Sickly Smile
Wipe it off your otherwise
good looking -face put ou that
health smile that CAS
CARETS will give you as
a result from the aire of
Constipation or a torpid liver.
It's so easy do it you'll see.
CASCARBT8 10o box for n week's
treatment, all drug-clsts. DltrgeFt teller
to tha world. Million boxes n month.
Mrs. Nowpop Mrs. JonoB says that
only ono woman In a thousand 1b ca
pable of bringing up children.
Mr. Nowpop I'll hot Bho thinks sho
ia one of tho ones.
Truth a Trouble Maker.
A West Philadelphia man and his
wife have separated. Nono of tholr
frlonds know why, but ono, being
curious, asked tho husband:
"What was tho troublo between you
and your wife?"
"0, nothing much. Sho bought a
new hat for $20 and asked mo what I
thought of it. And I told hor. That's
And Found a Change In Food Put
Him Right.
A man docs not count as wasted tho
time ho spends in thinking ovor his
business, but ho seems loth to glvo
the samo sort of careful attention to
himself and to his health. And yot
his business would bo worth llttlo
without good health to caro for It. A
business man tells how1 ho did him
self good, by carefully thinking ovor
his physical condition, investigating to
find out what was needed, and then
changing to tho right food.
"For somo years I had boen bothor
ed a great deal of tor meals. My food
seomed to lay'llko lead in my stomuch,
producing heaviness and dullness and
sometimes posltlvo pain. Of courso
this rendered mo mora or less unlit
for business, and I mado up my mind
that somothlng would havo to bo dono.
"Reflection led mo to tho conclusion
that over-eating, filling tho stomach
with lndigestiblo food, was responsible
for many of the ills that human flosu
endures, and that I wns punishing
myself la that way that was what
wag making mo so dull, heavy and un
comfortable, and unfit for business
after meals. I concluded to try Grnpo
Nute food to sea what It could do for
"I have boon using It for somo
months now, and am glad to say Uiat
I do not suffer any longer after meals;
my food eooras to assimllato oaslly
and porfoctly, and to do tho work for
which It was intended.
"I havo regnlnod my normal weight,
and find that business is a pleasuro
once moro can. toko more intorest in
It, and my mind 1b clearer and moro
Nanio gtvon by Postum Co., Battle
Crook, Mich.
Ilead "Tho Ttoad to "Wellviilo," in
pkg. "There's a Reason."
KTir read tho above lettrrT A new
OB appears from time to time. Tlioy
are sreaalae, true, aaa full of kutuia
Should Bo Times for Each Cleaning
Process Besides Ordinary Dally
Cleaning Utensils Should Bo
Kept Immaculately Clean.
Tho thought of an untidy kitchen
Is abhorrent to tho good housokcepor.
Tho troublo lies with bolng moro able
to spot dirt and scold about it than
to glvo rulos for Its proventlon.
Whon a now maid arrlvos tho mlB
tross should tell hor explicitly how
sho likes tho work managed, instead
of saying, "I oxpect your kitchen to be
Thoro should bo times for each
cleaning process, besides tho ordinary
dally cleaning up. Evory girl should
bo mado to sweep up tho kitchen floor
at least onco a day, preferably aftor
each meal, to wash off tablotops and
sluk after every dish-washing time
and to dust thoroughly each morning.
In no room of tho houso Is clutter
and dust moro unsanitary, yet little
attention is often paid to systematic
fighting of it. Sometimes this is due
to lack of provision. Every kitchen
should bo equipped with a broom, roll
er, brush and pan, dustloss dusters,
scrubbing brushes, chamois skins, pall
and scrub cloths of its own.
Many cooks will wipo up a kitchen
tablo with tho samo cloth used for the
floor, or worso yet, with tho dish
cloth. For this reason havo sets of
cloths distinct in color, for each op
eration and thero is no excuse for
mixing thorn. Tho samo holds good
of brushes; thoro should be a sink
brush, another for vegetables, a third
for tablo tops and a fourth for floors.
