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Image provided by: University of New Mexico
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The Alamo Lose Both Games. The Alanfdgurdo base ball team w, rmniMtliwl hv si tiitttihir nf f;itm arrived on fro; 2 Satunlav niirht acceded in getting to second two, throe order, and up the sixth inning failed to send a man over the plate that counts. They had 3G 3 E3 C 30 to play two games (Jf ball the following day. A dance was given that night, Which was Utiite a pleasant affair, and the Visiting team was given an auto mobile ride the next morning, going out to the Bar W ranch, pTuoking fruit and enjoying the delightful shade and the cour teous hospitality of Mrs. V. C. twice, and once a man reached third, but to get home seemed impossible. However, they fin ally sent tfnc man safely home, and thus saved themselves from having the white wash brush ap plied. Aside from a chapter of acci- ! dents, in which a number of play ers were injured, and the passage of two balls through the screen Mirl'lnn.'ilil. a The gauui schefluled for the into thc stund, one of forenoon was postponed, and both , which struck Miss Tumbled, games were pulled off in the af- causing nun h pain, the games temoon. An immense crowd of wcrti pleasant, free from bicker- l . A A At . . . .... J fans filled the irrand stand, and linere.ting inrougnoui. the bleacher.) overllowed. The first game played by the visitors was with the Carrizozo team, the score resulting in six runs for Alamo and seven for Carrizozo, and Carrizozo not playing her half of the ninth inning. The game was a hard-fought contest throughout, and the crowd was kept guessing as to whom thc victory would fall. Carrizozo was in the lead iu the beginning, but in the sixth inning the visitors took the lead and fought stub bornly to retain it. The local boys had on their batting clothes, however, and nothing could stop them, and at thc close of thc game a cheer went up for another victor' put over by the home ag gregation. Bennett Dingwall took oil the batting honors for thc home team, sending a long drive over center field, bringing iu those on bases, and making a home run himself. Thc batteries were: For Alamogordo, Fisher and King; for Carrizozo, Kobert sbn and Dingwall. The battle at times was a slugging match, but local boys seemed to be thc s with thc big stick, and land ed too many safe hits for the Editors. I 'The first game ended at four 'o'clock, and after a short inter mission the White Oaks boys took thc visitors for a turn. In this game Alamogordo had for its battery Pelphry and King, while White Oaks put Will Gal lachcr in thc box and Van Schoyck behind the bat. It was agreed at the beginning of the game that only seven innings should be played. Therefore each team buckled down to busi ness for thc short route, and an jxtsellent exhibition of baseball resulted. White Oaks led olT with a score, a'tid before thc game concluded sUltlcd two more, the game ceas ing with White Oaks three and AiituhOffordo one. The feature tJf Utto game was in Gallncher's fllUsliuitf. The Alamo's wore rc ttptttl titno and tiuio again in one, The Alamos, too, were losers and genuine sports. good To Play Capitan and Stanton. Thc Carrizozo ball team will go to Capitan Saturday, play the Capitans that afternoon, go to Stanton that evening, take in thc dance and show, and play the Stanton team the next day. Both Stanton and Capitan will give thc Carrizozo team return games, as soon as dates can be assigned. School Opens September 11th. Thc Carrizozo school board has decided to open the fall term thc 2nd Monday in September, thc date being the 11th. Five teach ers have been employed, and if the attendance requires it the sixth will be selected. Thc five already chosen arc: Chas. L. Schrcck, principal; Mrs. Lorinda B. Spell man, Mrs. Nora Massic, Miss Leila Laws and Mrsi Wallace L. Gutnm Mr. Schrcck will teach the high school, Mrs. Gumin thc primary and the others the in termediate grades. I General MmM Notice. To My Friends and Fruit Grow ers of New Mexico. When I came amongst 3011 to solicit orders for nursery stock, and promised good, honest goods, the firms I represented failed to do so. There are good firms in Kansas as well as Oklahoma, but the firms I represented failed to till the bill in some instances, and therefore I will Tiold myself re sponsible to my customers for all orders, and rtslill them this fall if unsatisfactory. Address me at Noiral, N.M. J. KltT.l.KH. J A big dance, a moving picture show, a supper and a general all round good time is on the pro gram at Fort Stanton for tomor row evening for the entertain ment of the Carrizozo base ball team and its friends. Thc fol lowing day (Sunday) the teams will meet in friendly rivalry on the Stanton grounds. A good game and a lively time is prom ised visitors. WELCH & IIMOkin CAPITAN, N. M. IE Wholesale and Retail. o: ur stock of general merchandise is the 1 largest and the best assorted of any in LINCOLN COUNTY. We buy practically all of our heavy goods in carloads of first hands for spot cash. Our store and ware houses are all located on the railroad track. We get our goods in our store at the least possible cost. The volume of business we enjoy enables us to sell on a smaller margin than the average merchant is able to sell, We are in a position to make advan tageous prices on most of our goods and make special prices on quantities. We are giving some handsome premiums with cash purchases. v Prompt attention given to all mail or ders and all inquiries are promptly answer ed. We are anxious to get your trade. Very truly yours, WELCH & TITSWORTH Capitan, New Mexico. 3E E E 30