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Stockmen Meet. The annual meeting of the Panhandle Stockmen's Associa tion was held at Dalhart, Texas March 7, S, and 'Jth. There was a large attendance of cattle men and every one was enthusiastic concerning the cattle situation generally. Not much trading was done though there were a good many buyers present. At such meetings buyers and sellers get together and talk matters over and usually trade lati'r. The greatest interest at this meeting centered in the contest between El Paso and Amarillo for the next meeting place of the Association. El Paso was suc cessful, and it is. now predicted that the meeting in March, 1912, will be by far the greatest and most successful every held by the Panhandle Association. Some years ago a few energetic stockmen iu the northern part of the Panhandle decided to form an association of their own, sep erate from the great Texas Cattle Raisers Association, which up to that time had embraced all of Texas. Prom the small beginn ing then made, has developed what is destined to be one of the greatest cattle organizations in the United States. Up to within a few years past iu seemed as though this would be strictly a Panhandle association, notwith standing that the original inten tion was to take in all of Texas north and west of the Texas fever quarantine line. More recently, as the benefits of this association have become more apparent, mem bers have come iu from all parts of the country, including a great many from New Mexico. It was the iniluenceof the cat tlemen in southwest Texas, New Mexico and Mexico that selected EI Paso as next meeting place. It is now confidently predicted by well informed cattlemen, that this Association will finally gather in the larger part of the cattle raisers of west and south west Texas, New. Mexico, Arizo na, northern Mexico, aud many from Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado. Those who spoke for El Pase, guaranteed a membership repre senting one hundred fifty thou sand cattle, aud it is believed that this will be doubled before and during the next meeting. Now Mexico has one vice-president and three members of the iBxa3Utive Committee. Hence it Will be soeu that this association Is becoiiiitijf important to our cntllt iuterMls, and it may be vtll for thutt who are socking the hett protection and develop ment of their interests, to iuves ttenlQ the work aud purposes of ttils orgniiiiAtlou ntul loam whe ther it may not be ndvUmblo to become members. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE. IN THE HUl'HUMK COUNT OF THIS THIL IUT011Y OK N15W MKX1CO. Maiiv It. Hamilton, etui.. Appellee, VB. Hnlo MIuIiik ami ImpioviMiiciit Co., Appellant. No. 1177. 11. 11. Hamilton, Adiu., etc., ut al., Appellee, VH. KiiKle MinliiK and improvement Co., Appellants No. 117b. Undornml by virtuo of unorder of alo and Judgment and decree Issued out of tlio Supremo Court of tliu Territory or Now Mexico, on tlio Alii day of January, A.D., It'll. In tlui aliova un titled cuuhch, wliuruln thonhovo mimed iippolloo, Humphrey I). Hamilton, .Jr., iih iidnilulhtin tor of tlio ostutu of Humphrey 1!. Hamil ton, decotiRod, obtained Judgment iu accord anco with the mandate of the Hupremo Court of the United HtateH, and in pur.uancu of n Judg ment tlieretoforu entered in the Huprumo Court of the. Territory of Now Mexico, iilllrniltur a Judmnnnt of the DiHtrict Court in uud for the the county of Lincoln, iiKulmd tlio appellant, UiikIo .Minim; and Improvement company, oil the dtli day of Jamiury, A. I)., 1111, lor the Hinn of fourteen thoutmiid nlno hundred uud Hixtj-eluM dollam and nine teen eontH. with luturcHt thereon at tlio rale of hLv per cent per annum from date until paid' timether with contM of hint, taxed at, two hundred aud cloven dollam anil novonty.llvo cents, I am commanded to veil at public unction thu following doHurihod real properly, to-wlti Au undivided one-hair Intercut In the llopoful Lodo mlnliiK claim and mill idle, boimt desig nated by mluei'iil certlliuato iiffli, mid by Htirvoyor (Jonural im LoU (i.VJA ami OMH, emhrnelim a por tion of TowiiHhtp ten noutlt of iuiwo oleum, 12. of New Mexico principal uierodlau, wild iiiluluu claim and mill hIio boinir tlio nnio propurly patented by Koverumout of tlio United HtateH to 11. C. I'arHouM, by patent IhhuoiI Auuiint !1, lHlia, unit recorded iu Hook 1), piiKo 5-2, or the record of the probate clerk aud ox-ollicio rocorder of tlio county of Lincoln. l'ublio notice in heruby given that on thu 2Hth duyof April, A.U., 1I11, at the liour of 'i o'clock p.m., of that day, at the front dour of thu now courtlioutMi in coiitho ofcoiiHtructiou In the town of Carrizozo, county C