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tfyou find wm6-' stance hi yourBWy k&tnwrioustOj $1000 from Mk ktg powdery Initforjwi m ma can, mere is- We Have Over Half of the New World WVOHINQTON The Indications be ing that tho census will show tho population of tho United Stntos to bo over 00,000,000, It scorns assured that tho ropubllo contains more than halt of tho Inhabitants or tho Now World. It Is qulto probablo thnt nil of the re maining countries of this hoinlsphoro havo fewer than 80,000,000 Inbabl tants. That point can never bo settled defi nitely until conditions change radi cally In many extensive roglons of Latin America. Now most of the states south of Mexico nnd north of tho Argentine) either raako a farco of their census taking or elso do not at tempt It at any tlmo. nocont estimates, partly based upon consun rocords, which havo been mndo In South America and Central America, Indlcato thnt thoro nro about 70,000,000 peoplo living botweon tho Itlo Qrando and Capo Horn, Including tho west indies. Canada has por haps 7,000,000, allowing for rapid growth slnco the census of 1001, and Newfoundland ndds loss than 200,000. Unless tho ostlmntos, which seem most Intolllgontly mndo, nro very wide of tho mark In sevornl countries whoro thoro nro no authentic and ox- act statistics of population, tho total for tho Now World, outsldo of tho United States, cannot excocd 80,000,' 000. J Urazll, much tho largest country of South Amorlca, Is tho most populous In tho Western Ilcmlsphoro, excopt tho United States. It Is probablo that a full and careful enumeration of tho Hrailllnns would show about 20,000,- 000 of them. Mexico, only about 26 nor cent of tho slxo of llraxll In squaro miles, Is safely established In third place among all tho nations of the New World, as far as numbers go. In other respects tho Argontlne surpasses Mex ico, nnd so docs Canada. Their minis trial nufmit la creator nnd tholr for- olgn commorco Is largor In ovorjr way. Argentina nnd Canada aro alke also, In erowlne so fast nnd with such as surance of continued swift expansion thnt thoy mny ovortauo ana pass Mex ico. Tholr chief cities already surpass the largest clvlo centers In the coun try which Dlax makes his footstool. Dut now neither Is within 6,000,000 of tho Moxlcan total. From theso rivals, so unllko In many things, but so similar in tholr high hopes nnd tholr rapid development, ilnwn (hrmieh countrlos llko Peru, Columbia, Vcneruoln nnd Dollvla, tho exports guess tholr way to tho many small stntos which maintain n separ nto oxlstonco In Latin America, Costa Rica Is probably tho least of thorn Mi In nuinbors, counting but 360,000 resi dents. Cuba is fairly well filled up, ranking In density of population with sovcral or tho Southern states. As a rulo, with comparatively few exceptions, Latin Amorlca is rich In unsottlcd country. A very largo part of tho vnst oxpanso of land south of tho Moxlcan frontier, nil tho way to tho southern end of South America lies open to settlement. Somo uay such wealth in unused na tural resources must causo great growth, but that Is a mattor of tho In definite futuro. For tho prcsont it is certain thnt tho Unltod States wilt bold Us load ovor tho other countries of tho Now World, counting all of thorn together. Gives No Money for Road Building Till IKPlY AS regularly as the sessions roll around, congress sldestops, umoth ors or overrides all propositions which would embark tho government In tho business or rond building. Tho login and linportanco In tho outcry for "goodroads" Is univorsatly admitted; but everybody's buslnosu comos peril ously near having nobody's attention. domo commnultles, townships, coun ties nnd a fow states havo mado moro or less real progress towards Improv ing tho highways locally, Whoro tho states tako n hand n beginning Ib mado towards obtaining "through routes." liut, despite all that has been snld for a revival of road building, notwith standing editorial support from publi cations of all partisan shades, the movement as yet has no central or ganization which presses tho work ulong broad linos. The fedorat government thus tar co oporatea only by giving ndvlco. It maintains n small bureau in tho de partment of agrlculturo devoted first to the propaganda bf tho good roads Idea and secondly to tho malntonnnca of a limited corps of exports, who, when thulr assistance Is Hollclteil, will raako suggestions ns to the best meth ods for road building under given clr cuuialnnces, und to a cortntu extent, oxpsrlnients In tho use of materials irj) conducted by tho specialists of tM bureau. Hero tho government stops, for tho roason that dominant view In congress has been that this properly delimits tho government's function. ItoprcBontntlvo Anthony of Kansas Introduced n bill In tho houso last win tor for tho construction of a military highway botweon Fort Leavenworth nnd Fort Illloy, 100 miles, by convicts In tho two federal penitentiaries at Fort Leavenworth. Tho bill was lost after n dobato that dovolopod Into a gcnoral discussion of thu good roads movemont Tho moasuro had tho Indorsement