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CARRIZOZO NEWS oarrizozo NEW "MEXICO Often the Joy ride ends la a cemetery. Winter la staying ae long as an un welcome guost. Lato In March the largest battleship will bo In commission. There Is no tolling how soon It will be obsolete. Simultaneously with the opening of the postal banks a lot of old yarn socks oponed. That American who photographed cows inside England's fortifications made somewhat of a bull. I Soventeon-year locusts are due this year, but nobody will care If they fall to hear the alarm clock go off. . The aeroplane does not break down of tenor than an automobile, but It breaks down In more Inconvenient localities. Somo people are eternally fussy. An Indiana man wants a divorce from his wlfo because she bathes the dog In tho dlshpan. Again It Ib reported that the hoop- skirt is coming back. Not If tho wear ers havo to.pasB the Flatlron building in Now York. SAGACIOUS FILING Aviation seems to bo like some other methods of producing exhilarating ef fects; thero Is difficulty In recognizing tho right time to quit Up to date the submarines of the world's navies havo been chiefly re markable for the ninny discouraging accidents which befall them. It doos not astonish us to learn that our sun Is a "variable star." Even on this planet It has the roputatlon of be ing a highly capricious luminary. Aviators should lot altitude tests go unsought. Endurance and passen ger teats are tho ones needed at this stago of the art. Tho Chicago authorities nave voted to limit all buildings begun after Sep tember 1 to a height of 200 feet, and if they mean Chicago feet that Is surely high enough. By way of giving tho children of the city n chanco to see all strange ani mals that Inhabit the earth, the au thorities of New York Central park have bought a cow. Medicine Hat wants Its name changed. If Kalamazoo and OBhkoBh can bo happy and prosperous, there seems to bo no reason why Medicine Hat should not be comfortable. DaBket ball may bo a perfectly love ly game, but whon It becomes neces sary to call upon tho police to pry players apart It would seem that a re vised rule of some sort might well bo inserted. Tho Lady Surely, that la. .a rabbit Tho Cat If she can mako mistakes like that she ought to koep a restaurant FRENCH BEAN COFFEE, A HEALTHFUL DRINK Tho healthiest ever; you can grow It) In your own garden on a small patch 10 by 10, producing 60 pounds or moro. Ripens In Wisconsin 90 days. Used in great quantities in Franco, Germany and all over Europe Bond 15 cents In stamps and wo will mall you a package giving full culture dl- J catalog freo, or send 31 contTnnd get In addition to abovo 10,000 kernels seods enough for bushels of vege tables and flowers. John A. Salzer Bood Co., 182 S. 8th St., La Crosse, Wis. Great Baseball Play. "What was tho greatest baseball play you over saw?" asked a friend of Governor-elect John W. Tener. "Tho groatest play I over saw," said ho, "took place In an amateur gamo on a town lot nt Charlorol. Tho teams were playing on a wet field and an outfielder who wore a derby hat went after a high fly. Ho came to a little pond nnd taking his eyo off tho ball mado a jump to cross it. As ho wbb leaping tho ball struck him on tho head, wont through tho crown of his hat and lodged thero. Tho base run ner was out and the floldor bad not touched tho ball with his handB. Can you beat It?" Washington Corre spondence Pittsburg Dispatch. CAKES FOR AFTERNOON TEA" Recipes for the Making of Several Varieties of These Confeotlont Needed In Entertaining. The hostess who likes novel little cakes for afternoon tea will find these palatable. A sort of sweet biscuit shaped like a lady finger Is made from the well-beaten whites of three eggs Into which Is beaten almost half a pound of confectioner's sugar. Add four ounces of melted butter, and stir In quickly at the last four ounces of pastry flour. Put this paste Into a pastry bag and force through a tube on well buttered baking shoots. Form flngor shapes not too close together as they spread and bake In a moderate oven until a dollcato brown. For an almond cake beat to a cream three ounces of buttor and half a pound of soft A sugar, then add grad ually a half pint of milk and enough flour to make a light dough. Stir In a quarter of a pound of blanched and minced almonds lightly floured. Put on a floured board, roll about a quar ter of an Inch thick and cut Into dia monds and squares. Almond macaroonB are made by beating the whites of three egga to a stiff froth, then stirring In half a strained Juice of half a lemon, and last half a pound of ground almonds. Put paper on a flat baking shoot, drop tho mixture on by teaspoonfuls and bake In a quick ovon until a light brown. Llttlo Gorman caraway cakes are made by mixing two cups of flour, a cup of butter, a cup and a half of sugar, four eggs, two teaspoonfuls of rose water and half a cup of caraway seed. Drop on baking sheet and bake In a slow oven from 20 minutes to half an hour. PREPARATION OF POTATOES RHEUMATISM Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy rcllcres pains la tho legs, onus, back, stilt or uwolloa Joints. Contains no morphine, opium, cocaine or drugs to deaden the pain. It neutralizes tbo acid and drives out all rlioumatio poisons from the sys tem. Wrlto Prof. Munyon, 31 and Jeff crson Hts., I'htln., l'a., tor medical ail vice, absolutely free. OPINION NOT ALWAYS FINAL Pretty Safe to Say That Doctor's Diagnosis Was "Away Off" In This Case. Tho protty daughter of ft phyBlclan Ib engaged to a collego student of whom hor father doos not altogethor approve His daughter Is too young to think of marriage, tho doctor as serts; tho collego Btudont Is too young to think of it, likewise. It is out of tho question. Sho explained all this to her lover tho othor night "Father says," oho summed It up; "father says, dear, that I will havo to glvo you up." Tho young man sighed. "Thou It's all over?" ho murmured, with gloomy interrogation. And the girl laughed and blushed. "Well," sho said, "well, you you know that whon the doctor glvos you up that's just tho tlmo for you to tako moro hopo. Isn't it sometimes that way?" Robobotb. Sunday Horald. