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Lincoln Locals, j. 13. Koonce, who has been conducting' a barber shop hen-, litis accepted the position as book keeper at the Sunset much, and left for Ins new work on Friday. A severe hail and rain storm struck Lincoln Saturday morn- j in if. The water fell in torrents i Tor an hour or more and did con-j siderable damage to crops and gardens. The hail damaged the Fruit to some extent. Many show ers also fell Sunday afternoon. Many horses are being deliver ed to J. P. Pouger, of Stratford, Texas, who is shipping severul car loads to his ranch in the pan handle. J. Dpyle Murray and family, of Tintiie,' were in towu Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Ford, of Roswell, repre senting the Mutual Life of New York, was delivering policies here this week. J. M, Pen field drove to Carri scofco Sunday to attend to some mutters before the distiict court. Jicarilla Happenings. Present signs indicate a good crop of acorns. Sabina Gonzales, like the per sistent lly, doesn't scare off from the the dollar poll tax. Mr. Eve returned from the county seat where he has been on duty as witness. There will be a daticc at the school house Saturday, May 20. Music will be rendered by the band. All invited. the wife and ABSTRACT OF COUNTY RECORDS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. new string We learn that daughter of Mr. Eve will arrive today from Denver, where they There is inspiration, poetic or otherwise, in nature's lavish dis play, but the man who wrote the latest spring effusion, "The Bab bling Brook," was a long way from here in thought. The men at work in the Sum mit shaft encountered gas Satur day, which weakened them so they came near not getting out. After they. were hoisted to terra lirma, matters grew worse, and not until after an all night sleep did they overcome its baleful effect. Some tnischicvious body went into the tunnel at the Ilawkeye and took down the patent notice and field notes and shredded them. There is a penalty pre scribed by law to lit this and similar mischief working a:ts of the evil-minded. At a meeting by the citizens recently, the Fourth of July pleasure promoters elected John Dale chairman, Phil Rcasnor secretary and Ed, Fov treasurer. From now on, these men will perfect their nlaus and devise now schemes for a splendid 411). ,tdw is the lime to jret rid of Shu fhou mutism. You will fftid llfiutbprln in's Liutmetit wonder , fully efTaeth'e. One application Uf eouvilie you of its merit, "toy it. Par sale by nil druggist. Sm Ulc tttw toureutr spoon at K JUnlHrty's. KiirnUliod by Auiorlunti Tltlii A Trilttt Co. liilKtolii. N. M. May 15, 1UU. Warranty Deeds Ramon Gal leos to Juan Blea, small tract in Nw4 Sw4 Sec. 28, T. S, K. 18. Consideration S30. Josefa Aualla de Torres, II. B. Hamilton and II. B. Holt to Will Titsworlh, S2 Se4 and S2 Sw4 Sec. 12, T. 11, K. 17, except 49 acres sold Timoteo Aualla. Con sideration $1.00. II. B. Hamilton and II. B. Holt to Joseph Aualla de Torres small tract in T. 11, K. 17. Con sideration SI. 00. Sou burn T. Gray and wife to P. G. Peters, tract f70 feet by 3fS feet in Nw4 Nw4 Sec. 10, T. 9, R. 14. This tract includes a part of the Capitan townsite. Consider ation S500. Martin Sedillo and wife to Tanislado Mbntoya, small tract in San Patricio. Cons., $60. Quit Claim Deeds Christ Yca ger to B. F. Winters interest in the "Little Johnny" .claim in the Baxter Mountain district. Consideration S40. William Benson to N. C. Thompson, interest in the "Little Johnny" mining claim in Baxter Mountain district. Con sideration SI. 00. i Richard P. Pone to J. F. Alli son, Nw4 Ne4 Sec. 7, T. 11, R. 13. Consideration $1. Trapped a Dear. Lute Jennings came over yes terday from Parsons with the carcass of another bear, dispos ing of the meat to a local dealer. He caught, bruin this time in .a trap baited with rotten aroles. And, by way of apostrophe, Lute said decayed apples were sure to advance since this new demand. The skin measured 7 feet 8 in ches one way and 7 feet 10 inches the other, and the carcass weigh ed about 150 pounds. The slain beast was of the black species. To Sprinkle the Streets. Plans are being developed whereby the streets the busi ness streets of Carrizozo will be sprinkled. Ira O. Wetmore has conferred with the railroad au thorities, and the company has practically agreed to allow the the installation of a pipe line to convey the waste water from the shops. The proposition as out lined to us, is to put in a pipe line, running from the shops to some convenient point north, low enough to fill u tank that is to be erected, and from that tank to a sugon tank. There is merit in the proposition and when properly adjusted will bring about most desirable results. 