Lincoln, territory of New Mexico, 1 will, In obedience of mid order of sale mid judiruiotit and decree, hell thu above dcxcribed property at public auction to the Iduh OHt uud best bidder fur cutdi. in luwful money of thu United HtateH, to viltiHl'y Hiild judgment and cohih and the o.pountH of tlila Hide. WltuubH my hand thin li rt tiny of March, A.l). lllll. A. II. HtiDHi'irru, Special Mtmtor ;i-..1t appointed by mild court. H .1 JOHN H. SKINNER 1 K K K K K I If W1IOL1MALK ANU llM'AlL Dealer in FLOUR, HAY & GRAIN. ROCKV MOUNTAIN COAL. PETE 11 SJlin'TLJ'Jll Jlniml of WAGOtVS, JIACKS AND IWGGJJ'JS. QUEEN OF KANSAS FLOUR. PHONE 52 t!1'5''!5'' H rl I H H I Billiard and Pool Parlor ' in connection The Capitan Bar Hauky Kkamlus, Manager CHOICE LIQUORS, BRANDIES cS: WINES CAPITAN, N. M. I: K H If The Carrizozo Bar All Bonded Whiskey )i Port Wine .... 4 Blackberry Brandy . Old Kingdom Blended Whiskey Wholesale Prices on Seipp's Beer to Outside Dealers. SI. 75 per Quart. K .50 per Qua; t. .50 per Quart. P S4. 00 per Gal Ion. K v MINING APPLICATION. Serial No. 024279. UNITUI) BTATKB LAND Dl'l'ICIC. Muswoll, New Mexico, January ill, lllll. j Notice 1h horohy Klven that Andrew II. IIimIk- pein, vuoo pom, oineo ib nun uiiuk, ijiuonill County, Now Mexico, Inm this day tiled bin ui. plication for a putont for thu LUCKLICSS Loiio Mtnliwl'lulin, bolim 7U1.SS feet ot H.ltl vein, beariui; uoltl, ttiHOihur with nmriico ground iih hhowii on thu plat tin lilo In tlilH olllee, xituated in White OakH iMInlnu DIhiHcI, Lincoln County, New Mexico, and decrlhud by the Held nuteH on jllo iu thin otlicu iih HUrvey No. Iu rjeuiloux 'Si and !la iu TowiiKlup 11 H., ItaiiKe 11 K, N'iw Mexico Principal Merltllau. Maid Mineral Hur vey No 14'-- balm? ilortcrlbed iih follown, towit: Yar. bis 0 13. - HeKlnniliKUt t'orner No. 1, whence the SW Corner ot Mention To. B Kamio UK, N.M. 1. M ., beurs H. III! s 112 ' W. feet ; Tlieuco 8. lii - ' IC 7W1.1KI It. toComorNo. i!; T henro N. 711 s 110 ' 14. 5HS rt. to Comer No :i; 'lnnnce N. lit s HI ' W. "1)1.85 ft. to Cornor No. I; Thence 8. 7l ilti ' 15. fi'lO.M) ft. to Corner No. 1. place or becinuiuu. Kiiviim, exceptiiiK ami ex cludloc from thin Kiirveyiill that portion thereof In eonllict with Hiirvey No, 1175, Hairy Allen Iititle, and all that portion thereof In eonllict with Survey No. 5!W, Silver Cliff Lode, uud nil that purl Ion I hereof in eonllict with Hnrvey No 7(11 A., Mii Lodo Not area 7.07U aereu, '1'he location of thla mine Ih leeorded In the olllro of the lleeorder of Lincoln Count, Now Mexico, on pUKe ail "f Monk X of MIuIiik Mo roni. 'I'liu adjoiiuim uhdiuH are: tin the wont, Survey No. UU, llouientako, end 8ui voy N o. till iiuiiiutiiiKC diiiiui, V.M1 mo Houiu. cMrvoy ,o lttW, Anni(!iitlo, anil Harvey No. Mf, Hurry Allen. On tiie wuhI, Murvu) Ni.:t7ri, Ilm i'y Allun, Hnrvey No H75 A., Ma uud Httirur Lode. On lile north, Hurvoy No. 701 A., May, anil Survey No. MB.Bll vori'lIlT lode. Any mill all peiHOUH nlabulm; adviiroly the niiiiluu Riound, vein, lodimimd promlJwn, or any imrt theieof, ro deflerlbed. Hiirvoyed, plnttctl and implied r,ir. ore hereby notified thin uiiIchb ihelr iidvorM eliilniH are duly II led uocordlnu to lew, and the leitiilniitiUH thereunder, with iho lleuln ter ot' the United Htatiw Laud Ollltw, nt lioHWell, New Maxlco, ilutlnuthi'HlxtydayH iwriod of pub. (nation hnmo f, they will bo bum! by rfjmnu of Itho Dtiitutoa. 1-80-U T. C. TII.I.OIXO.V. ItelHler. When in need of hay, grain, Hour or food stuffs, phone Hum phrey Bros, for prices before placing your order. Phone 1ft. The Exctiange Bant Carrizozo, New Mexico. Transacts a General Banking Business Issues Drafts on all Principal Cities of the World. Accords to Borrowers every accommodation consistent with safety. Accounts solicitid. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. i Are you fretuiently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tick- I ling in your throat? Does your cough annoy you at night, and ' do you raise mucus iu the niorn iug? Do you want relief? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy aud you will be pleased. Sold by all dealers. ! Medicines that aid nature are always most successful, Cham j berlaiu's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions aud aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets are safe, sure and r.eliablc, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative pro parties. Sold by all dealers. Along witli your Spring (leaning aflgjMtefrimrriHiTi i Have your Watches and Clocks cleaned at the The Pioneer Jewelry Store Since ''Hearts are Trumps," We show a fresh line Valuable Novelties as well Pioneer Jewelry Store J. l HUMPHREY, Prop. (Two doora from P. O.)