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artt3030 A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Lincoln County. -1 I VOLUME 11. CARRIZ0550. LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, NOVEMBER 11, 1910. SLIDE, SLID, SLIDDEN. Slide to toboggan; the start began be-1 fore the polls opened Tuesday morning. Slid Near the bottom of the toboggan. past the reverse lever clutch; three o'clock M in the afternoon Date November 8. Slidden The act of reaching the bottrm, being struck dumb, as it were; nothing, ab solutely nothing to say, as is the gentleman at Oyster Bay, who has retired behind the doors at his home, and, in silence, is listen ing to the oyster bay. The fjrcgolngcont tin the principal partB of Mm verb, and those who arc not too badly disappointed may read what is to come, and follow its ramifications through all its cases, persons, num bers, modes and tenses. The election Tuesday was a complete LANDSLIDE, the republican party suffering the worst dulcat in its history, with one exception. The next house of representatives will be democratic by a ma jority of 59. A number of state legislatures in hitherto republican stutcs have chosen a majority of democrats, thus insuring addi tional democratic United States senator. All the big states df the cast, with the exception of Pennsylvania, went democratic. A notable exception to the general democratic victory was that of Tennessee, where the republican nominee, endorsed by the inde pendent democrats, was elected governor, The following is a synopsis of years ago the republicans Jiad a the results by states: " majority of 107,000. The deino- Alabama. Everything demo- crats get three congressmen, cratic. Kansas The first returns indi- Arkansas. Everything demo- cated that Kansas had joined the . - . , . . "ws NUM HICK -10 , Jfijj Hiiniiniiniiniiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifil ,.JJ IllllilllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllUig Special Facilities For Uauquct und Dinner Parties. Carrizozo Eating; House P. V. QURNEV, Manager. Table Supplied with the Best the market affords. THE STAG SALOON GRAY BROS. cratic. California. Johnson, republi can, elected governor; congres sional delegation republican; leg islature republican. Colorado Shaf roth, democrat, elected governor; democratic con gressional delegation. Connecticut Baldwin, demo crat, elected governor; republi cans win congressmen with one exception. merry throng, but it is now con ceded that Slubbs, republican has been elected governor by a small plurality. The congres sional delegation is solidly republican. Kentucky Democrats gain one member of the congressional del cgation. Louisiana Everything demo cratic. Maryland Republicans have The Host brands of BOTTLE AND BARREL WHISKIES. S E 1 P P ' S BEE R."7 BILLIARDS AND POOL. Choice Cigars. W. E. Winlicld John E. Dell WINFIELD & BELL Staple & Fancy Groceries Fresh Vegetables from Mcsllla Valley Gardens Every Week. Prompt attention Given Phone Orders. Delewarc Republicans elect possibly saved one congressman congressmau-at-largc, and have from the wreck, if not they have a majority ot the state Icglsla- drawn a bianK. ture. " Massaeltussctts Foss, demo Florida Everything democra- crat, elected governor by 25,000. tic. Congressional delegation split, Georgia Every thing democra- legislature in doubt, wiih the in- tic. dicatious that a democrat will Idaho Ilawlcy, democrat, was succeed Henry Cabot Lodge elected governor ; republicans the United States senate. elected congrcssmait-at-large. Michigan Everything repub- Illinois Democrats elect a ma- licau. jorlly of congressional delega- Minnesota Everything repub- lion. More lame political ducks lican with the exception of one in Illinois than almost any other congressman. political division. Mississippi Everything deni- Indiana If the democrats have ocratic. njH elected every congressman Missonri Democrats gain one 'they have only missed it one. congressman and 30 members of The legislature is democratic and the legislature, A democratic will elect Kern to succeed Hevcr- United States senator will sue- figc. ceed Warner, republican. Thwa Vote very close on gub- Montana Possibly republican QrujUQrial candidates, with Car- congressman; democratic legisla- fiilli rnubliijait leading, Two ture, which will elect a United States senator to succeed Carter, republican, and two congressmen republican. also republican. ' Nebraska Aldrich, repnblican Ohio Harmon, democrat, gov- clccted governor; congressional crnor by 30,000. The republicans delegation divided; legislature also lost three congressmen and democratic. Hitchcock, demo- possibly the legislature, which is crat, to succeed Hurkctt, republi- 0 elect a United States senator can, in United States senate. to succeed Dick, republican. Nevada Political complexion Oklahoma Democrats won by of legislature in doubt: result in 30,000. Republicans hold two all contests close. congressional seats. New Hampshire -Everything Oregon -Count slow; result on republican. governor in doubt, but chances New Jersey Wilson, democrat, faVor West, democrat. Congress elected governor by 20,000; 8 of tonal delegation republican, the 10 congressmen arc demo- Pcunsylvuniu - Tcner, republi crals, and the legislature, which can, elected governor by 100,000. is to elect a United Stutes scna- Democrats made gains in con tor, is democratic. gressiotial delegation. New York Dix, democrat, is Rhode Island Thcrepublicans elected governor by 65,000. Of cary ate by small plurality, and the 37 congressmen the republi- each party gets a congressman. cans,goi is. m egisiaiurc is Carolina Evorvthliur ! MH'w 1 semi a dem- (iw Ibf .-. . r,. .. i democratic, URiti'd States senate ., , . ... Denew, iopubtican, South Dakota-Evcrythlng is ii..i.isiKi.uii.t.... ,.. i rciiuuiican. nothinE for once. Tennessee Hooper, republican North jaWtirrEverytljnKis elected governor by 15,000; legis- democratic. WMfcL 'aurc democratic congressional North Dakota-Burke, demo- delegation unchanged. crat, elected governor; legislature (Cuuthiuod ou loot xmt.) deinccratic ocrMM to ,v tec 1 U ' i J4 i -' 1 H. " - A w- - p