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1,4 1' ADDITIONAL LOCAL 'J ' If 1t , t Wednesday was pay day on the line, and niatiy souls were nmde happy. Fred Higgins, il mumher of the territorial mounted police, was in Carrizozo this week, looking af ter the disposition of some real estate. The hoard of comity commis sioners will meet here Monday in special session. The board will take up some road reports and at tend to other business coming up at this session. V. C. McDonald returned Sun day from Roswell in a new auto mobile which he purchased while absent. The machine is a No. 21 four-cylinder Uttick, and a handsome distance annihilator. Mrs. Will Loughrey, assisted by MissMyrtle Tinnon, enter tained Friday night, in honor of the Misses Crist, of Dtirau. Music and games, followed by refresh ments, made up a pleasant even ing. Alto is to have a barbecue to day in which a number of sur rounding communities will parti cipate, and a large crowd is ex pected. The program for the day was published in last week's Nitws. Allen A. Lane and D. L. Jack son were down from White Oaks, Wednesday. Mr. Lane had just received a Velie four-cylinder car, and they were seeing to the un loading of it and making it ready for the road. The Roswell Register-Tribune, while slightly mixed in its geog raphy, has the historical facts down right in the following: Hon. A. II. Hudspeth, of Carrizozo, visited in the city several days last week on legal business. Mr. Hudspeth was one of the demo cratic members of the 37th or "Hand Wagon" legislature, with a majority of seven to one against him, but managed to stir up more fun during that sixty-day session of reprisals than ever before hap pened in the ancient burg during such time limitations. The Golden State Wrecked. The Golden State Limited was wrecked Wednesday fifteen miles this side of 101 Paso. The engine, tender, baggage and express, chair car and pullman were de railed, but not overturned. The engineer had been given the slow-up signal by the section crew, but not in time to prevent the wreck. No one was injured. Cuts and bruises may be healed in about one-third the time re quired by the usual treatment by applying Chamberlain's Lini ment. It is an antiseptic and causes such injuries to heal with out maturation. This liniment also relieves soreness of the mus cles and rheumatic pains. For sale by all dealers. Mother with twelve years old son, desires a position as house keeper on a ranch or stock farm. Can furnish reference as to char acters. Address, Mrs. Lovina Artman 519 S. Glenn. Wichita, Kans. PROFESSIONAL CAUDS. JI3WITT & HUDSPETH Attoknkys-at-Lav White Oaks : New Mexico QISOKGE SPENCE A T T 0 1 N K V A T - L A W Olllcn In ihvolllim. Carrizozo New Mexico JPRANK J. SAGER FIRE INSURANCE Notary Public. Oilicti in KxcliniiKO Dank Cnrrlsnzo, J)R. F. S, HANDLES DENTIST Office in Uatik Building Carrizozo, - - New Mexico 5v &fc"7m JOHN E. BELL Successor to Wiulield & Bell) Staple & Fancy Groceries Fresh Vegetables from Mcsilla Valley Gardens Every Week. Prompt attention Given Phone Orders. The Exchange Bank, Carrizozo, New Mexico. Transacts a General Banking Business Issues Drafts on all Principal Cities of the World. Accords to Borrowers every accommodation consistent with safety. Accounts solicitid. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. j JOHN H. SKINNER WHOIiKBAliK AND lUSTAlL Dealer in FLOUR, HAY & GRAIN 9 HARNESS..! MADE TO ORDER H TEACHER ok MUSIC. ClfiHH l)nyn MnniluyH mill ThnrMdiijM lit lmr roHldi'iiro in tliu Collier Hoiihii. Terms 4. 00 for two half-hour lessons a week. Monthly ItocltiiU. Mks ICogak Wilson. JJARRY LITTLE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IMnim nnil ItHtimntxH mi all cltmaim (if lliiltillim flirnlHlmil mi Hliort llotlro, Carrizovo, New Mexico. Mcdonald addition Lots 25 and 50 x 130 Feet. When ymt buy a lot here it is IM) feet long, fnciugon a street 80 feet wide, whether for a home or for a business looation, Investigate before you buy. A Square Dent (hinrmiteei). W. C. YlcDONALD. Office in 'Oriental" Blclg. UUllAiAiiAilAlliliAAUIAilAIAAtiAiAIAtliAillltitlllAAililiAllllitllitUiAUIIlAiiAitiiAHUHnitil Special Facilities For Banquet and Dinner Parties. Carrizozo Eatins: House I F. W. (1URNEY, AlannRer. Table Supplied with the Best the market affords. IHiiniiniiniin! THE HEADLIGHT SALOON JAS. P. WALKER Proprietor. Carrizozo, - - New Mexico. Billiard and Pool Parlor in Connection. All Kinds of Bottled Beer, Choice Whiskies, Brandies and Wines. Y. B, Clears Bonded Whiskies $1.50 per quart. Beer 15 Cents. .4 . V, ft