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HON S WORK lMIff CITY Suoccss Shown by Numbers cf Callers at Philadelphia Headquarters. LOCAL MAN TELLS OF REMARKABLE RELIEF FROM RHEUMATISM IN YEAR'S TIME. Tho apparent nuccess with which Pro fessor Jumos M. Munyon, tho world famous health authority, has boon meet In E has started much discussion. Kvery street car hrlnes dozens of callers to his laboratories at 63d and Jefferson Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., and every mall brings thousands of letters from people Inqulr Injr nbout Munyon's Famous Ilonlth Cult. Professor Munyon's corps of export phy sicians Is kept busy seelntf callers and nnswerlnff tho mall. Pccullur to say, theso physicians prcscrlbo no medicine at all for CO per cent, of the callers and mall Inquiries; health hints, health ad vlco ana rules for right living aro given absolutely free. Medical udvlco and con ultatlon absolutely frco. Munyon's followers seem to be enor mous. Thoso who believe In his theories seem to think ho possesses tho most marvelous powers for tho healing: of all sortB of diseases. Munyon, himself, laughs at this. Ho says: "Tho hundreds of cures which you aro hearing about every day In Philadelphia aro not In any way duo to my personal skill. It Is my remedies, which represent tho combined brains of tho greatest medical specialists science has over known, that aro doing tho work. I have nnld thousands of dol lars for a slnglo formula nnd tho ex clusive right to manufacture It. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars for oth ers of my various forms of treatment. This Is why I got such remarknblo re sults. I havo simply bought tho best products of tho best brains In the world nnd placed this knowledgo within the reach of the genornl public." Among Munyon's callers yesterday wero muny who wcro enthusiastic In their praise of tho man. One of theso said: "For six years I Buffered with rheumatism. My arms ami legs woro ar fllctcd so badly that I could hardly work, nnd I could not ralso my arms to my head. The pain was most severe In the bnck, however, and I was In perfect tor ture. I tried In many ways to get cured, or even to securo temporary relief, but nothing seemed to help me until I was persuaded by a friend to try Dr. Mun yon's Urlo Acid Course. It was tho most marvolously acting remedy I ever saw, within a week the pain had most gnno nnd Insldo of a month I considered my self entirely cured. I enn now go out In tho worst weather cold, wot or any thing else, and I hnvo not felt any sus picion of a return of tho dlsonso. i think that every person who has rheumatism nnd does not tako the Uric Acid Course Is making a great mistake." Tho continuous strenm of callers and mall that comes to Professor James M. Munyon nt his laboratories at 63d and Jefferson Sts., rhlladelphln, Pa keeps TJr. Munyon and his enormous corps ol expert physicians busy. "Write today to Professor James M. Munyon nersonnlly. Munyon's labora tories, R3d nnd Jefferson fits., Phlladol phla. Pa. Olvo full particulars In refer ence to your onso. Your Inquiry will bo held strictly confidential nnd nnsworod In n plnln envelope. You will bo given the best medlcnl advice, and asked more questions. Itemembor there Is no chnrgo of any kind for consultation, or medlcnl advice. The only chnrgo Munyon makes Is. when his physicians prescribe his remedies you pay the retail selling price. It Is Immaterial whether you buy from him or from tho nenrest drugglBt, Dangerous Bacilli In Dust, A statement IbsuoJ recently by tho National Association for tho Study uud Prevention of Tuberculosis sperms of tho dangers from houso dust, espe dally In rooms that uro not well ven tilated. Tho association warns ngalnst dry sweeping and ngainut tho use of tho feather duster, or othor devlroa that scatter, but do not tako up tho dust. Slnco the ordinary dust blown about In tho streots Is impregnated with disease germs, tho National As sociation iiixoH the adoption of meth ods that will prevent tho furlhor UIb Rumination of Biich bacilli. It also Urges for tho coining months of fall mid wlntor, more opon windows and iiiQi'o frosh nir In house, shop and tiohoolroom. Monotonous. MndgoSo tho placo you spent your vacation got to bo awfully dull? Kjttrjorlo Just droadful, dear. To ivjtl the ond i had to got engaged again to n young mun I was In love wfTli prly lu tho summer. I Census Shows Increased Farm Values WVSHINaTON. Tho valuo of farm land por acre In tho north central states has practically doubled In the last ten years, according to a bulletin Issued by tho census bureau. The to tnl valuo of farm lands and buildings In tho division has increased from less than $10,000,000 In 1900 to more than $20,000,000 In 1910, whllo tho number of farmers has increased only a frac tion of ono per cent More than two-thirds of the farmers In tho section own their own farms, whllo more than half theBo owners havo their land free from mortgage A Blight decreaso from 1900 Is shown In tho number of owners, whllo tho ten ant farmers havo increased by moro than twenty por cent. A significant feature of the bulletin Is tho Indication given that the oldor states of the sec tion aro decreasing In agricultural lm prrtanco, presumably owing to In creases In urban manufacturing populations. Tho total amount of lnnd Included In farms in 1910 was reported as 340, 902,000 acres, as compared with 817, 349,000 acres In 1900, an tncrcaso of 32.G13.000 acres, or ten por cent. This important Increase 1b largely duo to the extension of agricultural activities into western North and South Dakotas, Nebraska and Kansas, and Into north ern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michi gan. Theso increases offBet Impor tant decreases In other sections. Tho increases In total farm acreage, in the order of their Importance, aro: North Dakota, 83 per cent.; South Da kota, 36 per cent.; Nebraska, 29 por cent.; Michigan, 8 per cent.; Wiscon sin, 6 per cent.; Minnesota, E per cent.; Kansas, 4 per cent., and Mis souri, 2 por cent. Tho decreases aro: Iowa, Indiana and Ohio, each 2 por cent., and Illinois, 1 per cent. There aro also Important decreases in the older sections of the other