1 there auvthinir in all this world that is of more importance to you than good digestion? Food must be en ten to sustain life and must be digested and converted into blood. When the digestion fails the whole body suffers. Chamberlain's Tablets are a ratiounl and reliable cure for indigestion. They increase the ilow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone no the who'c digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy action. For sale by all dealers, JJEWITT & HUDSPETH Attoknkys-at-Law White Oaks : New Mexico QEORGE SPENCI3 A TTO K N 1CV-AT- L A W Olllro In Dunk Uulldlnu Carrizozo Mew Mexico J)R. F. S, HANDLES DENTIST Office in Bank Building Carrizozo, - - New Mexico FoxworlliGalbraitii LUMBER COMPANY. Shingles, Doors, Sash, Mouldings Building Pa per, &c. Sewcll's Paint, Audio Cement, and everything in the line of Building Material, Carrizozo : : New Mexico pRAN'K E. THEURER County Surveyor Tlio only bonded Htirvoyoi1 In Lincoln County ('Ininm Survived. Ijoiuih liiHiirmicn Carrizozo New Mexico. JJARRY LITTLE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Plana and KstimiiteH on nil olawwn of lliilldlnu furnished on yliort notice Carrizo?o, New Mexico. g J. WOODLAND CONTRACTOR & BUILDER KHtlmiitcH Ftirnlnucd. Carrizozo, New Mexico, 7RANK J. SAGER PIRE INSURANCE Notary Public. Ollico In KxclmiiU'o llnnk Carrizozo. EACIIER ok MUSIC. (JtriHH Dnyp MondnyH mill TlmrliiyR ut hor rniddr-nco in thu Colliur Houho. Terms S4.00 for two half-hour lessons a wcefc. Monthly llccltuU. MllS EttGAK WlI.SON. AMERICAN TITLE & TRUST (0. (itfUOlll'OItATUI)) Wm. l' A.Gikiike, President. O.T. Nyk, Boc.-Treiw. Abstracts of Titles. Examination and Perfec tion of Titles. Weekly Record Reports $2.50 per month. Irrigated Lands Bought and Sold. Real Estate Loans, U. S. Land Commissioner. KulittMo mirvicn. ItiuiKomiblu priced ('otirthouw 1'iiouo. LINCOLN, NtW MEXICO. a V a I a a O 3 a i Si Guaranteed against losing its shape or elasticity, or becoming lumpy or uneven. Many have been in constant use more than 20 years, and arc today as comforta ble and springy as when new. sjNq one who has tried the Sealy will have any other kind of mattress. Yet tue'price is within everyone's reach. JOHN A. BROWN, White Oaks, N. H. Sole Agent for Lincoln County. LUCKY is the man who owns a Walthum but only the man who has car ried a Waltham Watch for thirty or forty years kn5ws what a fine investment a good Waltham is. "It's Time Yon Owned a Wallham." Come In and talk vatc with ui. We are headnuartcr for Waltham Watches and carry a complete assortment of nil uradct. Pioneer Jewelry Store J. II, HUMPHREY, Prop. (Two doors from P. O.) In Bad with a Cow. John Harris was in from Os curo a couple of davs this week. He was hobbling around from the effects of a wound adminis tered by an enraged cow. John is not as swift as he used to be, or else the cow was extraordina rily active; for she caught him before he reached a place of safe ty, and gave him a murderous rip in the thigh with her horn. Notice of Forfeiture. MkooiiN County. ) Torrlttiry of Now Mexico. J Mutch i!7, 1011. To tlio lUlrn-iil-Liiw of ltii'lmrd .). Murphy, du. conned, Into of Jlcnilllii, Lincoln l)ount.v: Yon two horoby notified that 1 hnyo expended Hix Hundred ((IKIO.IUI) Dollar in labor mid Im tiroYniminU Uiou thn "Bomriid" and "Mnry CJuoon" Lotion, mUikiIikI In thu Jlouilllii Mtlilnu Dihtrlvt, C'onnty of Llmioln and 'I'd ril lory of Now Mexico, In nrdur to hold hiiIiI iirmiiln. h under tho tirorlbiotiH of Hoctloit Stl'il ltovlu'd HtiitutcHof tho ITnlted HtutiiM, lining tho maonr.t roiinlrcd to hold the Mimn for th uarH umllllK Docemlior EllHt, IIHJS, Drn'oinlntr WW, null Dccomlier Mitt, l'du, mid within ninoty (00) dayn nftor HiIh notion liy imhlirnUon" full or rlv fimo to contribute your proportion of fliioh ox poudlturo iih tho IipIth of ii co-ownor. your lfliiir oNt in xald olnlma will lioeomo Hid irnprty of thi!8ii!surlbr untlorBiild scctlnii of law. l.!iS-ll (Uxjituu l'om'ttiWB, Uo.Owuur.