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Image provided by: University of New Mexico
Newspaper Page Text
Caunly Seat Hearing Monday. 'Pile hearing in the county sunt IJasii is to occur at Alamogordo Monday, before Judge Wri(lit. Attorney Hewitt, for the county miinillllHlOULTS, win go down, us will also OouiniiMsiouer Taylor, i anil possibly the other members ' of thu board, although we have' not heard definitely about the I latter. Attorney Catron is ex pected to be there oil behalf of tho Lincoln people, and also At torney Harber from Lincoln. Convention Busy. A letter from Mr. Canning, one of Lincoln county's delegates, in forms us that the convention is making good progress, following features have The been adopted by the convention: 1'rcauiblc and boundaries, schedule, ordinance, with United States, legislature, bill of rights, military affairs and irrigation anil water rights. Tlie remain der of the week will be devoted to executive, taxation, education, and perhaps elective franchise. Mr. Canning thinks the conven-; tioii could conclude and adjourn next week, but scarcely expects U to do so. After November the first, and during the winter mouths, our last delivery will leave the store at 5 p. m. We would appreciate , you having your afternoon orders I.. I. ..C.,.. MM... I'.-. I 111 uuMitv biiub u 1110 " a ill; vyiu rizozo Trading Co. Lincoln Locals. We noticed in our midst for a few days last week Mr. V. S. i'ragcr of Uoswell who was here Oil llUMIK'SS. Dave (tallcgos is hauling lum ber preparatory to building a nice four or live room cottage in the town of Lincoln, Dr. J. V. Law? has returned from a visit to Kl Paro, Texe.s where lie was in attendance upon the International Medical Associ ation, and he reports a most prof hub c meeting of that body. This week cupid has been busy and as a result of this effectual work the marriage of the follow ing parties will he noted, viz: Silhestrc llaca to Cousepcioti l'adilla both of Lincoln, "C0l,n' w "d ' 'jStela West! Gaudido Chavez to 12 both of ban Patricio. i Morula v of this week there was shipped from Capital! by G, II.; Copeland another car of faiuy apples to the 151 Paso market. This cur was gathered from thu orchard of Pablo Chaves who lives a few miles below Lincoln, A second car of select aindes will be shipped out ol Capitait by the same buyer on Tliurhday of this week to the same market. This car will be from the orchard of Mr. Frits'.. ABSTRACT OF COUNTY RECORDS. HllMiMinl by Amwlmii k Tttt tH lllMXltll. .V Jl. JIAKKIACIU UeitNSK. I'rliuk M. Uulltgotto Bibianita m uBUi or unrnnxo. it Hflct to Cotisonoioii mill Of Uiiieolb. UlUtflo CUovos to Kalola Wosf twit ot SlU Puirlclo, Worth Reading. 'The Kule of the Republican King in New Mexico" is tho title of a strong article in the Novem ber number of National Monthly of which Chairman Norman l. Mack, of the Democratic National Committee, is the Kditor in Chief. The article is from the pen of Kdward Tittman for several years past a resident of New Mexico, but previously an eastern news paper man, There is no iucslioii but what the article will be read with the greatest interest by every of New Mexico for, appearing as it does in National Monthly, the organ of the Democratic National Committee, it is bound to call the attention of the country to the political situation in this state as nothing else has ever done. The article is illustrated with pictures of Santa Fc. livery Democrat in New Mexico should subscribe for Chairman Mack's National Monthly. The subscription price is SI. UOayear. "iiii1 rmir Kii Iwiti ill inn toil.