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7'.. far i HONEY IS VERY WHOLESOME Real Value 8o Out of Proportion te Cost It Should Be on Every Table. Most suburbanites would koop a few hlvoa of bccs-lf honor values wore bet tor understood. Even when the honey must bo purchased its real value 1b so out of proportion to Us cost that It should bo lucludtid among the every day necessities. Comparatively fow housowlves use honey us a substitute for sugar In baking, but managers of largo baker 1gb, always on the alert to find the best and most economical Ingredients to uso In their productions, valuo It at its truo worth, and use it in making their choicest products, becnuso it pro vides a variety of flavor. It producos llghtor and flnor cakes, and thoso in which it is used havo suporior keep ing qualities. Honey 1b in tho fat, heat and energy producing class of foods. Many pcoplo whu do not keep bees and a few that do consldor honey a luxury, whon if freely UBed It will save enough of cither butter or sugar to much more than equal Its cost For exatnplo: Havo a pitcher of strained honey at hand and as each cake is taken from the grlddlo pour honey over it and fold llko an omelet The result will bo cakos that will be "sim ply dellciouB" without tho uso of but tor and ovory housowlfo knows that hot cakes call for a great deal of but ter when that la usod. Honoy has greater sweetening pow or than sugar and less Is needed. In a spongo enko that would call for a - cupful of sugar three-fourths of a cup ful of honoy Is BUfllclent To make such a cako beat the tbroo-fourths of a cupful of honey with tho yolkB of threo eggs, beat In one cupful of flour, a llttlo at a time, then add four table spoonful of hot water, and lastly fold in tho stiffly beaten whites of the three eggs, with any flavoring desired. TO MAKE KITCHEN CABINET Home-Mado Affair That Is Easily Made and a Convenient Adjunct to Kitchen. My kitchen had no kitchen cabinet but I determined to havo ono. I had a kitchen tablo 2 by 4 feet I first nailed a cloat across tho legs of this tablo at each end, and on them I laid a sholf. Threo boxes 8 by 10 inches Much Setter Than a Table. and 3 feet long placed ono on top of tho othor made tho cabinet I covered it inside and out with building papor, Oilcloth would havo boon bettor, but the papor can bo kept looking nice for a long tlmo by wiping with a damp cloth. Two cracker boxes with the Hd hinged, and un Inch block nailed on each bottom corner to hold tho castor raako flour aild meal bins, which eas ily slide under tho sholf. Mrs. Dortha Jackson. LITTLE RUSE DIDN'T SUCCEED Youngster's Scheme Was All Right, But Economical Father Was a Match for Him. Tho proprietor of tho most promi nent hotol In tho town of S , Ky.. is a man of a very economical na turo, in fact ho is an extremist in this feature Ho has a six-year-old, rod-headod son that didn't inherit hla father's economical disposition. lie contly tho son was very much In heed of a flvo-cent "ploco for soda water purposes. Ho wont into tho dining rom. where ho was freo from obser vation, and removed his shoo strlngB and placed them In his hip pocket ror futuro roforonco. Roturnlng to tho offlco ho approached his father and said: "Pa, glvo mo a nlckol to got mo a pair of shoe strings." His fathor glanced down at his son's shoos, then turning around ap proached the ofllco safe and opened It in silence. Ho took out tho cash box and raising tho lid extracted a pair of now Bhoo strings, which he handod to his son without a word. The youngster took tho strings with a crestfallen air and then to tho amuse ment of tho onlookers exclaimed: "Stung again, by granny." BABY'S TERRIBLE SUFFERING "When my baby was six months old, his body was completely covered with largo sores that seemed to itch and burn, and causo terriblo suffering. The eruption bojjan in pimples which would open nnd run, making largo sores. HIb hair camo out and finger nails fell off, and tho sores wero over tho entire body, causing llttlo or no sleop for baby or myself. Great scabs would como oft whon I removed his shirt. "Wo tried n groat man7 remedies, but nothing would help him, till a friend Induced mo to try tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I used the Cutl cura Soap and Ointment but a short tlmo before I could see that ho was improving, and in six weeks' time ho was entirely cured. Ho had suffered about six weeks beforo we tried tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, although wo had tried several othor things, and doctors, too. I think tho Cutlcura Rem edies will do all that is claimed for thorn, and a groat deal more." (Signed) Mrs. Noblo Tubman, Dodson, Mont, Jan. 28, 1911. Although Cutl cura Soap and Ointment aro sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with 82-pago book, will bo mailed freo on application to "Cutlcura," Dept. 18 If Boston. 