Newspaper Page Text
- 5T" ; : 1 ni1 "T" if V THE CARRIZOZO NEW5 PubllHhwl OTerjr Friday nrt Cakkizoxo - Nkvv Mbxico tintercd ai tecum! oUn inotUr June IS, MKM, nt tho piistotHoo atCarrtaozo, Nv Union, URilr tlio not of iUreh 1H10. 8UHB0KIPT1ON lUTKti: Oiin Yttfir .... Sl.iiO 8lx Montlia (by mull) - . . fl.OOf1'11100 JNO. A- HAIiKY, ItMTon $15,000 Bond Required. The countj scat case came up at Alamogordo last Saturday be fore Judge Edward R. Wright. Attorney Thomas B. Catron, of Santa Fe, and Attorney George B. Barber, of Lincoln, represent ed Lincoln, and Attorney John Y. Hewitt, of White Oaks, repre sented Carrizozo. The argument was upon the application of the attorneys for the defendant, who asked for a dismissal of the quo warranto and the consequent dissolution of the pending injunction. It will be remembered that an injuuetiau was granted last December, that a $10,000.00 damage bond was approved and nothing further done on the court house. Since, however, the filing of the indem nity bond, the supreme court of the territory has again passed on the merits of the case aud again awarded the decision to Carrizozo. From this decision of Flic territo rial supreme court the case has been appealed tc the supreme court of tfie United States. The proceedings Saturday had no connection with the case ap pealed to the supreme court of the United States, except in simi larity of evidence and pleading, but directly concerned the exist ing injunction. The decision of the court Saturday was that Lincoln should give a new indem nity bond in the sum of $15,000.00, and allowed to April 1st to pre pare and file same for the ap proval of the judge. If the new bond is not filed as required the injunction is to be dissolved. A Recital and Musical. The last meeting of the Ladies' Home Mission. Society was held at the residence of Mrs. George Spence. After the routine of business, it was agreed to give a musical and recital, at the- Reil hall, on April 18, for the benefit of the Methodist church fund. Mcsdames Holland, McDonald, Tennis and Elliott were appoint ed a committee to arrange the program. The next meeting will be at the residence of Mrb. John Bell on March 28. Qhatnberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invariably bring r&Uof to women suffering from rjhrrjhic constipation, headache, Ullidusucss, dizziness, sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia. 'Sold all dtsttlors. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Dopiirtmout of the Interior. United Land Olllco, HoHwelti N Mil Mnrch 8, Kill. To Wllllnmll. Nix, of Carrizozo, N. M., Con. tl'BtOO. You urn licroliy notified t lint 1'mil 11. MeCourt, wlio hIvob Carrizozo, Now Moxlco, ns Ills punt olllco ndilroM, did on Mnrch 1, 1011, fllo in tills Mil duly corroborated application to con tent and dociiro tlio cancellation ot your home. tend, Entry No Horlat No. UllSK!, madn December 12, 1000, forS'iBHU Boo 'Jl, and NU' Boa. 2.1, Township 7 S, Itntimi 1" H N.M.l'. Morodlnn, nnil uh Hrounds for his contest bo nl Ickch that William J). Nix has abnndonod said liomcstend; that liu has not rusldod or lived thereon for more than one year lnnt pasiodi that said William 11. Nix left snld land about AukusI 1000, nnd loft tlio Territory of Nov? Mexico, and lias not lived or rosldcd on said homestead since that time. You are, therefore, furtlior notified that the said alleKalloiiR vlll bo taken by tills olllco ns haviuK been confessed by you, and your said entry will bo cancelled thorouodcr without fur ther right to be benrd therein, either heforo Ibis olllce or on appeal, if you full to Ale in this olllee within Twenty days after tho FOUUTII publication of this notlco, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re apoudlnir to theso alienations of coutett, or if jou UH within that tlmo to fllo In this olllce due proof that you have served a copy of your an awcrouthosntd contestant eithor in person or by registered mail. If this sorvico is mndo by tlio delivery ot a copy of your answer to tho contestant in parson, proof such sorvico must bo olthor tho snld contestant's written acknowledg ment of his recolpt ot t he copy, showing tho date of its rocolpt, or tho affidavit of