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Bankiiig Plan Trust Plan. Much lias been said concerning a central banking plan, and Rx Scnator Aldricli has come for- tions. 'While Mr. Gary and Mr. Per kins subscribe to the proposal to allow the government to fix i ward with a commission plan prices, regulate methods of pro-, that has elicited much comment, duction, and send violators of the J About the clearest exposition of ' law to jail, they would maintain j the matter we have seen comos ! the present condition of central-! from a Washington correspond-j ized control. These men. wit-j ent, and, according to the views ' nesses before the committee i therein expressed, the plan is far showed, do not care how business from what the people want, is conducted, just as long as there 1 Here is the article: "That the ' is a centralized power in which' monctarv scheme bv the Aldrich 1 r.nntrnl is vested. Under the commission is designed to Aldrich plan such power will lie Jii strengthen the hold of the trusts! with a commission, and it is with on the people has been demon-; this proposed commission that the strated by testimony brought out trust magnates are mostly con in the hearings before the Senate corned. committee which is now investi i The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneu monia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L Hall, of Waverlv, Ir Mcdonald addition i .1 I Lots 25 and 50 x 130 Feet. When you buy a lot here it is 130 feet long, facing on a Mr'Q&i 80 feet. wide, whether for a homo or for a business idcatwnVl Investigate before you buy. A Square Deal (lunnmiei'il. W. C. MCDONALD. Oflice in "Oru nt.r Bldg. , -rflfr -as I . . . . " , 7 gating the trust question. The men who now control the big industrial trusts are apparent ly convinced that the people are at last determined to break up those monopolies, which have H 1 Va., says "I firmly believe Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy to be ab-. U Notice For Publication. Surinl No.tlMlflH. l)rp:irltni'lit of thii lntnrior, U. S. Lmul Uilicn lit. . liotuynll, Now Muxion. I Uncuiiihnr 1. Kill. tlmt Kdwiird F. Uiny, U Not Icn In liorcby (liven of Ciirrlzo7.ii. N. M., who, on Hnpl. 21), 11KJ0, innilo llniiiuKtciiil Kntry, Surliil No. 011201, for NK'i BBU. Bi-o. .14, mid BISU N WU, fc N',4 BW'M. H.'ci. tion:M.Townn!iIii7 8., ltmiKo ID E., N. M. )'. Miiriiliiin, him llluil tioiico or liilnulion to miikn Hnnl tlvu-ytmr Proof, to (mtalillHli rlniin to tlio bind nliovn (lcforihcil. lutforn A. II. Ilnrvoy, U. H. ('ouiiiilHHioiior, ut ('nrrlozo, N. M., on t lie llltli day or Jnniuiry, 1012. ('Inlmnnt. niiiniw iih wltnostesi Jonoph I). Ailnmp, Potur K. I.iicoy, AiiRiiftiiH ('WliiKllolil anil Henry .1. l.lttlo, nil of Carrl 7.0ZO, N. M. 12-8.ll T. ('. Tii.i.o'hiin, HoKlKtur. Notice for Publication. brought on increased prices cf solutely the best preparation on the commodities in which they the marekt for colds. I have recotn deal without anything like a pro-1 mended it to my friends and they portionate increase in the wages jall agree with me." Foi sale by of the workingmen in these trust-' all dealers, dominated industries. The trust I heads have been looking about: for a way to escape the mandate of the people, and that they have settled upon the Aldricli scheme as the best method of retaining their present control of the industrial situation is indicated in the testimony developed from witnesses by the Democratic and