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Image provided by: University of New Mexico
Newspaper Page Text
Qualifications of Officials for Stde and County Offices. Candidates to be eligible for office in the executive department must be citizens of the United States, at least 30 years of age nn-l resident in New Mexico live years preceding the election; the attorney general must be a li censed attorney of the supreme jiyurt of New Mexico, and the su- .permtendent of public instruction must be a trained and experienced educutor. No person may hold the ollicc of justice of the supreme court unless 30 years old, learned in law, and a resident of and legal practitioner in New Mexico for at least three years; time served on the bench being allowed, in lieu of practice of law. The qualifications of the dis trict judges are the same, and each shall reside in the district for which ho is elected. , Legislators must be qualified electors of their respective dis tricts, and residents of New Mex icr for at least three years next preceding their election. Senators must be at least 25 years years of age and represent atives at least 21 years. No per son shall be eligible for the legis lalure who at thr time of qualify ing holds any oiliee of trust or profit under the state, county or national government, except no taries public and ollicers of the militia, who receive no pay. The legislature shall choose its own ollicers and employes and Jix heir compensation, but the mini i " ber and compensation shall never exceed the following: For each house, one chaplain at $3 per day; one chief clerk and one sergeant-at-arnis, each SO per day; one assistant chief clerk and one assistant sergeant-at-arms, i ach at S5 per day; two enroll ing derks, each at $5 per day; .... o.vnvg..,,,., ,u. un auu.ui: Olllrn III Uwcllliw . and eight lor the house, each at Carrizozo Mew Mexico SO per day; and such subordinate employes, in addition to the above, ! -w-v .r. District Nominations. The democrats of the Third Judicial District nominated lion. John Y. Hewitt, of White Oaks, for district judge, and Morgan O. Llewellyn, of Las Cruccs, for district attorney. George B. Bent, of Otero coun ty, was nominated by the demo crats for state senator, in the district composed of the counties of Lincoln and Otero. For member of the legislature from the counties of Socorro, Otero, Lincoln and Torrance, Dr. G. Ranigcr, of Oscuro, Lincoln count), was nominated. Great display of ladies' millin ery, iou win lie surprised ioscc the many new changes. Come in and investigate. IJkos. The best plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamber lain's liniiiK'dt and bound on over the affected part is superior to a plaster and costs only one-tenth as much. For sale by all dealer?. Territorial Game Law. The following is, in substance, the law relating to the killing of game, and only holders of licenses may legally hunt: A license is required in order to hunt or fish, the fees for which are as follows: Deer and turkev, a resident $1.00 " " non-resident 25 00 Bird-license, a resident 1.00 " " non-resident 5.00 General license, covering big game and birds, resident 1 50 Permit to transport out of the territory, each deer 2.00 JOHN E. BELL (Successor to Win field it Hell ) Staple & Fancy Groceries Fresh Vegetables from Mesilla Valley Gardens Every Week. Prompt attention Given Phone Orders. The Exchange Bank, (arrizozo, New Mexico. Transacts a General Banking Business Issues Drafts on all Principal Cities of the. World. Accords to Borrowers every accommodation consistent with safety. Accounts s o I i c i t i d . INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJEWITT & HUDSPETH Atto k n k ys-at- La w While Oaks : New Mexico QEORGE SPENCE Attoknkyat-Law JOHN. H. SKINNER Wimi.lCBAMS ANII KKTAIIj Dealer in FLOUR, HAY & GRAIN H K K K H K m . , m MADE TO ORDEH HARNESS as they may require, but the ag gregate compensation of such ad ditional employes shall not exceed 820 per day for the senate and $.0 Onrrissoao, per day for the house. I Thus at the first election, Jj riVifjACHlBR op MUSIC, congressional, judicial and state. executive and administrative ofll- M,,,"',,y "'l',1 ,l'l",r F. S. HANDLES DENTIST Office in Bank Building Now Mexico ll Special Facilities For Banquet and Dinner Parties. Carrizozo Eating; House I F. W. C1URNEY, Mnnnger. TffTfYTiTiffffniriifiiiiTr Tabic Supplied with the Best the market affords. iniMHiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiinMiimHnnTmiii uui uiu in lie ciecien aim fMlcn l voter will vote for at least IS can didates in addition to the county Ollicers 'I'liiirffllny t liur roplilmico In 1 1 n Collier IliiMnt. ' reruih- -S4.00 for two half hour! lessons a weak. .Monthly ItocltuU. Mks ICuoak Wilson. Tbe following tinstnfficpci in' Now Mexico are to have postal J?KANK S'UJI3K Srtvtugs banks: Carrijio.o, Gallup, INSURaNCII Nltjtoose, Fort Buvard, Dawson, Nbtnry Public Mngrtnlima, Springer, Socorro, 0(llro , IM( MtU xni?MMti Glrtyton and Estaucia. j LrtUltt Uttck is one of the most TTARRY LITTLE mttimn town, of muscular rheu- COntractok & buildbk CBaiUoBiltilu s llniinetit will give rutiMinii on Himrt tintlro. rolitf. IffSr mile by all dealers. Carrizozo, New Mexiao THE HEADLIGHT SALOON JASiirR Carrizozo, - - New Mexico. Billiard and Pool I'arlor in Connection. All Kinds of Bottled Beer, Choice Whiskies, Brandies and Wines, Y. B, Cigars Bonded Whiskies $1.50 per quart. Beer Pints, 15 Cents.