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Make the Live' Do its Duty Mm tines k tta when lira kW U rlfkt tbe teaMeh sad bewels are right. GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Beady but firstly i to Cwes Cm Slek iHeadaejie, asWI Distress after EaUag-. Saul PH. foil DtM, SmU Price Gtnaiat mu Signatura "BHsSssWleJslt' BB I nan SBBM W mm a r,,a" (INFALLIBLE ron WEAK ISOrtE EYfS FOH SALIC-ISO acres near PertalfS, N. M. Binall ltnproromcnts. Wllltt, Umli Leilitltlt, Kt.Uct, PUT YOUTH ON HIS GUARD Evidently Recital of Romances Long Passed Made No Appeal to His Peelings. "Charles," said a sharp-voiced wom an to hor husband In a railway car riage "do you know that you and I onco had a romarico In a railway car riage?" "Nover heard ol It," replied Charles In a subdued tone. "I thought you hadn't; but don't you remember, It woo that pair of sllppcm I presented to you tho ChrlstmnB bo foro wo woro married that led to our union? You romombor how nicely they fitted, don't you? Well, Charles, ono day when wo woro going to a pic nic you had your feet upon a seat, and whon you wore not looking I took your measure But for that pair of slippers I don't bellove we'd havo evor been married." A young unmnrrlod man sitting by immediately took down his feot from tho seat. Idoas Magazine Truly Wonderful Cat. A wonderful cat Is that owned by Mr. A. J. Qorrlngo, a tradesman of Ditching, England. Mr. Qorrlngo has a bantam which layB her eggs In dtf- forent parts of tho yard, but his cat nover fails to find thorn. Sho takoa tho egg between hor teeth, places it on tho stop, and rattles tho door han dlo with her paws until hor mlstross arrives to take In tho egg. Not ono of tho eggs has yet been, broken. Envy is punishing ourselves for b0' ing inferior to our neighbor. It Does The Heart Good To see how the little folks enjoy Post Toasties with cream Sweet, crisp bits of pearly white corn, rolled and toasted to an appetizing brown. "The Memory Lingers" P03TUM CEREAL CO., Ltd., Baltlt CrssW. Mich. TO LAUNDER BLACK CLOTHES Wash In Hot, Clean Soapsuds Rinse In the Ordinary Way. and This is a problem which confronted me a fow months ngo, on going Into mourning for a loved ono. It is abso lutely necessary to wear clothos that can bo launderod If ono keops nlco and fresh. This plan can bo used for black lawn BhlrtwnlBtB and corset cov ers, and sateen or any black undor- skirt oxcopt silk. First, black clothos must novor be washed In wntor that has been used for either washing or rinsing white things, aa there is always fino lint In this water that sticks to tho black, and no amount of rinsing will got it off. Wash in hot, clean soapsuds, and rinse in tho ordinary way. To starch take a cupful of whlto cornmoal, placo in a frying pan and sot next tho lire on tho range. Durn this until it is black, pour In boiling water, stirring nil tho whllo. Then Btraln, nnd you have a splendid Btarch. Iron on the wrong sldo and your shirtwaists will be beautifully sweet and fresh. Har per's Bazar. NEW BROILER IS EVENTED Can Be Used on Any Stove and eaves Savory, Juices That . Exude From Meat. A now kind of broiler that can be used on any stove, but Is intended primarily for ubo on a gas stovo, has been invented by a Virginia man. An othor featuro, or rather, the foaturo of tho utensil, Is that all tho savory julco that exudes from tho meat and would othorwlso drop into tho flro 1b saved. Tho broiler proper tho wlro frame that holds tho mont Is bus ponded from tho apex of a casing that rune to a point at tho top and has a front sldo that lots down on hinges. Tho broiler framo hangs perpendlcu larly and as the meat Is cookod tho essence drips Into a trough below and runs out of a ltttlo spout on tho side and Into a cup that Is fixed to tho sldo of the cnslng. This can bo utll ized as a blood gravy, as It 1b very rich in flavor, or it can be convorted to brown gravy by adding a llttlo Hour. Spring Debility Jam Rolv Polv. Chop threo tablespoonfuls of beof suot fine, add half a pound of sifted flour and a pinch of salt: mix with cold water to mako a stiff dough. Cut it in with a knlfo: do not touch with tho hands. Holl out nn Inch thick on a well flourod broad board; spread with currant Jam to within an inch of