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a safo and sure remedy for Infants and children, and neo that It Signature olC2az&&kC In Use For Over 80 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought A pessimist Ib a man who can't en joy tho beauties of an apple blossom becauso ho only thinks of the possible stomacho acho It represents. Stiff neck! Doesn't amount to much, but mighty disagreeable You will bo sur prised to sea how quickly Hamlins Wizard , Oil will drive that stiffne out. Oae night, that's all, It's easier to borrow from a new friend than It la to pay back what you owo an old one. There Is In California a fountain of oil that gushes up to a height of 1B6 feet. Advocates of the conserva tion of our natural resources might do woll to Insist that n lid should be put on this fountain. An Austrian girl, who has just been naturalized In New York, says sho be came a citizen cf this nation because she loves tho United States and tho American people. Thot is tho kind of citizen wo want. Molsant and Hoxsey laughod at dan ger "as long as tho jnachlno was all right." When man becomcB perfect, posBlbly ho will Invent a machlno that Is perfect Until then It Is safer to leave fly lag to tk birds. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure consti pation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases, Curo the cause and you cure tho disease. Easy to take. Men are kuown by the good they do rathor than tho goodB thoy havo. Before Baking a Lengthwise Strip Should Be Pared After Boiling Shake In the Wind. When preparing potatoes for bak ing cut one paring around the largest side of tho potato lengthwise, and when baked the skin will slip off from each side nicely. After boiling potatoes pour off all water, take kottlo of potatoes to tho back door, or wherever tho wind will blow on thorn, and shako several times, and they wll be white and mealy. A fine potato soup: Tako three me dium sized potatoes, one pint milk, one teaspoonful chopped onion, one stalk celery, one teaspoonful salt, one-halt teaspoonful celery salt, ono-haif Bait ipoonful white pepper, one-fourth salt- ipoon cayenne, one-half tablespoonful dour, one tablespoonful butter. Cook potatoes until very soft, drain off the water, and mash them. Cook onion and celery with the milk in double boiler and add to the potatow. add the seasoning. Rub through a strainer; put on to boll again. Melt the butter in a small saucepan, blend It with the flour, and stir It Into the boiling soup. Let it boll 'five min utes and serve very hot An easily prepared potato salad: Bllce six cold boiled potatoes and twe onions. For dressing, one-half cup ful vinegar, ono cupful of sweet cream whipped, one teaspoonful dry mustard, salt and pepper to taste, and at last add four hard bollod eggs. The Glamour of the Show. "When Dustln Stox was a boy he would work llko a slavo carrying wa tor to tho elephant." "Yob. And now ho works Just as hard carrying diamond necklaces to opora singers." On the 8tage. "Wo'vo got to get somebody to play thlB light part." "Why not tho - electrician?" Baltl moro American. Naturally. "Doob your husband go in for golf ?," askB tho callor. "No," sho answers. "Ho goes out for It" TO CORK A COLD IX ONE DAT Take LAX ATI VH 11UOMO Quinine Tablet. l)nigRlitsrfuna money If It falls to our. Jt. W. UHOvH'iJilgnatureiioncachbox. tio. Somo men borrow trouble and somo buy It by tho bottle. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething) softens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, tllays pain, cures win J oolle, 26o a bottle. Even a stingy man loosens up when asked for advice. Hot Biscuits. Two cupfuls of flour, ono tablespoon ful of buttor, one tablespoonful of lard, four teaspoonfuls of baking pow der, one teaspoonful of salt, one cup ful of milk. ' Sift the flour Into a basin, rub the shortening finely into It, add tho bak ing powder and salt, then add the milk gradually. Turn out on to a floured board; toBs with a knife until tho whole surfaco Is floured; pat lightly with a rolling pin until one half Inch thick. Cut In rounds and bako Immediately on butterod tins la A quick oven, about twelve minutes. I A woman's Idea of a groat financier, Is a man who can straighten out her oxponso account. If You Knew How Good are the sweet, crisp bits of Post Toasties you would, at least, try 'em. The food is made of per fectly ripe white corn, cooked, sweetened, rolled and toasted. It is served direct from the package with cream or milk, and sugar if desired A breakfast favorite 1 "The Memory Lingers" POSTUM CEREAL CO., Ltd., tuulo Crsek, Mlcli.