-iv (ri Normun B Mack, Times Uuild- tug, HufTalo, N. Y.. and start with the November number con taining this big article on Repub lican misrule in this state. The November number of Nationnl Monthly is now on sale on all first clasr. news stands, price ten cents, Territorial Game Law. The following is, in substance, the law relating to the killing of game, and only holders of licenses may legally hunt: 1. Deer, with horns, may be killed from October 15 to Novem ber 15. 2. Grouse, native or crested, MessiiKi, California or helmet quail may be killed from October 1 to December 31. j 3. Wild turkey from Novcni' i 1 to December 31. j 4. Prairie chicken from Sep , temher 1 to iSoveinher 31), com- jmencing with the year 1915. I 5. Doves from August 1 to October ill. I 0. It is unlawful to kill, cap ture, ensnare or in any manner 1 injure or destroy, or have in pos- session any antelope, pheasant, autclope, holt-white (mail nr wild niircnti unlil thc 'var lyl4, 7. Snlnn. irnrlniv nr nlnvnr inn v ,,c wili, a Km ol,y from September 15 to March 1. The hunter's kill for any miy is limited to two turkeys, grouse, twenty ducks and thirty other birds, and no person shall kill, take or have in his possession in any one open sea- son more than one deer, with I lint no irr liiittn t n lutuu.muiMM n( any one timu more than four turkeys, six grouse, thirty ducks or other birds. TJJ S. (5WIFF1N Carpenter Small Jobs n Specialty l'hnn I Carrixoio, ItillU New Mu.xico. g" J. WOOUUANlT" CONTRACTOR & ItUlUOHR IfeMliinti'" FiirnUliixl. jCarrixoxo New Mo.xico. Wanted to Buy Several Improved Farms. L. R. WADE & CO. Real Estate and Brokers Postofficc Block kxxw yvxf UW'I MWHmiIIWll lOlOIU E. S. LONG Manufacturer of Galvanized Tanks, Guttering, STOVE PIPE, ROOFING, &c. Repairing of all kinds. Special Facilities for Roofing and Guttering. NOTICE OF SUIT. Territory of NVw Maxim, 1 1Hu ('utmtr of Lincoln. I l" in thu DiHTititn' count. Kxrlmniio llnnk i.f Cnrrlrowi. N. M l'lalnttll V. Jnmi-H lltlil unit Mirlon Haul. Dufpintnnli. Tlic ilrfrniliinln. Jiunin hVlil mill Mnrlnii llclil. will Inkii iinllco Hint n unit linn lircn riimmrticril ininlnt -1 1 1 In tlio District Omit liy tin. iilnlntllf llxtlmnvr llnnk nf C'Attlnxn, Nw .Mvxlru. iimii n inimlMir)' iwti. ilulml Jnua -i, IWI7, fur f noil lii), ilue thirty ilii) from Unit ilnb. Vim rn further iiotlflml Unit your money nml ruVcta Iiikii liM'h u.irnUlipil In llin linmli ut Cluir li A. rHnvt'iin, n uncut fur Jnliii J. Kiiicrt,V(!o. nml the liiwn nml Knvr Mi-.xlm Mlnlnit mill M 111 I nit ('niiiiiiy. Kurninliw. nml unlrM )nu npiK-nr, or nin.n your niM-nrnnt'o to I mi rntunil. Ihf ri'ln, on or Imforr llin llitli ilnyof Dwi-iiiIxt, IVIO. juilKinent will lw rmnlprnl iii'ulht you nml nurli irnrnlrlirti, nml your immry niillrl nml rHVetn I hi iIIiikhimI of, u iroViitril liy lw. to my miiil Juiluiiimil. CltAtll.liH 1'. DOWNS. Cloik. Howitt.V HulHtli, Wliltn Oiikn. S. M., Attnrui)itfiir I'UlntlK. foxwortfi-Galbrdttfi LUMBER COMPANY. Shingles, Doors, Sash, Mouldings Building Paper, &c. Scwell's Paint, Audio Cement, and everything in the line of Building Material, Carrizozo : ! New Mexico I R 1 1 o Guaranteed against losing its shape or elasticity, or becoming lumpy or uneven. Many have been in constant use "w" than 20 years, and are today as comforta ble and springy as when new. No one who has tried thc Scaly will have any other kind of mattress. Vet thc price is within everyone's reach. JOHN A. BROWN, White Oaks, N. H. Solo Agent for Lincoln County. Carrlzozo, N. M. Merry Christmas rtOT YET -BUT SOON In the meantime step in and see the choice line of Rings, Brooches Bracelets Watch Fobs Neckchains Watches and Silverware AT Till Pioneer Jewelry Store J. R. HUMPHREY, Prop. (Two doors from V. O.) The Best For Domestic Use THE FAHOUS WHITE OAKS COAL H IVl. J. O'HARA, A;t. 1'. O llox IWI I l.isiiff Onion nt llollnmrii Druu Klorn. New Pool Hall Opposite Depot Courteous Treatment Fivir Dealing and a. Warm Welcome HARVEY & ADAMS