tho person by whom 'ho delivery was made BtatliiK when and whoro the copy wns dolivorodt if inadu by rexls. torod mail, proof of such sorvico must couslst of the affidavit of the porson by whom the copy was mailed statlnu when aud tho postolilco to which It was mailed, ami this affidavit must bo ncoompaulod by tho postuuistcr's receipt fur tho lottor. You should state In your answer the naino of tho postolllce to which you desiro futuro notices to bu sout to you, T.d. TUiliOTBON, HoBislor, HAltOIil) HUltl). lterelver. Oatoof first publhiatiou, March 17, 1011. " second " March 24, 1011. " third " Mnrch ill, 1011. " fourth " April 7, 1011. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of I lie Interior. United BtnteH Lund Olllce. Koswoll, N. M., March 0, 1011. To William N. Kosh, o( Cnpltau, N. M., Con- tostoo. You are hereby notified that Oconto Edward Morris, who rivok Oapltan, N. M., as his post olllco addreHH. did on March '2, lldl, Ulo in this oilico his duly corroborated application to con tot.t and securo tlio canuollntlou of your home stead, Entry No Borlal No. 1)111.170, imido Auuilst 1, 1000, for V',i BK'-i and IS", BWU, See. IIS, Township 0 8, limine 1U E, N.M . l Moridiiiu, aud as wounds for his contest ha al logos that William N. ltoss has totally abandoned the laud; that ho has not at any timn established a roHldcucn thoreou or cultivated any part there of ; that no member of bin fnaily has ever been on tho land; that lie has removed from tho Tor ritoty ot Now Moxico, and his w horoubouU are unknown, You tire, thoreforo, further notified that tho snld alienations will bo taken by this olllco ns Imvlnu boen confessed by yon, and your snld en try will bu cancelled thnreuudor without your further rlitht to bo heard therein, either bufoiu 1 this olllco or on appeal, if you fall to file In this I oilico withiu Twenty days aftor tholOUUTH publication ot tills notice, as shown bolow, your auHwor, under oalli, specifically meeting aud to- I upondliiK to Uiobo allegations of contest, or if. ! . ..(I 111. I.. .1 1.. ill.. 1 11.1.. .1.1 you inn wiuuii iiiiii iiiiiu iu mu in mis ouicoouo j proof that you httvo served a cony of your an swer on the bald contestant eithor in portion or I by reulstorod mail. It this sorvico Is mitdo by tlio delivery ot a copy of your uuswer to tho contestant in person, proof of such sorvico must bo eithor tho said contestant's written aoknow i lodgment of Ids recolpt of tlio copy, hIiowIhk the i dato ot Its receipt, or the allldavlt otthopitrsou by whom tho delivery was made statini; when I uud whore tho copy wns delivered; It made by registered mail, proof of such service must con sist of tlio allldavlt of tho person by whom tho copy was mailed sUitluu when aud tho postofllcu to which it was mailed, mid this allldavlt must bo nocotntMiulod by tlio pootmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state in ynur answer the name of the postolllce. to which you desire future notices to lie He ui lo you. T. CTIU.OTHON, HcKiBlor, llAKOLD 11UHI), Ilccelver. DatiHif first publication, .March 17, 1011. ,Y second " Mlirtih 24, 1011. " thlttl " Mntalt ill. lilt I. " fourth " Atiiin, fill. Stoves and Ranges. Builders' Hardwatc. N. B. TAYLOR & SONS Blacksmithing and Hardware CARKIZOZO & WHITB OAKS Tinware, Paints, Glass, Oils of all khtds. Harness, Ammunition, Etc. Billiard and Pool Parlor in connection. THE HEADLIGHT SALOON Jas. P. Walkuk, Prop. All kinds of Bottled Beer. Choice Whiskies, Brandies and Wines. Y. B. CIGARS. Carrizozo : : : New Mexico, W. E. Wiulield John E. Bell W1NFIELD & BELL Staple & Fancy Groceries Fresh Vegetables from Mesilla Valley Gardens Every Week. Prompt attention Given Phone Orders. iiimiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiijg Special Facilities For Banquet and Dinner Parties. 1 Carrizozo Eating House I F. .W. QURNEY, Manager. Table Supplied with the Best the market affords. IfTTMffMTTTMTTMT HUMPHREY BROS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Flour, Hay, Grain, Feed Stuffs, Etc. Phono 16 The Old Skating Rink, CarrizozoT N. M. E THE STAG SALOON GRAY BROS. " The Best Brands of BOTTLE AND BARREL WHISKIES. SEIPP'S BEE R."" BILLIARDS AND POOL. Choice Oijrarsi