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WHEREIN LIES THE MYSTERY OF THIS FACE? To Avoid Gazing Into It Women Were Impell ed to Suicide. And in the End the Man Himself Ended His life, Frobably to Es cape the Strange Iaflueace That His Eyes Seemed to Exert Upon All Who Came Within Their Influence. EV YORK Take n long look nt the fnco of tho young man which stares at you from thti page. What do you 1 make ot ItT It it it patrician face, tho features well modeled and regular, tho brow broad and Intellectual, tho nose straight and arlstocratlo, the mouth not unkind, though perhaps a trifle weak. Uut look at tho expression of tho oyos. Do they haunt you whon you turn away from thorn? Is thoro any thing forbidding, terrifying in tho way thuy staro nt youT Do thoy tako hold of you, grip you and seom to follow you? They are not cruel and vindictive eyes, and yet- Yet theso eyes, or the ownor of them, wero responsible for ono ot tho most astonishing and puzzling mys' torlcs ot tho past fow years, a inys tor in which thrco young and bcautl ful women sought to ond their lives, two of thorn successfully, for no rea son other than which oach gave: "I could not help It, bocauso ot Louis' eyes!" And, as a fitting climax to this sor les ot mysteries, tho ownor ot thu oyos called down tho curtain on his short but remarkably tragla careor by standing in front of tho mirror, a few wooks ago, and, whilo thoso strango oyos ot his looked at their own re flection in tho glass, shot himself, reolcd to a bed and died, Out, whllo his act closed tho drama, it did not end tho mystery, which to day Is oven moro of a mystery than it was boforo ho added his own sulcldo to tho list Today everybody who has heard ot tho case Is asking: Question None Can Answer. "What was there about Louis Bau- duy'a eyes to make all throe ot his beautiful young wives kill them selves? What was the mystery about the young man which scorned to In aplro sulcldo In those with whom ho came Into Intlmato association? And why did no end his own llfo? Louts IJauduy was tho sou of prominent St. Louis alienist, a young man ot prepossessing appoarnnce, cul tured and well educated. Ho ongngod In business in his homo town and then camo to Now York, whero ho married a MIsb ncrtha Buyer, also ot St. Louis. Bho was n beautiful girl and from tho first tho young pair soemed to bo very happy. They had pretty npartmonta at No. 346 Weat Fifty-eighth street, niul wero consld ored to bo modol examples of a young marrlod pair. Young Bride a Suicide. Dut on Pub. la, loot, tho wlfo was found dead in hor apartment with a revolver besldo her. Bho had loft n noto In which sho said sho had com nutted sulcldo bocauso ot "something which sho could stand no longer. At ihat time nobody guessod that tho rea son might liavo lain In tho eyes ot the young man on whom his pretty bride's tragic donth Boomed to havu fallen ao a heavy weight, and who soemed In consolable Tho boroavod husband was discon solate, but tlmo, especially In '.ho caso of youth, heals many wounds, and tho day camo whon ho soemod to hnvo rallied tram the shock ot his wifo's death nnd began to go about his busi ness with tho samo enthusiasm as ot old. And thon ho mot nnothor girl who attracted him and helped him forget tho first tragedy of his llfo. Thoy wero marrlod and llfo scorned to hnvo oponod up a bright now chapter for Louis Hauduy. Uut on Deo. 10, 1903, neighbors smelted gns from tho apartment of tho coupto at No. 140 West Eighty-third street. Tho door was burst In and Hose flnuduy was found dend, with tho gas turned full on In her room. Tho young husband was unconscious and his llfo was dospnlrcd of until his brother sacrificed a transfusion ot blood, which brought Louis back to health. Mrs. Hauduy No. 2 had loft no noto explaining tho causo of hor sulfide, but to friends sho bad said soma tlmo boforo committing tho dood that llfo wan growing unbcnrablo to hor; that when over her husband lookod nt her sho felt as though alio could not stand it any lomor. Kato brought Hauduy In association with Lcono Violet Connelly, n boautl- ful young woman ot twenty-throo years, n widow with ono llttlo child. Bho was a mnulcuro employed in n big Now York hotel nnd lived with hor mother at an uptown apartment Bho nnd I.ouls Hauduy foil In lovo and vvoro married on Juno 3, of this year, Thu third wlfo ot this handsome young man know whon sho married htm that ho had given himself to dls slpatlon, but with woman'u blind faith aho thought sho could roform him. Bho said to a friend; "Louis ih everything groat and good In tho world whon ho la all right, nnd then ho duos not hnvo that awful look abuut tho eyes.' Ho will bo all right, I know, for