states. Each of the states on tho westorn border of tho division, and those along tho Canadian border, show Increases In tho number of farms. Theso In creases, In the order of their impor tance, are: North Dakota, G4 percent; South Dakota, 47 per cent : Nebraska, G por cent; Wisconsin, 4 por cent; Kansas and Michigan, each 2 per cent, and Minnesota, 1 per cont How Dr. GrahaiB Beli Keeps Away Heat f 'TRINa tho recent heat wave, cost lng In six days 120 lives In Now Vork city nlono, Dr. Alexander Gra ham Dell, tho Inventor of tho telo phono, stoked up tho lco stovo, his newest Invention, In his Washington homo, nnd felt quite comfortably cool whllo others wero Bwcltorlng In an at mosphere from which there appeared to bo no prospects of relief. Doctor Dell Is not going to patent his lco stovo. Now that ho has given It a Doctor Bell's lco stovo is the exact opposito of tho ordinary coal furnace. Whllo tho latter consumes coal and radiates heat to keop up tho tempera luro, tho former consumes lco and ra diates cooling waves of air to keop It down. On tho ground floor of Doctor Bell's Washington residence is what was onco a swimming tank. Having beon built to hold Avater, It can safely bo deponded upon to hold cold air. It Is a well known fact that cold air is heavier than warm air. Everybody has noticed that when a window Is oponod in a room In cold weather tho feet feel tho cold first. This lo because tho admitted cold air has fallen to tho floor. So If cold ntr was poured Into tho ordinary room It would flow out under doors nnd through floor cracks wherever It could And them. In addition to tho old swimming tank, which Doctor Bell has fitted up as a study, with easy chair, couch and tnble and books, tho Inventor needed an apparatus for supplying cold air to tho tank. This was a simple matter. A largo lco box was constructed and Into this about 200 pounds of lco nro fed twice every week. Air plpeB lead Into tho Ice box and other pipes convoy tho chilled air Into tho 'nvontor's study, tho flow being i gulattd by on electric fan. Wireless Telegraph for the Cavalry THIS military value of tho cavalry branch has been enormously In creased by tho adoption of wireless tologrnphy, for tho first tlmo In this country thoroughly tried out In tho Texas maneuvers. Tho signal corps had dovUcd an ex tremely light and portable wlrclcsB ap paratus, easily carried on the bnck of a horao and capnblo of being put Into operation from any point In tho field within a fow minutes. It was found that tho messages could bo readily re ceived when tho cavalry detachment was anywhoro within twenty-live miles of n receiving station, a fact which added greatly to tho value of tho cav alry in Us scouting capacity. A light collapsible steel mast, not much larger than a fishing rod, Borvcd to support the antennao necessary to establish communication. Tho renl purposo of tho recent great assemblage of troops In Texas, usldo from International considerations, wao tho creation of ono tremendous mili tary unit, nnd that was successfully ac complished for tho first tlmo slnco tho Civil war, In tho opinion of Major Gen eral Carter Five times tho cost of this operation would not measuro tho valuo to the country of tho experiment, declared Qenoral Carter. It was tho first oppor tunity that tho modern army had to get together all branches of tho serv ice tho Infantry, tho cavalry, tho artil lery, the transportation and subsist ence departments and to mako a thorough test of what had boon puroly theoretical estimates of tho proper bal auco betwoon thorn. Particularly the Ladies. Not only pleasant and refreshing to the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet ening to the system, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted to ladtee and children, and beneficial in all cases in which a wholesome, strength ening and elective laxative should be used. It perfectly safe at all times and dispels colds, headaches and the paint caused by indigestion and constipation so promptly and effectively that it is the one perfect family laxative which gives satis taction to all and is recommended by millions of families who have used it and who have personal knowledge of its ex cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita tions which act unsatisfactorily. There fore, when buying, to get its beneficial effects, always note the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package of the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. For sale by all leading druggists. Price 50 cents per bottle. wm 11 Shoe Polishes Fin. at In Quality. Largest In Variety, They meet every requirement for cleaning aiid sollihlng ihoei of all kinds and colors. GILT RI1QK the only ladles (ho. dressing that positively contains OIL. Blacks and I'olUhes ladles' and children's boots and shoes, alilnea Without rubbing, 2So. "French Qloas," 10c. DANDY combination for cleaning and polishing til kinds ot russet or Ian shoes, 85c. "Star" sits, lOo. QUICK WHITE makes dirty cnuvna shoes clean and white. Jn liquid form so It can be quickly and easily applied. A sponge In every package, so always ready for use. Two sixes, 10 snd 33 cents. It your dealer dos not keep tho kind you want, send us bis address and the price In itumpt for a full site package. WHITTEMOttE BROS. &. OO.f 30-38 Albany St., Cambridge, Main. x uiuesi anu jMrarsi Aianujaciurers or Shoe Polishes in the World. (nstipatio Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fall. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on tho fiver. Stop after dinner distress-cure ' indigestion." Improve tho complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature SW B iBBBBVPArvrrtfc ssHssw I r- r- HI tARKEft'i HAIR BALSAM 01ini ana btiallflt, Ui hall. I'romoUf a Inxmtint growth. Haver Tails to Bsstore Orey Hair to It. Youthful Color. Cnni tetlp cllteiiei btlr filling. Oc.tndl.uot niugrliU Thompson's Ey. Wafer Gilts slek rtUtf U us IitIUUsm miri W SmU sr wUi. ELECTROTYPES LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS In great variety for salo at the lowest pr ces by murrxnx siwarirsn dsiom,, su, au 100 Ymts 014 PATENTS VVnteoiiE.Ooloinnn.Wsah. Ington, 1.U. Uoolcsfree. High est references. Heat result,