8mall Circulation. Shopman Horo Is n vory nice thing In revolving book casos, madam. Mrs. Nowrlch Oh, aro thoso revolv ing bookcases? I thought they called thorn circulating libraries. Christian Register. CHRISTMAS POST CARDS FREE Send 2o stamp tor IIto samples of tuj very choic est Gold Itinuossod ChrUtmun and Now Year Tout Curds i beautiful colors and loreltost designs. Art Tost Card Club. TJ1 Juckson Ht,, Topoka, Kansas Ho that Is taught to live upon llttlo owes moro to his fathor'B wisdom than he that lias a groat deal loft him does to his father's caro. Pcnn. Weak Heart Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may experi ence shortness of breath on exertion, pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after' meals or their eyea become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities, and they have cold hands and feet, or poor appetite becauso of weakened blood supply to the stomach. A heart tonlo and alterative should be taken trh has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Discovery, which contains no dangerous narcotise nor alcohol. The Insrred cm), Blood root tents, attested under eath. are Stone root (Colllntonfa Cna4 loMnlulBBrK UiiiJwesaiJi, uumen oesi root iiirttmaiim mmotvu- $1$), Queen's root (SiIMflWa Sylvnttce), Black Cherrybark U'tubum Vlrglnlana), Mandrake root (Podophyllum IHIUttum), with triple refined glycerine, prepared la a scientific laboratory la a way that bo druggist could Imitate. This tonio contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles j but, oa the other hand, it increases their number and they become round and healthy. It helps the human system in tho constant manufacture of rich, red blood. It helps the stomaoh to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food, thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncom fortable symptoms, stops excessive, tissue waste in convalescence from fevers ; for the run-down, ansemio, thin-blooded people, the " Discovery " is refreshing and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane remedy, and refuse all " Just as good " medicines offered by the druggist who is looking for a larger profit, Nothing but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do you halt as muoh good. j J '1 - rt -aJlEE Rayo lamps and lanterns give most light lor the oil used. The llcht is slronc and steadv. A Ravo never flickers. Materials and workmanship are the best. Rayo lamps and lanterns last. dik your dealer to thow you ht Una of Rayo lamps and lantern, or write far, illuttrated booklets direct to any agency of Continental Oil Company (Incorporated) ' W. L. DOUCLA 2,50, 3.00. '3.50&M.OO SHOES Men and Women wear W.LDougias shoes because they are the best shoes produced in this country for the price. Insist upoo hav ing them. Take no other make. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS The assurance that goes with an estab lished reputation is your assurance in buying W. L. Douglas shoes. If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.LDougias shoes are made, you would then understand why ihey are war ranted to hold their shape, fit belter and wear longer than any other make for the price fiflllTinM T,, genuine have YV. Tj. DnuRlns wnu i iuii name and price stamped on bottom It you cannot obtain W. h. Douglas shoes In four town, write for catalog, Shoes sent direct rom factory to wearer, all (shares prepaid. W.I.. UOUOIiAS, 145 Spark St., Urocktou, Mass. H3.00 HIIOKB will positively mt wear TWO l'A 1 15S of ordinary boys' shoes Fast Color Eutltts Used Fxclutluelu. Wine 8nuco. Onfcifourth cup butter, cup sugar, 2 tablespoons milk, 2 tablespoons wlno. Grdam tho butter, add tho sugar grad ually add tho milk and wluo very slowly to the first mixture to provent separation. It should not bo chilled, tut kept in a warm place until sorv- Makes ilia laundress happy that's Tied Cross Una Ulue. Makes beautiful, clear white clothes. All Rood grocers. Too muny homes havo all tho mod ern inconvonlencos. itrs. Wrnstow'a Boothtng Syrup tot Children tccthlug, softens tho Rums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. It's what a woman that worries her. docnu't know rai7orci7aOTrir.iur SMOKELESS JTJDIXrCsV l IKJW OIL HEATER Smokeless Odorless Clean Convenient The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater warms up a room in next to no time. Always ready for use. Can be carried easily to any room where extra warmth is needed. A special automolic device makes it impossible to turn the wick too high or too low. Safe in the hands of a child. The Perfection bums nine hours on one filling glowing heat from the minute it is lighted. Handsomely finished t drums of blue enamel or plain steel, with nickel trimmings. Ask your dealer o write for descriptive circular to any agency of Continental Oil Company mm 1 mA St Ik PUTNAM FADELESS DYES 4