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A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Lincoln County. 'VOLUME 12. CARRIZOXO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, MAY 19, lull. NUMBER 15 Jail Sentences Lifted by Court. Washington, D. C, May 15. Setting- aside the sentences of imprisonment imposed by the supreme court of the district of Columbia for the alleged disobedi ence to the boycott injunction, the supreme court of the United States today held that Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, president, vice president nnd secretary, respect ively, of the American Federation of Labor, had been erroneously sentenced to jail on the charge of contempt of the lower court. The court unanimously held that the only sentences that could be imposed were fines. It found that the court of appeals of the district of Columbia and the su preme court of the district erred in treating the contempt pro ceedings as criminal cases in stead of civil. This made a jail sentence impossible. To correct an error the case was sent back to the local courts with direction ttlat it be dismissed. At the same time the court expressly possible for a civil proceeding to be instituted against the Labor men by the Buck Stove & Range company, at whose instance the original contempt case was broughC. Inasmuch, as all differences be tween the state and the range company have been adjudicated, including the "boycott" case, out of which the contempt pro ceedings arose, today's decision, is probably the last to be heard in this famous action. The charge o" contempt against President Gompers, Vice-presided t Mitchell and Secretary Mor rison arose out of a bitter labor war between organized labor and the Buck's Stove & Range com pany, of St. Louis. Standard Oil Knocked Out. Washington, May 15. The Standard Oil company of New Jersey and its nineteen subsidiar ies were declared today by the supreme court of the United States to be a conspiracy and a combination in restraint of trade. It also was held to be monopo lizing interstate commerce in vio lation of the Sherman auti-trust law. The dissolution of the com bination was ordered to take place within six months. Thus ended the tremendous struggle on the part of the gov ernment to put down by author ity of law a combination which it aiaimctl was a menace to the in dustrial and economical advance uiQitt of the entire country. Tho Bar W's loaded out four Of tsows Tuesday morning. i&y mtrenasQU uy utt.v Way and go to Ada, Kansas, lJHJttfttPQ Court Adjourns. District court adjourned Wed nesday morning at ton o'clock, the court having formerly opened here the first Monday in the month. Much business of public interest has been transacted, but much was left on the docket, in a criminal way, which went over to next term. All civil matters were disposed of, either by refer ence, motion or judgment. Three jury trials have resulted since last week's issue of this paper, including the one in which the 'videncc was then being taken, and the names of the de fendants, the crime charged and the jury's verdict is herewith given: , Juan Chavez, attempt to rape; verdict of guilty. Adolfo Sais, assault with in tent to kill; jury disagreed and were discharged; case went over. Robt. J. Wood, drawing and nourishing deadly weapon; ver dict guilty. Summing up the results in the criminal cases at this term of court, we have the following: Simon Sais, assisting prisoner to escape; 3 months jail sentence. Jack Gerrard, impersonating an officer; 4 months in jail. Casimiro Rameris, burglary; sentence 4 to 5 years in peniten tiary. . Pablo Warner, burglary; sen tence 3 to 4 years in reformatory. Juan Chavez, attempt to rape; sentence 3 to 5 years in peniten tiary. Cnarles Bell, larceny of horse; sentence 3 to five years in peni tentiary. Robert Swan, larceny; sentence 2 to 3 years in penitentiary. Robt. J. Wood, nourishing a deadly weapon; lined $100 and sentenced to jail for sixty days, the jatl sentence to be cut in two on a favorable report from sheriff. F. M. Deel, selling liquor with out license, and violation of Sun day law; fine and costs $511. 40, and 'JO day jail sentence; jail sen tence suspended during good be havior. Court Expenses. The expenses of the court just adjourned were not as heavy as anticipated. The actual figures were not obtainable Wednesday morning upon adjournment, be cause o? the rush of business at tending the last few hours of court, and the fact that a few bills were still outstanding, However, District Clerk Downs estimated that a little less than $5000.00 had been cxpeuded. j This sum deducted from the total in the court fund at the begin ning of court, leaves remaining in the fund something over $3,000.00. Collections in June and July will increase this bal ance to about $7,000.00, which in sures a good fund for a lengthy term of court in the fall. OVERSTOCKED IN. life' II W j i , OS' 5 8 All this season's goods many new styles that arrived only last week. But WE ARE OVERSTOCKED, and must dispose of them at once. These waists are new as a spring morning and very desirable creations. The season 0) is just now commencing. Never before has such smart 3 styles been offered at such low prices. &) There are Embroidered and Tailored Waists made of the ( newest materials, made in loug and short sleeves, includ- 0) ing the new Kimona sleeve. We invite you immediate KB inspection. SALE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. 0) Monday, May 11, to Sat., May 29 & $3.50 Waists, reduced to $2.75 Ji til On Wniolo rnr1l,rnr1 r . O Ad vfl vi V V ..u.avtj, . w . .......... . ........ dTM $2.50 Waists, reduced to .' 1.95 $2.00 Waists, reduced to 1.45 $1.50 and $1.75 Waists, reduced to 95c "Tim TTmiRft nf Hnnrl " S ZIEGLER BROS. 8