Also havo mops of different bIzo and
thickness to uso on pots, pans and
Tho caro of a kltchon floor depends
upon the material with which it Is
covered. If thero is a good quality of
linoleum on It work is simplified, as
boyond daily brushing up it will only
need eemlweekly scrubbing with
skim milk. Never uso soap on lino
leum. To brighten rub with a cloth
wet In linseed oil nftor tho floor has
boon washed up and well dried.
A baro floor Is liked by somo be
causo It can bo scrubbed bard with
soap and water. If a tablespoonful of
koroseno Is added to tho pall of wa
ter tho scrubbing will bo more quick'
ly dono. Whero tho water Is hard it
should bo softoned with borax or am
monia. A varnished floor can bo cloanod
moro easily If sprinkled with coarso
Bait, which is allowed to stand for a
few mlnutos then brushed up with a
soft broom.
Tile floors should bo washed up
with water, then rinsed with skim
milk. Au occasional treatment of lin
seed oil will keep luster In tho tiles.
Keep throo whlto barred muslin cur
tains for each kitchen window for
froquont changes. Havo wludows
cloaned Inside and out once a weok.
Do not uso soap. A tablespoonful of
nmmouln to a gallon of hot wator will
glvo quick polish. Uso two cloths
and finish with chamolB or tissue pa
per. Utensils must be kept polished. For
copper use soap applied with a damp
cloth, then sprlnklo thickly with
borax, if you havo no regular copper
polish. Drass can bo cleaned by bo
lng moistened with koroseno then
rubbed with n pasto of powderod
chalk and lemon julco, and polished
with chamois. Doll tin utenBils occa
sionally in strong soda water, and If
rusted rub with lard and let Btand bo
foro cashing.
Ono and ono-half pounds of boef and
one-half pound of pork; boll them to
gether and Benson with salt, popper,
and sago; drain and chop flno. Then
add to the liquor corn meal, as you.
would for mush; add seasoned meat,
mold, slice, and fry,
acaaejataBsBj BaBew aaaBBHBaav ajaaaa
aaHKt' ?aaSfaalaaak
A trial packago of Munyon's Taw Paw
Pills will bo Eont free to nnyono on re
quest. Address Professor Munyon, C3d &
Jefferson St., Philadelphia, Pa. If you are
in need of medical advice, do not fail to
writo Professor Munyon. Your communi
cation will be treated in strict confidence,
and your caso will bo diagnosed as care
fully as though you had a personal inter
view. Munyon's Paw Taw Pills aro unliko
all other laxatives or cathartics Thoy
coax tho liver into activity by gentlo
mothods. Thoy do not scour, thoy do
not grlpo, they do not weaken, but they
do start all tho secretions of tho liver
nnd stomach in a way that soon puts
tliceo organs in a healthy condition and
corrects constipation. In my opinion
constipation is responsible for most ail
ments. Thero aro 20 feet of human
bowels, which is really a sewer pipe.
When this pipe becomes clogged the
whole system becomes poisoned, caus
ing biliousness, indigestion and impure
blood, which often produce rheumatism
and kidney ailments. No woman who
suffers with constipation or any liver
ailment can expect to have a clear
complexion or enjoy good health. If
I had my way I would prohibit tho sale
of nine-tenths of tho cathartics that are
now being sold for tho reason that they
soon destroy tho lining of tho stomach,
setting up serious forms of indigestion,
and so paralyzo the bowels that they re
fuse to act unless forced by strong
Munyon's Taw Paw Pills are a tonjo
to tho stomach, liver and nerves. They
invigorate instead of weaken; they en
rich tho blood instead of impoverish
it; they enable tho stomach to get nil
the nourishment from food that is put
into it.
Thcso pills contain no calomel, no
dope; they aro soothing, healing and
stimulating. They school tho bowels
to act without physio.
Regular size bottle, containing 45 pills,
25 cents, Munyon's Laboratory, 53d &
Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia.
Absent-Minded Suffragette.
Ono of tho Suffragettes I've lost
mo host hatpin, Lizzie.
Another Whoro did you leave it
The First Oh, I remember now I I
left it sticking In that policeman!
