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OWES ER. HEALTH To Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Scottvillo, Mich."! want to toll you how much good LydlaE.Pinkham'a I v ogocaino (join pounu ana Banatlvo Wash liavo dono mo. I llvo on a farm and have worked very hard. I am forty flvo years old, and am tho mother of thirteen children. Many peoplo think it strange that I am not broken down with hard work and the caro of mv fam. lltr Tint T fnll flinrrt rC rrr rnrA flAtirl f our Vcffotablo Compound, and that hero will bo no backacho and bearing down pains for thorn if they will tako It as I have. I am scarcely over with, out it in tho house "I will say also that I think there la no bettor inedlclno to bo found for young girls to build them up and nmko them strong and well. My oldest daughter has taken Lydla E. Pink, liam's Vegetable Compound for pain ful periods and irregularity, and it baa always liolpcd her. 'I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for tho Lydla E. I'inkham's Itemcdles. I toll every ono I meet that I owo my health and hap. plness to these wonderful medicines. Mrs. J. 0. Johnson, Bcottvillo.Mlch., JI.F.D. 8. Lydla E. Pinkham's: Vegetable Com pound, mado from natlvo roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds tho rocord for tho largest number of actual cures o XomalQ diseases. Your Liver is Clogged up That'a Why YouVa Tired-Out f Sorts Hnvo No Appetite.. CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS w31 put you right in lew dayi. 1 hey do their doty. loailipa. tion. Bil- ioaintii, Indlgeiltoa, ud Sick Heididw. SMAU FILL SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRICK Genuine muubeu Signature TO RENEW FURNITURE PIANO FINISH l GIVEN 1Y MANY COATS OF VARNISH. iW I FILLS. r M A Country School for Girls In Wow York City Best Features ol Country and City Lllo Out-of-door SpnrtH on School Park of 35 uurt'ii near tli HiuIhoii Hlvur. Full Academic Coui'ho from Primary Clans to arnduntlon. Upper Chios for AiH-nnucil Sprclul Students. Mu Bio and Art. Siiinnipr Reunion. Cor tllleiltu lldmltH tn Pnltetfo. Siliool Conch MculH I Jay Pupils. Mb! tow tni Miss Mhilon. RlmMe Ax mi KU SL, WtM A POSTAL CARD BRINGS YOU A COMPLETE PRICE LIST ON DAW PI toe: fcJllTAGS HIDES PELTS, WML J rrporreB. SATKfrACTOmf RETURNS mssssm 71 HIDEEWOOLiSf . tmkt, co. lit :svr- .mto joi:mi a, count alio REMEMBER fa.r.coMPn?llll99Vrg.f Mueh Scraping and iandpaperlnf Naoanary In Thla Method Craoka and Holea Must Filled With Putty. There tire various ways ot renovate log furniture. The beat constats la the application of successive coata of varnish, each sandpapered and rubbed to what is known aa a "piono finish." This method la the finish you will find on .almost nil tho old mahogany of our grandfathers' days. The first thing, then, is to get off the dUBt and dirt, and to remove every partlolo of tho old cracked nnd blackenod varn ish from the ploco of furniture you wish to rcnovato. To do this you will need a cabinet scrapor. These scrap era come In various shapes and sizes, and are made to fit the different anglos and curves of tho wood to be scrapod. They may be bought for -ten or fifteen conts. The odges are draw filled and ready for use. If the edgo Is rounded the scraper will do no work. If rough or nicked the wood will be scratched and perhaps ruined. With a good Boraper you will be sur prised and charmed to see how quick ly and nicely you can get down to the bare wood. If there Is deep carving on the pleio of furnituro tho operation must tv rariod. Tako wood alcohol, nnd with a brush or cloth apply to every nook and crevlco. Let it stand for a little while and then wlpo it off and scrapo the wood clean as before di rected. The wood alcohol will soften the varnish, so that it may bo easily removed. Care must be takon not to allow the varnish to turn white. Should it do so apply more of the alcohol and wipe dry