Progressive Senators of the Sen ate Trust Investigating Commit tee. These Senators, by much ques tioning of witnesses, clearly showed that the industrial and financial magnates arc all of one brotherhood. The industrial magnates, including Judge Gary and George V. Perkins, who within the last six months, testi fied before Congressional com mittees that they were ready to submit to a federal law fixing prices, were more or less gen erally regarded as having become converted to the idea that it would be a good policy for the trusts to cease their autocratic methods. From their own state ments they apparently were will ing to make concessions. Testimony adduced by the Senate committee shows very clearly, however that these men entertained no such ideas. Mr. Braudeis pointed out that while these trust magnates were will ing, according to their own state ments, to submit to price fixing, thoy were at the same time work ing hard to bring about the passage of the Aldrich plan, the effect of which will be to give those same men con trol of the monetary commission which in turilj vKtil dominate the aorpora- Billiard and Pool Parlor in connection The Capitan Bar Hauky, Manager CHOICE LIQUORS, BRANDIES & WINES CAPITAN, N. M. i ft I HUMPHREY BROS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Flour, May, Grain, Feed Stuffs Etc. 1 Phono 16 The Old Skating Rink, Carrizozo, N. M. i. Jtt. 2t SS4X iitl The Carrizozo Bar AD Bonded Whiskey Port Wine .... Blackberry Bra inly . Old Kingdom Blended Whiskey SI. 75 per Quart. .50 per Quart. .50 pt-r Quart. S4.GUperGallon. Wholesale Prices on Seipp's Beer to Outside Dealers. Department of tlin Intorlor. U. B. I.aml Ollicu ut. Itouwull, N. M . Nov. Ill, 1U11. NOT1CJK Ih hereby iflvon tlmt ClmiV II, Linio, 7 of Alto, N, Si., Admlnlatnitor of tlio Ktiito of ! y Itlmizl A I'lilllttn, iluci'imcil, who, on Bopti'inhur ! ft, 1IHJCI. inmln llnuientoiul J3ntry No. mm, for J ,J H'i NKU .V N!i SHU, Section TowuMilp JUS. rVsTTrtTCT.r HntiKO lilF... N. M. P. Mcrlilmn. luth IlloU n. - - ... . . . . tlcoof intnntlon to innko Vlniil tUc-j i-nr Proof, to iixtulilli-li nliilin to tlio lliml iiliovu ilimcrllipil, he forn A. II. Ilnrvoy. U. S. t'oinmlHuloner, nt ' Ourrlzoio, N. M.. im tlin "th dny of Jitniinry, 1012. I Oliil nmnt niimi'R n wltni'HHOh: MiirHlml l". Wost, of Cnpltan. N. M.; Mnrvnl II. Lihiio, of AnuuH N. M.i Alison J. Ollinoiv, of' Ituidono, N. M. ; Wlllinin It. HiooIch, of Aiikuh, . N. M. I ll-24Ot T C. 1'iu.othon, floktuti-r. Notice (or Publication. JOHN II. BOYD Edwards' Old Stand. General.... Merchandise. OSCURA, NEW. MEX. OSCURA HOTEL Swellest In Lincoln County. FEED CORAL NOTARY PUBLIC iiferliil No. 04fi0!. Amtttetlt Of tlio Intorlor. tJ. H. iff IRhHco t HbHWell, Now Moxli-o. v Nov. 27, lUll. Notlco lii ' Jiy Blron Hint John A. llnley, of Cnrrizozo, li . lio, on Nov. 12. 1P0H, tniwlii HoiiiHutimU LrllVy, Hurliil No. 011)011. Tor NICU , - - - - . The Lincoln Hotel I ROLL AND BEOS'. tllwl notli or intotulon to tnnko Flmil t'oininu. , tntlon Proor, u ..HtnbllMi clnlm to tho liuiil W. O. NORM AN, nliovti dwcrllioil, bnfore A. II. llnrvny. U. 8. . n t rommlMsloncr, ntCiirrlzoro, N. M., on tbu Hth i 1 roPr,lJlor' Xl M. Transient trade solicited-. B. Krmik (hay, .Tolin T. lloilii, Arthur Ji Ilollmitl iiml lNitci'M. Jolinstiu, nil of Onrrizozn, N. M. lS-LOt T. 0. TiunoiBON Howlitra. Good Rooms. LINCOLN, N. At. DRUGS Toilet Articles, Etc. Eastman's Kodults. Indian Curios Cnrrisiuau, isow Molgn