London Opinion.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
nnd invigornto stdmach, liver and bowels.
Sugar-coated, tiny granulcsr Easy to tako
as candy.
Why quarrel ovor religions when all
mon agree all men, that is, ut tho
samo grade of intellect?
Mrs. WIiiMow'h Boothliitr Bjrmp for Children
teething, RofU'tfs tho minis, reduce Inflummn
Mon, allays pulti. nures wind colic, tSo a bottle.
An Institution must bo propped up
by precedent whon it is no moro up
lifted by sap.
Take Garfield Tea to overcome constipa
tion, cleanso system and maintain health.
A woman who has a noso for nows
usually has a chin for telling IU
Ready for Anything.
"Whnt do you think of nnti-toxin?"
'I don't know much about tho cru
sade, bul I'll Join." Exchnngo.
Show Your Colors.
"Tho pencock may bo a very proud
bird," remarked the Observer of
Events and Things, "but it has ono
trait which I llko. It is fond of show
ing Its colors." Yonkors Statesman.
Who Wouldn't.
"What makes tho now baby at your
houso cry so much, Johnny?"
Johnny indignantly said: "It don't
cry so very much, and, unywny, if nil
your teeth was out, and your hair off,
and your legs so wonk you couldn't
Btand on them, I bet you would feel
llko rrying yourself."
Poor Father.
Miss Millions George, you'll havo
to ask fathor.
George I don't llko to. Your fathof
always reminds mo of eating lob
sters, Miss Millions What do you mean
by that?
George He's too rich and bound to
dlsagroo with mo.
Paternal Goodness.
"I cannot understand," wroto tho
college boy, "why you call yourself
a kind father. For threo weokB I've
had no chock from you. Pray, what
sort of kindness do you call that?"
And tho fathor wroto back: "Un
remitting kindness. Llppincott's.
Masterly Retreats.
"For mastoriy rotroatB," explained
a British officor to an American, "wo
have had fow genornls equal to Bullor.
On sovornl occasions ho -has mado a
retreat without losing" nn officer, a
man, a gun, or a flag."
"Or a minute," added tho American.
Left a "Mark of Affection."
"Ah, John," snld tho wlfo to her
recreant spouse, "when you remain
away from mo I miss you."
"But hlc whon I'm here?"
"Then I don't mlBS you. (Bang!)
Tako that!"
Tho rolling pin landed unerringly.
A Builder All Right.
Church He Is a prominent builder.
Gotham What are you talking
about? He's a clerk in a grocery
"I know It."
"How can he be a builder, then?"
"Why, he's been building tho kitch
en fire for his wlfo for years!" Yonk
ers Statesman.
It Seems So.
Tho little son of tho family hap
pened to bo idling his tlmo in tho
kitchen whon tho colored portor enmo
up out of tho collar, whoro ho had
boon Bhovollng coal into tho heater,
grasped tho whlto towol hanging on
tho door nnd passed into tho hall. For
an instant tho youth gazed awe-struck
at tho coal dust lmproBslons left on
tho towol, then yelled nfter tho re
treating negro:
"Oh, Sam, your color's coming off!"
Pointed Paragraphs.
Tho door of adversity of never
No man becomes a jailbird Just for
a lark.
It is tho doing, not the saying, that
makes tho hero.
It Is not necessarily truo that tho
worst is yet to come.
Tho man who lives twice as fast as
ho should is apt to see doublo.
It Is good policy to look ahead If you
aro headed in tho wrong direction.
A woman never considers a man a
bo ro as long as he talks to hor about
It's all right to got out your llttlo
hammer whon you have occasion to
drive nails.
DU" li LUUA CIIANHIHE. Mammoth cats
to mailed free. Cor. lath & Dink. Denver.
Cold, TSoj aold and Sil
ver. ti.c-.0i Cold, Silver
and Copper, 11,60. qoia and Silver refined
Snd boUBht. Writs tor free mallinKjuoka,
igdon Assay Co., 1636 Court Pl Dealer
? i, ft -iyv'