at onco. It the alcohol once reachos tho wood It will turn it white, provided It Is mahog any, which 1b the only wood on which alcohol has this effect. It merely bleaches other woods. The wood being cleaned tho surface must be made absolutely smooth. For this use double sandpaper. Smooth down all the rough spots, and fill all the cracka and holes with putty, which must be allowed to hardon, when it may be stainod to match the color of the wood. If tho placing ot the putty is carefully dono oven a large crack or a broken piece of ve neer may bo so hidden that it cannot bo seen when tho work is finished. The wood will then bo ready for the varnish. Tho avorago amateur cannot understand that tho art of varnishing differs vory materially from painting. Paint Is better for rubbing In with the brush, but var nish, becauso of the rapidity in dry ing, must be flowed on to tho work. Tho work must always lay flat and remain so until the varnish has sot. A vnrnlsh brush is flat and fairly stiff and flno. Put plenty of varnish on tho wood, nvoidlng too much rubbing with tho brush. It will settle into a glazed surface If you have flowed It on evenly. As to the varnlBh Itself, buy the best that can be had. "Finishing var nish" of a good quality 1b what you want Boforo applying it, however, you will find that time nnd expense will be saved by putting on two coats ot flno white shellac, allowing each coat to dry thoroughly for at least twenty-four hours. If shellac la used only two conts ot varnish will bo nec essary. Custard Pie. Two cups or sugar, ono cup of new milk, threo-fourtliB cup of melted but ter, two tablespoons ot flour, yolks ot flvo eggs, any desired flavoring, stir flour In sugar, add milk, then well beaten yolks, thon butter and flavor ing. Whip whites of eggs stiff, add Sve tablespoons of sugar for meringue. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, builds up the whole system. Oct it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called SaraatabSt SENT HAIL TO THE MOON Embryo Man-of-War'a Man at Least Convinced Officer He Was At tending to Hla Duty. This 1b tho story of one ot tho mem bora of tho Massachusetts Nnval Re serves. On tho second night of the cruise of tho San Francisco ono of tho amateur tars was on watch. Tho night wb cloar, and myriads of stars twinkled In tho sky, but thoro waB no moon. Suddonly tho reservo sang out, "Light ahoy!" "Whore away?" nBked tho officer of tho dock. "Far, far awny," replied tho would-bo man-of-war's man. When tho officer had re covorod from tho shock occasioned by this unseamnnllko answer ho looked over tho rail In tho direction indi cated by tho roBervo'B flngor, nnd then ho had another lit. "What's tho matter with you?" growled tho officer. "Can't you rocognlzo tho rising moon when you too It?" "MoonI moon!" stammered tho embryo sea dog. "I beg your pardon, sir!" Thon ho shouted, as if making amends for his error, "Moon ahoy I" Feminine. A local Ironworker who had been married a couplo of years nlways de clared that his first son should bo tinmod Mat, nfter ono of his best frlonds. Lcnrnlng that tho ironworkor nnd his wifo had recontly boon biassed with a charming baby, tho frlond smiled nil over his fnco when ho grad ed tho fnthor on tho Btreot. "Well," ho boamed, "how la llttlo Mnt?" "Mat, nothing," answered tho fa ther; "It's Mattress." Youngstown Telegram. The Miserable Villain. Low Comedian Aftor nil theso years Eggbert hns nt Inst succeeded in making n hit with tho audlcnco. Soubrotto So? How docs ho do It? Low Comedian You know ho has always played villain ioIob. Soubrotto Yes. Low Comedian Well, In tho Inst act of a now piny tho nuthor allows him to ropunt nnd sny, "I'vo been a miserable villain." Thnt confession In variably brings down tho house Bos ton Post. A Fellow Worker. "Yoro hands don't look as If yow over dono any hard work," anld tho old farmer. "I work with my head Instead of with