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THE CARRIZOZO NEWS I'iiIiIIhIiimI nrory I'rldny nt. Gakkizozo - Nkw Mkxico Itatcrvil (is bucimhI r.liixM mutter Jtnin 12, W)3, nt tlm i'wlolllcii nt (Jurrfcozo, Now Mnxlco, (in dor tliu nut of Mnrcli , 1H7SI. HUiiHomrrioN katkh-- Onn Vwir .... $l.f0 HU Month (liy mull) . I.(KI HALUYiV DINOWAUj I'UIII.IHHKIIH. I LOCAL NEWS Charles Spcncc was a visitor from White Oaks yesterday. Les Harmon was in yesterday from the Texas Park country. Captain Rice and Mr. Mnrcklcy were down from Parsons yester day. George Rustin who look after the W interests around the No pal country, was down yesterday. Hon. A. H. Hudspeth left last night for Santa Fc, where he is interested in some legal matters. Mrs. William C. McDonald and daughter, Miss Frances, re turned Tuesday night from El Paso. Mr. and Mrs. Daid A, Smith are over this week from the Block ranch. They are stopping with Mrs. Smith's father, P. G. Peters. See the lovely line of new La dies', Misses and Men's Sweaters Ziegler Bros, just received; just the thing for a nice, nseful Xmas present. 12-8-2 Root. II. Taylor soon to retire after a long aud faithful service as one of the board of county commissioners, was in town Wed nesday from his home in White Oaks. A. J. Salyar, a representee of N. K. Fairbank Co., and giving Cottolene a boost, is here and will pull off a cooking con test to day. The prizes will be a warded at The Carrizozo Trad ing Co. to night. W. M. Ferguson, road super visor for this district is here with a force of men this week, putting in shape the Carrizozo - White Oaks road. There are several miles of grading to be done he a number of bridges to be built. Lou Shillett, an engineer in the Dawson yards aud at one time in the yards here, spent the day here yesterday, greeting his friends. He left last uight for Dawson, but is considering the proposition to go on the main line between here and Duran.' Judge Massiehas had his dwel ling moved into town ami placed fi on a lot near the courthouse. Ftod LaLonde, Pandalario San doVal and Lorenzo Guebara mov Otl UiQ building, whic h was quite ft job, considering the number of nrory as to be crossad. Lute Jennings and Heury Corn came in Saturday from Bonito. Mr. and Mrs. Edgcr Wilson now occupy the Arnold residence. ; Judge G.B. Greer was down I from his home at Parsons this week. I The pleasant weather of, the nnst week is slightly marred this morning by a cold wave from the east. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Byfield and children are at the Foreman ranch west of town. The ch ildren had just gone through an attack of scarlet fever, and the oldest one not having recovered from its ef fects was brought here to make medical attention more convenient. Isabel Tinnon wins Music Box. A Regina music box, 'olTored as a prize by John E. Bell, the grocer, was won by Isabel, the tittle daughter of Mrs. D. N. Tin non. A great number of tickets were out, many holding several hundred; while the winner had onlj' one ticket. . Scenes from the Little Minister. The third of a series of enter tainments by the J.S. White Ly ceum Agency, of Kansas City Mo. will be given at the Methodist Church next Tuesday night, Dec. 8th. This entertainment will con sist of interpretive reading:) from "The Little Minister," written by J. M. Bassie. The artist will be Miss Hallic Gassoway, and her reputation as an entertainer should bespeak a good cromd. The price for those not holding season tickets is 50 cents. Remem ber the date and place; Next Tuesday night i't the Methodist Church. We arc making a special reduc tion of 25 per cent on all silk dresses and silk waists during the mouth. Call early, while the assortment is complete. 12-8-2 Zieglcr Bros. We are Headquarters fo- Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, bilk Mufflers, Fancy Suspenders, big line of new Neckwear; all new goods, just in, at 12-S-2 Ziegler Bros. EAery family has need of a good, reliable Hnim&iif. For sprains, bruises, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains there is none better than Chamberlain, s Sold by all dealers. j When your feet are wet and j cold, and your body chilled thru I from exposure, take a big do.c of Chamberlain's Caugh Remedy, ; bathe your feet in hot water be fore going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward off a se , Vote cold. For sale by all dealers. The Fourteenth. The fourteenth, a big flue boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Johnson's Wednesday. This is the largest family in Lincoln county all the children living save one, and the entire numper, with one exception, grouped around the fireside. One only, a daughter, is married. Wagoner-DeNisson. Two young people W. B. Wagoner and Miss Elizabeth De Nisson took the train Monday night for Santa Fe. where they were married. The groom isjthe assistant postmaster here and the bride is the daughter of Mrs. Grace E. DeMissou who is engag ed in teaching the Tinnie school. The couple returned yesterday morning, and are receiving the congratulations of their many friends, in which the Nkws joins. A Recital. On Saturday afternoon, Dec. 2 at the home of '.Miss Lorena Sa ger by mempers of Iter class: . A classic program, excellently rendered was appreciated by tin; pupils and thier invited guests. The participants were, Esther Bixler, Franklin Bixler, Lorena Haley, Ula Edmiston, Pinkie Hust, Mildred Peters, and Esther Sager. An enjoyable luncheon concluded a pleasant afternoon, When you get a bottle of Cham berlain's Caugh Remedy. It will soon fix you up all -ight and will ward off any tendency twoard pn eumonia. This mmcdy contains no, opium or oihe narco tic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold byall dealcis. BISSELL'S BISSELL'S BISSELLS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. The preplexiug question of the year is what to buy at a moderate cost as a Christmas gift for moth er, wife, sister, or friend, that will combine all the elements of nicety, practicability and appro priateness. THE ANSWER There is practically no gift at double the cost that is as suitable, sensible, and fitting, or that will so thoroughly please, as a latest improved BISSELL'S (CYCO) BALL BEARING carpet sweeper All prices from $2t75 a.nd up AT KELLEY -a SONS. GaTfizozo, Ni Mi " JJEWITT & HUDSPETH Attoknkys-at-Law White Oaks ; New Mx QEORGE SPENCE Attohn n y at - L a w Olilcc In Dwelling. Carrizozo New Mcxlt? J)R. F. S. RANDLES DENTIST Office in Bank Building Carrizozo, - - New Mexicol J7RANK J. SAGER FIRB INSURANCE Notary Public. Oflico In UxclmtiKo Hunk Ciirrlzuzo, JJARRY LITTLE CONTRACTOR & UUILDOR I'lmiH and KNtlmtitim on nit oIhhkch (if IIiiIIiIIiikb fiiriilxlHid mi hliurt. notli'n, Car.rizo'o, New Mexico. foxwortti Oalbraitti LUMBER COMPANY. Shingles, Doors, Sash, Mouldings Building Paper, &c. Sewell's Paint, Ancho Cetneii-. and everything in the line of 'Building Material. Carrizozo : : New Mexico WANTED Hay and Grain In small qualities at $io per ton F. O. B. on Cars at Carriznzo or nearby R. R. points. TERMS SPOT CASH. Address L. A. Brasher P. O. Box 93) lnt EL PASO, TEXAS. AMERICAN HUE & TRUST (0. (INCXIRI'OIIATKII) VM. V. A, OlRltKK, 1'rPHlllPllt. O.T. Nvk, Hoc-Tumi.. Abstracts of Titles. Examination and Perfec tion of Titles. Weekly Record Reports S2.S0 per month. Irrigated Lands Bought and Sold. Real Estate Loans, U. S. Land Commissioner. Itulitil'ln Hcrvlro, Iti'MHiniililii rlriH CoiirtlionvM I'iintxi. LINCOLN NtW MEXICO. I