wo lovo each other bo much I" Hut tho woman who marrtoa a man to reform him has gouornlly n thank less tnalc, and It was so with tho third Mm. Hauduy. Attor a short honey moon thoy wont to llvo nt nn apart ment on Manhattan aveuuo, and in a fow wooks their relations had bocomo somowhat stralnod nnd tho young bus band was staying away from home many nights. On tho night of Aug, 12 thoro was a bitter quarrel In t "j llttlo house, and tho young brldo, opening tho door, told her husband to go out and nover return. Then, whon ho had Bono, sho left tho placo horsolf, wont to tho olo- vated atructuro at Ono Hundred and Tenth street nnd tried to throw her self beforo n train, Bho was rcscuod, but nt tho pollco station again tried to kill herself. And this was tho story that sho torn: Could Not Reform Husband. "Whon I married my husband," aho snld, "I did not know that ho had over bcon married beforo. I loved him and thought that his rather occontrlo ways wero duo to drinking, ot which I was suro that I could euro him. Hut re cently 1 found that this was a thank less task, and I begnn to grow tlrod ot life. I do not know or rathor I did not know what tho impulso was that was urging mo on to Bolt-dostructlon. Uut tho other day whon 1 lonrned that ho had two wives beforo mo, and that both had committed sulcldo, I seemed to undoratnnd tho reason tor thU Im pulse. It was nbsolutely Irrcslstablo. I could not fight against it. t tried to, but something Boomed to urge mo on to put an end to things, and when ho camo to tho houso last ntght attor several days' nbsenco, and t had Boon him for n fow hours, tho lrapulBo was strongor than over. Thon I sont mm away nnd followed out ot tho houso myself, ttetormlned to finish It all." "If wo let you go now," asked tho police, "will you try again to kill your self?" "No," eald Mrs. Hauduy, "I don't think, now that I shall not boo Louis again, that tho fcollng will coino ovor mo so strongly." Bauduy Ends Own Life. Thon camo tho fourth nnd last chap tor of tho careor of Loula 0. Hauduy whon, ono wcok nftor his young wife had tried to kill heraulf ho went to a hotol nt Mamnronuck, N. Y., nnd, reg istering t..idor nn nssumod name, shot himself In the head. What wob thoro about this fnco that drovo thrco women to try sulcldo, and, finally, Impelled its ownor to tako his own llfo? Now York World. PlffTlTffl-TjTiiii'll i iTl 7,13 flTBHfl T RY MURINE EYE REMED Y Foe Rid, Waak, Wnry, Wtttry Ejrti uJ 'granulated eyelids MurineDoesn'tSmart-SootheaEyePaln PTf fata (XU mwmm WW b"Fi fc-l. cvs, wv f Marts Era Sal, taAtaptlsTubaa, 26c, 41.00 KYI .BOOKS AND ADV1CB FREE DV HAIL MutineEyaRemedyCoChtcago IT HAPPENED SUDDENLY. Mrs. Fondmnn Foil into n pond I Oh I oht nnd with your boat pant a out Uertlo Well, I didn't havo tlmo to tako 'cm off I Deafness Cannot Be Cured by ol application, u they cannot rtath tha dla raaed pottkiu ot Uie rar. Intra U only on war to rura dratnraa. anil that la by conatltutumat rrmoHaa. Dratneaa la earned br an Inflamed condition ot tfe mucoua iinini w ma tuiiacnua juim. wuaa tuba la Inflamed you cava a rurabllni tound i perfect hearing, and when It la collrtlr rioted. QCia u ina mud. nu umcvB li uiuaiuianiKm tikan out and thla tuba rritorcd to Ita normal lioo. neaiina win urairuyru luisvrr. urn. mscw out ol ten ara eauaed br Catarrh, which la MIWsc but an Infiamad condition ol tha mucoua aurtarca. Wa will clra Ona Hundred pollara lor any eaia ol Ptatncaa (cauied br catarrh) that cannot tw curad br UaU'a Catarrh Cur. Bend fur circular!, tiro. V, 1, C1IENUV CO., Tolado. a Bold br nru uu. to. , , Taia llall'i lamllr l'Ula tor cooittpatloa. The Guilty Party. Cook (to hor young man) Hero, take tho rest of tho roast duck. (Sigh lug) Poor pussy! Young Man What has the cat got to do with It? Cook Well, she's bo b.lamod for it tomorrow. Fllogoudo Hlattor. SPOIIN'B DISTEMI'KR CUItB will euro miy nutaiblo cats of D1STKMPER, 1MN1C KYK, and the Ilka amonii horses of all sect, nnd prevents nil other in the anmo itnlilo from having tho dlicaie. Also t'lirci chicken cholera, nnd dou dlntctnpor. Any good druEiilst can supply you, or send to intra. SO rents nnd $1.00 a bottlu. Agents wanted, l'rro book. ' Bpohn Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind, Tho Part of It. "I wonder It that sour Mlsa Oldglrl over had any salad days?" "I am suro alio had tho vinegar and poppery part of them." If Your Eyes Bother You get a box of PKTTIT'S KYK SALVE, old reliable, inoit succcrifiil eye remedy mod. All druiuilsts or Howard llros.,Uuirulo,N.Y. HnpplnoBS grows at our own flro; aides, and la not to bo picked up In strangers' galleries. Douglas Jerrold. T hu- . flLaM;v. trim Si. ' '. Jk i . t.i J. "Ik t '