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.,v , .A- 4, LOCAL NEWS fton't forget the entertainment toniyht at Reals' hall. John W. Owen returned Satur day to his home on the Mesa del CT.ifilo. Miss Frances Llewellyn left Monday for here home in Las Criices, O. Wetmore from 131 Paso Mr. and Mrs. Ira are up this week and Monterey. The Headlight saloon has hcer at 15e a bottle and all bonded whiskies at S1.5U per quart. J no. A. Haley visited Corona Saturday, having been called there on some school matters. Young 13. evening for western part Hurt left Tuesday his home in the of Socorro county. Joe Romero came up Wednes day, to assist Jailer Brady to con vey the prisoners to Lincoln who hd received jail sentences. A number of the out-of-town jurors and witnesses took advan tage of the Saturday to Monday lull in court to visit their homes. There will be an entertainment given tonight at Reals' hall by home talent for the benefit of the Jjapust cnurcn. .Everybody in vited to attend. John Cole was up Tuesday from his home near San Patricio, but we are sworn not to quote him as to the si'e of tire hail that fell in his section. Judge Wright, Clerk Downs, District Attorney Llewellyn and stenographer, Miss Olga Miller, left lor Alamogordo on Wednes day's delayed No., 3. Attorney Joiin L rank I m was up from 131 Paso Wednesday. He represented the 131, Paso & Southwestern railway in some tax matters before the court. The News acknowledges the receipt of an invitation to atteiu the commencement exercises at Wolfe Hall, Denver, Colorado, May 28 31. Miss Frances Mc Donald will graduate at this iu stitution on the above date. Mrs. Lloyd Weber came down from Parsons Monday and took the train for Carthage. She was accompanied to this point by her her father and sister, J. M, Kice and Miss Helen, the latter going as far as 131 Puso with Mrs Veber. J as. P. Walker has completed his cold storage building and now has it filled with beer and ice. He is now prepared to supply the demands of any and all local dealers. He has the agency for different kinds of beer and can supply local demands at most reasonable rates. S. C. Hall was excused from the regular jury panel Saturday, and Oscar Bamberger was drawn ID fill the vacaucy. Notwithstanding- this was Oscar's first jury service, he rendered faithful aM efficient service until court rtfljurned Tuesday, putting in tlttDOtuauce twice daily, tUfti tlDt using called to pass ifi ttuy enso. Old Citizen Gone. R. Irminger, a prominent citi zen of Capitan, and for many years a highly respected citizen of Lincoln county, died last Sat urday at his home near Capitan. he deceased had been ill, more or less, during the past year. He lad led a very active life, and, hough having passed the three score mark, rode the range look ing after cattle up to within a short time of his death. He is survived by hi"s wife and daughter, Mrs. Lulu Boone, the utter assisting him in conducting their joint cattle interests. In the death of Mr. Irminger, Capitan and Lincoln county loses one of their best citizens. He was upright and honorable in his dealings with his fellow man, and was ever ready to correct a fault or to commend a virtue. Phe passing of this earnest old citizen is sincerely regretted by all who enjoyed his acquaintance. Hail and Rain at Lincoln. Reports of a very heavy rain fall, accompanied by a disastrous hail storm, come from Lincoln and vicinity. Saturday and Sun day last were the days when that section was visited. The rainfall was very much in the nature of a water spmt, and many of the houses in the town of Lincoln were Hooded. The hail was most destructive, practically stripping the orchards in Lincoln and vi cinity of fruit and in many in stances seriously damaging the trees. In fact, alfalfa and all kinds of vegetation suffered severely. The sheepmen report a small loss of lambs from the effects of the hail storm. Villages to Lose Salcous. An injunction was run during court against the saloon at No gal, and the place closed up. The grounds for the issuance of the injunction were that Nogal did not nave sufficient popula tion under the law to warrant the issuance of a license. Something like a half dozen other places in the county are similarly situated, and it is reported that steps will also be taken against these places, and that if the saloons therein are not closed they will, at least, be denied the right to renew their licenses. Off for the Pen. Sheriff Stevens, accompauied by his wife and William Bametf, the latter a deoutv sheriff trniinr in the capacity of guard, left on Wednesday evening's No. 4 for Santa Ke. They took five pris oners, four of whom go to the penitentiary and the fifth to the reformatory. Their nauicsen tences and crimes for which they are convicted are given elsewhere in this issae. Card of Thanks. Wc wish to take this method of thanking the kind friends and the people of Capitan and vlcin ity lor the assistance rendered, and the sympathy shownus dur ing the last illness of our fattier and husband. Mks. IiVUV BopNii, Mii3, Roiwkt Ikminouk. EH 1F1 El F i E1H M 1 WFI fH aTlKWIMH fl 1 CAPITAN, N. M. :: I I General Merchandise 1 - Wholesale and Retail. ,$jtm , . -I! I I M ' Dry Goods, Clothing,, Boots and Shoes. Nice Line of Groceries. Farming Implements and Farm Wagons. International Harvester Co's Hay Presses. McCormick's Mowers and Rakes. It will be to Your Interest to call at our store and inspect our large stock of goods, as we not only carry a larger stock than formerly, but we are bet ter prepared to take care of our customers. We carry a full line of Seeds. Just recently received (ar load of SEED BARLEY Yours to Please, WELCH & IIMOfcTH Capitan, New Mexico. IE 3G E 3G ff4 a J m : i i- - i i .iti"