tho odgoj wot tho odgos, roll up tho strip, press tho edges together nnd roll up in a well floured cloth and steam two hours and a half. Cabbaae With Rice. Doll a head of cabbaRO until ton der, drain and cut out tho heart and center, All in tho opening with a cup or hot uonea rice mat nas been high ly BeaBoned with pepper, salt and but ter. and nour over all a cream snnnn This makes an excellent cold weathnr alsu when the meat course is light Felt by so many uporr the return of warm weather Is due to the Impure, Impoverished, devitalized . condition of the blood which causes that tired feeling and loss of appetite as well as the pimples, bolls and other eruptions so common at this season. It Is cured by the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla which effects its wonderful cures, not simply becauso it contains Barsaparil- la, but bocauso it combines tho utmost remedial values ot moro than twenty different ingredients. Thcro is no real -substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla. If urged to Troy any preparation said to bo "just as good," you may bo suro it is inferior, costs less to make, and yields tho dealer a larger profit. His Hope. "I suppoee," tho beautiful girl said, "you wrlto for tho mero lovo of writing?" "Yes," tho sad looking poet replied, "but I still hopo to somo day bo nblo to wrlto for at least fifteen cents a line." Judge. Important to Mothers , Examine carefully overy bottlo of GASTOMA, a safe and suro remedy for Infants and children, and sco that It Signature of (JzkW7&Z In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Wo always 11) o those who admiro us; wo do not always llko thoso whom wo admire. Francis Duo do nocho-faucauld. XjADIES CAN WEAK SHOK8 ono alio smaller attar tiring Allen's Poot-Kasn.thf Antlwptlo ponder to bo shaken Into the shoos. It makes tight or now shoes re loasr. Gives rest nncl comfort. Ittfuit lubitUutn. For FH1519 trial package, addrosi Alleii H. Olmsted, La ltor, N. Y. Full lifo exists in throo dimensions, art in two, and science in ono; like a Bolld, a superficies, and a lino. Take Garfield Tea in tho snrlnir to purify tho blood and clcanso tho system. A man doesn't havo to bo a dotoc- tlvo in order to find fault. A COUNTRY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in New York City. Best features of coun try and city life. Out-of-door sports on school park of 35 acres near the Hudson River. Academic Course Primary Cass to Graduation. Upper class for Advanced Special Students. Music and Art Writs for catalogue nnd terms. m lm Hi Miss Wblta. Klvere!e krnne. Kir 25 3 rt St, Wet. II t Thompson's Eyo Wittr ClfM titk rUf U c ( y ithi, .rirlii. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clttniei sod bfntlfll tha tub. l'romolti luitultnt growth. Knver Tails to Ueitore Qrsy Hulr to Its Youthful Color. Cnit lulp dliowi hair filllsg. 0o,tnJlXi0t DrugyltU Kl I tM I X Initon.O.O. Jiooksfre.' Ulcn 1 n, 1 tail I V eat references. Best results. W. N. U., DENVER, NO. 15-1911. A Poor Weak Woman 1 13. As she is terasad, will endure bravely sad patiently atonies wkloti a strong raaa would give way undor. The fact is women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most experienced medloal advioe fret of chart and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, H. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Plcroe has been ohiei consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for many years and has held a wider praotical experience in the treatment of women's diseases than any other physician in this coastry. His medieiaea are world-famous for their ajton'rhing efficacy. The most perfect remedy ever derieed for weak and dett ate woman Is Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. The BMny and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set forth la Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition, oloth-bound, will bo sent on receipt of 31 one eat stomps to pay cost ol wrapping and mailing y. Address as above. "For Tea You Can't Beat Lipton' s" It Hug Stood the Test of Time, While Others Have Been Burled in the Ashes of Inferiority. It's the Recognized World's Standard. LIPTON'STEA 0 rer 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly.