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" III! IIMHIIIIIBIMM IIiM I' jl i juiaMiiiwnriMWMMroTiirmBn 1 1 iiiwrnnnnr 4ri at-- t "f ' " ; fHE CARRIZOZO NEWS 1'ii1)1IhIio(I ovory l'rlilny Bt Cakmizozo - Nkw Mkxico -IJiitoroil iih bocoiiiI oIiim miiftpr Junn I'.', Wits, nt tlid noHtollIro at ('nrrlzi)zci, Now Muxluo, tuiilor the net of Mnroli a. 1HI1I. BUimCIUI'TION HATIiH- Olio Ywir - Six MoutliR (by mull) $I.M) IIALKY & DlNQWALLi I'UIIMHIIMIH. THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS. The first regular session of the sixty4secoml congress convened Monday noon in Washington. The president's message, eonsist ing of 10,000 words, was read in both houses of congress. The message is devoted almost exclu sively to trust legislation, and the all-important subject of tariff revision is not touched. The house, where all revenue bills must originate, will, it is absolutely certain, put through a tariff bill, which will materially reduce duties, notwithstanding the silence of the president on that subject. It is almost equally certain that the senate, where the democrats and progressive republicans have a majority, will pass a revenue measure to reduce the tariff, and the president will again be given a chance to veto measures that would afford relief to the people, The question ttoxt in impor tance to tariff revision that will be taken up by the democrats will be trUst legislation and a possible strengthening of the Sherman anti-trust law. Big business de sires the repeal of the Sherman law, but the American people want its provisions made more effective. That the president is trying to overshadow the tariff with the trust issue is patent to all who make a careful reading of the "'"message. It is also plainly evi dent that the president intends to make his anti-trust message the rallying ground in ins cam paign for- re-election. It is a substantial aud- effective battle cry, but it is extremely doubtful if he can succeed in making the people forget the necessity of a lowering of the tariff and a con sequent reduction in the cost of .living NOW! SOCIALISTS LOSE IN LOS ANGELES. The socialists suffered a crush ing defeat in the city election in Ios Angeles Tuesday. The so- otausi candidate lor mayor was dufoated by about 40,000. The Surprise is not so much that the SOBialists were defeated, but that 1 fiSfSlit wa'h so staggering, over- i" wlislming and so destructive to Sfloralistic hopes. i WU6 Qlatuents contributed to teWlttlinmfQat of socialism ONLY 16 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTT1AS Christmas will be here before you know it Do Your Buying now. When Xmas came last year you resolved never again to. wait till the last moment to do your shopping and be jan:med, pushed and hurried all the time, and have to take what was left after early shoppers had their choice Begin your Christmas shopping today HAS Opened his line of Toys and Dolls for the little ones and the past week has found inauy little "isitors anxious to see what Santa has in store for him. Have you bceu here? You IJeUcr Come In Today Santa Claus Besides the many nice tilings to amuse- the Children at tiiis Gav Season of each Year, we are showing a beautiful line ot merchandise, suitable gifts for Men and Women Handkerchiefs, ever welcome as Xmas pres ents! suitable styles for men and women, for the youugstets who lose them as faitt as Santa can bring others; all beau.'ifnlly boxed at from 10c. to 31 each ' Men's holiday neck wear, mufflers and silk suspenders, all the new est things something he will appreciate: these goods are packed in handsome Christmas Holly boxes aud make a beautiful gift at very reasonable prices: also a full line of men's ev eryday furnishings aud shoes. Ladies' Hand Hags, always appreciated at Xmas time, made in the round and split bot toms, of pig skin, genu ine seal, goal seal and velvei; covered and met al frames, lined with leather or silk Prices from 50c. to $f. ATMn IT'Q I4n? DEGREE At prices that make giv ing easy. "Kayser" silk hose make beautiful pres- 4-c nnrl oollirinr of Oil nh Ft i a now. It can be delivered low prices as we nave 13 , , i i . I when you choose. -a T r tit n 1 Lnnstmas. you win nnu Nuts Raisins. Currants. the hose you want and at I Citron) 0mnge and Lemon 1 tionery . prices you want to payKpPi twos. Firvs. MinrpJ DON'T m 1 j -o FOR XMAS CANDIES Christmas wouldn't be S Christmas without Candy. Wit's not too early to buy prices you For Men and Women TOILET SETS We are showing , the greatest line ever in Car rizozobeautifully packed in special holiday boxes and will make a gift worth giving. A big line of Military Brushes, Collar Bags, Perfumes and Sta- DELAY, BUT Meat Complete line of Fancy Groceries for Xmas DO YOUR BUYING NOW ZIEGLER BROS. The House of Good Taste. The House of Good Taste. Xi in the City of tne Angels. One 1 election, turned many voters away was that their candidate for mayor vas one of the counsel for the McNamaras, and the social ists in kos Angeles, and else where, in a large measure, made the dynamiters' case their own; and the confession of the McNa maras to such brutal, fiendish crimes, just oti-the eve of tlie from socialism. The other ele ment and it was a peculiar one way that the women had recently been enfranchised in California, aud in this, their first opportu nity to exercise their great Amerr ican privilege, they swatted the socialists fight aud left. The peculiar feature of this, olement is that womon suffrage has been one of the demands of socialism and to think the ladies woiild be so ungrateful! If socialism coutiuues to ugain'HSf as it has in Los Angeles, Uii&-, re(juiein for the old parties ViflA' be a tedious and protraGtcd-, m? not a heart-rending, affairs