my hands, sir," replied tho city hoarder, haughtily. "Huh" ejaculated tho o. f. "I don't want no buttors-ln 'round hero." Accounted For. Belle I wonder why that good-looking doctor avoldB mo so nnd Is so cool to me when wo meet? Nell I think It is becauso Ned thoughtlessly told him what you Bald about him. dalle What did I sny thut ho didn't llko? Noll You said, don't you remem ber, that ho had such killing ways. Celebrating. "And you call thnt your master piece?" asked tlio convlvlnl friend, "I do," replied tho artiBt. "Js it dry yet?" "It Is." "Well, lot's go out and wot it." Yonkcrs Statesman. Drawing the Line. "Tho frosh young man who always wants to 'start something' " remarked tho Obsorvor ot Events nnd Things, "drawn iho lino when It comes to the morning flro." Yonkors Statesman. "Wero tho commencement oxcrclscs Interesting?" "Very. Tho tlmo wns divided be tween ndvlco from public men on tho selection of a career nnd suggestions from graduates on how to run tho government," Now Ain't That a Fact? Wo beg to differ with tho psycolofF 1st who announces thnt our droama nro reproductions ot tho actual events in which tho drenmer participated In hlB waking hours. Even In tho warm est wonther it not our practice to en tor a crowded drawing room clnd In a Blnglo gnrmont of no groat length. Chicago Tribune. RESULTS OF FOOD. Health and Natural Conditions Come From Right Feeding. Man, physically, should bo llko a perfectly regulated machine, each part working easily in its appropri ate pluco. A slight derangement causes undue friction and wear, nnd frequently ruins tho on tiro system. A woll-known educator of Boston found a way to keep tho brain and tho body In that harmonious co-oporn-llon which makes a Joy of living. "Two years ago," sho wrltoB, "being In a condition of nervous exhaustion, I resigned my position ns teacher, ! which I had held for over 40 years. Slnco thon tho entire rest has, of courBo, boon a benefit, but tho use of Qrnpo-Nuts hns removed ono great cnuBO of Illness In tho past, namely, constipation, nnd Ub nttendnnt evils. "I gonornlly make my ontlro break faat on n raw egg beaten into four spoonfuls of Qrapo-Nut8, with a llttlo hot milk or hot wator added. I llko It oxtromoly, my food asalmllatoB, and my bowels tako care of themselves. I find my brain power nnd physical ondurance much greater and I know that tho uso ot tho Grape-Nuts has contributed largely to this rosulL "It ia with feolinRS of gratitude that I writo this testimonial, and trust It 1 may bo tho means of r jing others In their search for health." Namo glvon by Postum Co., Battlo Creok, Mich. Rend tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wellville," iu pkgs. "There's a Ren son." Ever read the above letterr A new one appear from time to time. Ther are genulm, true, and lull of human Interest, DENVER DIRECTORY nil I I nnlf P'-ntor In nil Ulmln of MICH. DUN li LUUn t'ltAStllSi:. Mnnitnotli rnta Ior limited fron. inr loth ft IllnUo, Denver, ASSAYS RELIABLE i PROMPT Uold. 75c: dolcl and Sil ver, tl 00: Hold. Silver nnd Copprr. $ I .GO. Qnld nnd Hllvxr refined nnd bouKln Wrlto for froo innMIng xnck.i. Oh'ilon AHtmy i'o., 1030 Court PI., Denver Cherry Trees at Bargain Prices Wrllo for Froo Cain-Inijtti- Si'i(l. I'lnntn. Krult 'J'ri'CB. Small Fruits, Mnrtlu .1. Cullen. International Niirm'rlos r- . f) uenvcr. v-oio. Atjcnts Wanted Whether for Business or Pleasure TltAVRIi VIA The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad "The Soonlf. Mm or tlia World" It will lio to your.fulvantaeo nnd Iohhcii tlio todlousnoss of your trip. . Thcr superior Dining Car and Station Lunch Borvlou In "Bout In tho West," nnd courteous treattuput Is asHurod you. All Hlo OVnndo uboiiIk In po sition to quoto you rnten, secure Pullmnn ronorvatlotiH and will gladly respond to all questions oh to train service, otc. Lot us sorvo you. FRANK WADLEIGH Utucrnl PnmicuKer Aeeut, DENVEI1, COLO.