. A very large crowd attended, and the verdict of those present was that it was the most pleasant enter tainment of the kind during the season, The signal for the grand march was given at '):00 o'clock and the merry-makers kept time to the music until the seasonable hour of 1:00 o'clock in the morn ing. The railroad boys are to be congratulated on the unqualified success of their first u 11 mini ball, Mcdonald Lots 25 and When you buy a lot here it is 130 feet long, facing on a street 80 feet wide, whether for a home or for a business location. Investigate before you buy. A Square Deal Guaranteed. W. C. MCDONALD. The Celebrated Domestic Lindcrman Mine COAL This far-famed Mine is one nf the oldest and best producers of Coal iu Lincoln Co. and for domestic use cannot be excelled. For Sale by JOHN H. SKINNER, Main Street. Dealer in Flour, Hay and Grain. PHONE 52 EDISON PHONOGRAPHS TUp. New Edison RecorDs for March ON SALE HOW Just a lew of the Selections . . . Yw Will Hear . . . JSJ-ItO'M WalU.froin 1 llic llnn bptliitf Btiutn't llnlul 372 Wiiitk WtNni-Mauuel Human 373 l-TNA, Oil MlHN l.YNAt Collins ft llutllu 121 IB This Uoundimi Hk Hurry Iiamlitr Be Pioneer Jewelry Store Near P. O. Change in Time Card. Passenger trains will run 011 the following schedule beginning Sunday, Jan. 2, at 12:01 a.m. WEHT HOUND. Ar. Dcu. No. . California Dnllj iMIu.m. I4a.m. I5AHT HOUND. Nn. !S, until Ki I2l P.m. Vita ).m moi'tii ttntivii. No. ii, (loldonHUtu liUUp.m. No. I, mall A Kx (1W p.m. 0:15 p.m. N0HT1I HOUND. No. MluMwn Hluto OjUOp.m Ni. -J, Uulllurulii Dully Uinp.m. addition 50 x 130 Feet. Office in "Oriental" Illdg. Near Capitan K K K K K PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HEWITT & HUDSPETH ATTOKNKYS-AT-LAW White Oaks : New Mexico Q W. HALL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Corporation nod Mining lnw n Hpecinltr, Notary In Olllce. Bank Building, Carrizozo. DK. F. S. HANDLES DENTIST Office in Dank Building Carrizozo, - New Mexico Jjt K. WADE Attorney & Counsellor at Law. Collections a Specialty. Kxclituiirct Hunk Ilullilliiir (MltlttZUZO QEORGE SPENCE Attohnhvat-Law Olllcu iu IIiiiiIc IIiiIMIiir Carrizozo New Mexico ?RANK J. SAGER FIRO IN5URANCU Notary Public. Olllco In Exchange Hunk Currlxoto. JJAKKY LITTLE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER riant and Katlmntsa on nil olw.pnof HtilMlnita furnlilioil on hurt Mullen, Carrizoro, New Mexico. For a Limited Time. LUMBER $12 & $16 per 1YI. SLACK & LANE'S SAW MILL ON EAGLE CREEK,