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Welch St Titsworth Wholesale and Iietail GENERAL MERCHANDISE . Qroceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes TSe Convention lo Adjourn Novem ber 19th. Tlic following letter, dated at oanta Fe, Nov. 16, from Delegate John II. Canning, was received at this office the following day: The convention will adjourn (unless all signs fail), Saturday aight, November V). Everything lias been passed by the convention mil the committee of the whole, jxcept the Mtscellaniotis Provis oes, which is being held bach to iWh any drag that has been ) nfllcd. Cotiiderable of the rtiolcs have been reported back ly the revision committee and idoptcd. The delay now is in retting the original matter hrnugh the revision committee nd printed. Nearly all of the enuicratc members have express d their support of the couslitu Ion as it has been reported m ir. Gongrcssmau-elect Martin W. littoiii who was elected over ol. Roosevelt's irieud, W. W. oaks, in Roosvclt'a own district, ,ts being congratulated by a osi of Democratic friends at the larhatvan Club yesterday. "Weil, iiow are things down at S&Uir liny now?" one man ashed. Ealtr Hay?" said Littlotou. 'Olig"Dni cull Oyster Day any "t&JtUj sliol do thy cull it?" MTfiiU)Potfttii' ho replied QUR Stock of Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Dry Goods Is the largest we have ever carried, and wc arc better prepared to supply the people of this vicinity with their requirements than we have ever been In the past. We are constantly receiving new goods, and we would respectfully ask that you come in and examine our goods and compare our prices with those of other merchants of the vicinity. Fuller & Johnson's Farm Pump Engines Wire, Farming Implements, Farm Wagons WELCH & TITSWORTH. CAPITAN, N. M. The County Seat Question. Judge Wright in his chambers at Alamogordo Wednesday heard the arguments pro and con on the removal of the county scat from Lincoln to Carrizozo, but reserved his decision for the pur pose of looking up a number of points of law connected with the case. It is expected the judge will be ready to hand down his decision by the end of the week. He stated for the information of all concerned that no further in junctions would be issued from his court without a bond sufficient to cover all costs and damages. T. li, Catron and Geo. U. Unrber appeared for Lincoln, John Y. Hewitt for Carrizozo, and Attor ney Wiiliums of CIovih represent ed the contractor. Notice. I expect to be absent until ab out the 24th day of November, on a visit to bchools in the county, and all warrants sent in during my absence will, necessarily, await my return for approval. Very respectfully, J uo; A. Haley, Supt. of School. Lame back ccines on suddenly and is extremely painful. It is caused by rhuutnutisnt of the muscles. Quick relief is afforded by applying Qhiimberlfin's Lini ment. Sold by all dealers. John Harkcy returned from a trip to Texas this week. Mrs. A. J. Holland entertained a number of friends at her home last week with a musicalc. Charley McMastcrs returned from the hills Tuesday with a fine buck. It wns probably the last of the herd. The open season for deer closed on the 15th, and all the hunters have returned. There but nine deer brought to town during the season. Kobt. Taylor, as chnirmau of the board of county commission ers, attended the county scat hearing at Alamogordo Wednes day. Joe and Alec Adams and Frank Gray returned Tuesday from a three weeks hunting trip in the Mogollon mountains. They re port turkey scarce, but deer as plentiful as. jack rabbits in Kan sas. Ther had a nice time and got the limit, three tine ones. W. L. Mccrs, a cattleman from Capitun, was a Mngdalcna visitor the lirst of the week. Mr. Mcers thinks that this is a good range section, judging by the fine con dition of the cattle brought in for shipment. He contemplates returning later witli a view to establishing hitusclf. Magdaleua News. The Lincoln County Teacher's association will meet at Carrizozo, New Mexico, Saturday November 27th, l'JIO. A forenoon session will be held in the school house and afternoon and evening ses sions, in the Baptist Church. Not only teachers, but patrons of the schools and all others inter ested in schools and shcool work nre cordially invited to be present. Mrs. John F. Kimbell enter, taincd the Whist club most agree ably Wednesday afternoon. The usual order of play was followed, and also that of the social hour about the refreshment tabic. Mrs F. Elliott and Miss Mayo Bovkin were the quests of thcday. The prizes, for highest and lowest scores, going to Mrs. Frank J. Sagcr, and Miss Virginia Fcntou respectively. Mr. Mrs. Will T. Coc met here last week, and left for their home on the Ruidoso Saturday. The feature of the romance with this couple was that both left here last fall, the bride, Miss Chcrille Wells, of White Oaks, for Arizona to teach school, and the groom for Fort Worth, Texas, to enter a business college. Later the couple were married in 151 Paso, but until they met here last week few, if any, of their friends had a knowledge their marriage. The nkws, was no exception to the rule, and, though some what late, it extends best wishes. if- I : I