of President Tnft, tho chlof of staff of tho army and tho qunrtormnstor gen eral, fJcnoral J. Franklin Doll, then chief of staff, stated In n lottor to Hop rosentatlvo Anthony that the proposed road would unquestionably bo of great military valuo nnd convenience." Farmers of many townships through which tho proposed road would run offered to supply all tho rock and other material to bo usod in Its con struction. Llko others of Its kind, this mess uro was wrecked upon constitutional rocks. Tho opponents or tho bill con tended that Qeuoral Doll did not claim tho road to bo a military necessity, nnd that. If not dono far this purpose, tho government could not build It, be cnuso tho constitution authorizes the construction of only such roads as aro required to meot military necessities and post roads. On Leaving Eden. Rvo "Shall wo tako tho snake with ustM Adam "Well, I guess not people will think we are going Into vaudeville." Calumet has been backed for year by an offer of $1,000 for any substance injurious to health found in the baking prepared wltli it. Does not thts and the fact that It complies with all pure food laws, both State and National, prove that Calumet Is absolutely pure? With the purity question settled then Calumet is undoubtedly the best Baking Powder. It contains more leavening power: it is mom uni formevery can is the same. It assures better results and is mod rate in price. Reared Higkest Award World's Pure Pood Exposition BAKING POWDER Twr ta Can Para Mi Hbjbbbbbbv n.. d STtABYMsW WHtTtflLBsV UCMTSaBeW The Rayo Lamp is a high grade lamp, told at a low price. -intra ri larapa mat eotimor. tni inr i la nnhuTiniprnaaianr print, mnnnicwa or Mill omntnent to enr room In n hi ira-mK!Dff i Mi ran mnK nitvicf. j iloMtipllYO el real i diumi nit in riaiM anj pieirm an rhnnio. Theralapothlnr known to iha art 14 lo the TKloa of Iha 11 AT O l-amo ai a Hint. am. If not at voufft. wnt. far Kterr dralcr tytjnb uarioio voutt. am nrnrv.k Berne oiin. CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) of thi oftn. Mado Sure of Death, A ntudont ot a school In Bhlnshu, Japan, rocontly committed suicide by Jumping Into tho crater or Asama yamn, Tho tragedy was notdlscoverod until thrco days afterward, when somo documents lnft by tho sulcldo near tho crater wero picked up, Important to Mothers Examine cnrofully overy bottlo ot GA8TOIUA, a snfo nnd suro remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Dcara the Signature In Uso For Over OO Years. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Most politicians claim thn sllont voto so long ns it kcops sllont. Mr. Window's ftoothtns; Syrnn. forchlMrvn iMthlni, mftrni lb num., rojueoln. BammauoiWkUa) pal o, caret wind cullo. Xca butUa. m . . i l - . . .! II , . ioo inucu Biaivgy c0.11 uuigiu uauii 1 moro than It can fool others. W. L. DOUGLAS "maa" SHOES JtBTB W.00, M.60, M.00, SS.60, 84.00, W.0Q mnv asm, &. w.oo THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS Thty ars absolutely the most populsrand bestshoes for ths pries la America. Thevars the leaders every . whirs because thty hold Ihrlr shape, fit better, look better sad wear loo ter than other makes. , Thev are eoiltirelv the most economical shoes for you to buy, W. L. Doatlaa name sal tho retail pries are stamped oa the bottom value Kuaranteed. TAKB NO 8UBBT1TUTBI If your dealer eaaaot suds ly you write tot Mall Order Catalec. W. lm DOUQLA3, BrockUa. Maaa. r. Ms. "ASSI Thimnsin's Eye Walir PATENTS Wlmni:,rolrninii,Wait tMtnuoua Uttt rwuua W. N. U., DENVER, NO, 40-19i0. The Tenderfoot Farmer It vrai one ot theio experimental farmers, who put iretm pcctaclet on his cow and fed her sliavlnfi. Ills theory was that It didn't matter what the cow ate so Ions' as eho was fed. The queitloue ot digestion and nouriehmeat had aot entered Into his caloulationi. It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that would try such a experiment with a eon. Hut many a farmer feeds him' tttf regardless ol digestion and nutrition, He might almost as well eat shav lags for all the good he gets out of his food. The result is that the stomach grows "weak" the action ot the organs of digestion and nutrition are Impaired aad the man suffers the miseries ot dyspepsia and the agonies of nctvouiaeil. To atreaithen the etemach, restore the activity ot the or gaaa ot 0IAeatloa ana nutrition and brace up the nerrea, mae Dr. Pierce' a Golden Medical Dlacovery. It la an aa talllai remedy, mad haa the eoatldence ot phyalclaaa aa well as the pralne ot theaaaada heated by Ita ate. Ia the strictest sense "Golden Medleat Discovery" is a temperanee raedl eiae. It contains neither intoxieants nor narootios, and is as free from aleohol ai from opium, cocaine and other dangerous drugs. AH ingredients printed oa its outside wrapper. Don't let dealer delude you for his own profit. There is no medicine for stomach, liver and blood "Just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery." MICA AXLE GREASE Keeps the aplndlo bright and free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. Continental Oil Co ' ' (Incorporated)